Born : 12th September 1898 - Neustadt an Aisch, Landkries Neustadt-Bad
Windshiem, Bavaria ( Bayern ), Germany
Died : 23rd April 1985 - 10:30 am- Pine Lodge, Myrtle Beach, S.C., USA
Married : Fred Winterfedlt
Nationality : American
Ella & Fred attended the reception given to Meher Baba at the Longchamps Restaurant in New York City in 1956.
Ella & Fred visited the Sahavas at the Meher Center in Myrtle Beach, SC., in 1958 when Meher Baba
visited for a short time.
Fred & Ella attended the 1962 East-West Gathering for Meher Baba at Guruprasad, Poona, India.

Ella and Fred
Winterfeldt came to the United States from Germany. They learned of Meher Baba from Ivy Oneita Duce around 1948 and became her mureeds. They left the order, with Meher Baba's permission, to
follow him directly.
In the 60s, the Winterfeldts' lived at 200 East - 66th Street New York, 21.