Born :
Died : 5th September, 1962 - England
Mary was married to Will Backett
Meher Baba always refered to them both as his archangels.
Mary and Will Backett were English mureeds of Inayat Khan. In 1932 they met Meher Baba. They stayed with him in India and France, and worked for him, mostly in England, for thirty years.
An elderly couple, Will and Mary Backett, had first heard of Meher Baba from Meredith Starr in 1931, but had not met Baba on his first visit to England. Both had been initiated into Sufism by Inayat Khan during the 1920s and followed him until his death in 1927. The Backetts were now eager to meet Baba and had their first opportunity of doing so during this visit to London. Meredith introduced them to Baba at the Davys' house. Will had brought some grapes for Baba and, when Meredith told Baba that Will suffered from poor health, Baba plucked one of the grapes and handed it back for him to eat, assuring him that his health would improve.
Will Backett once recalled that first meeting:
Looking back on those moments, I see Baba again, seated so quietly on a settee that at first glance it might appear to the casual observer that he lacked energy. Yet there was something compelling in his posture, for the picture which stands out like a cameo in my mind is of him being pure, untrammeled by the world, completely poised, like a bird arrested momentarily in flight in a world that reflects nothing like it anywhere.
Mary, too, was irresistibly drawn to the Master and once recollected:
As we entered the room, Baba sprang up with the agility, power and grace that characterize all his movements and quickly came forward. He then beckoned for me to sit beside him and took my hand with such a gentle touch. By his touch, I immediately felt a great upliftment of consciousness such as I had never experienced before with anyone. I had been searching and reading deeply for many years, and knew that I had now found the Master and that the long search was over.
Baba gave me more, far more in the space of three minutes than I had gained in thirty years of earnest seeking, or through others, because I experienced the tangible, definite gift of grace and divine love that he bestowed, whereas others could only talk about it. I knew who Baba was.
Lord Meher ; Bhau Kalchuri - Vol.5 Page 1567
He was seated in a small room at the top of the house surrounded by some close devotees. They did not hear me enter, but Baba sprang up with agility, power, and grace that characterized all His movements and came quickly forward. He then signed me to sit by Him and took my hand with the gentle touch we know so well.
Immediately I felt a great upliftment of consciousness such as I had never experienced with anyone before...He gave me more, far more in the space of three minutes than I had gained in thirty years of earnest seeking or through others because I experienced the tangible definite gift of grace and Divine Love that He bestowed, whereas others only talk about it. I know who Baba is.
Many first impressions lose their keenness as time passes, but this meeting with Baba stands out clearer in my consciousness as my subsequent experiences enable me to appreciate more completely the significance of such a contact with Him. Looking back, I can see Baba seated quietly on a settee, that it might appear to the casual observer that He lacked energy, yet there was something compelling in His posture, for the picture stands out like a cameo in my mind, pure and untrammeled by the world, completely poised like a bird arrested momentarily in flight, in a world that reflects not the like anywhere.
Copyright 1991 Meher Baba Association
The following is the fifth letter in a series of letters from Baba to the
Backetts. Baba has signed it and it was handwritten by a mandali
member. It is presented with the transcribed text below, followed by
the link to a PDF format. Adjustments have been made for readability.
Jai Beloved Baba!
Archives, Museum and Research Committee
of the Avatar Meher Baba Trust
Ahmednagar - 10th January 1934
My ever dearest - Will & Mary -
Your letters are songs of love and are always My delight.
Love such as yours is indeed very scarce, and exemplary. And
with that your service for My Cause is so appreciative. You are an
ideal couple who inspire others with love - the sublimest trait of
human character. Your sincerity, simplicity, and loving hearts have
been the admiration of all. I am proud of you both and wish to convey
my best love for you - two of My best devotees. You don't know how
closer you grow to Me, every moment, with your love and deep devotion
for Me. I don't need to say more - to you. For you feel and
understand, with your loving hearts, as very few could.
And that is real love - that is the real bond that keeps you ever
united with Me, wherever I am, wherever you are.
I am always with you, in you, near you, My beloved darlings.
My best love to you, dearest souls,
Ever yours
M.S. Irani
The original is posted at:
MARY BACKETT died in 1962. Baba cabled her husband Will,
"My Archangel Mary has come to me after fulfilling her appointed task. Be happy in my love."
WILL BACKETT died about eight months later. Baba cabled Mollie Eve,
"Both my dear Archangels Will and Mary Backett have come to me for all time."
FL p142, 166
He gave me more, far more, in the space of three minutes, than I had gained in thirty years of earnest seeking, because I actually
experienced the definite gift of grace and divine love that he bestowed, whereas others could only talk about it.
Mary Backett
1932? London
Av p136
This letter from Rano Gayley to Will and Mary Backett is the fifty-first
in a series of correspondence from Baba to the Backetts. It is presented
with the transcribed text below, followed by the link to a PDF format.
Adjustments have been made for readability.
Jai Beloved Baba!
Archives, Museum and Research Committee
of the Avatar Meher Baba Trust
26th March 1952
Mr. and Mrs. Backett
10 Westfield Road
London W.3.
Sender’s name and address –
R. Gayley
c/o A.K. Irani
King’s Road
Ahmednagar, India
March 26th
Dear Will and Mary,
Baba was very happy and touched by your very lovely letters, when I had
finished reading them to Him, Baba said, "I have tasted real love".
As Baba is still feeling very weak, our flying date has been postponed
from the 9th April to the 18th. This will give Baba nine days more in
which to feel fitter for the strain of flying.
Please inform Delia of the change in flying date.
Baba’s piles are now quite cured, but He was pleased at your thought in
sending the ointment which He will keep should there be any later need
for it.
We are looking forward to our visit to England and to seeing you both
again. I am sure you will find a suitable house for Baba.
You mentioned in your letter about Nonny’s notes. I have nothing in my
possession beyond those we all were given in Nasik.
With love to you both.
The original is posted at:
Other letters to the Backetts are posted at:
Other Heart Talk letters can be selected at:
To learn more about the Avatar Meher Baba Trust Archives go to:
Heart Talk, Letter 216, 4 October 2007
Copyright 2007 Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust
Ahmednagar, M.S., India. All Rights Reserved

( L-R ) Unknowns, Anita De Caro ( white coat ),?, Fred Marks, Meher Baba, Eruch Jessawala ( behind Baba ), Ann Powell, Adi K. Irani, William Backett, Mary Backett, Molly Eve ( dark glasses ), ?, Delia De Leon ( front ), Huma "Homa" Dadachanji ( holding bag ).

Departed Europe 11th December 1936 and arrived at Bombay 24th December 1936.
Mary travelled with her husband Will, Kitty, Margaret, Delia and Tom Sharpley.
Later, departed Bombay 12th June 1937 and arrived in England .
Her travelling companions were her husband, Kitty, Margaret and Delia.