Jan.1975 ; Sydney's Mascot Airport about to fly to India ; photo  by Anthony Zois
Jan.1975 ; Sydney's Mascot Airport about to fly to India ; photo by Anthony Zois

Born : 6th July, 1927 - Melbourne, Australia

Died : 30th September, 2012 - Sydney, Australia

Married : William Le Page ( later divorced )

Children : Michael

                  Marie ( Ruth )

                  Jenny ( married Ross Keating )

Parents : Alfred & Eva Page

1950s Family home : 12 Osborne Avenue, Malvern, Melbourne,Victoria

1950s Married home : 12 Jellicoe Street, Box Hill, Melbourne, Victoria

Sydney home : Meher House - 12 Kaliana Crescent, Beacon Hill, Sydney, NSW ( 57 years )


Nationality : Australian



Joan & her family attended the 1962 East-West Gathering for Meher Baba at Guruprasad, Poona, India.


1975 : Joan in India - Photo taken by Sher DiMaggio Zois
1975 : Joan in India - Photo taken by Sher DiMaggio Zois
Bill & Joan Le Page on their wedding day with Betty & Ossie Hall.
Bill & Joan Le Page on their wedding day with Betty & Ossie Hall.
1947 :  Bill and Joan Le Page in their hometown Melbourne, Australia. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
1947 : Bill and Joan Le Page in their hometown Melbourne, Australia. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
Joan with Alma (Moss)  Le Page ( Bill's mum ) & Bill Le Page at Meher House, Sydney.
Joan with Alma (Moss) Le Page ( Bill's mum ) & Bill Le Page at Meher House, Sydney.
Joan and Bill with their new baby.
Joan and Bill with their new baby.
Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
Bill and Joan
Bill and Joan
1975 - Samadhi ; arrival of the Australian group, among them were, Lorraine Brown, Pat S. & Joan Le Page
1975 - Samadhi ; arrival of the Australian group, among them were, Lorraine Brown, Pat S. & Joan Le Page