Born : 27th January 1906
Died : 2nd September 2000
Ena lived in Melbourne.
Ena attended the 1962 East-West Gathering for Meher Baba at Guruprasad, Poona, India.

( L-R ) sitting - Jeff Wolverton, Linda Beighle, Bevan Robinson, Bobbie Street, Jenny Zenner, Robin Reeve-Oppenheim, Kevin Dwyer and Ena Lemmon.
2nd row : ( L-R ) -?, ?, ?, Richie Blum
3rd row : ( L-R ) - Rob Bloeme, Ken Rickstad, Jerry Watson, Pilu, Duncan Guild, Buz Connor, Jerry L.
Top row : ( L-R ) - Fred Stankus, John, James Cox, Owen Cooper at the Dalwat Hotel courtyard, Ahmednagar, India - January 31,1972