Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
Image rendered by Anthony Zois.


Born : 1911

Died :

Married : Douglas Eve

Children : Ann & Anthony




Both Douglas & Mollie attended the 1962 East-West Gathering at Guruprasad in Poona, India.

The 2 featured photos of them both was during their time in Guruprasad, Poona, India.

Douglas Eve. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
Douglas Eve. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.

Sunday and Monday, 3rd and 4th of August 1952

Room 46 of the Charing Cross Hotel, London, UK.


Douglas H. Eve, who was in the insurance business, was a seeker and had found out about Baba during the 1930s from Charles Purdom and Will Backett. After his private interview with Baba, he brought his wife, Mollie, 41, and daughter, Ann, 16. Mollie was, at this time, not wholly committed to Baba.

He asked her, "Do you know about me?"

"Yes, a little," she said.

"Well, do you know about God?"

"Oh yes."

"Then you know about me, don't you?"


Lord Meher on-line  p. 3122


Image enhanced by Anthony Zois
Image enhanced by Anthony Zois

1956 - 18 July

Reubens Hotel, London, UK.



Another whose love had increased was Mollie Eve. She came with her whole family. She recalled, as she knelt in front of Baba: "I must have closed my eyes. I don't know why but I did. I felt Baba's hands just around my face — he had beautiful, beautiful hands. It was just so soft — just like being touched by feathers. It is something I shall never forget. I often think of it. I can still feel those hands."


Lord Meher on-line  p. 3975


 Image rendered by Anthony Zois
Image rendered by Anthony Zois

1963 - 18 July


During the months following the death of his wife, Mary, Will Backett in London had found it difficult to adjust to living without her and was in poor health. That year would have been his and Mary's 50th wedding anniversary. To console him, Baba sent him many telegrams and messages through Adi Jr., such as: "You are not alone. I am with you."

Because of his feeble condition, Will Backett had not been able to attend the East-West Gathering, and Baba sent him a telegram during it, reassuring him of his love. Through Mollie Eve, Baba also sent Will a garland he had worn during the darshan.

On 15 May 1963, at the age of 83, Will Backett died peacefully in a London hospital. In reply to Mollie Eve's telegram from London, Baba sent this message: "Your cable regarding Will's passing away received. My dear Archangels Will and Mary Backett have come to me for all time."


Lord Meher on-line  p. 4993



 Image rendered by Anthony Zois
Image rendered by Anthony Zois

1965 - 8th July


One of those who would not be attending the forthcoming sahavas was Charles Purdom. Purdom died in London from a heart attack following an operation for a gall-bladder ailment, from which he had suffered for a long time. Purdom was 82 when he died. The news of his death was received at Meherazad, in a telegram from Mollie Eve, and Baba sent this reply: "My dear Charles is with me and blessed in my eternal love. My love to Antonia [his wife] and to you all who shared with Charles his service in my cause."

In Meherazad, on the same day of Purdom's death, 8 July, Mani's pet cocker spaniel, Peter, was put to sleep. The dog had cancer, and Dr. Alu Khambatta administered the injection, according to Baba's instructions. Peter breathed his last in Baba's presence in his bedroom. A few moments before, Baba lovingly caressed the dog and Peter wagged his tail feebly. Peter had been with Baba and the women mandali for twelve years, and was very dear to them.


Lord Meher on-line  p. 5163


Image rendered by Anthony Zois
Image rendered by Anthony Zois

1968 - July


In separate telegrams sent, Baba stated: "Beryl was and is mine forever;" "Warren's love for me was unique;" and "Douglas is eternally blessed. Douglas is with me and is happy. I don't want you [his wife Mollie] or the family to be sad, but to rejoice in his happiness." Douglas Eve had been ill with cancer for a year prior to his death. In a letter to Mollie in December 1967, Mani had conveyed this message from Baba: "Douglas is very dear to me. And because of his deep love for me, his suffering is a blessing for him as it shares in mine. Tell Douglas to remember me constantly, and tell Mollie I am very proud of her. I am with them always."


Lord Meher on-line  p. 5341

Douglas & Mollie's daughter Ann.
Douglas & Mollie's daughter Ann.

1968 - December 20th.


Adi Jr. and family arrived from London two days later, on the 20th. With them was Ann Eve, 32, the daughter of Douglas and Mollie Eve, who had been living in their upstairs flat for almost ten years and had become a close family friend. Adi stayed at Meherazad for a few days and afterwards in Bhingar; Franey and Shireen stayed with Franey's mother and brother at their family home in Bhingar, and Dara and Ann at Sarosh and Viloo's. At first the wedding date had been fixed for November, but Adi had written to say that June would be more convenient as Shireen would have a school vacation break then. Baba did not agree to this, but agreed it could be held in December when Shireen had a shorter Christmas holiday. Although Baba agreed to the postponement he remarked, "I will have to adjust my work."


Lord Meher on-line  p. 5377



Image rendered by Anthony Zois
Image rendered by Anthony Zois

Ann Eve gave a talk at the Meher Center Meeting Place, Myrtle Beach, May 31, 1996