Born : 9th April, 1918 - Brooklyn, N.Y., USA
Died : 21st December 2015 - Myrtle Beach, Sth Carolina, USA
Married : George E McCuen
Location : Los Angeles, CA.
Meher Baba gave Filis & Adele Wolkin a combined nick-name " FILADELE"

Adele came to the 1952 Sahavas at the Meher Center in Myrtle Beach in 1952.
Adele attended the reception given to Meher Baba at the Longchamps Restaurant in New York City in 1956.
Adele visited the Sahavas at the Meher Center in Myrtle Beach, SC., in 1958 when Meher Baba visited
for a short time.
Adele attended the 1962 East-West Gathering for Meher Baba at Guruprasad, Poona, India.

The Mind of
Light , by Sri Aurobindo. E. P. Dutton & Co.
Sri Aurobindo, in his posthumous new work, "The Mind of Light," gives us his conception of the spiritual processes and evolutionary forces at work in producing a new race of earth inhabitants, which he calls new humanity." It is a magnificent vision and promise of a divine life in a divine body on earth; the truth-conscious aspect of the Supreme Reality, which he terms "Supermind is the transforming power of the mind and body. Supermind or Truth-consciousness does not have to arrive at knowledge, light, beauty, bliss and perfection ... it intrinsically possesses it—“Supermind is an eternal reality of the divine Being and divine Nature."
The growth of consciousness is assumed to be the central motive of evolution, and as matter, life and mind have manifested on earth, so must Supermind, acting overtly and not concealed as it is now. Truth-consciousness is drawn into the world as the "Mind of Light." This "Mind of Light" is a subordinate action of Supermind, stemming from it and inferior to it “... the Mind of light is indeed the last of a series of descending planes of consciousness in which the Supermind veils itself ... but its essential character remains the same: there is in it an action of light, of truth."
Courtesy of ; The Awakener Vol.2 No.1 1954

Once, in the evening, Baba said, "I want a joke or a religious story." And I didn't know of any jokes, so I said, "Well, why did Peter betray Jesus three times? And it was predicted. Jesus said, "Before the cock crows three times, you will have denied me three times." That was what happened.
Baba said, "Peter loved me the most." You see how Baba makes everything into something wonderfully positive. He always says that I want you to be happy. And he makes anything that has the slightest negativity converted. Baba said, "Peter loved me the most. And what he did, he had to do."
And then Delia [DeLeon] said, "But Baba, what about Judas?" Baba had already, in India, given them a lot of information about the story of the Christ, but she did bring that up. She may not have been clear about it.
Baba said, "Judas served me the best. What he did no one else could do, so he served me the best. He was one of the God-realized disciples."
At that point, everyone started wondering about this and that, and about the suicide of Judas. Baba said Judas did what he did under a veil — he couldn't have done it otherwise — whereas Peter did it consciously.
You can find so many answers in Baba's explanations, such as Moses was not an Avatar, he was on the sixth plane (Baba told them all this), but Abraham was an Avatar.
1992 © Naosherwan Anzar
Mehera Irani's Christmas message to Adele.

Also, many images on this page are courtesy of : http://www.meherbabalibrary.com/Kalki/kalki_i/Hu/Agents/Adele/adele.html
Adele Wolkin (1918 - 2015)

APRIL 9, 1918 - DECEMBER 21, 2015
Myrtle Beach
Adele Wolkin, 97, was born into a professional family in Brooklyn, N.Y.
At 25, while she was following a course in religious and philosophical studies at Columbia University in New York City, her life took a decisive turn. She met three accomplished women and spiritual seekers: Princess Norina Matchabelli, actress and wife of the perfume magnate; Nadine Tolstoy, daughter-in-law of Leo Tolstoy; and Elizabeth Patterson, daughter of Simeon Chapin, one of the founding fathers of Myrtle Beach.
This trio had just returned from India where they had been staying in the ashram of their spiritual teacher, Meher Baba. Baba, who later proclaimed Himself to be Avatar of the Age, had given Elizabeth, Nadine and Norina the task of establishing His spiritual home in the West.
After an intensive search, more than five hundred acres of virgin land were found in Myrtle Beach which fulfilled all of Baba's requirements. Adele and her life long friend, Filis Frederick joined Elizabeth and Norina in preparing the land and building the necessary cabins and roads.
Adele met Meher Baba for the first time in 1952 when He came to visit the Retreat Center they had built. Baba inspired such adoration in Adele that she dedicated her life to spreading his message of Love and Truth.
She became a nurse, and even worked in a hospital in India for a while. She was also a teacher in New York where she was continually active in several Meher Baba Centers there.
In the tumultuous 60's and 70's, she did much work to warn young people about the dangers of using drugs, a key part of Meher Baba's message.
At the end of the 70's, she moved to Los Angeles where she was an integral part of the Meher Baba Center there. In 2008, she returned to Myrtle Beach to spend her last days near the place so dear to her heart, the Meher Spiritual Center.
In Autumn of 2015, her health declined sharply, and she was admitted to Mercy Care Hospice which attended her expertly until her death in late December.
Adele's love and humor touched the lives of countless people throughout the world. Her life modeled what it means to love and serve God and had a profound effect on making Avatar Meher Baba's message accessible to those about her. She will be missed.
Adele Wolkin (1918 - 2015)

APRIL 9, 1918 - DECEMBER 21, 2015
Myrtle Beach
Adele Wolkin, 97, was born into a professional family in Brooklyn, N.Y.
At 25, while she was following a course in religious and philosophical studies at Columbia University in New York City, her life took a decisive turn. She met three accomplished women and spiritual seekers: Princess Norina Matchabelli, actress and wife of the perfume magnate; Nadine Tolstoy, daughter-in-law of Leo Tolstoy; and Elizabeth Patterson, daughter of Simeon Chapin, one of the founding fathers of Myrtle Beach.
This trio had just returned from India where they had been staying in the ashram of their spiritual teacher, Meher Baba. Baba, who later proclaimed Himself to be Avatar of the Age, had given Elizabeth, Nadine and Norina the task of establishing His spiritual home in the West.
After an intensive search, more than five hundred acres of virgin land were found in Myrtle Beach which fulfilled all of Baba's requirements. Adele and her life long friend, Filis Frederick joined Elizabeth and Norina in preparing the land and building the necessary cabins and roads.
Adele met Meher Baba for the first time in 1952 when He came to visit the Retreat Center they had built. Baba inspired such adoration in Adele that she dedicated her life to spreading his message of Love and Truth.
She became a nurse, and even worked in a hospital in India for a while. She was also a teacher in New York where she was continually active in several Meher Baba Centers there.
In the tumultuous 60's and 70's, she did much work to warn young people about the dangers of using drugs, a key part of Meher Baba's message.
At the end of the 70's, she moved to Los Angeles where she was an integral part of the Meher Baba Center there. In 2008, she returned to Myrtle Beach to spend her last days near the place so dear to her heart, the Meher Spiritual Center.
In Autumn of 2015, her health declined sharply, and she was admitted to Mercy Care Hospice which attended her expertly until her death in late December.
Adele's love and humor touched the lives of countless people throughout the world. Her life modeled what it means to love and serve God and had a profound effect on making Avatar Meher Baba's message accessible to those about her. She will be missed.