Born : 1904 - Scotland
Died : 1941 - London, England

Scottish girl, came to India in 1933. Killed during a German air raid on London in 1941 Scotland.
28th March 1933 - ( L-R ) STANDING : Kitty Davy, Delia De Leon, Norina Matchabelli, Minta Toledano, Vivienne Gieson, Christine McNaughton, Audrey Williams. SITTING : Mabel Ryan, Quentin Tod, Margaret Craske. Photo taken by Elizabeth Patterson in Genoa on board the SS Victoria prior to departure for India. Image is from the video "I am the One Reality".
A quiet, reserved Scottish woman, in her late twenties, named Christine McNaughton was working at the hotel as a waitress and often brought Baba's meals to his room. After a couple days, Baba drew the group's attention to her, indicating, "She is a very spiritual-type person, a very good soul." He asked them to draw her out into conversation, which they did. He later informed Norina, whom he had been coaxing to pay attention to Christine, that the girl had been her daughter in a previous lifetime.
Before leaving, Baba wished to shake Christine's hand and he instructed the Kimco group to keep in contact with her. When Baba later called the group to India, he specifically instructed them to bring Christine along, even to pay her fare and supply her with the necessary clothes and pocket money.
Lord Meher Volume 5, Page 1746-7
In London, Baba granted separate interviews to Kitty Davy, her aunt May, Minta Toledano, Margaret Craske, Mabel Ryan, Delia DeLeon, Christine McNaughton, Will and Mary Backett, Tom Sharpley, Quentin Tod and Charles Purdom. In a similar manner, he met in private with his American lovers who had come to London: Norina Matchabelli, Elizabeth Patterson, Nonny and Rano Gayley, and Malcolm and Jean Schloss. John Bass, Kenneth Ross and Edith Duro also met with him, but Baba decided not to allow them to come to India, directing them to return to America. However, to the rest of his Western lovers Baba explained in detail about their forthcoming stay in Meher Retreat in Nasik. He fixed the date of their travelling to India as a month from then, in December.
Lord Meher Volume 6, Page 2042
Other close Europeans such as Quentin Tod, Christine McNaughton, Anita de Caro, Mabel Ryan, Alfredo and Consuella de Sides and Gana Walska, a friend of Norina's, were also to come and join the group at Meher Retreat in Nasik, and it was for them that Baba had proposed building additional quarters.
Lord Meher Volume 6, Page 2166
BABA and the group reached Marseilles at six o'clock on the morning of August 13th and were met by Delia DeLeon. They then traveled by train to Cannes, reaching there about four in the afternoon. Prior to Baba's arrival, Kitty Davy had gone to Cannes at the end of June and rented villas with the help of Delia and Norina's sister, Gita Bloum.
The arrangements were quite pleasant, but Baba for some reason was dissatisfied with the women's villa and Norina was ordered to rent another. The new villa was where Baba and the women mandali, Norina, Elizabeth, Rano and Kitty would stay. For the men mandali a second villa was rented, and a third for the Western men and women who had come: Delia, Ruano, Gita, Jean, Malcolm, Nonny, Sam Cohen, Christine McNaughton, Anita de Caro and AndreƩ Aron. AndreƩ, a French lady, had previously met Baba in Zurich in 1934 at Otto Heije's art school and was a friend of Anita's. Ruano Bogislav was appointed head of the household to manage the living arrangements in this villa.
Lord Meher Volume 6, Page 2200
Later that day, August 21st, Christine McNaughton left for London by train. It was the last time she would ever see Baba. She was killed during a German air raid on London in 1941.
Lord Meher Volume 6, Page 2209
Departed 29th October 1936 from Plymouth, England and arrived in New York on 4th November 1936.
She was travelling with 6 other American who had also been to India.