Meher Baba Travels * Chronology *
For the next ten years detailed dates are very hard to obtain.
May - Merwan was doing his final exams at Deccan College.On one of those days he was riding his bicycle the College along Malcolm Tank Road near Char Bawdi, when he noticed large crowd surrounding the old lady Hazrat Babajan who was seated under a neem tree. Merwan had passed by & knew her, she was well regarded by the local Mohammedan community, but he never paid much attention to her.
As he rode by he happened to glance at her & at that moment she looked at him & nodded to him to come to her. He got off his bike & walked over to her. She was extremely happy to see him, she stood up with her arms spread out wide, embraced Merwan as if she had just found her lost son. Tears ran down her wrinkled cheeks as she repeated " Mere piarra beta" .." My Beloved Son "......)
Merwan was speechless & stood motionless like a statue in front of her. He felt as if he had an electric current throughout his body. He was also experiencing his consciousness merging with the Ocean of Bliss. Although very dazed he still managed slowly to walk home. He left his bicycle behind.
He gradually lost interest in all his studies and sports.
For the next 7 months, he would be with Babajan everyday & late into the night. They seldom spoke.
One night in January, as he was about to leave, he kissed her hand and she in turn held his face in her hands.
She looked into his eyes & kissed him on the forehead, she then turned to her followers and pointed with her little finger to Merwan and said " This is my beloved son,..... He will one day shake the world and all of humanity will be benefited by him". Merwan just stood there, he had lost his grip of his mind somehow he walked home, arriving at 11PM, he went straight to bed.
For the next 9 months Merwan lived without sleep, his eyes were galssy- staring, sitting motionless for hours, his diet was almost non-existant. During this time, W.W.1 had started in June.
Merwan decided to go to Udwada, on the coast in Gujarat, a holy place for Parsis in India, the original fire was brought here from Persia 1,200 years prior & the original fire was still burning. Merwan went with 6 others, they spent 3 days there and each day Merwan would lead them to prayer in the temple.
They would then sit under the palm trees or walk along the beach. Merwan had paid for everyone's fares & expenses. From Udwada they went to Navsari, Surat & Broach - along the western coast, staying 2 days in each town. When they arrived in Bombay, they stayed at Panday's Dharmashala ( rest house ). They hired a boat & visited the Gharapuri Caves on Elephanta Island, some 3 miles from Bombay harbour in the Arabian Sea.
Two days later, they went back to Poona. Merwan was introduced by his friend Khodu a recent immigrant from Persia - Beheram known as Behramji - he was 22 years old. Merwan started to teach him to read & write Persian - he came daily.
April - Merwan left by train for Raichur, but got off at Kedgaon - 50 miles ( 80 Kms ) from Poona. He enquired to see Narayan Maharaj - he was told to go to the Temple of Dattatrey, Narayan was seated on his throne. When he saw Merwan, he asked the crowd to disperse. He rose & went up to Merwan and led him to throne and made he sit on it. He then garlanded him from one from around his neck & offered him mango juice. Merwan stayed over-night & left the next morning back to Poona. He was back within 24 hours.
Several days later, Merwan & 3 others went to Bombay, where they met the Chargeman of the city, a 6th plane saint- Tipu Baba, then they went to Aurangabad where they met a 7th plane saint - Bane Miyan Baba - his master was Sai Baba. Two of the men went back to Poona, Behramji & Merwan then went to Nagpur to meet Tajuddin Baba, upon arrival they had to take a tonga for another 7 kms to the town of Vaki Shariff. As they approached Taj, he was holding roses in his hand and he then limped towards Merwan, silently, he then caressed Merwan's cheeks and forehead with the roses. They then left for the station - Taj called out "My rose, my heavenly rose ". As the train pulled out, Merwan muttered "Taj, Taj ! My Taj ".
Later, Merwan went with his friend Khodu to see Sai Baba at Shirdi, as they approached the village, the villagers had blocked the road, they had instructions from Sai, not allowing anyone through. They waited under tree, even through the night - it was very cold & Khodu shivered all night. In the afternoon, Sai sent word he'll see them ( he was 77 at the time ) - he was seated in his mosque "The Mother of Mercy" . Khodu was beckoned first & when he bowed down to him Sai slapped his back hard. He then enquired who his friend was ? He replied " His name is Merwan......." Sai went off & came back, this time Merwan was streched full length on the ground. Sai uttered in a very deep voice "Parvardigar". Merwan rose & Sai paid obseisance to him & cried out "Parvardigar" & beckoned the two to walk on & again for the third time he cried out "Parvardigar".
Immediately, Merwan & Khodu walked to a Hindu temple 3 miles away. It was the Khandoba temple & Upasni Maharaj was seated on its steps. As Merwan approached, Upasni stood up, picked up a stone & threw it with all his might & it struck him on his forehead, exactly on the spot Babajan kissed him. Baba always had a perminent scar . After spending the rest of the day & night with Upasni ( Khodu was waiting outside ). The next day Khodu took Merwan back to Poona & cleaned the deep wound & dressed it.
Once a month, Merwan would visit Sai Baba & Upasni Maharaj. At the same time, he had a job as a clerk, then a school teacher at Nargol village in Gujarat, he lasted only a few months & returned to Poona.
He moved with Rustom & his family to Calcutta. After 3 months he returned to Poona. Whilst in Calcutta he was pesterd by an owner ( Cavas Khateo ) of a theatre troupe - Khatao Theatrical Company. He was offered management of the company. Merwan turned him down numerous times, now in Poona, he wrote to Cavas he'll take job. The troupe travelled to Lahore. Several weeks later, Cavas dies & the company is disbanded. Merwan returns to Poona. During this long periods, Merwan was pounding his forehead continually. Meanwhile, Merwan's father - Sheriar is taken to Bombay for an operation. Merwan took over the running of the Sheriar Cafe.
In the beginning of the year, Sheriar sold his tea shop, borrowed money, obtained a licence to open a toddy shop on Sachapir Street. Merwan worked every day with his father.
Feb.( 16th ) Merwan composed a gazal and posted it under a pen name of Huma - to a Gujarati writer - Soma ( Sohrab Muncherji Desai ) of Navsari.
April - Merwan was invited to attend Upasni's foundation-laying ceremony of a medical dispensary in the town-ship of Sion in Bombay. Merwan met a disciple of Upasni's - Gustadji.... Merwan returned to Poona & worked at his father's toddy shop working 2 hours per day & visiting Babajan every night.
One day, Merwan's friend Bailey who had already enlisted in the British Navy & had active duty, was on leave & he met Merwan & persuaded him to join the Navy as well. He was taken to Navy headquaters & signed up - his family was not aware of his actions, When his father found out he refused to give him permission to join - he went to the headquaters & used his influence to remove Merwan's name. Before Bailey was posted overseas ( Aden ) , he went with Merwan to get Babajan's blessing - she foretold certain events that would affect him some years later.
In July, Upasni Maharaj moved from Khandoba's temple to the village of Sakori. Merwan was a regular visitor. His new abode used to be cemetary grounds. Merwan would travel by train to Sakori and he would make many over the next year.
August ( 1st ) Behramji procured a licquor licence ( in his name ) & in partnership with Merwan opened a toddy shop at 723 Kasba Peth Road on a fishing wharf of a river. Soon afterwards, his friends started to call him Merwanji, then later to Merwan Seth. He was still pounding his forehead daily, for up to 4 hours.
October - Sai Baba dropped his body & was buried.
December - Merwan Seth's baby sister Maniji was born - he was 24 years old.
Later during the year, Sheriar Irani ( Merwan Seth's father ) purchased the house across the lane from Pumpkin House - the new address was ; 765 Butler Moholla - this house was more spacious, which was needed for the 7 children.
August - Merwan Seth and many others from Poona & Bombay went to see Upasni at Sakori. After blessing the Zoroastrian group they left by horse tonga in the evening to the train station in Rahata. They all took the train but Merwan Seth & Behramji got off at Belapur & indicated they were going to see Tajuddin Baba in Nagpur.
During the year, Merwan Seth built at his expense the first temple in Sakori for Upasni - to perform his arti. Later on, he & Sadashiv went with Upasni to Benares to honor Sai Baba. Upasni had taken Sai's charge which upset many Muslims that a Hindu would be chosen & Brahamin's were upset that he would even honour a Musim. Large amounts of food had been bought for this big occassion & many refused to eat, so Upasni ordered the food to be thrown in the river after the poor were fed. The priest relented, Upasni forgave them, but refused to feed them. He then told Merwan Seth & Sadashiv to go south to Jagannath Puri ( was a city on the eastern coast ), while he returned to Sakori. They stayed at a rest house in a temple. They bathed in the sea & then took the train west to Kharagpur, the next day. They stayed with Upasni's devotees & then onto Nagpur. When they arrived he made Sadashiv to swear that he'd take flowers & fruit & give them to Tajuddin Baba. But everytime, he would arrive, he'd learn that he just left, he repeated this for 3 days on a 18 Kms trip, finally met him. Taj revealed that he was with Merwan Seth every time. They then left by train to see Upasni at Sakori and onto Poona after a month's journey.
After a few days in Poona, Upasni called Merwan Seth, Sadashiv to Sakori & then onto Nasik. The 3 then walked the 4 miles from Nasik to a Hindu temple in the jungle called ' Mahadev ' temple. The next day, Upasni took them to the village of Gawalwadi, where they climbed the mountain of Bhorgad. This is where Upasni spent a whole year in a cave repeating God's name. They stayed the night in the cave & the next day, they walked back to Nasik & then departed for Sakori. When they arrived- Upasni stayed & Merwan Seth & Sadashiv went back to Poona.
Merwan Seth spent most of the year in seclusion. Later in the year, Merwan Seth & Sayyed went to the cave that Upasni Maharaj used at Gawalwadi. Merwan Seth stayed in the cave for 40 days,Sayyed would bring milk daily for Merwan Seth as he was also fasting, from the village. When they returned to Nasik, Merwan Seth stayed at Sayyed's home. In the presence of the other men staying with them, Sayyed proposed a new name - all agreed on Meher Baba.
Soon after they returned to Poona, everyone called him by his new name - Meher Baba.
Earlier in the year Meher Baba met two Irani sisters Freiny Driver & Daulat Irani - she had two daughters - Mehera & Freiny.
In Ahmednager, Gulmai & her husband Kaikhushru, built a new house which was named "Sarosh Manzil", they invited Upasni Maharaj to cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony. Their sons- Rustom & Adi drove to Sakori in the family automobile, Upasni happily came, but he invited Meher Baba who came with Gustadji the next day from Poona. This was Meher Baba's 1st visit to Ahmednagar.
Upasni & Meher Baba stayed for 7 days as honoured guest. Adi became seriously ill during this time, he was nursed back to good health by the 2 masters. Just as Upasni was to be driven back to Sakori, he made a pronouncement to all present " When I provide Meher Baba with the engine, your prophet Zarathustra will manifest ! " Meher Baba & Gustadji both departed for Poona.
July - a prohibition movement started in India & protests against liqour & toddy shops arose.
Meher Baba closed the toddy shop in Kasba Peth and left Poona due to the prohibition of alcohol and went to stay with Upasni Maharaj in Sakori. He returned 6 months later to Poona. Meher Baba regained his normal consciousness of the world - this process had taken 8 - 9 years.
In January, Merwan left Sakori as a fully Perfect Master. As he rode away in a tonga to the train station, his Master - Upasni Maharaj saluted him as Adi-Shakti --- the Avatar.
Merwan took the train to Bombay and went to Munshi Rahim's house on Charni Road. Munshi helped him with his first bath in 6 months. He was almost 28 years old.
On Jan.( 23rd ) Merwan and 8 others took a coastal steamer ride from Bombay to Mandwa an hour away. They stayed at the rented bungalow a few days - it was here that he first referred to himself as a Satguru or Qutub and remarked about his mandali for the first time.
Returned ( 26th ) to Bombay and stayed at Munshi's.
The next day ( 27th ) Baba and 4 others took the train to Poona, he was shown some barren land along Fergusson Road and was invited to stay - rent free. It was several kms from his parents home at 765 Butler Moholla. A simple hut was erected soon afterwards.
In late March, Baba travelled to Chinchwad.
May ( 9th ) at 4:30PM Baba took the train to Sakori to celebrate Upasni's birthday. Baba alighted at Chitalli and walked the rest of the way.
The men and women returned ( 15th ) to Poona, while Baba returned on the ( 20th).
On ( 22nd ) at 2AM, Baba and the men walked to Char Bawdi,Poona to see Babajan, they then headed for Bombay. 45 men accompanied Baba. They had to walk 4 abreast in a neat fashion.
After 4 hours they reached Chinchwad and at 2PM they reached Khind village, on the outskirts of Talegaon.
The next day ( 23rd ) they proceeded to the village of Khopodi and ascended the Bhor Ghat of the Khandala mountains.They rested by a brook in Khopodi. At 9PM they proceeded to the village of Chauk at 2AM. Later, they arrived at Panvel at 9PM. Baba hired a truck to carry everyone to Mumbra, they arrived in Bombay at 4PM and stopped at the tomb of a Mohammedan saint named Chaman Baba, they then walked to Munshi's home.
On May ( 30th ) Baba approved of renting a large bungalow at 167 Main road in the Dadar district, opposite the G.I.P railway station. It took 2 days to settle the paperwork. Major renovations commenced and the men finally moved in on June ( 7th ). The premises were called Manzil-e-Meen or the House of the Master.
On June ( 2nd ), a muslim - Professor Sayani met Baba at the premises. It was an interesting encounter [P389].
Much later, on July ( 28th ) Baba went to Sakori to research the facts about Upasni Maharaj's life and Sai Baba's Baba spent 4 days and night . The research was for a book on Upasni that Baba wanted to print.
Baba returned to Bombay on Aug,( 1st )
On the ( 6th ) Baba sent some of his men mandali to Sakori and they returned the next day.
( 11th ) Baba & 5 men left Bombay by the Gujarat Mail train for Ajmer- arriving midnight the following day. - they stayed at the Edward Memorial Hotel
( 14th ) Baba instructed everyone to fast for 24 hours while visiting the Tomb of the Mohammedan Perfect Master Khwaja Saheb Christi. They then visited the Jain Golden Temple, Dowlat Gardens & the Anna Sagar Lake, also to the Shah Jehan Mosque. Baba remained in the hotel.
Ghani & Khak Saheb visited the mosque in Taragarh- said to have been built in 2 half days.
( 18th ) Baba directed the men to go to Pushkar about 10 miles N-E of Ajmer. Baba was still too ill to travel, but still went in a horse-drawn cart. This temple was dedicated to the Creator - Brahma. It took till the ( 27th ) for Baba to recover from the dysentry.
On Oct. ( 5th ) The men had purchased an old car and Baba was taken on a test drive t o Malabar Hill- it was sold 3 months later. It was extremely noisy.
( 7th ) Word arrived of a plague that was sweeping through Poona. Baba had predicted 2 years earlier.
( 8th ) A bungalow was rented in Juhu on the outskirts of Bombay for a picnic. Baba came back by taxi .
( 14th ) Baba left for Sakori with Sadashir Patel at 10PM, arriving in the early morning.
( 15th ) Daulat J Irani had taken her 2 daughters - Mehera & Freiny to visit Upasni Maharaj in Sakori. This was the first time Mehera saw Baba inside Upasni's thatched hut. Baba stayed 18 hours & left by horse tonga for Ahmednagar. This was the last time Baba set foot in Sakori & would not see Upasni for 19 years ( Oct.1944 ). Baba arrived in Ahmednagar late at night.
( 16th ) Baba left the following night for Bombay and arriving early morning on ( 17th ).
( 19th ) Baba sent all the men to Sakori to visit Upasni, except for 2 men who stayed with Baba.
( 23rd ) The men then went to Poona to visit Babajan, returning to Bombay at 1PM.
( 30th ) Baba & some men took the train to Kalyan early AM, to visit the Tomb of Malang Shah -a Mohammedan. They hired 2 cars upon arrival, to take them 14 miles ( 22kms ) away. Malang Fort is on the top of the mountain & the shrine nearby, but they all got lost, so they all went back to Bombay at 5:30PM.
Nov.( 15th ) 1,000 copies of the newly printed biography of Upasni Maharaj arrived and the book selling started.
In late Feb.,Gulmai K Irani was visiting Baba & invited him to visit their property near Arangaon. She said the local saint Hazrat Maula Gilori Shah foretold of your visit. Gilori Shah had requested a tomb be built for him on this land. Baba agreed that it should be built.
On March ( 7th ) after 3 months of strict containment in the Manzil-e-Meem, Baba took a walk to Munshi's home.
( 13th ) Baba & a few men went to Kalyan. At 2:30AM they left Kalyan in tongas for the trip to the mountain where the shrine of Haji Malang Shah was on top. Baba stayed at the bottom & instucted the men to place a veil of flowers on the saint's dargah. It took them 2 half hours, they then rode back to Kalyan.
After arriving in Kalyan they took the train back to Bombay. Once back to Manzil-e-Meem, Baba handed back the property to the landlord.
On April ( 19th ) Baba & the remaining 13 men left Bombay at night for Ahmednagar by train. They arrived in Poona at 7:30AM arriving a few hours later. They stayed at Gulmai's residency in Khushru Quarters ( Meher Nazar ) Baba stayed 7 days, he toured the town & also secluded himself.
( 30th ) Baba took a long hike with the mandali to Happy Valley 14 miles north of Ahmadnagar. Baba stayed at a bungalow there. Baba had also sent some of the men to attend Upasni's birthday celebrations in Sakori.
May ( 3rd ), Baba left late at night, returning back to Ahmadnagar at 2AM, exhausted.
( 4th ) Baba & 6 others left Khushru Quarters, crossed the Sina River & turned to open plain for 6 miles to the south, they then came across some dilapidated buildings & a small village nearby ( Arangaon ). It was former British military post - this was the first time Baba saw the land that was to become Meherabad.
They spent the first night under a neem tree next to the newly built tomb of Gilori Shah.
( 5th ) The old Post Office was cleaned and they spent the night in there. Other men came and helped repair and clean the buildings. Some later left to go back to their homes. Arangaon means Forest village - in the past centuries the land here was jungle like, thick forest. It is said that Krishna once stayed in the village - a temple was built in his honour - hence the village is also called Chotta Pandhari.
( 8th ) Baba & the men attended Rustom & Freiny's ( Mehera's sister ) wedding in Ahmednagar. Mehera was staying with Upasni in Sakori and did not attend. Bad rumours prevailed by some local Parsis. Baba left abruptly with his men from the Arangaon area & into a dharmashala run by the local council.
Gulmai was very upset by her
relatives attitude & sent her husband Khansaheb to beg for Baba's forgiveness and
make him return to the Arangaon area. Baba accepted. ( 13th ) Baba walked back to the property with the men - they continued to repair and paint the buildings.At about this time
Baba named the property "Meherabad" ( ABAD' means prosperous settlement )
( 25th ) Baba ordered everything to be moved to Khushru Quarters. They later left Ahmednagar at 10:30AM by train - 5 women & 14 men - arriving in Manmad at 12:30PM. When they reached Sanchi - Baba revealed some aspects of Gotama the Buddha - 2,500 years ago.
( 27th ) Arrived in Agra - stayed at the Empress Hotel. Baba took them on a tour of the sights - Taj Mahal, Agra Fort , .... it was very hot.
( 28th ) They then went to Mathura & stayed at a dharmashala. Nearby they bathed in the Jammu River. Mathura is the birthplace of Lord Krishna and Baba took them to his birthplace temple - born over 4,000 years ago.
May ( 31st ) Arrived in Karachi & stayed at Pilamai's house. She later gave Baba a tour of the city.
June ( 4th ) - Baba took the train to Malir ( a small village ) on the outskirts of Karachi for a picnic.
( 7th ) They departed Karachi & went to Quetta arriving on the ( 8th ). Baba & the group stayed in a rented house next door to Rusi Irani's home. It was very cold in Quetta. The real reason for the trip was Baba wanted to meet Rusi's daughters - Goher ( 7 years old ) & Katie ( 3 years old ). Rusi gave Baba a tour of the city - the orchards & Garden of Jamasp. Baba also met a mast opposite his house.
( 21st ) They went to see the waterworks in the mountain pass at Urak - 14 miles away ( 22kms ).
( 25th ) They departed Quetta by train for Ahmedabad, The train changed at Hyderabad ( Sind ) - arriving at Ahmedabad at 9:30PM ( 27th ). Baba sent the women to Ahmednagar. Baba stayed in a dharmashala.
On July ( 1st ) at 2:30 AM, their walking tour started, they reached Jetalpur at 7:45 AM, only walked 10 miles, but they were exhausted. They set off for Kaira the next day at 4AM. Bullock carts were hired & they went to Mehmadabad R.S. 7 miles away,stayed at the dharmashala & left for Broach on the 11PM train. They arrived in Broach ( 3rd ) at 3:30AM, whilst here they bathed in the Narmada River, which was very muddy. Some men left for Bombay, Baba & the rest left for Ankleshwar at 4PM- arrived 8:30PM, then onto Surat at 6AM ( 4th ), leaving for Sachin at 4AM ( 5th )- arrived at 9AM - arrived at Navsari at 5:30PM. The foot journey covered 65 miles ( 105 kms ).
At night ( 6th ) they took the 10 PM train to Bombay arriving Dadar Station at 5:30AM ( 7th ). 2 hours later, they took the train to Nasik - arriving at 2:45PM - staying at the Normanbhai's bungalow, 6 miles away. They left Nasik at 7:30AM - arrived at Manmad 10:30AM- changed trains at 12:15PM for Dhond at Ahmednagar ( 9th ) at 5:30 AM, they then walked the 5 miles to Meherabad.
On the ( 12th ) they all decided to move back to Bombay, taking the 12:45PM train, arriving ( 13th ). They went and stayed at the Circle & Co's office tiny office at the Manzil-e-Meem premises. Here they were busy hand-bounding Upasni's book for a month and distributing it.
On Aug.( 16th ) Baba & 5 men took the train to Lonavla - staying 7 days - hiking to Khandala Waterfalls, Valvan Lake and the lake at Bhushi.
( 22nd ) They left for Poona at 5PM - arriving ( 23rd ) staying at the Abdulla Jaffe's house in the Camp area.
( 27th ) Baba & a large group went to Saswad, 7 miles away from Poona, for a picnic.
( 28th ) Baba visited his family at Butler Moholla in Poona.
( 30th ) Baba returned late at night to Bombay and moved into a building in the Parel area - but was not suitable.
On Sept.( 3rd ) had found & moved into a house near a railway station called later Tafti Mansion No.3. Work continued with the distribution of Upasni's biography.
On Oct.( 19th ) Baba & the men set off very early on their 3rd foot journey in 6 months for Sakori. They passed through - Ghatkopar - Thana - Bhiwandi - Kolshet - Padgha - Shahapur -Asangaon -Khardi - Kasara - Igatpuri - Ghoti - Bari, where they took a car & tongas for Bhandardara Lake, back to Bari - Rajur - Akola - Sangamnar - Loni - Bableshwar. Sakori was 10 miles way.
Nov.( 1st ) Having arrived in Bableshwar, Slamson stayed with Baba whilst the men walked onto Sakori - they received a very hostile reception from Upasni, so the men came back to Bableshwar. They then took a truck and went to Ahmednagar - arriving at 2PM
( 2nd ) - the men stayed in Khushru Quarters, Baba stayed at a dharmashala.
Nov.(11th) - Baba & the men left 12:30PM by train for Hyderabad- arriving in Surat (12th),then going to the bazaar. Baba observed a destitute boy there and he told the men to take him to a restaurant and feed him and then buy him a train ticket back to his home at Wadala. They then boarded the train to Hyderabad.
Arrived ( 14th ) at Hyderabad, continued to Karachi - arriving at night. They stayed at No.2445 Soldier Bazaar, it was very dirty, the next day they cleaned it. The men called this house "Halt Ho".
On ( 17th ) Naval went to the Persian Consulate about getting documents for travelling in Persian- the consul told him he needed everyone else except Baba to come & sign documents, Baba had already been - Naval wondered how it happened. They stayed for 7 days.
( 22nd ) Baba decided to go immediately to Bombay & then Poona. All boarded the steamship S.S.Vita in the afternoon. Prior to leaving, Baba visited Pilamai at her home. He had kept a low whilst in Karachi.
( 23rd ) the ship passed Dwarka at 12:30PM & at 4:30PM it docked at Portardar.
( 24th ) Arrived in Bombay, then with 3 men they went to Lonavla by train. Baba got off at Khandala & then later driven to Lonavla. Baba stayed in Valvan.
( 29th ) Baba left at 8:30PM by train to Poona, then to Sholapur - arriving at midnight.They slept on the platform.
( 30th ) They hired tongas at dawn & toured the city until 1PM, refreshed at a bungalow, back at the station. They took the train to Dhond - arriving at 4AM & changed trains at Manmad, then to Akolner, near Ahmednagar.
Dec. (1st ) Reaching Akolner, Baba left the train, but sent Behramji to Ahmadnagar to fetch food & return, which he did.They left for Ahmednagar - arriving by evening, they then walked to Meherabad, arriving late at night.
This marked the end of a 6 month absence from Meherabad
In the last week of December, Baba went to Poona & stayed at Kasba Peth. He gave a large public darshan. An Anglo-Indian seeker Lewis Charles Nelhams came to see Baba. He was told by him to stay in Poona. Baba went back to Meherabad where he continued his fast.
On the ( 31st ) Baba came out out of seclusion, left Meherabad for Bombay with 2 men - arriving that night, then onto Lonavla.They then took the train to Khandala.
Jan.(1st ) In Bombay they stayed in the Bharucha building which was rented. Baba sent Gulmai to bring Mehera & Khorshed from Sakori to him in Bombay. They were housed along with Khorshed's parents in the Irani Mansions. Mehera's mother - Daulat was also there. Mehera & Khorshed would come daily for Baba's darshan. One day Baba & Naval went for a stroll to Chowpatty Beach & approached a man sitting there, Baba spoke to him , apparently he was suicidal at the time - this man was Chanji ( LM page 591 ). Chanji's full name is Feramroz Hormusji Dadachanji was to become Baba's 1st secretary.
On Feb.( 22nd ) Baba & 8 men boarded the S.S.Varela at 7:30AM & departed at 9:30AM. Mehera & her mother were sent back to their home in Poona. Within days, the ship docked in Karachi, then Bahrein & then Bushire. Here they left the ship & stayed at Ghulam Husain Lodi's house. It was very cold. A truck was hired for 400 rupees for the journey to Shiraz, but Padri fell very ill the next day. Baba decided to go back to Karachi, sending some men back to their homes. They boarded the ship S.S.Baroja ( Barjora ) and left for Bushire - then to Banda Abbas - Padri was sent onto Karachi - still very ill. Baba & a few men decided to go to Kathmandu - the sailed through the ports of Lingeh, Henjam Island & Muscat - reaching Karachi in the 2nd week of March.
They then took the Quetta Mail train, changing the train at Hyderabad ( Sind ) , then to Lucknow - where he bought sandals - then went to Raxaul on the Nepalese frontier. Baba & the 4 men could not get into Nepal, so they went to Maghar to see the 2 tombs of Kabir - a Hindu & a Muslim. Then to Kanpur in tongas - staying in a dharmashala - they bathed in the Ganges River.
This is the first of two times that Meher Baba was left alone in this advent.
Baba sent all the men to various cities, Baba went alone to Itarsi by train - he slept on the train platform - this is the only time in Meher Baba's advent that he was by himself - for a whole week. The 2nd occasion happend in
Istanbul, Turkey about a decade later.
End of March, Baba returned to Meherabad. Over a year later, Reza Khan became Shah & Persia changed.
April - work continued in repairing buildings and clearing the land around Meherabad. When Baba returned the saint Gilori Shah had dropped his body. Gulmai's husband paid all the expenses.
( 15th ) a small building was completed and Baba called it the Jhopdi (hut ).
May ( 3rd ) Baba left by car in the afternoon with 4 other men to Happy Valley, returning at 8PM. Baba went into seclusion for 7 days and again on the ( 18th ) until the 23rd.
( 24th ) Baba requested Gulmai & Khansaheb to transfer the Meherabad property to Adi or Gustadji. Khansaheb initially refused but eventually agreed.
( 26th) Baba & 13 mandali left at 5:30AM in 2 cars to Aurangabad & Daulatabad.They stayed at a dak bungalow.
( 27th ) They all agreed to return to Meherabad. On the way back at Imampur Ghat their car broke down.
( 28th ) They arrived in Meherabad in the afternoon. In the next few days, Baba went to Bombay.
June ( 2nd ) Baba decided to go to Quetta, leaving at 12:30PM by train with 4 other men. They got as far as Deolali & they left the train & headed for the village Lahit, on the way to Igatpuri - going by horse tonga at 4:30PM. They ended up walking there then later took the mali train to Igatpuri.
( 3rd ) They all returned to Bombay & stayed at No.6 Irani Mansions. It became apparent the reason for the visit was to see the station master at Lahit.
( 6th ) Baba left Bombay for Quetta by the Gujurat Mail train with 3 men - arriving ( 9th ) at 5PM & went to Rusi's home. It was too cold in Quetta, so they left for Sukkor to inspect land to buy, which Baba did on ( 14th ).
Baba made contact with a mast who was living inside the Muslim saint's tomb of Bachal Shali. Ramjoo was sent back to this tomb later & he had a strange encounter by a mastani that looked like Babajan.
( 30th ) They all returned to Quetta. In early July, Gustadji brought Mehera & 5 other women to Quetta. On one day they went on an outing to a nearby mountain, which Baba climbed.Nervous came down with typhoid.
July ( 16th ), Baba along with 3 men left for Karachi - arriving ( 17th ). They then drove to Mungho Pir, which is famous for its hot springs -about 11 miles north of Karachi. There was also a saint's tomb there. The rest of the mandali arrived ( 20th ).Nervous died of his illness and was buried.
( 21st ) Baba decided to go back to Bombay - arriving ( 25th ). The remaining mandali went back to their homes. Daulat & Mehera were instructed to go back to Sakori.
Aug.( 1st ) Baba & 4 men left for Poona - arriving early next morning. Later that day they left for Raichur but changed it for Madras - arriving ( 3rd ) at 9:30PM, staying at the Choultry dharmashala.
( 5th ) Left Madras at 6:30PM, through the Nilgiris Mountains - reaching Ooty at 3:30PM the next day, it was too cold, so they went to Coonoor arriving at 7:45PM for the night.
( 7th ) They walked to Mettupalaiyam ( Baba called it 'Petroleum' )- 21 miles away, they took the train for the last
6 miles. From there they continued onto Madras arriving at 8:30AM ( 8th ). Baba had a fever.
( 9th ) They left Madras at 8AM - arrived at Howrah- a suburb of Calcutta at 5PM ( 11th ) - staying at the Punjabi Bengal. At night they took a taxi ride through Calcutta.
( 12th ) They boated across the Houghly River to visit the Hindu shrine of Satguru Ramakrishna Paramhansa - the shrine was called Belur Math. They later returned to their hotel. They left Calcutta that night for Hardwar at 7:30PM & arrived on ( 14th ). They were hoping to bathe there, but the waters were too muddy.
Later hired a taxi to go to Rishikesh, the taxi broke down & another one hired. They then proceeded to the village of Laxmab Zula - 14 miles away, but came back due to the perilous drive - at 1PM. The dharmashala in Hardwar was unclean - they left Hardwar at 9AM walking to Laskar- after 10 miles they halted at Pathri railway station. ( 16th ) They arrived in Laskar at 1PM. They spent the day & the next touring the town.
( 17th ) They left at 1:30PM by train for Moradabad - arriving at 6PM. They met a mast there.
( 19th ) They departed for Bhopal, changing trains at Lucknow - arrived in Bhopal ( 20th ) in the afternoon. At night they left for Ratlam, arriving ( 22nd ) AM - arrived in Baroda at 8PM - stayed at the Gujarat Hindu Lodge - they left in the morning ( 24th ) at 10PM for Ujjain - arriving ( 25th ) at 1PM. Baba found many sadhus on the banks of the Sipra River. They left Ujjain at 4PM - arriving at Mortakka at 10PM ( 25th ) sleeping on the rail platform & the next morning took a ride in a bullock cart to Omkareshwar, Mandhata. This is the place that Upasni Maharaj had entered a state of samadhi & later contacted Sai Baba and Narayan Maharaj. Padri had dysentery at the time.
( 25th ) They returned to Mortakka at 10PM & left at once for Baroda.
( 27th ) Arriving at Baroda in the evening, they again stayed at the Gujarat Hindu Lodge.
( 28th ) At 4PM, they started to walk to Pavagarh & reached the foot of the mountain at 9PM. They lodged at the dharmashala for the night. This was situated in the middle of a jungle. ( 29th ) Awoke at 6AM & began the climb to the top - lots of fog, hiked for 3 miles, they reached the summit - a temple at the top was dedicated to Kali - they went inside this temple and also to a nearby Muslim saints tomb - " Sajjan Shah Wali ". They then hiked to the fort. After enjoying the view from up top, they descended the mountain at noon & returned to Baroda at 8:15PM, staying at their usual lodge. Sept ( 9th ) They left Baroda and arrived in Bombay - staying at the Irani Mansions for a week. ( 14th ) Baba left Bombay with 5 men for Poona, by train. They then went to Panjim - Londa - Castle Rock - Marmagoa - on the coast, then a boat ride to Panjim in Goa. They stayed at a Christian hotel. They saw many landmarks including the "Good Jesus Basilica " which Baba explored thoroughly including the dome. The body of Francis Xavier is preserved here & is shown occassionally. They stayed 3 days in Goa and returned to Bombay. Sept - Oct - Nov 1924 - Baba made several trips between Bombay & Ahmednagar. Nov ( 18th ) Baba observed silence for one week at Meherabad in the Jhopdi. 1st week Dec. - Baba went to Bombay with 3 men & rented quarters at the Bharuch Building. Baba requested Mehera, Naja and Daulat to come to share a room. After the women settled in Baba's quarters, he told the women to go and see a film at Chanji's theatre - Madeline Cinema & to dress up in their fine clothes. Baba made an interesting comment that it's a nonsense to symbolize clothing with spiritualism, because the women were wearing simple austere clothing in the quarters. Later in Dec. Baba went with Masaji to Belgaum & returned to Bombay. Belgaum is where Col.Irani lived . 1925 After 2 months in the Bharuch Building - Baba sent Naja to Poona, Mehera & Daulat to Ahmednagar & stay in the Khushru Quarters. Jan.( 25th ) Baba returned to Meherabad with the men mandali. Feb.( 18th ) Baba's 31st Birthday was celebrated at Meherabad. Late Feb. Mehera taught Baba to sing a George Gershwin song "Swanee ". At another day, Baba declared that she was his Radha. Baba sent Mehera & Daulat to Sakori for a few days. March ( 2nd ) At Meherabad - 2 Hindu Temples were built out of Bamboo matting. On ( 21st ), Baba opened the Hazrat Babajan Charitable Dispensary & Hospital. A local doctor was hired - Dr. Y. H. Karkal - direct the hospital. During the next 15 months, 7,500 patients were treated or hospital-ized. Sight was restored to some. April ( 14th ) Baba went to Bombay to purchase khaki material for the children & returned, leaving 5 days later for Bombay again to Munshi Rahim, staying with him for 2 days. May ( 22nd ) Baba left Meherabad & arrived in Talegaon at night & slept on the platform. The next morning they went to Ramjoo's home. Baba came to taste the bread from the Meher Flour Mill. ( 24th ) Returned to Meherabad. June ( 4th ) Baba feft for Bombay & returned a week later. ( 26th ) Baba declared he would keep silence on 10th July for 1 and a half years. July ( 9th ) Pandoba pleaded with Baba not to keep silent.....Baba replied " I have not come to teach but......" - these were the last words spoken to anyone outside his circle. Baba went to the women's quarters and returned to the men at 8PM. His last instructions to the men were to always carry a lantern at night and always beware of snakes - about 20 men were listening. He then went into the Jhodpi. Padri came across a snake shorly afterwards struck it & called out. Baba came out & repeated his warning and was given a wooden shaft and struck the cobra on the head. He then went back to the Jhodpi. END OF VOL.2 LORD MEHER Baba commenced his Silence on July 10th.On the ( 13th ) he started writing his book in the Jhopi.
The first Westener to come to Baba - Charles Nelham dies on the ( 27th ) and is buried in the Christian cemetary near Bhingar.
On August ( 17th ) Tajuddin Baba dropped his body in Nagpur. Over 30,000 marched through the city.
In October, Baba's ' table-cabin ' is built.
Between January and October Baba had not shaved until Oct.( 21st ).
Baba travelled numerous times between Meherabad and Ahmednagar also between Meherabad and Arangaon over the next few years.
Meher Baba's base was always Meherabad during this time.
On Dec.( 9th ) Baba remarked that " Gandhi will one day be perfect, but before becoming perfect he will have to have 3 more births "
In late December, Baba met young Eruch Jessawala for the first time and the rest of his family.
January ( 11th ) Baba wrote his own arti called "Bujave Naar " later known as the " Gujarati arti ".
The following month - Feb. ( 27th ) Baba's brother Jamshed died of a heart attack, aged 33 in Poona.
On May ( 22nd ) a tornado swept through Meherabad, later that day Baba and 14 others attended a wedding in Rahuri.
During a conversation with his men Baba mentioned his thoughts on Theosophical Society headed by Annie Besant and also on Krishamurti.
In Sept.( 21st ) Baba and 20 other men walked to a village 6 miles away - Walki, for the day then back again.
A month later, Oct.( 18th ) Baba and 14 others left at 5PM for Bhingar, just outside of Ahmadnagar for the day.
On Nov.( 25th ) Baba and over 20 men and women went to Lonavla, arriving the same day and stayed for 10 days.
Dec.(5th ) Baba took the train to Bombay - arriving at Dadar Railway station at 5PM. They stayed in Santa Cruz.
Later in Dec.( 24th ) Baba and the others all left for Meherabad by the Delhi Express train arriving ( 25th ) 9AM.
On January ( 7th ) Baba began to use his alpabet board.
Later on the ( 12th ) he left for Poona and later came back.
Baba mentioned on ( 25th ) that Sai Baba of Shirdi " whilst smoking his chilum pipe in Shirdi, he was in fact controlling the First World War, whilst I contolled the whole universe ".
On May (1st ) Baba officially opened Meher Ashram at 2:30PM.
A week later, ( 12th ) Eruch's mother Gaimai Jessawala told Baba whilst visiting Meherabad that Tajuddin Baba used to visit her brother-in-laws house and sit on its verandah and paid particular attention to each member of her family particularly her son Eruch.
About a week later ( 17th ) Baba went to Rahuri with some mandali to attend a wedding, going by truck.
Ten days later ( 27th ) they went to Ahmadnagar and then to the village of Shindi, 6 miles away, they were sitting in a trolley car pulled by tractor. They came back the same day.
On June ( 5th ) Baba and a few men went to Aurangabad, then to the Ellora Caves and Khuldabad. Whilst there Baba mentioned Sai Baba's master Zarzari Baksh who's tomb is nearby. They returned to Meherabad the same day.
July ( 1st ) the Hazrat Babajan High School was accredited by Bombay University and christened by Baba.
During a talk to his men on the Dec. ( 17th ) he mentioned about the "special agents" he has in the West.
On March ( 25th ) the Prem Ashram was formally established on Meherabad Hill.
April ( 1st ) Hazrat Babajan arrived by car to Meherabad. The car stopped in front of the girl's school bearing her name. It was very unusual for Babajan to travel. Baba observed her from afar. She later returned to Poona.
The next day ( 2nd ) Baba travelled to Poona and visited the Bund Gardens and went back to Meherabad.
Over a month later, May ( 8th ) Baba left for Poona at 4:30 with a few mandali. After Baba left, Babajan arrive in Meherabad, then left for Poona again. Their cars had passed each other twice.
A week later ( 15th ) Baba left to inspect new locations for an ashram, due to the heat in Meherabad. They drove to Sinhagarh, then drove to Bombay, sent Chanji to Navsari, while Baba went back to Meherabad the following day ( 17th ) AM. That same night, Baba went to Toka to inspect a plot of land, which was purchased the next day. Building started immediately.Toka is on the road to Aurangabad - 45 miles ( 72 kms) from Ahmednagar, on the confluence of the Swami Ramdas & Pravara Rivers. Baba went back to Meherabad.
Later, May ( 31st ) Baba visited Toka to inspect the work on the buildings.
On June ( 3rd ) Sunday at 3AM, Baba comes down Meherabad Hill with the boys from the ashram and the women. They were taken to Toka in 4 trolley trucks. Baba returned to Meherabad to pick the rest of the staff and men and took them as well to Toka.
Baba moves his base to Toka
June ( 30th ) Meredith Starr and his partner Margaret Ross and her sister Esther Ross arrive in Toka at noon. They stayed with Baba for about 6 months.
Aug.( 20th ) Baba left Toka at 7:30AM with 18 people to Ahmednagar, arriving at 9:30Am, later they went to Shendi village. They returned to Toka at 7PM.
On the Oct.( 3rd ) Baba went to Nasik with some men, visiting the Dastur High school, Gangapur Falls. He pointed out to the men the village and the cave that Upasni Maharaj spent some there. On the way to Nasik, Baba stopped at the Tomb of Bapu Saheb, a realized soul. As they were about to proceed another car passed them very slowly with Babajan seated in it. There were several more occassions in which this occurred between Baba and Babajan.
Two days later ( 5th ) Baba returned to Ahemnagar, then going to Toka - arriving at 11AM due to the heavy rains.
Later, on the ( 13 th ) Sadhu Christian Leik came to Toka. He was born in Russian provence of Estonia in 1870. He had met Meredith Starr that told him of Baba, whom he met the next day.
Ten days later ( 24th ), Baba with some of the boys and men went to Happy Valley, they stayed for 4 days
They returned ( 28th ) to Toka at night.
On Nov.( 1st ) Baba went to the village of Newasa for the day.
Much later on ( 18th ) finally agreed to leave the cold climate of Toka and resettle in Meherabad. Many of the boys were being sent back to their homes.
Baba moved back to Meherabad
A week later ( 26th ) Baba left Toka in Rustom's car to Meherabad.
Several days later ( 29th ) Baba came in Adi K Irani's car to Toka.He left with the women at 2PM for Meherabad. The demolition of the site was completed on Dec.( 4th ).
Kaka Baria moved ( 19th ) permanently from Bombay to stay at Meherabad with Baba.
On ( 22nd ) the Prem Ashram reopened on Meherabad Hill and the high school was renamed Hazrat Babajan English High school.
The Starrs & Esther went to Bombay on the ( Dec.29th ) and 4 days later they sailed back to England.
On Jan.( 15th ) Baba left Meherabad with 18 men and went to Akbar Press in Ahmednagar, staying for 2 days.
They left ( 17th ) by truck to Dhond arriving PM, staying in the open near the station.
The next day ( 18th ) they walked 8 miles ( 13 kms ) to the village of Patas, staying in a dak bungalow, then headed to Karad in the Satara district.
At dawn of ( 19th ) they walked 12 miles ( 19 kms ) to Rawangaon and rested at the dak bungalow. Baba had twisted his ankle and was in pain.
Midnight ( 20th ), they walked 11 miles ( 18 kms ) to Diksal and stayed at the dharmashala. Baba's ankle was not healing so they headed back to Ahmednagar, returning by train and truck.
Arrived in Ahmednagar ( 24th ) and to Meherabad on ( 27th ).
On Feb.( 5th ) Baba was driven to Kalemama's home in Dhulia, Adi K. Irani's new Chevolet car, with 6 others. They arrived at noon at the village of Malegaon on the way, arriving in Dhulia in the early evening. Baba spent the night at their home.
The next day ( 6th ) Adi drove the group to Yeola, Baba returned by train to Ahmednagar at midnight and then onto Meherabad.
On the ( 15th
) Baba explained some interesting things about the Sun & Earth
- [ LM page 1140 ]
The next day ( 16th ) Baba's parents arrived in advance to Baba's birthday celebrations the next day.
Later, ( 21st ) finally agreed to buy his first property in Arangaon for 500 rupees, which he had been renting.
Baba remarked on ( 24th ) about the difference between the genuine seeker C. Leik and Meredith Starr.
The next day ( 25th ) Baba and others set off on a walking trip to Happy Valley.They left at 7PM - Meherabad staying overnight at Akbar Press in Ahmednagar.
The walking continued ( 26th ) arriving at 10 after 17 miles ( 27 kms ).
On the ( 27th ) Baba took a few boys on a sightseeing trip to Manjor Suba Hill and other spots.
The next day ( 28th ) they returned to Meherabad at 6AM on a truck.
A month later - March ( 30th ) Baba went to Nasik to visit the women mandali and returned April ( 3rd ).
Later, ( 11th ), Baba walked to Ahmednagar to perform the opening ceremony of the new National High school and returned to Meherabad by truck.
On ( 22nd ), Baba went to Nasik for 3 days and returned to Meherabad.
In May ( 2nd ) the Prem Ashram was moved to Arangaon.
Later on the ( May 8th ) Baba left for Ahmednagar, staying the night at Akbar Press.
Baba continued ( 9th ) his trip to Nasik - meeting the women mandali when he arrived. Here he planned his next trip to the Himalayas.
Meherabad, MS, India - May 8th - Ahmednagar
Ahmednagar ( 9th ) to Nasik, MS
Nasik ( 10th ) took bus to Manmad travelled on the Delhi-Allahabad Express train Hardwar.
Reached Delhi ( 11th ) , the next day they continued to Hardwar.
Once there, Baba walked to the Ganges River and sat down. Almost immediately, they left for Rishikesh.
Arrived in Rishikesh and left on the same day by train to Quetta. Baba not well on journey.
Arrived at Rohri, staying a few days. Went to the Sukhua Barrage on the Indus River.
Rohri ( 17th ) took train to Quetta.
Quetta ( May 18th ) AM - arrived.
Departed Quetta ( 23rd ) by train for Bombay - taking 3 days, arriving Bombay the ( 26th ) AM.
Bombay ( 27th ) for Meherabad arriving the same day.
The journey travelled was 3,700 miles or just under 6,000 Kms in 18 days.
Meherabad - ( June 9th ) went to Nasik to visit the women mandali. Once there, went to the nearby Pandu Lakes - also visited Jain & a Lord Ram temple the next day ; then to Gangapur Waterfalls.
Nasik ( 11th ) - departed by train for Meherabad, arrived same day.
Arangaon ( 12th ) for a local marriage.
Meherabad - ( July 10th ) 2AM left for Ahmednagar, then to Nasik by 10.30AM - Pandu Lena Caves.
Dhulia - arrived ( July 12th ) 10.30.
Left Dhulia ( 15th ) by the newly built bus for Phalghat - arriving at 9PM, then onto Indore then to Bhopal.
Bhopal - arrived ( 16th ) noon. Left ( 18th ) for Guna arriving same day at night.
Reached Shivpuri ( 19th ), they went to see the nearby Sakhya Sagar Lake.
Later, they proceeded to Gwalior, arriving at 8:45PM, staying at the Park Hotel.
On the ( 20th ) they went to the local market and to the fort. They left at 2PM for Agra. Arrived in Agra at midnight. They stayed at the Empress Hotel.
On the ( 21st ) they toured the Fort and the Taj Mahal.
Departed Agra ( 22nd ) for Delhi via Aligarh. Lunch was had in the village of Hathras. Arrived Delhi same day at 9PM, stayed at the Raj Mahal Hotel.
On the ( 23rd ) they went on a sight-seeing tour of the old & new city - Kutub Minar, Red Fort,....
Left Delhi ( 24th ) - arriving in Ludhiana at night. Having travelled 191 miles ( 307 Kms ) in 8 hours.
The following day ( 25th ) they set off for Lahore - reaching Amritsar at 11AM. Baba viewed the Golden Temple from the outer part of the complex, he did not enter the shrine - they continued onto Lahore arriving at 6PM and stayed at a hotel.
The next day ( 26th ) they moved to another Lahore hotel - Empress Hotel
They left on the ( 27th ) for Rawalpindi - arriving at 9PM. They camped under a tree.
On the ( 28th ) they left for Kohala dak bungalow on the foothills of the Himilayas.
Next day ( 29th ) they continued onto the Jhelum River - then to Uri - arriving 6PM, staying at a bungalow.
They continued on their journey the next day ( 30th ) at 7:30AM - arriving at Srinigar at 12:20PM - they stayed in houseboats.
They proceeded ( 31st ) onto Islamabad ( Anatag ) & Acchibal - Pahadi Martand- a hill with a cave, no good.
The following day ( 1st Aug ) they went looking for a suitable cave for seclusion work near Lake Mansbal - the was not suitable, neither were the ones Nishat, Shalimar & Dal Lake.
On ( 2nd Aug ) they went to Harvan - 12 miles ( 19 Kms ) outside Srinigar, but came back to Srinigar, later.
Left Srinigar ( 3rd ) - arrived at 11AM at Harvan. Began building a hut so Baba could do seclusion work - they all stayed in cottages below the hut. It took several days to build it.
On ( 7th ) Baba entered the hut and went into seclusion for several days.Baba was wearing his Kamli coat - Baba revealed that Jesus was buried in a nearby cave.
On the ( 11th ) they all left at 8AM to go back Ahmednagar. When they left he removed the Kamli coat.
After 4 days, they arrived in Panipat ( 15th ) - camping at night, then camped on the outskirts 8 miles out of Agra the following night ( 16th ) .
They drove for 3 days and arrived in Dhulia ( 20th) at 9:30PM
The next day he went to Nasik.
On the ( 23rd ) they left for Malegaon at 3PM, then to Yeola.
They left Yeola on the ( 24th AM ) and arrived at the Ellora Caves at 3PM - staying only 15 mins then onto Jalna and then arrived at Aurangabad at night.
On the ( 25th ) - they left for Nasik, arriving at 9PM.
Left Nasik ( 27th ) for Meherabad, stopping in Rahuri. The arrived in Ahmenagar early night, had dinner - they then continued onto Meherabad.
Went on ( 2nd Sept ) to the village of Jamkhed about 60 miles ( 97 Kms ) then back again to Meherabad.
On the ( 3rd ), they left Meherabad and went to Bombay, staying in Byculla.
- Baba was taken to the Russell Studio and photos were taken.
Almost 2 weeks later, on the ( 16th ) they went to Nasik but returned to Bombay ( 17th ).
On the ( 20th ) Baba taken to Victoria Docks in Bombay and left on the SS Versova at 11PM for Persia.
Arrived ( 21st ) in Karachi at night.
Left Karachi ( 22nd ) and arrived at Mohammeral ( Khorramshahr ) Persia on the ( 26th ).
On ( 3rd Oct ) Baba & 13 others left for Isfahan ( Esfahan ), by a car & truck- arriving on the ( 15th ) - the truck broke down which was replaced with another. They arrived 2 days later - stayed at the Asre Talai Hotel.
They left Isfahan on the ( 22nd ) for Yezd, stopping briefly at Jafrabad
Arrived in Yezd ( 24th ) at night and stayed in an inn.
They continued their journey on the ( 27th ) to Mubarka then to Khooramshahr.
The left for Kerman ( 28th ) - arrived the next morning ( 29th ).
Proceeded on the ( 30th ) for Bam - arriving later that day.
On the ( 1st Nov. ) they left for Duzhah ( Zahedan ) by hired bus - which broke down in Fahrej - left on the ( 4th ) by another bus - reaching Duzdah at midnight ( 5th ).
On ( 10th Nov ) they left Duzduh by train for Quetta ( India, then ) - arriving at Spezand the next day.
- they changed trains at Rohri - reaching Lahore late at night ( 12th ).
They left Lahore ( 14th ) by train - arriving in Nasik ( 16th ).
The following day Baba went to the outskirts of Nasik to Tapovan - a forested area.
On ( Dec 1st ) Baba went for a drive to Nasik Railway Station & gave darshan to the staff.
Then on the ( 7th ) he went to Bombay - returning back to Nasik on the ( 10th ).
On the same day ( 15th ) Baba went to Kalemama and back to Nasik.
- Baba met 2 Germans on the ( 18th ) - [ Page 1260 LM ]
Baba on ( 20th ) then went to Ahmednagar then to Meherabad - returning on the ( 22nd ) to Nasik.
He then went on the ( 28th ) to Jawhar at 4PM for the day & back to Nasik.
( Feb 23rd ) - Baba & the men mandali went by car & bus, leaving at 6AM they went to Poona.
The reached ( 24th ) Kolhapur - staying in the forest in a bungalow.
The following day ( 25th ) he gave darshan at the High school, leaving at noon for Dharwar - same day.
The next day he proceeded to Belgaum - then Hubli.
They arrived in Madras, staying in Goschen ( March 2nd ) , leaving the next day for Bangalore ( 3rd ).
Arrived the ( 4th ) and left for Mysore on the ( 5th )
Left Mysore ( 6th ) and travelled through Javali and Horikan, leaving the next day for Mangalore, afternoon arrival.
Then left for for Hubli - arrived ( 9th ) haven driven through Mallur, Shimoga, Honnali & Harihar.
On the ( 10th March ) they reached Bijapur - staying for 2 days & then by train to Nasik - arriving the ( 12th ).
Later, on ( 21st ) Baba went to Sholapur - then left ( 23rd ) for Pandharpur, Panchgani, Satara, Wai & Nasik.
Arrived ( 25th ) in the afternoon.
Then on April ( 2nd ) they left Nasik at 4PM stopping at Sangamner, arriving in Meherabad ( 3rd ).
On the ( 9th ) Baba and 18 others left by bus for Panchgani - after arriving they visited the local High school.
The following day ( 10th ) they visited Tiger Valley then on the ( 12th ) they went to Kolhapur.
They arrived ( 13th ) at 10AM - they visited their local High school.
They left Kolhapur ( 15th ) at noon arriving at Panchgani the same day. They stayed 11 days.
On the ( 26th ) they all went to Bombay - visiting Elephanta Caves, Wilson Dam and Victoria Garden.
They returned ( 29th ) back to Panchgani. Staying 2 days.
On ( May 1st ) they went to Mahabaleshwar - visited the Hindi temple " Cow's Mouth ".
They on the ( 4th ) then went to Kolhapur, and leaving on the ( 7th ) for Panchgani.
Later on the ( May 13th ) they went by car to Poona and back to Panchgani the same day.
Baba went into seclusion on ( May 15th ) at 10PM in Tiger Valley.
On ( 26th ) Baba conclude his seclusion work and left for Poona then Meherabad - arriving at 9PM.
In the following month ( June 15th ) Baba went to Nasik - visiting the next day to Gangapur Falls - then to Deolali followed by Nasik.
On the ( 12th ) Baba left at noon for Meherabad - arriving by early night.
Then on ( 15th ) he left Meherabad by train at 6PM for Kashmir. First to Nasik then to Bombay.
The following day ( 16th ) they left in the afternoon by train for Delhi - reaching it the next day - stayed at the Maharaj Hotel.
On the ( 19th ) they left for Srinigar - arrived in Murree ( 20th ) staying 2 days , then travelled through - Domel, Garhi then Lahore.
Arrived in Srinigar on ( 23rd ). During the next 4 days, they visited the Government Gardens, polo grounds and Chashma Shahi Garden.
They left Srinigar ( 28th ) by taxi to Jammu at 7AM - travelling through Sialkot, Lahore, Amritsar & Lahore.
They arrived in Ahmednagar at noon on ( July 2nd ), then to Meherabad by horse tonga.
Later, ( July 14th ) Baba left for Nasik.
On ( Aug 20th ) Baba and 21 other males headed for Calcutta travelling through Bijapur - staying 3 days in Calcutta, then went back to Nagpur.
Arrived ( 24th ) in Nagpur. Later, left ( 29th ) to Kolhapur via Hyderabad.
- having arrived they stayed a week in a forest area of Tapovan, Baba gave dashan here and at Kolhapur High school.
Left Kolhapur ( Sept 7th ) and went to Bijapur staying there till the end of September, except for a day visit to Nasik & Poona.
Arrived in Nasik ( Oct 1st ) and returned to Bijapur on ( 17th ). Following day left for Nasik.
Then to Bombay ( 19th ) staying for 12 days, moving back to Meherabad on ( Nov.1st ).
On the ( 7th ) left for Lonavla, then to Nasik back to Lonavla and onto Meherabad on the ( 11th ).
On ( Nov.23rd ) Baba met author Paul Brunton while Baba was in seclusion which he concluded on ( 24th ).
He left for Meherabad on ( 27th ) .
They then left for Delhi on the ( Nov. 29th ), staying for 3 weeks and returned to Meherabad ( Dec 23rd ).
A week later ( Dec.30th ) went to Nasik.
On ( Jan.1st ) went to Bombay , returned to Meherabad ( 3rd ) and leaving for Nasik on ( 9th ).
Went back to Bombay on ( 15th ), then to Nasik ( 17th ) arriving at 2AM.
First Flight by Meher Baba took place at Deolali, India on ( Jan.
26th ), when a small plane was hired, 5 others also flew. This plane only had a pilot and carried one passenger at a
Brunton returned to Nasik in the 1st week of Feb. He left on the ( 8th.
On the ( 11th ) Baba went to Poona, then back to Nasik ( 13th ).
Baba performed an opening ceremony on ( 28th ) for Rustom's "Circle Cinema". Chaplin's "Shoulder Arms " headed the bill, another film also played.
Then on ( Apr.22nd ) they left for Kolhapur - Talegaon, then Bombay on ( 26th ) then to Lahore ( 28th ) .
Arrived in Karachi ( 29th ) travelling on the Frontier Mail train.
Left ( May 1st ) for Lahore then to Quetta - arriving ( 11th ).
Baba & 5 others left Quetta ( June 1st ) by train. Arrived at Duzdab ( now Zahedan ), Iran - 4 days later.
Left Duzdab ( 5th ) by car to Meshad, arriving at noon the following day ( 6th ). Spent several hours over 3 days inside the grand mosque - in seclusion. Baidul arrived in Mashad ( 18th ).
The following day ( 19th ) they drove back to Duzdab.
On ( 25th ) they left Duzdab by train for Quetta - staying 10 days, then took another train to Karachi.
Arrived in Karachi ( July 5th ), leaving after a long time on the ( 23rd ) by train to Chalisgaon - arrived ( 26th ) 7AM.
Then to Chandor by bus - arrived in Pimpalgaon on ( 27th ). Returned to Chandor that night and returned to Pimpalgaon the next day.
Left ( 30th ) for Chandor again, but then onto Manmad. They reached Kurnool via Secunderabad
Arrived Kurnool ( Aug.4th ) , later left on ( 8th ) by train for Karachi.
The train arrived in Karachi on ( 11th ) - Baba stayed here for a while. During this time he had to sign his name ( 25th ) in order to get a British passport. Baba said: " ...the British Empire will end".
- they booked births on a ship for his 1st trip to the West.
They left by train ( Aug.26th ) for Bombay - arriving ( 28th ).
1st Trip to the West
Baba sailed ( 29th ) on the S.S. Rajputana with Chanji, Agha Ali & Rustom.
- Baba's name on board was " MS Irani "
The ship docked in Port Said ( Sept 7th ), they spent half an hour walking on the shore.
On ( 8th ) Mahatma Gandhi came to Baba's cabin at 9PM. He also came the other 2 subsequent nights.
Arrived in Marseilles, France early hours of Friday ( 11th ) - stepping on European soil at 8AM. - they went to the Hotel Geneva to refresh - leaving at 1:30PM by train to London.
They arrived in Paris
( 12th ), - then to port of Boulogne, then ferry to Folkestone, UK. - arrived in Victoria
Station at 4:15PM. Gandhi was also on the same train
to Folkestone, but, was taken by car to London because of the
big reception he received.
England 1931
Baba stayed at Kitty Davy's parent house - 32 Russell Road Kensington. They took 2 taxis from the station - on the way they went past Buckingham Palace, etc.
On the following day ( 13th ) 7AM, they left for Combe Martin - 230 miles away near East Challacombe.
- they drove along the Great West Road and drove through - Slough, Reading, Newbury, Marlborough, Chippenham, Bath, Wells, Glastonbury, Bridgwater, Taunton and South Moton - the journey took 10 hours - arriving at 5PM- Stayed here for 11 days.
They left Combe Martin ( 24th ) taking the train back to London. Returning to the Davy's home.
The next day they toured London - Victoria & Albert Musuem, the Zoo at Regent's Park, Westminster Abbey, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, many trips on the subway - Oxford Circus, Piccadilly....
At night they went to Queen's Hall to hear a concert.
At the following night ( 26th ) they went to see a play at the London Coliseum.
On the ( 28th ) they went to the Persian Consulate to obtain travel documents, then visited Margaret Craske & Mabel Ryan's Ballet school. At night they all went to see a play called " Daddy Long Legs ".
Baba was taken ( 30th ) to the studio of a Japanese photographer - Imai. 6 portraits were taken.
The following day ( Oct.1st ) they went to the London Zoo. At night they went to the Piccadilly Theatre, at Piccadilly Circus to see a play called " Folly to be Wise ".
The next day ( 2nd ) they took a taxi driving around London, also to the American Consulate, where he signed his name with an "X" - then to the Ballet school, followed to by a visit to a home for the needy run by Kitty's mother - Helena.
At night Baba visited Gandhi at his invitation to where he was staying at Powis Road E3 - Kingsley Hall Community Centre ( Gandhi stayed here for 12 weeks ) - Baba returned later to the Davy's home.
Baba then left the next day ( 3rd ) for Istanbul via Dover - Calais - took the Orient Express, arrived in Milan ( 4th)
- they reached Istanbul on the ( 6th ) via Venice, Trieste, Belgrade and Sofia.
- Upon arriving in Istanbul they took a taxi to the Hotel Continental.
They visited on the ( 10th ) the Topkapi Palace Musuem and later the slums.
Later on ( 12th ) they booked passage at the Cook's World Travel office to America.
They left Istanbul ( 14th ) by train at 5:35PM for Milan, arriving the next day ( 15th ) at 5:30PM.
- they stayed at the Albergo Imperiale Hotel - staying for about 10 days.
On the ( 16th ) they visited the Certosa Cathedral and Monastery, - the Italian Alps ( 18th ),Lake Como ( 20th ).
They left Milan ( 25th ) on the 6:40 train -arrived in Genoa 2 hours later, staying at the Milano Terminus Hotel.
They boarded the S.S. Roma ( Oct.27th ) departing at 10PM, heading for New York via Naples.
U S A - East Coast 1931
Arrived in New York ( Nov.6th ) sailing past the Statue of Liberty. Docked at 2PM.They were taken by 2 cars to a retreat 40 miles ( 64 Kms) north along the Hudson River to a town called Croton-Harmon, on the Albany Post Road - staying 10 days.
On the ( 9th ) the first of the outside visitors came to visit Baba, including Norina, Elizabeth - first time.
They left ( 15th ) for Manhattan - Baba stayed at the Stokes' home at 88 Grove Street Greenwich Village.
Baba returned ( 17th ) to the Harmon retreat - he met Elizabeth Patterson for the first time there.
They left for Boston ( Nov.21st ) they drove there, staying at the Vendome Hotel. He was driven around the city for an hour and returned to the hotel at 11AM. He met several people there.
The following day ( 22nd ) he met many at the hotel, - Swami Paramananda, Thomas Watson, Dane Rudhyar.....
On the ( 23rd ) Baba was taken to Cath Gardner's 100 acre wooded estate called Greenfields in Hancock NH. - they returned to Boston in the afternoon.
He boarded the S.S. George Washington at 5PM taking a boat ride back to New York. Arrived ( 24th ) at 10AM - Baba stayed at the Astor Hotel on Broadway. Several people saw him there.
The next night ( 25th ) he was taken to see the Marx Brothers' film "Monkey Business" - later that day the photograper Arnold Genthe came to the hotel and photographed him.
Baba left ( 28th ) evening for Harmon retreat - arriving 11PM. One or two days later Baba was driven to Sing Sing Prison in Ossining, 5 miles away. The car drove around the prison once there. They then drove back to Harmon.
In the evening ( Dec.3rd ) a film producer Mr.Artkin met Baba about making a film - a working title "A Touch of Maya" suggested by Baba.
The following morning Friday ( 4th ) Baba left Harmon at 8AM and was driven to the Stokes' home in New York. - later Baba was driven around Wall Street. In his time in America, Baba met 350 people.
Baba left New York midnight ( 5th ) on the S.S. Bremen for France.
Return to France 1931
Landed at the port of The Havre ( 11th )- took the train to Paris - stayed at the Powers Hotel- 52 rue Franois.
The next night ( Dec.12th ) they all went to see a Charlie Chaplin film "City Lights".
The following day ( 13th ) they toured Paris - the Eiffel Tower ( group photo taken ), walked by the Seine River, Louvre Musuem, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame Cathedral,Gare du Lyons,Champs-Elysee.
Baba bought a new coat from Galleries Lafayette. That night they saw the film "Trader Horn".
On the ( 15th ) they went to Versailles in a Rolls Royce limo. They saw the Hall of Mirrors.
The next night ( 16th ) Baba left Paris for Marseilles at 6PM from Gare du Nord station.
The following morning ( 17th ) they arrived in Marseilles - they boarded the SS Narkunda. After breakfast they went to an old church on a hill overlooking the Mediterranean called Our Lady of the Sea - later they saw a French film "The Big House". Margaret Craske was sent back to Paris.
Their ship departed ( 18th ) Marseilles for India. Baba had taken the Paul Robeson records back with him.
They arrived in Bombay Friday ( Jan.1st 1932 ). Baba was met by many at the dock.
Baba stayed in Bombay for 2 weeks, staying at Kaka Baria's sister Banubai's apartment on Frere Road.
On the ( 3rd ) Baba visited Ganghi at his residence - Mani Bhawan late that night. This was the last physical meeting between the two and the following day Gandhi was arrested by the British and went to prison.
Baba moved ( 18th ) back to Nasik and stayed for a while.
On ( Feb.5th ) Baba performed the engagement ceremony for his brother Beheram and his 2nd cousin -Perin.
A couple weeks later ( 21st ) Baba went to Bombay by car.
A week later ( 29th ) he went to Baroda and then to Navsari on the ( March 1st ).
The next day( 2nd ) he left Navsari by train and arrived in Bombay at 7PM. Baba stayed at Kaka's sister's home.
On the ( 4th ) Baba went to Homi Vajifdar's home for lunch.
Two days later ( 6th ) he left Bombay for Nasik. Whilst here, Baba planned the next journeys - 6 men were to go
to China and wait for him there, whilst he took another 6 with himself to Europe.
They left Nasik ( 20th ) for Bombay at 10PM. Baba gave an interview to a reporter named Mills, from Associated Press.
2nd Trip to the West
Bombay, India - March 24th,1932 - departed by S.S. Conte Rosso
Venice - ( 4th April ) - Milan, Italy( 5th )
Paris, France ( 6th )
Dover, England - ( April 7th,1932
) - London - East Challacombe ( 17 - 24 April ) - London - departed ( 27th )
Paris, France - arrived the same day
Lugano, Switzerland - arrived ( April 28th ) - Madonna del Sasso & Mt.Generoso
Paris, France - ( May 8th ) - Boulogne
Dover,England - ( May 9th ) - London - departed ( May 13th ) by S.S. Bremen
New York, U S A - arrived ( May 19th
) - Harmon, NY ( 23rd
) - departed midnight ( 25th ) by train via
Albany,NY , Rochester, NY, Buffalo, NY, Erie, PA., Cleveland, Ohio.
Arrived in Chicago, Ill. ( 26th ) - Kansas City, Missouri ( 27th ) - El Paso, Texas ( 28th ) - Tucson, Arizona ( 28th )
Alhambra - Los Angeles, CA.,- ( May 29th ) - Hollywood - Santa Monica - Los Angeles - departed ( June 4th ) by S.S. Monterey
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA - arrived ( June 9th.)
( Rustom leaves alone on same ship for New Zealand - Australia - India. )
- Baba departs ( June 11th ) by S.S. Empress of Japan
Yokohama, Japan - arrived ( June 19th ) then to Kobe, Japan ( June 20th )
Shanghai, China - arrived ( June 22nd ) - Nanking ( 24th - 27th ) - Shanghai - departed ( 28th ) by S.S. Kaiser-i-Hind
Herbert Davy departs ( July 4th ) for Dairen
- Russia - Marseilles,France ]
Hong Kong - arrived ( July 1st ) then to Kowloon ( 2nd )
Singapore ( 6th ) -stayed 2 days
Penang, Malayasia ( July 9th )
Colombo, Ceylon ( Sri Lanka ) - arrived ( July 13th,) left same day by same ship
Bombay, India - arrived ( July 15th ) - Stayed 3 days
3rd Trip to the West
Bombay, India - departed ( July 18th ) by the S.S. Kaiser-i-Hind, 1932 - Aden - Port Said
Maiselles, France - arrived ( July 29th ) takes train via Genoa, Italy
Santa Margherita, Italy. Herbert Davy is sent to Assisi - ( Aug 1st )
Assisi ( 6th ) - Mt Subasio
Florence ( 8th ) - Monte Ceceri
Santa Margherita ( 8th ) - San Fruttuoso - Portofino Vetta - Portofino - Genoa - Milan - Venice ( Aug 17th ).
( Baba sent Herbert Davy to Warsaw, Poland ).
Venice, Italy - departed ( Aug 20th ) by RMS. Ausonia
Alexandria, Egypt ( Aug 23rd ) - then train to Cairo - Giza - Port Said - departed S.S. Victoria ( Aug 29th ).
Bombay, India - arrived ( Sept 5th.)
Nasik - Bombay - Nasik - Poona - Meherabad - Panchgani - Bombay
( Baba sent Norina & Quentin Todd to tour Germany & other countries to promote him )
4th Trip to the West
Bombay, India - departed ( Nov 21st, 1932 ) on the S.S.Conte Verde
( Rustom was sent to Los Angeles via China, he departed on ( Dec.2nd )
( Chanji was sent to China to stay with Herbert Davy in China, he left in late Dec. )
Venice - arrived Friday ( 2nd Dec.) then took the train to Paris.
Milan ( 4th )
Paris ( 6th , 6 am )
London ( 6th noon ) , left by train ( Dec 14th ).
Zurich ( 15th )
Genoa ( 16th ) , departed ( 17th ) by the S.S. Esperia
Alexandria, Egypt ( Dec.19th )
( Adi Jrn., Vishnu, & Jal were sent by train to Port Said and left for India on the RMS. Naldera )
Cairo ( 20th ) - Helwan ( 23rd ) - Sakkara ( 25th ) - Cairo ( 26th ) - Alexandria ( 29th ) - Cairo ( 31st )
Port Said , departed Jan.3rd 1933
Colombo, Ceylon [ Sri Lanka ] - ( 12th ) - Bandarawela - Colombo ( 27th ) - departed ( Jan.30th ) to India.
Madras to Bombay by train , arriving ( Feb.2nd ) - Nasik ( 6th ) -Bombay ( 10th ) - Meherabad - Bombay ( Mar.3rd )
- then to Bhor ( 5th ) - Kolhapur ( 6th ) - Nasik
( the Westerners had sailed on the S.S. Victoria from Genoa ( March 28th )
arriving in Bombay ( Apr.7th ).
- they then went to Nasik ( 9th ) - Bhandardara ( 10th ), then to Igatpuri by train ( April 12th ). - Agra ( 13th )
- then to Rawalpindi [ now in Pakistan ] ( 15th ) then by 3 cars to Murree, staying 3
- then took taxis to Srinagar ( 18th ) - Harvan - Mansbal Lake - Srinagar - leaving on ( April 24th ) by cars - Murree - Rawalpindi
- the same day, then took the train on ( 25th ) to Delhi ( 26th ) - Bombay ( 27th ).
The Westerners left the same day on the
RMS Britannic to Genoa,
5th Trip to the West
Bombay, India - departed ( June 12th 1933 ) on the S.S. Victoria
Aden ( 16th )
Genoa ( 23rd ), then by car to Portofino ( 28th )
Santa Margherita, Italy left by train to Rome
Rome - arrived ( July 7th ) - Vatican - St Peter's Basilica - Capitoline Hill - Forum - Colosseum - Lateran
Santa Margherita, Italy ( 9th ) - Portofino
Portofino , leaving ( 24th )
Genoa, leaving the same day on the S.S. Victoria
Bombay - arrived August 4th - then to Nasik the same day.
6th Trip to the West
Bombay, India - departed ( Sept 25th ) sailed on the M.V. Conte Verde
Brindisi, Italy ( Oct 5th )
Venice, Italy ( Oct 6th ) - then left by train to Milan, arriving the same night, short stop.
Paris, France ( 8th ) -stayed a day and took the train to Dover, England
Dover ( 9th ) - Baba driven to London, whilst the others went by train.
London - left by train ( Oct 22nd )
Dover - the same day to Calais, France, the by the Continental Express train to Paris
Paris - the same day ( 6 PM ) then by the Paris - Orleans Night Express to Spain.
Irun, Spain ( 23rd )
Avila, Spain - arriving at 6PM the same day.
Madrid ( 24th )
Barcelona, Spain ( 31st )
Marseilles, France ( Nov.2nd ) AM - departing at noon on the S.S.Viceroy of India
Aden, Yemen ( 12th )
Bombay, India ( Nov. 14th 1933 ) - then drove to Nasik the same day.
Nasik ( Nov.30th ) left for Meherabad
January - went to Panchgani for a day and also visited Arangaon, twice.
Meherabad ( Feb.16th ) left for Madras by train - arrived on the (17th ) , 5PM
Madras ( 19th ) departed by the Bombay Express train, back in Meherabad on the ( Feb.20th.)
Meherabad ( Apr.14th ) arriving same day in Nasik, then to Bombay ( 15th ).
Bombay ( Apr.17th ) 1:45PM left on the Madras Express train to Bangalore - arriving late the next night ( 18th.)
- toured the city also to Nandi Hills - Sultanpet. Departed ( 27th 2PM ) to the village of Kengeri.
Bangalore ( Apr.30th ) 8AM - arrived by taxi. Departed ( May 2nd ), arriving the next day in Meherabad.
3. 1940's :
4. 1950's :
5. 1960's :

Prepared by David Fenster, updated as of Sun, 15 Nov 2009
Year |
Month |
Day |
Description |
Early Years |
1894 |
Feb |
25 |
Born Sassoon Hospital, Poona |
1899 |
Attends Padamji Gujarati School, Poona |
1902 |
Sept |
01 |
Attends Dastur Girls School, Poona |
1902 |
Sept |
15 |
Jal born |
1903 |
Aug |
31 |
Attends Camp Government English School, Poona |
1908 |
June |
20 |
Beheram born |
1909 |
Jan |
04 |
Attends St. Vincent’s High School, Poona. Visits to Lonavla, Bombay during vacations |
1911 |
Dec |
Attends Deccan College, Poona |
Poona to Udwada, Navsari, Surat, Broach, Bombay, |
1913 |
May |
Embrace from Babajan |
1914 |
Kondhwa for 3 days & return to Poona Poona to Bombay stay at Jamshed’s |
1914 |
July |
10 |
Adi Jr. born |
1915 |
April |
Poona to Kedgaon. Contact Narayan Maharaj. Kedgaon to Bombay. Bombay to Aurangabad, Nagpur. Contacts Tajuddin Baba. Return to Poona. |
1916-17 |
Poona to Shirdi. Contacts Sai Baba. |
1916-17 |
Shirdi to Khandoba’s Temple. Contacts Upasni Maharaj. 2-day stay & return to Poona. |
1916-17 |
Visits Sakori once a month |
1916-17 |
Poona to Nargol for a few months |
1916-17 |
Poona to Calcutta for 3 months |
1916-17 |
To Lahore & return to Poona |
1916-17 |
Monthly visits to Sakori-Shirdi resumed |
1917 |
April |
Poona to Bombay. Meets Gustadji & returns |
1917 |
Oct |
Poona to Sakori-Shirdi & returns |
1918 |
Aug |
01 |
Kasba Peth Toddy Shop bought |
1918 |
Oct |
15 |
Sai Baba dies |
1918 |
Dec |
15 |
Mani born |
1919 |
Aug/Sep |
Visit Sakori - Belapur, Nagpur |
1919 |
Nov |
Poona to Sakori to Benares |
1920 |
Benares to Jagannath Puri, Kharagpur, Nagpur, Sakori, Poona |
1920 |
Poona to Sakori, Nasik, Gavalwadi, Sakori, Poona |
1920 |
Poona to Nasik. In a cave for 40 days |
1920 |
Name ‘MEHER BABA’ given. Return to Poona |
1921 |
Poona to Neral to Poona, Dhond, Manmad, Bombay |
1921 |
March |
20 |
Poona to Sakori |
1921 |
March |
21 |
Sakori to Nagpur to Poona |
1921 |
July |
Poona to Ahmednagar for program on 26 July |
1921 |
July |
Ahmednagar to Poona (After 7 days) |
1921 |
End July-Beg Aug |
Poona to Sakori for 6 months |
1922 |
Jan |
Sakori to Bombay |
1922 |
Jan |
23 |
Bombay to Mandwa |
1922 |
Jan |
26 |
Mandwa to Bombay |
1922 |
Jan |
27 |
Bombay to Poona |
1922 |
Feb |
18 |
Baba’s birthday |
1922 |
May |
09 |
Poona to Sakori |
1922 |
May |
19 |
Sakori to Poona |
Foot Journey To Bombay |
1922 |
May |
22 |
Poona to Chinchwad, Khind, Talegaon |
“ |
1922 |
May |
23 |
Talegaon to Kamshet |
“ |
1922 |
May |
24 |
Kamshet to Khandala |
“ |
1922 |
May |
25 |
Khandala to Khopoli to Chauk |
“ |
1922 |
May |
26 |
Chauk to Panvel |
“ |
1922 |
May |
27 |
Panvel to Mumbra to Bombay |
“ |
1922 |
June |
07 |
Manzil-e-Meem stay begins. |
“ |
1922 |
July |
28 |
Bombay to Sakori |
“ |
1922 |
July |
31 |
Sakori to Bombay |
“ |
1922 |
Aug |
26 |
Bombay to Borivli to Ghodbundar |
“ |
1922 |
Aug |
27 |
Return to Bombay |
“ |
1922 |
Sept |
11 |
Bombay by train |
“ |
1922 |
Sept |
12 |
Arrive Ajmer |
“ |
1922 |
Sept |
18 |
Ajmer to Pushkar. Leave by night train |
“ |
1922 |
Sept |
19 |
Arrive Bombay |
“ |
1922 |
Oct |
08 |
Visit to Juhu for a few days. Return to Bombay |
“ |
1922 |
Oct |
14 |
Leave Bombay |
“ |
1922 |
Oct |
15 |
Arrive Sakori to Ahmednagar |
“ |
1922 |
Oct |
16 |
Ahmednagar to Bombay |
“ |
1922 |
Oct |
17 |
Arrive Bombay |
“ |
1922 |
Oct |
30 |
Visit to Kalyan |
“ |
1922 |
Nov-Dec |
In Bombay, Manzil-e-Meem |
“ |
1923 |
Jan |
In Bombay, Manzil-e-Meem |
“ |
1923 |
Feb |
19 |
Baba’s birthday |
“ |
1923 |
April |
13 |
Visit to Kalyan |
“ |
1923 |
April |
19 |
Leave Bombay night on Raichur passenger train |
“ |
1923 |
April |
20 |
Arrive Poona & on to Ahmednagar |
Foot Journey To Bombay (end?) |
1923 |
April |
30 |
Ahmednagar to Happy Valley |
Quetta Trip 1923 |
1923 |
May |
25 |
Ahmednagar to Ankai, Manmad & on |
“ |
1923 |
May |
26 |
In train to Sanchi & on |
“ |
1923 |
May |
27 |
Arrive Agra |
“ |
1923 |
May |
28 |
Agra to Mathura |
“ |
1923 |
May |
29 |
Mathura to Delhi & on |
“ |
1923 |
May |
30 |
Arrive Bhatinda to Samasata & on |
“ |
1923 |
May |
31 |
Arrive Karachi |
“ |
1923 |
June |
04 |
Visit to Malir |
“ |
1923 |
June |
07 |
Leave Karachi by train |
“ |
1923 |
June |
08 |
Arrive Quetta via Sibi, Mach |
“ |
1923 |
June |
21 |
Visit to Urak |
“ |
1923 |
June |
25 |
Leave Quetta by train |
“ |
1923 |
June |
26 |
Change trains Hyderabad (Sind) to Marwar & on |
“ |
1923 |
June |
27 |
Arrive Ahmedabad |
“ |
1923 |
July |
01 |
Ahmedabad to Jetalpur to Barejadi |
“ |
1923 |
July |
02 |
Kaira to Mehmadabad & on by train |
“ |
1923 |
July |
03 |
Arrive Broach to Ankleshwar |
“ |
1923 |
July |
04 |
Ankleshwar to Surat |
“ |
1923 |
July |
05 |
Surat to Sachin to Navsari |
“ |
1923 |
July |
07 |
Navsari to Bombay to Nasik |
“ (end?) |
1923 |
July |
09 |
Nasik to Manmad, Ahmednagar, Meherabad |
1923 |
July |
12 |
Ahmednagar to Bombay 12.45 p.m.; arrive Manmad 5.30 p.m. depart 7:30 |
1923 |
July |
13 |
Arrive Bombay 4.30 a.m. |
1923 |
Aug |
16 |
Bombay to Lonavla |
1923 |
Aug |
22 |
Lonavla to Poona |
1923 |
Aug |
23 |
Poona to Lonavla to Poona |
1923 |
Aug |
27 |
Visit to Saswad |
1923 |
Aug |
30 |
Visit to Kirkee to Bombay |
1923 |
Sept |
03 |
Irani Mansion stay begins |
Walking trip to Sakori 1923 |
1923 |
Oct |
19 |
Bombay to Ghatkopar |
“ |
1923 |
Oct |
20 |
Ghatkopar to Mulund to Thana |
“ |
1923 |
Oct |
21 |
Thana to Kolshet, Bhiwandi, Padgha |
“ |
1923 |
Oct |
22 |
Padgha to Asangaon |
“ |
1923 |
Oct |
23 |
Asangaon to Shahapur to Khardi |
“ |
1923 |
Oct |
24 |
Khardi to Kasara |
“ |
1923 |
Oct |
25 |
Kasara to Igatpuri |
“ |
1923 |
Oct |
26 |
Igatpuri to Ghoti |
“ |
1923 |
Oct |
27 |
Ghoti to Bari, Bhandardara, Bari |
“ |
1923 |
Oct |
28 |
Bari to Rajur |
“ |
1923 |
Oct |
29 |
Rajur to Akola |
“ |
1923 |
Oct |
30 |
Akola to Sangamner to Nimbgaon Jali |
“ |
1923 |
Oct |
31 |
Nimbgaon Jali to Loni to Bableshwar |
“ |
1923 |
Nov |
01 |
Mandali sent to Sakori |
“ |
1923 |
Nov |
02 |
Bableshwar to Ahmednagar |
Karachi Trip |
1923 |
Nov |
11 |
Ahmednagar to Manmad & on |
“ |
1923 |
Nov |
12 |
In train to Jalgaon, Amalner; Arv. Surat 7.30 p.m., change trains & on at 10 p.m. |
“ |
1923 |
Nov |
13 |
Arv Ahmedabad earl morning; leave 8.50 a.m. on Delhi Mail, Marwar at 7 p.m. & on |
“ |
1923 |
Nov |
14 |
Arrive Hyderabad (Sind) 12.30 p.m. to Karachi, arv. 6.30 p.m., to Halt Ho Bungalow |
“ |
1923 |
Nov |
22 |
Karachi to Bombay by ship S.S. Vita |
“ |
1923 |
Nov |
23 |
On ship touch Kutch-Mandvi past Dwarka to Porbandar |
“ |
1923 |
Nov |
24 |
Arrive Bombay to Khandala to Lonavla |
“ |
1923 |
Nov |
29 |
Lonavla to Poona |
“ |
1923 |
Nov |
30 |
Poona to Sholapur |
“ |
1923 |
Nov |
31 |
Leaves Sholapur by train |
“ |
1923 |
Dec |
01 |
Arrive Dhond to Visapur to Akolner |
“ |
1923 |
Dec |
02 |
Akolner to Meherabad |
“ |
1923 |
Dec |
end |
Meherabad to Poona for 1-2 days & return to Meherabad |
“ |
1923 |
Dec |
31 |
Ahmednagar to Bombay Bharucha building stay begins |
1924 |
Jan |
In Bombay, Bharucha building |
1924 |
Feb |
12 |
Baba’s birthday |
Persia Trip |
1924 |
Feb |
22 |
Bombay to Karachi by ship S.S. Varela |
“ |
1924 |
Karachi to Bushire |
“ |
1924 |
Bushire by ship Baroja to Bandar Abbas, Bahrain, Lingeh, Henjam, Muscat & on |
“ |
1924 |
March |
2nd week |
Arrive Karachi |
“ |
1924 |
March |
13 ~ |
Karachi to Hyderabad (Sind), Lucknow, Raxaul, Maghar |
“ |
1924 |
March |
17~ |
Maghar to Kanpur |
“ |
1924 |
March |
18~ |
Kanpur to Itarsi |
“ |
1924 |
March |
24~ |
Itarsi to Meherabad |
1924 |
April |
Ghamela Yoga at Meherabad |
1924 |
May |
03 |
Visit to Happy Valley & return |
1924 |
May |
20 |
Upasni Maharaj’s birthday |
1924 |
May |
26 |
Meherabad to Toka to Aurangabad |
1924 |
May |
27 |
Aurangabad to Ghodegaon to Meherabad |
Quetta Trip |
1924 |
June |
02 |
Meherabad to Manmad, Deolali, Lahit, Igatpuri & on by train |
“ |
1924 |
June |
03 |
Arrive Bombay |
Quetta Trip |
1924 |
June |
06 |
Leave Bombay by train |
“ |
1924 |
June |
07 |
In Train to Ahmedabad, Marwar & on |
“ |
1924 |
June |
08 |
Arrive Hyderabad (Sind) & on |
“ |
1924 |
June |
09 |
To Sibi to Quetta |
“ |
1924 |
June |
14 |
Quetta to Sukkur |
“ |
1924 |
June |
15 |
Sukkur to Quetta |
“ |
1924 |
July |
16 |
Quetta to Mach & on by train |
“ |
1924 |
July |
17 |
Arrive Karachi. Visit Mungho Pir |
“ |
1924 |
July |
21 |
Leave Karachi by train |
“ |
1924 |
July |
25 |
Arrive Bombay |
All India Tour |
1924 |
Aug |
1 [?] |
Bombay to Poona |
1924 |
Aug |
2 |
Start from Poona approx noon by train |
“ |
1924 |
Aug |
03 |
Arrive Raichur to Madras, arv. 9.30 p.m. |
“ |
1924 |
Aug |
05 |
Madras to Mettupalaiyam |
“ |
1924 |
Aug |
06 |
Mettupalaiyam to Coty to Coonoor |
“ |
1924 |
Aug |
07 |
Coonoor to Kalla, Mettupalaiyam & on |
“ |
1924 |
Aug |
08 |
Arrive Madras |
“ |
1924 |
Aug |
09 |
Leave Madras by train |
“ |
1924 |
Aug |
10 |
In train |
“ |
1924 |
Aug |
11 |
Arrive Calcutta |
“ |
1924 |
Aug |
12 |
Visit to Dakshineshwar. Leave Calcutta |
“ |
1924 |
Aug |
13 |
In train to Mughal Sarai & on |
“ |
1924 |
Aug |
14 |
Arrive Hardwar. Visit Rishikesh, Laxman Zula |
“ |
1924 |
Aug |
15 |
Hardwar to Pathri |
“ |
1924 |
Aug |
16 |
Pathri to Laskar |
“ |
1924 |
Aug |
18 |
Laskar to Moradabad |
“ |
1924 |
Aug |
19 |
Moradabad to Lucknow & on |
“ |
1924 |
Aug |
20 |
In train to Jhansi and arrive Bhopal |
“ |
1924 |
Aug |
21 |
Leave Bhopal by train |
“ |
1924 |
Aug |
22 |
Arrive Ratlam and continue to Baroda |
“ |
1924 |
Aug |
24 |
Leave Baroda by train |
“ |
1924 |
Aug |
25 |
In train to Nagda, Ratlam, Ujjain, Mortakka to Mandhata |
“ |
1924 |
Aug |
26 |
Mandhata (Omkareshwar) & on |
“ |
1924 |
Aug |
27 |
Ratlam to Baroda |
“ |
1924 |
Aug |
28 |
Baroda to Pavagarh |
“ |
1924 |
Aug |
29 |
Pavagarh to Baroda |
“ |
1924 |
Aug |
30 |
Baroda to Broach |
“ |
1924 |
Sept |
09 |
Broach to Bombay |
“ |
1924 |
Sept |
14 |
Bombay to Poona, Londa, Castle Rock, Marmagao, Panjim |
“ |
1924 |
Sept |
19~ |
Panjim for 3 days & return to Bombay |
1924 |
Oct-Nov |
Frequent visits to Ahmednagar from Bombay |
1924 |
Nov |
18 |
At Meherabad. One week of silence |
1924 |
Dec |
1st week |
Meherabad to Bombay |
1924 |
Dec |
Bombay to Belgaum |
1924 |
Dec |
Belgaum to Bombay |
1925 |
Jan |
At Bharucha Building, Bombay |
1925 |
Jan |
11 |
At Bombay; writes to Ghani that he intends to come to Poona in a few days for a visit |
1925 |
Jan |
25 |
Bombay to Meherabad |
1925 |
Feb |
18 |
Baba’s birthday |
1925 |
March |
21 |
Meher Charitable Hospital opened |
1925 |
April |
14 |
Meherabad to Bombay ; leave Bombay on 17 April night |
1925 |
April |
18 |
Arrive Meherabad |
1925 |
April |
23~ |
Meherabad to Bombay |
1925 |
April |
24 |
Leave Bombay |
1925 |
April |
25 |
Arv. Meherabad |
1925 |
April |
30 |
Visit Dhond |
1925 |
May |
3 |
Meherabad to Bombay |
1925 |
May |
6 |
Arv. Meherabad [lft Bombay 5 night] |
1925 |
May |
22 |
Meherabad to Visapur; on to Talegaon |
1925 |
May |
24 |
Talegaon to Meherabad |
1925 |
June |
04 |
Meherabad to Bombay |
1925 |
June |
12 |
Arv. Meherabad |
1925 |
June |
17 |
Dahigaon, ten miles from Meherabad |
1925 |
June |
18 |
Meherabad to Poona |
1925 |
June |
19 |
Poona to Meherabad |
1925 |
July |
10 |
Silence begins |
1925 |
July |
13 |
Writing the book begins |
1925 |
Aug |
17 |
Tajuddin Baba dies |
1925 |
Sept |
04 |
Makan-e-Khas opened |
1925 |
Sept |
25 |
Upasni Serai opened |
1925 |
Nov |
10 |
First Dhuni lit |
1925 |
Dec |
At Meherabad |
1926 |
Jan |
At Meherabad |
1926 |
Feb |
18 |
Baba’s birthday |
1926 |
Feb |
27 |
Jamshed dies |
1926 |
May |
23 |
Visit to Rahuri |
1926 |
July |
30 |
Visit to Happy Valley |
1926 |
Aug |
29 |
Visit to Machi Bagh in Ahmednagar |
1926 |
Sept |
21 |
Visit to Walki |
1926 |
Oct |
04 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1926 |
Oct |
18 |
Visit to Bhingar |
1926 |
Oct |
26 |
Dismantling Meherabad buildings begins |
1926 |
Nov |
25 |
Meherabad to Lonavla by bus |
1926 |
Nov |
27 |
Visit Khandala |
1926 |
Nov |
29 |
Visit Talegaon |
1926 |
Dec |
05 |
Lonavla to Bombay, lv. 12.30p.m. train. Arv. 4.50 p.m. Stay at Santa Cruz |
1926 |
Dec |
24 |
Leave Bombay by train, via Manmad |
1926 |
Dec |
25 |
Arrive Meherabad |
1927 |
Jan |
At Meherabad |
1927 |
Jan |
02 |
Writing stopped |
1927 |
Jan |
05 |
Drive to Visapur, 1:30 – 3:45 p.m. |
1927 |
Jan |
07 |
Begins using alphabet board |
1927 |
Jan |
11 |
Visit to Ahmednagar, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. |
1927 |
Jan |
12 |
Meherabad to Poona to Meherabad, lv. 7 a.m. ret Meherabad 9:30 p.m. |
1927 |
Jan |
20 |
Visit to Pimpalgaon, return 7 p.m. |
1927 |
Feb |
01 |
Visit to Ahmednagar at night |
1927 |
Feb |
11 |
Visit to Akolner & Ahmednagar |
1927 |
Feb |
13 |
Visit Ahmednagar |
1927 |
Feb |
18 |
Baba’s birthday |
1927 |
Feb |
19 |
Visit Ahmednagar, Kaka Shahane’s |
1927 |
Feb |
25 |
Visit Ahmednagar, Kaka Shahane’s |
1927 |
March |
01 |
Hazrat Babajan High School opened |
1927 |
March |
10 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1927 |
March |
21 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1927 |
March |
27 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1927 |
March |
28 |
Visit to Ahmednagar, Kaka’s |
1927 |
March |
31 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1927 |
April |
6 |
Visit to Ahmednagar, Bapurao Talati’s residence |
1927 |
April |
8 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1927 |
April |
18 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1927 |
May |
01 |
Meher Ashram opened |
1927 |
May |
4 |
Visit Ahmednagar, Sherri village [34 miles away]; lv. 4 p.m. unclear if Baba changed his mind and sent mandali alone. Chanji 23v55 |
1927 |
May |
10 |
Visit to Ahmednagar? |
1927 |
May |
17 |
Visit to Rahuri, lv. 4:30 p.m., arv. 6:30 p.m.; ret. Meherabad 11 p.m. |
1927 |
May |
19 |
Visit to Ahmednagar morn, ret at 11 a.m. |
1927 |
May |
22 |
Visit to Ahmednagar, return to Meherabad arv 1:30 p.m. |
1927 |
May |
27 |
Visit to Ahmednagar, Shendi |
1927 |
June |
05 |
Meherabad to Aurangabad, Ellora Caves, Khuldabad & return to Meherabad |
1927 |
June |
10 |
Visit to Ahmednagar? |
1927 |
June |
22 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1927 |
June |
23 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1927 |
July |
02 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1927 |
July |
04 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1927 |
Aug |
10 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1927 |
Aug |
11 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1927 |
Aug |
12 |
Visit to Ahmednagar to Angal Pleader’s |
1927 |
Aug |
16 |
Stay in underground crypt begins |
1927 |
Aug |
21 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1927 |
Aug |
27 |
Visit to Nagar? |
1927 |
Sept |
01 |
Visit to Anna’s home, lv. 7.30 p.m. from Meherabad |
1927 |
Sept |
08 |
Visit to Nagar |
1927 |
Sept |
15 |
Visit to Ahmednagar, Bhingar, Camp area |
1927 |
Oct |
At Meherabad |
1927 |
Oct |
01 |
Visit to Nagar to Shankarnath’s carpentry workshop; ret at 9 a.m. |
1927 |
Oct |
25 |
Meherabad to Shoniwade Parsika-Mala, 2 miles away for picnic; evening to Ahmednagar, Khushru Quarters |
1927 |
Nov |
1 |
Ride with Adi Sr. in his Chevrolet to railway station |
1927 |
Nov |
15 |
Visit to Volkart Brothers premises [a business?] in Nagar |
1927 |
Nov |
27 |
Visit to Pimpalgaon Lake |
1927 |
Dec |
07 |
Visit to Nepti village |
1927 |
Dec |
19 |
Visit Ahmednagar, Raya Sakhare’s |
1928 |
Jan |
At Meherabad |
1928 |
Jan |
4 |
Visit Arangaon |
1928 |
Feb |
18 |
Baba’s Birthday |
1928 |
March |
06 |
Visit to Happy Valley |
1928 |
March |
10 |
Rustom sent to England |
1928 |
March |
25 |
Prem Ashram opened |
1928 |
April |
01 |
Babajan visits Meherabad |
1928 |
April |
02 |
Meherabad to Poona to Meherabad |
1928 |
May |
08 |
Visit to Poona |
1928 |
May |
15 |
Meherabad to Poona to Bombay |
1928 |
May |
17 |
Bombay to Meherabad to Toka to Meherabad |
1928 |
May |
25 |
Visit to Toka |
1928 |
May |
28 |
Visit to Toka |
1928 |
May |
31 |
Visit to Toka |
1928 |
June |
03 |
Ashram shifted from Meherabad to Toka |
1928 |
June |
30 |
Meredith Starr arrives |
1928 |
July |
At Toka |
1928 |
Aug |
20 |
Toka to Ahmednagar, Shinde to Toka |
1928 |
Oct |
03 |
Toka to Ahmednagar to Nasik |
1928 |
Oct |
05 |
Nasik to Ahmednagar to Toka |
1928 |
Oct |
06 |
Visit to Gangapur |
1928 |
Oct |
24 |
Toka to Happy Valley |
1928 |
Oct |
28 |
Happy Valley to Toka |
1928 |
Nov |
01 |
Visit to Newasa |
1928 |
Nov |
23 |
Visit to Raya Sakhare’s, Ahmednagar, with Vishnu |
1928 |
Nov |
26 |
Toka to Ahmednagar |
1928 |
Nov |
27 |
Ahmednagar to Meherabad |
1928 |
Nov |
29 |
Meherabad to Toka to Ahmednagar? to Meherabad |
1928 |
Dec |
At Meherabad |
1929 |
Jan |
At Meherabad |
1929 |
Jan |
04 |
Visit Arangaon |
1929 |
Jan |
13 |
Women Mandali shift to Nasik |
Diksal Dhulia Trips |
1929 |
Jan |
15 |
Meherabad to Ahmednagar |
“ |
1929 |
Jan |
17 |
Ahmednagar to Dhond |
““ |
1929 |
Jan |
18 |
Dhond to Patas |
““ |
1929 |
Jan |
19 |
Patas to Rawangaon |
““ |
1929 |
Jan |
21 |
Rawangaon to Diksal |
““ |
1929 |
Jan |
24 |
Diksal to Ahmednagar |
““ |
1929 |
Jan |
27 |
Ahmednagar to Meherabad |
““ |
1929 |
Feb |
05 |
Meherabad to Malegaon to Dhulia |
““ |
1929 |
Feb |
06 |
Dhulia to Yeola & on |
““ |
1929 |
Feb |
07 |
Arrive at Meherabad |
“ |
1929 |
Feb |
17 |
Baba’s birthday |
1929 |
Feb |
25 |
Meherabad to Ahmednagar |
1929 |
Feb |
26 |
Ahmednagar to Happy Valley |
1929 |
Feb |
28 |
Happy Valley to Meherabad |
1929 |
March |
30 |
Meherabad to Nasik |
1929 |
April |
03 |
Nasik to Meherabad |
1929 |
April |
11 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1929 |
April |
17 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1929 |
April |
19 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1929 |
April |
22 |
Meherabad to Nasik |
1929 |
April |
25 |
Nasik to Meherabad |
1929 |
April |
30 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
Rishikesh Trip |
1929 |
May |
08 |
Meherabad to Ahmednagar |
1929 |
May |
09 |
Ahmednagar to Nasik |
““ |
1929 |
May |
10 |
Nasik to Manmad, Khandwa & on |
““ |
1929 |
May |
11 |
Arrive Delhi |
““ |
1929 |
May |
12 |
Delhi to Hardwar |
““ |
1929 |
May |
13 |
Hardwar to Rishikesh |
““ |
1929 |
May |
14 |
Rishikesh to Dehra Dun to Rishikesh |
““ |
1929 |
May |
15 |
Leave Rishikesh by train |
““ |
1929 |
May |
16 |
Arrive Lahore & on to Rohri, via Lahore-Karachi Express, via Khanewal, Multan |
““ |
1929 |
May |
17 |
Rohri to Sukkur & on |
““ |
1929 |
May |
18 |
Arrive Quetta |
1929 |
May |
19 |
Visit to Urak |
““ |
1929 |
May |
23 |
Leave Quetta by train |
““ |
1929 |
May |
24 |
Sind, Shikrapur, Sukkur, Rohri |
““ |
1929 |
May |
25 |
Marwar & on |
““ |
1929 |
May |
26 |
Arrive Bombay & continue to Kalyan |
““ |
1929 |
May |
27 |
Arrive Manmad; & on to Ahmednagar; darshan at Akbar press before going to Meherabad |
“ |
1929 |
May |
31 |
Visit Ahmednagar |
1929 |
June |
09 |
Meherabad to Nasik via Sangamner |
1929 |
June |
11 |
Lv. Nasik 11 a.m. train to Meherabad |
1929 |
June |
14 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1929 |
June |
26 |
Meherabad to Nasik |
1929 |
June |
28 |
Nasik to Meherabad, arv. 11 a.m. |
Kashmir Trip |
1929 |
July |
10 |
Meherabad to Nasik; visit Pandu Lena Caves |
1929 |
July |
11 |
Visit Gangapur Falls; Nasik to Chandor |
““ |
1929 |
July |
12 |
Chandor to Dhulia |
““ |
1929 |
July |
15 |
Dhulia to Phalghat |
““ |
1929 |
July |
16 |
Phalghat to Palsner, In Hew, Indore |
““ |
1929 |
July |
17 |
Indore to Dewas to Bhopal |
““ |
1929 |
July |
18 |
Bhopal to Guna |
““ |
1929 |
July |
19 |
lv. Guna 11:24 a.m.; arv. Shivpuri 1:15 p.m., to Gwalior |
““ |
1929 |
July |
20 |
Gwalior to Bharatpur to Agra |
““ |
1929 |
July |
22 |
Agra to Hathras, Aligarh, Delhi |
““ |
1929 |
July |
23 |
Sightseeing in Delhi |
““ |
1929 |
July |
24 |
Delhi to Bahadurgarh, Panipat, Karnal, Ambala, Sirhind, Khanna to Ludhiana |
““ |
1929 |
July |
25 |
Ludhiana to Jullundur, Ferozapur, Amritsar to Lahore |
““ |
1929 |
July |
27 |
Lahore to Wazirabad, Jhelum, Rawalpindi |
““ |
1929 |
July |
28 |
Rawalpindi to Murree to Kohala |
““ |
1929 |
July |
29 |
Kohala to Domel to Uri |
““ |
1929 |
July |
30 |
Uri to Rampur to Srinagar |
““ |
1929 |
July |
31 |
Srinagar to Islamabad (Anantag), Martand, Achhibal & return to Srinagar |
““ |
1929 |
Aug |
1 |
Srinagar to Mansbal Lake, Nishat, Shalimar, Harvan |
““ |
1929 |
Aug |
2 |
Visit Harvan |
““ |
1929 |
Aug |
3 |
Srinagar to Harvan |
““ |
1929 |
Aug |
11 |
Harvan to Srinagar to Munda, Banihal |
““ |
1929 |
Aug |
12 |
Banihal to Batoti to Udampur |
““ |
1929 |
Aug |
13 |
Udampur to Jammu, Sialkot, Wazirabad, Lahore [Empress Hotel] |
““ |
1929 |
Aug |
14 |
Lahore to Ludhiana, Rajpura, Ambala. Arrive Karnal late at night. |
““ |
1929 |
Aug |
15 |
Karnal to Panipat, Delhi, Aligarh, Samami |
“ |
1929 |
Aug |
16 |
Samami to Hathras, Agra, Dholpur, Gwalior, Shivpuri |
1929 |
Aug |
17 |
Shivpuri to Kolaras, Guna, Biaora, Pachor |
““ |
1929 |
Aug |
18 |
Pachor to Sarangpur, Indore, Mhow, Nimrani |
““ |
1929 |
Aug |
19 |
Nimrani to Phalgat, Shirpur, Tapti River |
““ |
1929 |
Aug |
20 |
Tapti to Dhulia |
”“ |
1929 |
Aug |
23 |
Dhulia to Malegaon, Manmad, Yeola |
“” |
1929 |
Aug |
24 |
Yeola to Ellora, Aurangabad, Khuldabad, Daulatabad, Jalna |
““ |
1929 |
Aug |
25 |
Jalna to Aurangabad, Yeola, Manmad, Nasik |
“ |
1929 |
Aug |
27 |
Nasik to Ahmednagar, Akbar Press, Meherabad |
1929 |
Sept |
2 |
Visit to Jamkhed village |
1929 |
Sept |
3 |
Meherabad to Bombay |
1929 |
Sept |
7 |
Visit Mazagaon, Bhandarwada water reservoir |
1929 |
Sept |
9 |
Shift to Kandivli |
1929 |
Sept |
16 |
Visit Mount Poinsur (Mandapeshwar caves) near Borivli; Bombay to Nasik |
1929 |
Sept |
17 |
Nasik to Kandivli |
1929 |
Sept |
19 |
Kandivli to Bombay |
Persia Trip |
1929 |
Sept |
20 |
Leave Bombay by ship S. S. Versova |
1929 |
Sept |
21 |
Arrive Karachi |
“” |
1929 |
Sept |
22 |
Leave Karachi by ship |
““ |
1929 |
Sept |
25 |
Arrive Bushire & on |
““ |
1929 |
Sept |
26 |
Arrive Abadan to Mohammerah (Khorramshahr) |
Baba’s Journey“ |
1929 |
Oct |
3 |
Mohammerah to Dezful to Jaidar |
1929 |
Oct |
4 |
Jaidar to Muroni |
““ |
1929 |
Oct |
5 |
Muroni to Mamulan |
““ |
1929 |
Oct |
6-14 |
En route by bus (see mandali’s journey) |
““ |
1929 |
Oct |
15 |
Arrive Isfahan |
Mandali’s Journey“ |
1929 |
Oct |
3 |
Mohammerah to Dezful |
1929 |
Oct |
4 |
Dezful to Jaidar & on |
““ |
1929 |
Oct |
6 |
Arrive Muroni |
““ |
1929 |
Oct |
7 |
Muroni to Mamulan |
““ |
1929 |
Oct |
8 |
Mamulan to Khorramabad |
““ |
1929 |
Oct |
10 |
Leave Khorramabad by bus |
““ |
1929 |
Oct |
12 |
Arrive Burujird |
““ |
1929 |
Oct |
13 |
Arrive Malayer (Daulatabad) |
““ |
1929 |
Oct |
15 |
Malayer to Irak |
““ |
1929 |
Oct |
16 |
Arrive Qom |
““ |
1929 |
Oct |
17 |
Arrive Isfahan |
Persia Trip [cont] |
1929 |
Oct |
22 |
Isfahan to Djolfa to Yezd |
1929 |
Oct |
25 |
Visit to Jafrabad |
““ |
1929 |
Oct |
26 |
Visit to Jafrabad |
““ |
1929 |
Oct |
27 |
Visit to Mubarka, Khooramshahr |
““ |
1929 |
Oct |
28 |
Yezd to Behramabad |
““ |
1929 |
Oct |
29 |
Behramabad to Kerman to Mahun |
““ |
1929 |
Oct |
30 |
Mahun to Baam |
““ |
1929 |
Nov |
1 |
Leave Baam. Stranded in the desert. |
““ |
1929 |
Nov |
2 |
Arrive Fahrej. |
““ |
1929 |
Nov |
4 |
Fahrej to Shurgaz |
““ |
1929 |
Nov |
5 |
Shurgaz to Nasratabad to Duzdab |
““ |
1929 |
Nov |
10 |
Leave Duzdab by train |
““ |
1929 |
Nov |
11 |
Arrive Quetta & continue |
““ |
1929 |
Nov |
12 |
Arrive Lahore via Rohri |
““ |
1929 |
Nov |
14 |
Lahore to Ludhiana, Ambala, Delhi, Agra & on |
““ |
1929 |
Nov |
15 |
To Jhansi, Bhopal, Khandwa & on |
““ |
1929 |
Nov |
16 |
Arrive Nasik |
“ |
1929 |
Nov |
28 |
Nasik to Ahmednagar to Meherabad |
1929 |
Nov |
29 |
Ahmednagar to Meherabad to Nasik |
1929 |
Dec |
1 |
Nasik to Deolali to Nasik |
1929 |
Dec |
7 |
Nasik to Bombay |
1929 |
Dec |
10 |
Bombay to Nasik |
1929 |
Dec |
14 |
Nasik to Dhulia to Nasik |
1929 |
Dec |
20 |
Nasik to Meherabad |
1929 |
Dec |
22 |
Meherabad to Nasik |
1929 |
Dec |
28 |
Nasik to Ghoti to Jawhar |
1929 |
Dec |
29 |
Jawhar to Dahanu to Nasik |
1930 |
Jan |
In seclusion in Nasik |
1930 |
Jan |
30 |
Nasik to Ahmednagar via Sangamner |
1930 |
Jan |
31 |
Akbar Press to Meherabad |
1930 |
Feb |
1 |
Meherabad to Ahmednagar, Kolhar, Sangamner, Nasik |
1930 |
Feb |
17 |
Baba’s birthday |
1930 |
Feb |
19 |
Visit Pandu Lena Caves |
1930 |
Feb |
20 |
Visit Gangapur Falls |
South India Tour |
1930 |
Feb |
23 |
Nasik to Ahmednagar to Poona |
“ |
1930 |
Feb |
24 |
Poona to Satara to Kolhapur to Tapovan |
““ |
1930 |
Feb |
25 |
Kolhapur to Belgaum, Nipani, Dharwar |
““ |
1930 |
Feb |
26 |
Dharwar to Hubli, Haveri, Harihar, Davangere |
““ |
1930 |
Feb |
27 |
Davangere to Chitradurga, Sira, Tumkur, Bangalore |
““ |
1930 |
Feb |
28 |
Bangalore to Ranipet to Arcot |
““ |
1930 |
March |
1 |
Arcot to Kanchipuram to Madras |
““ |
1930 |
March |
3 |
Madras to Poonamallee to Chittoor |
““ |
1930 |
March |
4 |
Chittoor to Palmaner, Bangalore, Mysore |
““ |
1930 |
March |
5 |
Mysore to French Rock, Hassan, Mudigere |
““ |
1930 |
March |
6 |
Mudigere to Horikan via Javali |
““ |
1930 |
March |
7 |
lv. Horikan 1:30 p.m. to Javali to Mangalore |
““ |
1930 |
March |
8 |
Mangalore to Karkal, Agumbe Ghat, Tirthahalli, Mallur |
““ |
1930 |
March |
9 |
Mallur to Mandaggada, Shimoga, Honnali, Harihar, Ranibennur, Hubli |
““ |
1930 |
March |
10 |
Hubli to Dharwar, Manoli, Nargund, Kerur, Bijapur |
““ |
1930 |
March |
11 |
Bijapur to Horti, Sholapur, Dhond |
““ |
1930 |
March |
12 |
Dhond to Ahmednagar, Manmad, Nasik |
“ |
1930 |
March |
21 |
Nasik to Ahmednagar, Dhond, Diksal |
1930 |
March |
22 |
Diksal to Sholapur |
1930 |
March |
23 |
Sholapur to Pandharpur, Satara, Wai, Panchgani |
1930 |
March |
24 |
Panchgani to Poona to Ahmednagar |
1930 |
March |
25 |
Ahmednagar to Kopargaon, Manmad, Nasik |
1930 |
April |
2 |
Nasik to Sangamner to Ahmednagar |
1930 |
April |
3 |
Ahmednagar to Meherabad |
1930 |
April |
9 |
Meherabad to Ahmednagar, Poona, Panchgani |
1930 |
April |
10 |
Visit to Tiger Valley |
1930 |
April |
12 |
lv. Panchgani 11 a.m. to Wai, Karad, Kolhapur |
1930 |
April |
15 |
Kolhapur to Satara to Panchgani |
1930 |
April |
26 |
Panchgani to Bombay |
1930 |
April |
29 |
Bombay to Panchgani |
1930 |
April |
30 |
Panchgani to Mahabaleshwar to Panchgani |
1930 |
May |
1 |
Panchgani to Mahabaleshwar to Panchgani |
1930 |
May |
4 |
Panchgani to Kolhapur |
1930 |
May |
6 |
Kolhapur to Panchgani, arv. 5 p.m. |
1930 |
May |
9 |
Panchgani to Mahabaleshwar, morning, to Panchgani |
1930 |
May |
13 or 14 |
Panchgani to Poona to Panchgani |
1930 |
May |
15 |
Seclusion in Tiger Valley Cave begins |
1930 |
May |
26 |
Panchgani to Wai, Poona; arv. 5 p.m., lv. 5.40, arv. Meherabad 9 pm |
1930 |
May |
28 |
Meherabad to Ahmednagar, Akbar Press |
1930 |
May |
29 |
Visit Kaka Shahane’s, Ahmednagar |
1930 |
June |
11 |
Meherabad to Nasik |
1930 |
June |
12 |
Nasik to Gangapur Falls, Deolali, Nasik, Meherabad |
Kashmir Tour |
1930 |
June |
15 |
Meherabad to Nasik & on |
1930 |
June |
16 |
Arrive Bombay to Palghar, Sanjan, Pardi, Baroda, Bhopal, Jhansi, Agra & on |
““ |
1930 |
June |
17 |
Arrive Delhi |
““ |
1930 |
June |
19 |
lv. Delhi by train to Amritsar, Lahore, Rawalpindi and on |
““ |
1930 |
June |
20 |
Arrive Murree |
““ |
1930 |
June |
22 |
Murree to Kohala to Domel to Garhi |
““ |
1930 |
June |
23 |
Garhi to Srinagar |
““ |
1930 |
June |
28 |
Srinagar to Banihal to Udhampur |
““ |
1930 |
June |
29 |
Udhampur to Jammu, Sialkot, Wazirabad, Lahore, Amritsar, Saharanpur |
““ |
1930 |
June |
30 |
Saharanpur to Lucknow & on |
““ |
1930 |
July |
1 |
Jhansi to Bina, Bhopal, Itarsi, Khandwa, Bhusawal, Manmad |
““ |
1930 |
July |
2 |
Manmad to Ahmednagar to Meherabad |
“ |
1930 |
July |
14 |
Meherabad to Nasik |
Calcutta - Nagpur Trip |
1930 |
Aug |
20 |
Nasik to Calcutta |
1930 |
Aug |
23 |
At Calcutta |
““ |
1930 |
Aug |
24 |
Arrive Nagpur |
““ |
1930 |
Aug |
29 |
Nagpur to Hyderabad to Kolhapur |
““ |
1930 |
Sept |
7 |
Kolhapur to Bijapur |
““ |
1930 |
Sept |
Staying at Bijapur |
““ |
1930 |
Sept |
Bijapur to Poona, Nasik to Bijapur |
““ |
1930 |
Oct |
1 |
Bijapur to Nasik |
““ |
1930 |
Oct |
5 |
Nasik to Bijapur |
“ |
1930 |
Oct |
18 |
Bijapur to Nasik |
1930 |
Oct |
19 |
Nasik to Bombay |
1930 |
Nov |
1 |
Bombay to Meherabad |
1930 |
Nov |
7 |
Meherabad to Lonavla |
1930 |
Nov |
10 |
Lonavla to Nasik |
1930 |
Nov |
11 |
Nasik to Meherabad |
1930 |
Nov |
15 - 25 |
In seclusion in Panchvati Cave |
1930 |
Nov |
26 |
Meherabad to Nasik |
1930 |
Nov |
27 |
Nasik to Meherabad |
1930 |
Nov |
29 |
Meherabad to Delhi |
1930 |
Dec |
23 |
Delhi to Meherabad |
1930 |
Dec |
30 |
Meherabad to Nasik |
1931 |
Jan |
? |
Nasik to Meherabad |
1931 |
Jan |
4 |
At Meherabad |
1931 |
Jan |
9 |
Meherabad to Nasik |
1931 |
Jan |
15 |
Nasik to Bombay |
1931 |
Jan |
17 |
Leave Bombay 10 p.m. |
1931 |
Jan |
18 |
Arrive Nasik 2 a.m. |
1931 |
Feb |
2 |
Nasik to Bombay |
1931 |
Feb |
5 |
Bombay to Nasik |
1931 |
Feb |
11 |
Nasik to Poona |
1931 |
Feb |
13 |
Poona to Nasik |
1931 |
Feb |
17 |
Baba’s Birthday |
1931 |
Feb - March |
In Nasik most of the time. Few trips to Bombay |
1931 |
April |
14 |
Nasik to Bombay |
1931 |
April |
18 |
Bombay to Nasik |
Persia Trip |
1931 |
April |
22 |
Nasik to Kalyan 3 a.m., then to Poona, arv. 11.30 a.m. |
1931 |
April |
24 |
Poona to Talegaon by car |
““ |
1931 |
April |
25 |
Talegaon to Bombay via Poona Mail train |
““ |
1931 |
April |
26 |
Leave Bombay by train |
““ |
1931 |
April |
27 |
En route Mathura, Delhi, Ambala, Jullunder. Arrive Lahore 10 p.m. |
““ |
1931 |
April |
28 |
Leave Lahore morning Karachi Mail |
““ |
1931 |
April |
29 |
Arrive Karachi |
““ |
1931 |
April |
30 |
Visit Manora |
““ |
1931 |
May |
1 |
Leave Karachi |
““ |
1931 |
May |
2 |
Arrive Lahore |
““ |
1931 |
May |
11 |
Lahore to Quetta |
1931 |
May |
23 |
Visit Urak |
““ |
1931 |
June |
1 |
Leave Quetta |
““ |
1931 |
June |
2 |
Arrive Mirjawa on to Duzdab, arv. at 3 p.m. |
““ |
1931 |
June |
4 |
Leave Duzdab by car |
““ |
1931 |
June |
5 |
Arrive Birjand 10 a.m., start again at 4 p.m. |
““ |
1931 |
June |
6 |
Arrive Meshed noon |
““ |
1931 |
June |
18 |
Leave Meshed |
““ |
1931 |
June |
19 |
En route Kayan, Gurabad, Birjand |
““ |
1931 |
June |
20 |
Arrive Duzdab |
““ |
1931 |
June |
25 |
Leave Duzdab 11:45 a.m. to Mirjawa & on |
““ |
1931 |
July |
5 |
Quetta to Karachi |
““ |
1931 |
July |
23 |
Leave Karachi |
““ |
1931 |
July |
24 |
Arrive Rohri, Lahore & on |
““ |
1931 |
July |
25 |
Enroute Delhi, Itarsi |
““ |
1931 |
July |
26 |
Arrive Chalisgaon 7 a.m. to Chander, Pimpalgaon Baswant |
“ |
1931 |
July |
30 |
Chandor to Manmad, arv. 10 a.m. |
1931 |
Aug |
1 |
Manmad to Secunderabad |
1931 |
Aug |
3 |
Secunderabad to Kurnool |
1931 |
Aug |
8 |
Leave Kurnool by Punjab Mail 8:30 p.m. |
1931 |
Aug |
9 |
Enroute Manmad to Delhi & on |
1931 |
Aug |
10 |
Arrive Lahore & on to Karachi |
1931 |
Aug |
26 |
Leave Karachi by Quetta Mail train |
1931 |
Aug |
28 |
Arrive Bombay |
First Trip to the West |
1931 |
Aug |
29 |
Left Bombay on S.S. Rajputana |
1931 |
Sept |
3 |
Arv. Aden 4 a.m. & sail onwards at 9 a.m. |
““ |
1931 |
Sept |
6 |
Suez Canal |
““ |
1931 |
Sept |
7 |
Port Said |
““ |
1931 |
Sept |
8 |
Baba and Gandhi meet on ship |
““ |
1931 |
Sept |
9 |
Pass Messina |
““ |
1931 |
Sept |
10 |
Cross Strait of Bonifacio 2:15 p.m. |
““ |
1931 |
Sept |
11 |
Arrive Marseilles. By train to Lyons & on. |
““ |
1931 |
Sept |
12 |
Arrive Paris to Boulogne to Folkestone to London |
““ |
1931 |
Sept |
13 |
London to Devonshire Retreat via Slough, Reading, Newbury, Marlborough, Chippenham, Bath, Wells, Glastonbury, Bridgewater, Taunton, South Molton, East Challacombe |
““ |
1931 |
Sept |
21 |
Babajan drops her body in Poona |
““ |
1931 |
Sept |
24 |
Combe Martin to London |
““ |
1931 |
Oct |
3 |
London to Dover to Calais to Paris. Onward by train. |
““ |
1931 |
Oct |
4 |
Milan to Venice to Trieste & on |
““ |
1931 |
Oct |
5 |
Belgrade to Sofia & on |
““ |
1931 |
Oct |
6 |
Arrive Istanbul |
““ |
1931 |
Oct |
14 |
Leave Istanbul by train |
““ |
1931 |
Oct |
15 |
To Sofia, Belgrade & on |
““ |
1931 |
Oct |
16 |
Arrive Milan |
1931 |
Oct |
18 |
Trip to Varese in the Alps |
1931 |
Oct |
20 |
Trip to Lake Como |
““ |
1931 |
Oct |
25 |
Milan to Genoa |
““ |
1931 |
Oct |
27 |
Sail on Roma. Touch Nice in the afternoon |
““ |
1931 |
Oct |
28 |
To Naples & on. |
““ |
1931 |
Oct |
30 |
Touch Gibraltar & continue |
1931 |
Nov |
1 |
Pass Cape St. Vincent, Azores Islands |
““ |
1931 |
Nov |
6 |
Arrive New York City to Harmon |
1931 |
Nov |
15 |
Driven to New York City |
1931 |
Nov |
17 |
Return to Harmon |
““ |
1931 |
Nov |
21 |
Harmon to Boston |
““ |
1931 |
Nov |
23 |
Boston to Hancock to Boston. By ship SS George Washington to New York City. |
““ |
1931 |
Nov |
28 |
New York to Harmon |
““ |
1931 |
Dec |
4 |
Harmon to New York City |
““ |
1931 |
Dec |
5/6 |
Sail on Bremen |
““ |
1931 |
Dec |
11 |
Arrive Havre to Paris |
““ |
1931 |
Dec |
16 night |
Paris to Marseilles |
““ |
1931 |
Dec |
18 |
Sail on Narkunda |
““ |
1931 |
Dec |
23 |
Port Said & on |
“ |
1932 |
Jan |
1 |
Arrive Bombay |
1932 |
Jan |
18 |
Bombay to Nasik |
1932 |
Feb |
3 |
Nasik to Bombay |
1932 |
Feb |
4 |
Bombay to Nasik |
1932 |
Feb |
14 |
Nasik to Bombay |
1932 |
Feb |
15 |
Bombay to Nasik |
1932 |
Feb |
17 |
Birthday celebrations in Nasik |
1932 |
Feb |
21 |
Nasik to Bombay |
1932 |
Feb |
29 |
Bombay to Baroda [According to Beheram’s diary, Baba left Bombay on 26 February and stayed in Baroda for three days.] |
1932 |
March |
1 |
Baroda to Navsari |
1932 |
March |
2 |
Arrive Bombay |
1932 |
March |
6 |
Bombay to Nasik [According to Beheram’s diary, Baba went to Kandivli on the 7th of March] |
1932 |
March |
9 |
Nasik to Bombay |
1932 |
March |
22 |
Visit Kandivli |
England & America: Second Trip |
1932 |
March |
24 |
Sail on Conte Rosso from Bombay |
“ |
1932 |
March |
28 |
Pass Aden, 8 a.m. |
““ |
1932 |
March |
30 |
Suez Canal, 8 a.m. |
““ |
1932 |
March |
31 |
Port Said |
““ |
1932 |
April |
1 |
Leave Port Said |
““ |
1932 |
April |
2 |
Enter Adriatic Sea |
““ |
1932 |
April |
4 |
Arrive Venice |
““ |
1932 |
April |
6 |
Venice to Milan & on |
““ |
1932 |
April |
7 |
Paris to Calais, Dover, Maidstone, London |
““ |
1932 |
April |
17 |
London to East Challacombe |
““ |
1932 |
April |
24 |
East Challacombe to London |
1932 |
April |
27 |
London to Dover, Calais, Paris & on |
““ |
1932 |
April |
28 |
In train arrive Lugano via Lucerne |
““ |
1932 |
April |
29 |
Lugano to Locarno to Lugano |
““ |
1932 |
April |
30 |
Sheriar dies |
1932 |
April |
30 |
Trip to Mt. Bre |
““ |
1932 |
May |
3 |
Trip to Mt. Generoso, and to Locarno |
““ |
1932 |
May |
5 |
Trip to Mt. Cademario |
““ |
1932 |
May |
7 |
Lugano to Paris |
““ |
1932 |
May |
8 |
Arrive Paris |
““ |
1932 |
May |
9 |
Paris to Boulogne, to Folkestone, Dover, London |
““ |
1932 |
May |
14 |
London to Southampton. Sail on Bremen Cherbourg & on |
““ |
1932 |
May |
19 |
Arrive New York City |
““ |
1932 |
May |
23 |
New York to Harmon |
““ |
1932 |
May |
25 |
Leave Harmon by train |
““ |
1932 |
May |
26 |
Arrive Cleveland (1:15 p.m.) to Chicago & on |
““ |
1932 |
May |
27 |
Arrive Kansas City & on |
““ |
1932 |
May |
28 |
Arrive El Paso (8:45 a.m.), Tucson (5:20 p.m.) & on |
““ |
1932 |
May |
29 |
Arrive Alhambra to Hollywood |
““ |
1932 |
June |
4 |
Sail on Monterey from Los Angeles |
““ |
1932 |
June |
9 |
Arrive Honolulu |
““ |
1932 |
June |
11 |
Sail on Empress of Japan from Honolulu |
““ |
1932 |
June |
19 |
Arrive Yokohama & on |
““ |
1932 |
June |
20 |
Arrive Kobe |
““ |
1932 |
June |
22 |
Arrive Shanghai |
““ |
1932 |
June |
23 |
Leave Shanghai for Nanking |
““ |
1932 |
June |
24 |
Arrive Nanking |
““ |
1932 |
June |
26 |
Nanking to Shanghai |
““ |
1932 |
June |
27 |
Arrive Shanghai |
““ |
1932 |
June |
28 |
Sail on Kaiser-I-Hind from Shanghai |
““ |
1932 |
July |
1 |
Arrive Hong Kong 7 a.m. |
““ |
1932 |
July |
2 |
Visit Kowloon & on by ship at noon |
““ |
1932 |
July |
6 |
Arrive Singapore |
““ |
1932 |
July |
8 |
Sail from Singapore |
““ |
1932 |
July |
9 |
Arrive Penang & on |
““ |
1932 |
July |
13 |
Arrive Colombo & on to Bombay |
““ |
1932 |
July |
15 |
Arrive Bombay |
Italian Holiday“ |
1932 |
July |
18 |
Sail from Bombay |
1932 |
July |
21 |
At Aden |
““ |
1932 |
July |
29 |
Arrive Marseilles to Ventimiglia, Genoa & on |
““ |
1932 |
July |
30 |
Arrive Santa Margherita |
““ |
1932 |
Aug |
6 |
Santa Margherita to Assisi (2:30 a.m.) via Rapallo, Sestri Levante, La Spezia, Vaireggio, Pisa, Florence, Perugia |
““ |
1932 |
Aug |
Baba sits in seclusion in cave of St. Francis |
““ |
1932 |
Aug |
7 |
Baba comes out of the cave, leaves Assisi |
““ |
1932 |
Aug |
Perugia to Fiesole, Borganto, Florence, Empoli, Pisa, Viareggio, La Spezia, Santa Margherita |
““ |
1932 |
Aug |
Day excursions to San Fruttuoso, Portofino, Porto Vella |
““ |
1932 |
Aug |
11 |
To Portofino Vetta |
““ |
1932 |
Aug |
17 |
Santa Margherita to Genoa, Milan & on |
““ |
1932 |
Aug |
18 |
Arrive Venice |
““ |
1932 |
Aug |
20 |
Sail on Ausonia from Venice |
““ |
1932 |
Aug |
22 |
At sea (Piroseafo) |
““ |
1932 |
Aug |
23 |
Arrive Alexandria |
““ |
1932 |
Aug |
24 |
Alexandria to Cairo |
““ |
1932 |
Aug |
27 |
Cairo to Port Said |
““ |
1932 |
Aug |
29 |
Sail on Victoria from Port Said |
“ |
1932 |
Sept |
5 |
Arrive Bombay |
1932 |
Sept |
7 |
Arrive Nasik |
1932 |
Sept |
12 |
Nasik to Meherabad, Poona, Bombay |
1932 |
Sept |
Bombay to Nasik |
1932 |
Sept |
26 |
In Bombay for a day return to Nasik |
1932 |
Oct |
6 |
Arrive Poona |
1932 |
Oct |
8 |
Poona to Panchgani |
1932 |
Oct |
9 |
Panchgani to Poona |
1932 |
Oct |
10 |
Poona to Nasik |
1932 |
Oct |
12 |
Nasik to Bombay |
1932 |
Oct |
14 |
Bombay to Nasik |
1932 |
Oct |
18 |
Nasik to Indore by Punjab Mail train |
1932 |
Oct |
25 |
Arrive Nasik by Punjab Mail |
Fourth Trip to West |
1932 |
Nov |
21 |
Sail on Conte Verde from Bombay |
1932 |
Dec |
2 |
Arrive Venice |
““ |
1932 |
Dec |
4 |
Arrive Milan |
““ |
1932 |
Dec |
5 |
To Paris & on |
““ |
1932 |
Dec |
6 |
Arrive Paris to London |
““ |
1932 |
Dec |
14 |
Leave London |
““ |
1932 |
Dec |
15 |
Arrive Zurich |
““ |
1932 |
Dec |
16 |
Zurich to Lugano, Milan (over St. Gothard via Chiaria) Genoa |
““ |
1932 |
Dec |
17 |
Sail on Esperia from Genoa |
““ |
1932 |
Dec |
18 |
Stop at Naples |
““ |
1932 |
Dec |
19 |
Arrive Alexandria continue on Maldera |
““ |
1932 |
Dec |
20 |
Arrive Cairo |
““ |
1932 |
Dec |
23 |
Cairo to Helwan |
““ |
1932 |
Dec |
25 |
Visit Sakkara Pyramids |
““ |
1932 |
Dec |
26 |
To Cairo |
““ |
1932 |
Dec |
29 |
Cairo to Alexandria |
““ |
1932 |
Dec |
30 |
Alexandria to Cairo |
““ |
1933 |
Jan |
1 |
Visit Pyramids & Sphinx |
““ |
1933 |
Jan |
2 |
Cairo to Port Said |
““ |
1933 |
Jan |
3 |
Sail of Baloeran from Port Said |
““ |
1933 |
Jan |
12 |
Arrive Colombo |
““ |
1933 |
Jan |
15 |
Leave Colombo |
““ |
1933 |
Jan |
16 |
Arrive Bandarawela |
““ |
1933 |
Jan |
27 approx |
Return to Colombo |
““ |
1933 |
Jan |
30 |
Leave Colombo |
““ |
1933 |
Feb |
2 |
Arrive Bombay |
“ |
1933 |
Feb |
6 |
Bombay to Nasik |
1933 |
Feb |
10 |
Nasik to Bombay to Nasik |
1933 |
Feb |
11 |
Bombay to Nasik |
1933 |
Feb |
15 |
Nasik to Meherabad at 2 p.m. by bus. Stop at Sangamner at 5 p.m. |
1933 |
Feb |
17 |
Meherabad to Nasik |
1933 |
Feb |
20 |
Nasik to Bombay for a day |
1933 |
March |
3 |
Nasik to Bombay |
1933 |
March |
5 |
Bombay to Lonavla, Poona to Bhor |
1933 |
March |
6 |
Bhor to Kolhapur |
1933 |
March |
7 |
Kolhapur to Poona to Nasik |
1933 |
March |
25 |
Nasik to Igatpuri - Bhandardara |
1933 |
March |
29 |
Bhandardara to Nasik, arv. morning |
1933 |
April |
3 |
Nasik to Bombay via Allahabad Express train, Kandivli |
1933 |
April |
7 |
Westerners arrive in Bombay |
1933 |
April |
9 |
Bombay to Nasik on Punjab Mail |
1933 |
April |
10 |
Nasik to Bombay, Igatpuri, Bhandardara |
Kashmir Trip |
1933 |
April |
12 |
Bhandardara to Nasik & on |
1933 |
April |
13 |
In train Itarsi, Bhopal, Jhansi, Gwalior, Agra, arv. afternoon |
““ |
1933 |
April |
14 |
Lv. Agra 5 p.m. to Delhi & on via Punjab Mail |
““ |
1933 |
April |
15 |
Lahore, Rawalpindi to Murree |
““ |
1933 |
April |
18 |
Murree to Srinagar |
““ |
1933 |
April |
20 |
Srinagar to Harvan (perhaps to Shalimar and Nishat also) to Srinagar |
““ |
1933 |
April |
22 |
Visit Mansbal Lake |
““ |
1933 |
April |
23 |
At 3:30 p.m. visit Shalimar and Nishat Gardens |
““ |
1933 |
April |
24 |
Lv Srinagar 9 a.m., arv Murree 8 p.m. to Rawalpindi, arv. 11 p.m. |
““ |
1933 |
April |
25 |
Rawalpindi to Lahore via Frontier Mail train |
““ |
1933 |
April |
26 |
In train Delhi, Ratlam, Baroda |
““ |
1933 |
April |
27 |
In train Surat, Bulsar, Bombay |
““ |
1933 |
April |
Westerners sent back |
““ |
1933 |
April |
28 |
Bombay to Dahanu |
““ |
1933 |
April |
30 |
Lv Dahanu 6 p.m. to Bombay |
“ |
1933 |
May |
1 |
Lv Bombay 3 p.m. by Punjab Mail to Nasik |
1933 |
May |
4 |
Picnic by Pandu Lena Caves |
1933 |
May |
14 |
Nasik to Ahmednagar by Punjab Mail |
1933 |
May |
15 |
Lv. Meherabad 12:30 a.m. to Dhond, Bombay, arv. 10 a.m. by Madras Express |
1933 |
May |
16 |
Arrive Bombay |
1933 |
May |
20 |
Bombay to Nasik |
1933 |
May |
28 |
Nasik to Bombay by Nagpur Express, Arv. 2 p.m. Dadar |
1933 |
June |
2 |
Bombay to Poona by morning Express Train |
1933 |
June |
3 |
Poona to Talegaon by car in the morning; then 1 p.m. by Poona Passenger to Bombay, arv. 4 p.m. |
1933 |
June |
6 |
Bombay to Bassein by train, change at Borivli |
1933 |
June |
7 |
Bassein to Bombay |
1933 |
June |
8 |
Bombay to Nasik |
1933 |
June |
10 |
Nasik to Bombay |
Portofino |
1933 |
June |
12 |
Sail on Victoria from Bombay |
1933 |
June |
16 |
Arrive Aden & on |
““ |
1933 |
June |
19 |
Arrive Port Said |
““ |
1933 |
June |
23 |
Arrive Genoa |
““ |
1933 |
June |
25 |
Genoa to Santa Margherita |
““ |
1933 |
June |
28 |
Santa Margherita to Portofino |
““ |
1933 |
July |
6 |
Leave Portofino |
““ |
1933 |
July |
7 |
Arrive Rome |
““ |
1933 |
July |
8 |
Rome to Santa Margherita to Portofino |
““ |
1933 |
July |
24 |
Portofino to Genoa. Sail on Victoria |
““ |
1933 |
July |
25 |
Naples |
““ |
1933 |
July |
31 |
Aden & on |
““ |
1933 |
Aug |
4 |
Arrive Bombay 8 a.m.; lv. 9 p.m. by train |
“ |
1933 |
Aug |
5 |
Arrive Nasik |
1933 |
Aug |
10 |
lv. Nasik 7 a.m. to Khandala to Nasik, arv. 7 p.m. |
1933 |
Aug |
17 |
Nasik to Bombay by Nagpur Express |
1933 |
Aug |
18 |
lv. Bombay at night by Calcutta Mail to Nasik |
1933 |
Sept |
4 |
Nasik to Bombay, arv. 2 p.m. on Nagpur Express |
1933 |
Sept |
6 |
Lv Bombay 3:15 Punjab Mail to Nasik |
1933 |
Sept |
23 |
Nasik to Bombay |
Travel in Europe |
1933 |
Sept |
25 |
Sail on Conte Verde from Bombay |
“Travel in Europe |
1933 |
Oct |
2 |
Through Suez Canal, arrive Port Said |
““ |
1933 |
Oct |
3 |
Leave Port Said |
““ |
1933 |
Oct |
5 |
Arrive Brindisi & on |
““ |
1933 |
Oct |
6 |
Arrive Venice |
““ |
1933 |
Oct |
7 |
Venice to Milan, Lausanne & on |
““ |
1933 |
Oct |
8 |
Arrive Paris |
““ |
1933 |
Oct |
9 |
Paris to Dover, London |
““ |
1933 |
Oct |
22 |
London to Dover, Calais, Paris & on |
““ |
1933 |
Oct |
23 |
Arrive Irun to Avila |
““ |
1933 |
Oct |
24 |
Avila to Madrid |
““ |
1933 |
Oct |
31 |
Leave Madrid |
““ |
1933 |
Nov |
1 |
Arrive Barcelona to Cerbere & on |
““ |
1933 |
Nov |
2 |
Arrive Marseilles, sail on Viceroy of India |
““ |
1933 |
Nov |
6 |
Arrive Port Said |
““ |
1933 |
Nov |
12 |
Arrive Aden |
““ |
1933 |
Nov |
14 |
Arrive Bombay to Nasik |
“ |
1933 |
Nov |
15 |
Nasik to Ahmednagar [possibly spent the night at Khushru Quarters] |
1933 |
Nov |
16 |
Ahmednagar to Nasik |
1933 |
Nov |
24 |
Nasik to Bombay |
1933 |
Nov |
27 |
Bombay to Nasik, arv. 11 a.m. by morning train |
1933 |
Nov |
28 |
Visit near Pandu Lena Caves |
1933 |
Nov |
30 |
Nasik to Meherabad |
1933 |
Dec |
In Meherabad |
1933 |
Dec |
31 |
Possible quick trip to Nasik; left 4 a.m. of 31 Dec/1 Jan night driven by Adi Sr. in Pontiac. [?] diaries vide 47v059 |
1934 |
Jan |
In Meherabad |
1934 |
Jan |
? |
Visit Panchgani for a day |
Madras Trip |
1934 |
Feb |
16 |
and for Madras via Dhond |
1934 |
Feb |
17 |
Arrive Madras |
““ |
1934 |
Feb |
19 |
Leave Madras |
““ |
1934 |
Feb |
20 |
Arrive Meherabad |
“ |
1934 |
March |
In Meherabad |
1934 |
April |
1 |
Meherabad to Nasik |
1934 |
April |
15 |
Nasik to Bombay |
1934 |
April |
17 |
Leave Bombay to Poona & on |
1934 |
April |
18 |
Arrive Bangalore via Raichur, Guntakal |
1934 |
April |
19 |
Bangalore to Sultanpet, Nandi Hill |
1934 |
April |
27 |
Nandi Hill to Bangalore |
1934 |
April |
28 |
Bangalore to Kengeri |
1934 |
April |
30 |
Kengeri to Bangalore |
1934 |
May |
2 |
Leave Bangalore to Guntakal, Sholapur, Dhond & on |
1934 |
May |
3 |
Arrive Meherabad |
1934 |
May |
9 |
Meherabad to Nasik |
1934 |
May |
10 |
Nasik to Meherabad |
1934 |
June |
6 |
Meherabad to Sangamner, Nasik |
1934 |
June |
8 |
Nasik to Bombay |
Film Work in Europe |
1934 |
June |
9 |
Sail on Mongolia from Bombay |
1934 |
June |
14 |
Near Aden |
““ |
1934 |
June |
22 |
Arrive Marseilles & on |
““ |
1934 |
June |
23 |
Arrive Paris |
““ |
1934 |
June |
26 |
Paris to Calais, Osrad, Dover, London |
““ |
1934 |
July |
5 |
London to Dover, Oostende, Zurich |
““ |
1934 |
July |
6 |
In train Basel to Zurich |
““ |
1934 |
July |
7 |
Drive to Fallenfluh |
““ |
1934 |
July |
12 |
Seclusion at Mt. Fallenfluh |
““ |
1934 |
July |
16 |
Zurich to Marseilles |
““ |
1934 |
July |
20 |
Sail on Strathnaver from Marseilles |
““ |
1934 |
Aug |
2 |
Arrive Bombay to Nasik |
“ |
1934 |
Aug |
3 |
Nasik to Meherabad |
1934 |
Aug |
8 |
At Meherabad [signs letter to Will Backett] |
1934 |
Aug |
?? |
To Poona, Bombay for visit |
1934 |
Aug |
15 |
In Nasik |
1934 |
Aug |
16 |
Nasik to Meherabad |
1934 |
Sept |
25 |
Meherabad to Sangamner, Nasik to Meherabad |
1934 |
Oct |
29 |
Meherabad to Nasik |
1934 |
Oct |
30 |
Nasik to Meherabad |
1934 |
Nov |
1 |
Meherabad to Poona to Meherabad |
1934 |
Nov |
12 |
At Bombay |
Film Work in America |
1934 |
Nov |
15 |
Sail on Tuscania from Bombay |
“Film Work in America |
1934 |
Nov |
23 |
Arrive Port Said |
““ |
1934 |
Nov |
26 |
Pass Sicily |
““ |
1934 |
Nov |
28 |
Arrive Marseilles, to Paris & on |
““ |
1934 |
Nov |
29 |
Arrive London |
““ |
1934 |
Dec |
5 |
London to Southampton. Sail on Majestic to Cherbourg |
““ |
1934 |
Dec |
12 |
Arrive New York City, morning 9:15 a.m. |
““ |
1934 |
Dec |
14 |
New York by train to Chicago, Omaha, Denver – left in evening or at night. |
““ |
1934 |
Dec |
17 |
Santa Fe, Albuquerque, Ashfork (arrive 7:05 p.m.) & on |
““ |
1934 |
Dec |
18 |
Arrive morning Pasadena to Hollywood |
““ |
1934 |
Dec |
24 or 26 |
Hollywood to Oceano |
““ |
1934 |
Dec |
25 or 27 |
Oceano to Hollywood |
““ |
1935 |
Jan |
7 |
Leave Hollywood by train |
““ |
Jan |
8 |
San Francisco, Portland, Seattle & on; Arrived around 9:00 A.M. The Lark came into 3rd and Townsend in San Francisco. How he went to Golden .Gate . Park we do not know. Could be street car or taxi. He was with 4 men mandali: Chanji, Kaka, Jal, Adi Sr., and Chummy the puppy. In order for him to take this photo of Him taking Chummy for a walk in the park, he would have to have gotten out of whatever vehicle and spend some time there. He had hours or so before he had to catch the train again further north. We don't know where he walked to, but the place he got off in the park is a long drive that passes the flower conservatory. He must have walked a bit. Since it's said he liked to get to transportation way ahead of time, the 6 hours may have been 4 in S.F. He would have to then get to the Ferry Building (street car, taxi) because no bridges were there yet, and take one, which left every few minutes, to the Oakland "Mole" located at the end of 7th street-torn down 1958. The "Mole" station was a large barn like looking structure that the train stopped in. Baba boarded the "Cascade" train, another premier train. It left Oakland around 4 in the afternoon and ran overnight to Oregon. We know all this because ordered and received from the Sacramento Railroad Museum 1935 train schedules for the Lark and Cascade that Baba rode on. Also, the Bay Area Railroad history group confirmed routes. It ran from Oakland to: Emeryville Berkeley (the old Southern Pacific Berkeley depot is still there on S. University Ave. around 4th St. where Baba's train stopped in 1935, whose use was discontinued on 5/01/71 with the advent of Amtrak. It was then a restaurant called the "China Station for a time. I had eaten there, very good food!) (west) El Cerrito Stege (east Richmond) Pinole Crockett Port Costa Martinez Bahia (east Benicia) Fairfield Davis Dunnigan Redding Orland Dunsmuir Klamath Falls Eugene Salem Portland - where he switched trains to continue up to Seattle and Vancouver
“ |
1935 |
Jan |
10 |
Arrive Vancouver |
“ |
1935 |
Jan |
12 |
Sail on Empress of Canada from Vancouver to Victoria, arv. 3.30 p p.m.; dep 5.30 |
“ |
1935 |
Jan |
17 |
Arrive Honolulu at noon |
“ |
1935 |
Jan |
18 |
Leave Honolulu. Touch Yokohama, Kobe, Shanghai |
“ |
1935 |
Jan |
30 |
Arrive Shanghai |
“ |
1935 |
Feb |
2 |
Arrive Hong Kong. Visit Kowloon; Sail on Fushimi Maru from Hong Kong [may have sailed on 3rd] |
“ |
1935 |
Feb |
7 |
In Singapore [may have arrived prior to this date] |
“ |
1935 |
Feb |
8 |
Leave Singapore |
“ |
1935 |
Feb |
9 |
Arrive Penang & on |
“ |
1935 |
Feb |
13 |
Arrive Colombo 8.15 p.m. & on; Columbo station by Indo-Ceylon express train |
“ |
1935 |
Feb |
14 |
Arrive Talaimannar [Mannar] 8 a.m.; lv. on ferry to Dhanushkodi at 9.30 a.m. & on by train Indo-Ceylon express at 2 p.m. |
“ |
1935 |
Feb |
15 |
Arrive Madras 7 a.m.; board Madras–Bombay express to Raichur, Wadi, Gulbarga, Sholapur & on |
“ |
1935 |
Feb |
16 |
Arv Dhond 5.05 a.m. to Meherabad, arv. 7.30 a.m. |
1935 |
Feb |
26 |
Meherabad to Nasik to Meherabad |
1935 |
Mar |
4 |
Meherabad to Nasik |
1935 |
April |
16 |
Nasik to Ghoti |
1935 |
April |
20 |
Ghoti to Nasik |
1935 |
May |
3 |
Nasik to Bombay, arv. 10.30 a.m. |
1935 |
May |
4 |
Bombay to Nasik |
1935 |
May |
9 |
Nasik to Meherabad |
1935 |
May |
15 |
Visit Happy Valley |
1935 |
May |
23 |
Meherabad to Nasik |
1935 |
May |
25 |
Nasik to Meherabad |
1935 |
May |
30 |
Meherabad to Bombay, arv. 1 p.m. |
1935 |
June |
2 |
Bombay to Poona, Talegaon |
1935 |
June |
4 |
Talegaon to Bombay. Arv. 1 p.m. |
Gujarat |
1935 |
June |
6 |
Leave Bombay by train 9.30 p.m. |
1935 |
June |
7 |
In train Ratlam (9.30 a.m.), Chitorgarh (3 p.m.) , Udaipur (7.30 p.m.) |
1935 |
June |
8 |
Leave Udaipur 6 p.m. |
1935 |
June |
9 |
Arrive Ajmer (6 a.m.) & on to Mt. Abu |
1935 |
June |
23 |
Leave Mt. Abu 2 p.m., lv. Abu Road by Sind Mail train 4.15 p.m. |
1935 |
June |
24 |
Arrive Surat 6 a.m. |
1935 |
June |
27 |
lv. Surat (3 p.m.) to Mora, Hajira Pier |
1935 |
July |
5 |
Lv Hajira Pier by boat at 4 p.m. to Surat, arv. 6.30 p.m. |
1935 |
July |
7 |
Surat to Navsari, lv. 1.15 p.m. & on to Daman, via Bulsar |
1935 |
July |
9 |
Lv Daman via Kathiawar Express train; arv. Bombay 7 p.m. & on Madras Mail at 10 p.m. |
1935 |
July |
10 |
Arrive Dhond to Meherabad |
1935 |
July-Oct |
In Meherabad, Cabin on the Hill |
1935 |
Oct |
14 |
Meherabad to Panchgani |
1935 |
Oct |
16 |
Panchgani to Mahabaleshwar 5 p.m. to Panchgani |
1935 |
Oct |
18 |
Panchgani to Wai |
1935 |
Oct |
19 |
Lv Wai 8 a.m.; Arv. Poona 10 a.m.; lv. Poona 12 noon to Meherabad |
1935 |
Nov |
In seclusion at Meherabad |
1935 |
Dec |
3 |
Meherabad to Nasik |
1935 |
Dec |
4 |
Nasik to Meherabad |
1935 |
Dec |
14 |
Nasik to Bombay |
1935 |
Dec |
20 |
Bombay to Nasik, Meherabad |
1935 |
Dec |
31 |
Leave Meherabad by train |
1936 |
Jan |
1 |
Arrive Bombay |
1936 |
Jan |
2 |
Bombay to Poona |
1936 |
Jan |
3 |
Leave Poona by train to Miraj, Belgaum & on |
1936 |
Jan |
4 |
In train to Hubli, Harihar, Arsikere, Bangalore & on |
1936 |
Jan |
5 |
Arrive Mysore |
1936 |
Jan |
6 |
Mysore to Bangalore |
1936 |
Jan |
7 |
Bangalore to Madras, Pondicherry |
1936 |
Jan |
8 |
Pondicherry to Madras, Bangalore |
1936 |
Jan |
9 |
Bangalore to Arsikere, Harihar, Hubli & on |
1936 |
Jan |
10 |
Belgaum, Miraj, Poona, Ahmednagar, Meherabad |
1936 |
Jan |
13 |
Meherabad to Poona, Bombay |
1936 |
Jan |
17 |
Bombay to Nasik |
1936 |
Jan |
18 or 19 [?] |
Nasik to Meherabad |
1936 |
Jan |
30 |
Meherabad to Poona & on to Miraj, Belgaum |
1936 |
Jan |
31 |
Hubli, Harihar, Arsikere, arrive Mysore |
1936 |
Feb |
16 |
Mysore to Bangalore |
1936 |
Feb |
17 |
Bangalore to Guntakal, Raichur & on |
1936 |
Feb |
18 |
Dhond to Ahmednagar to Nasik [arv. on 19th?] |
1936 |
Feb |
20 |
Nasik to Bombay |
1936 |
Feb |
22 |
Leave Bombay by train. Poona, Dhond, Sholapur, Shahabad, Wadi |
1936 |
Feb |
23 |
In train Raichur, Guntakal, Bangalore, by car to Mysore, arv. 11 p.m. |
1936 |
Feb |
27 |
lv 3 p.m. Mysore to Ooty, Coonoor |
1936 |
March |
1 |
Return to Mysore from Ooty |
1936 |
March |
12 |
Lv Mysore 8 a.m. to Bangalore |
1936 |
March |
13 |
Lv Bangalore 2.30 p.m. to Kengeri, Mysore [arv. 7.30 p.m.] |
1936 |
March |
18 |
Mysore to Kengeri, Bangalore |
1936 |
March |
20 |
Lv Bangalore 9 a.m. to Mysore, via Srirangapatnam |
1936 |
March |
21 |
Mysore to Nanjangud to Mysore |
1936 |
April |
3 |
Mysore to Nanjangud to Mysore |
1936 |
May |
2 |
Mysore to Arsikere, Kadur, Chikmagalur |
1936 |
May |
3 |
Chikmagalur to Budan Nagar |
1936 |
May |
4 |
Budan Nagar to Chikmagalur |
1936 |
May |
5 |
Chikmagalur to Belur |
1936 |
May |
6 |
Belur to Hassan |
1936 |
May |
7 |
Hassan to Mysore |
1936 |
May |
13 |
Leave Mysore by train |
1936 |
May |
15 |
Arrive Bombay via Arsikere |
1936 |
May |
17 |
Bombay to Nasik |
1936 |
May |
19 |
Nasik to Rahuri, Meherabad |
1936 |
May |
21 |
Leave Meherabad to Dhond, Sholapur, Raichur, Guntakal |
1936 |
May |
22 |
Arrive Mysore via Bangalore |
1936 |
May |
30 |
Leave Mysore by train to Arsikere, Hubli |
1936 |
May |
31 |
Miraj. Arrive Poona to Meherabad by bus |
1936 |
June |
4 |
Meherabad to Bombay by car via Lonavla. Arv. 7pm |
1936 |
June |
6 |
Bombay to Nasik 4 p.m. by car |
1936 |
June |
9 |
Nasik to Meherabad |
1936 |
June |
12 |
Meherabad to Rahuri for visit |
1936 |
June |
22 |
Meherabad to Nasik, arv. 5 p.m. |
1936 |
June |
24 |
Nasik to Bombay, Arv. 8 p.m. |
1936 |
June |
26 |
Bombay to Nasik by train Allahabad Express |
1936 |
June |
27 |
Visit Rahuri |
1936 |
June |
28 |
Nasik to Meherabad |
1936 |
July |
10 |
Meherabad to Rahuri, Nasik |
1936 |
July |
11 |
Nasik to Bombay, by train Allahabad Express |
1936 |
July |
14 |
lv. Bombay 9.30 a.m. to Nasik |
1936 |
July |
15 |
Lv Nasik in the afternoon to Meherabad by car |
1936 |
July |
17 |
Meherabad to Rahuri to Meherabad |
1936 |
July |
29 |
Meherabad to Nasik |
1936 |
Aug |
Rahuri Ashram opens |
1936 |
Aug |
Generally: Wednesdays - Rahuri to Nasik to Rahuri Thursdays - Rahuri to Meherabad to Rahuri |
1936 |
Aug |
6 |
Meherabad to Rahuri |
1936 |
Aug |
14 |
Rahuri to Nasik |
1936 |
Aug |
17 |
Nasik to Rahuri |
1936 |
Aug |
20 |
Rahuri to Meherabad to Rahuri |
1936 |
Sept |
1 |
At Rahuri with masts & mad |
1936 |
Sept |
9 |
Nasik & back to Rahuri |
1936 |
Sept |
10 |
Meherabad & back |
1936 |
Sept |
16 |
Nasik & back |
1936 |
Sept |
17 |
Meherabad & back |
1936 |
Sept |
19 |
[Letter #37 to Backetts signed from Rahuri] |
1936 |
Sept |
22 |
Nasik& back |
1936 |
Sept |
24 |
Meherabad & back |
1936 |
Sept |
30 |
Nasik & back |
1936 |
Oct |
1 |
Meherabad & back |
1936 |
Oct |
7 |
Rahuri to Nasik by car, then by train Bombay |
1936 |
Oct |
8 |
Bombay to Poona, Rahuri |
1936 |
Oct |
10 |
Rahuri to Meherabad and, arv. 3 p.m. Rahuri |
1936 |
Oct |
13 |
Visit Meherabad |
1936 |
Oct |
18 |
Rahuri to Meherabad to Poona, Talegaon, Bombay |
Europe |
1936 |
Oct |
20 |
Bombay to Baroda & on |
1936 |
Oct |
21 |
Ahmedabad to Marwar & on |
1936 |
Oct |
22 |
Hyderabad to Karachi |
1936 |
Oct |
24 |
First flight ; Fly from Karachi, Gwadar, Sharjah |
1936 |
Oct |
25 |
Sharjah, Bahrain, Basra, & arrive Baghdad |
1936 |
Oct |
28 |
Leave Baghdad |
1936 |
Oct |
29 |
To Kirkuk, Mosul, Telkotchek & on |
1936 |
Oct |
30 |
Aleppo, Adana, Konya & on |
1936 |
Oct |
31 |
Ankara (Angora), Eskisehir, Sakarya, Haydarpassa, Istanbul. Leave Istanbul by Orient Express |
1936 |
Nov |
2 |
Trieste, Venice, Milan |
1936 |
Nov |
3 |
Arrive Paris |
1936 |
Nov |
4 |
Arrive London |
1936 |
Nov |
6 |
London to Folkestone & on Boulogne |
1936 |
Nov |
7 |
Basle to Zurich |
1936 |
Nov |
8 |
Zurich to Paris |
1936 |
Nov |
10 |
Paris to Marseilles via Avignon |
1936 |
Nov |
12 |
Sail on Viceroy of India from Marseilles |
1936 |
Nov |
16 |
Arrive Port Said (2 a.m.) Sail at 6 a.m. to Suez Canal; in Suez till 6 p.m., enter Red Sea at dusk |
1936 |
Nov |
19 |
Pass Persia at 11 a.m., Aden 4:30 p.m. |
1936 |
Nov |
23 |
Arrive Bombay to Nasik, lv. At 5 p.m. |
1936 |
Nov |
24 |
Nasik to Rahuri, Meherabad, arv. Meherabad at noon |
1936 |
Nov |
26 |
Meherabad to Ahmednagar, Rahuri, Sangamner, Nasik |
1936 |
Dec |
8 |
Westerners arrive Bombay |
1936 |
Dec |
9 |
Westerners taken to Igatpuri |
1936 |
Dec |
10 |
Baba comes to Igatpuri then to Nasik |
1936 |
Dec |
14 |
Baba arrives Bhandardara via Meherabad |
1936 |
Dec |
19 |
Bhandardara to Nasik |
1936 |
Dec |
26 |
lv. Nasik 2 p.m. to Rahuri, |
1936 |
Dec |
31 |
At Nasik |
1937 |
Jan |
Mostly at Rahuri |
1937 |
Jan |
5 |
Nasik to Meherabad, Rahuri |
1937 |
Jan |
9 |
Rahuri to Nasik |
1937 |
Jan |
11 |
Visit Pandu Lena Caves |
1937 |
Jan |
15 |
Nasik to Meherabad |
1937 |
Jan |
17 - 19 |
At Nasik |
1937 |
Jan |
22 |
At Meherabad |
1937 |
Jan |
24 |
Arrive Nasik 8.30 p.m. |
1937 |
Jan |
26 |
Lv Nasik evening to Rahuri |
1937 |
Jan |
29 |
Rahuri to Nasik, arv. 8 p.m. |
1937 |
Jan |
30 |
Morning visit to a garden? [Brindavan - ?] |
1937 |
Jan |
31 |
Nasik to Rahuri |
1937 |
Feb |
2 |
Rahuri to Meherabad |
1937 |
Feb |
3 |
Meherabad to Rahuri, Nasik. Arv. 7 p.m. |
1937 |
Feb |
4 |
Nasik to Rahuri to Nasik |
1937 |
Feb |
5 |
Lv Nasik 5 a.m. to Rahuri |
1937 |
Feb |
6 |
Rahuri to Meherabad |
1937 |
Feb |
8 |
Meherabad to Rahuri |
1937 |
Feb |
9 |
Rahuri to Nasik |
1937 |
Feb |
10 |
Nasik to Rahuri, Meherabad |
1937 |
Feb |
11 |
Meherabad to Rahuri |
1937 |
Feb |
12 |
Rahuri to Nasik to Meherabad |
1937 |
Feb |
13 |
Nasik to Rahuri & possibly Meherabad |
1937 |
Feb |
14 |
Arrive Nasik 6 p.m. |
1937 |
Feb |
17-18 |
Birthday celebrations at Nasik |
1937 |
Feb |
20 |
Nasik to Ahmednagar [possibly Meherabad, Rahuri also, not certain] |
1937 |
Feb |
25 |
Meherabad to Rahuri |
1937 |
Feb |
26 |
Rahuri to Nasik, arv. 2p.m. |
1937 |
Feb |
27 |
Drive to Darna dam, 4-6 p.m. |
1937 |
Feb |
28 |
Lv Nasik 6 a.m. to Rahuri, Meherabad |
1937 |
Mar |
3 |
Meherabad to Rahuri |
1937 |
March |
4 |
Rahuri to Nasik |
1937 |
March |
6 |
Lv Nasik in the morning to Rahuri |
1937 |
March |
7 |
Rahuri to Meherabad |
1937 |
March |
8 |
Meherabad to Rahuri, Nasik |
1937 |
March |
9 |
Nasik to Rahuri, Meherabad |
1937 |
March |
10 |
Meherabad to Rahuri to Meherabad |
1937 |
March |
11 |
Meherabad to Rahuri |
1937 |
March |
12 |
Rahuri to Meherabad |
1937 |
March |
13 |
Meherabad to Rahuri; arv. Nasik 2 p.m. |
1937 |
March |
15 |
lv. Nasik 2 a.m. to Meherabad, Rahuri |
1937 |
March |
18 |
Rahuri to Nasik, arv. afternoon |
1937 |
March |
20 |
Nasik to Meherabad, arv. 3:30 p.m. |
1937 |
March |
22 |
Meherabad to Rahuri |
1937 |
March |
24 |
Rahuri to Nasik |
1937 |
March |
25 |
Picnic at Trimbak |
1937 |
March |
26 |
Nasik to Rahuri |
1937 |
March |
27 |
Rahuri to Meherabad |
1937 |
March |
29 |
Meherabad to Rahuri |
1937 |
March |
31 |
Rahuri to Nasik, ARV. 8 A.M. |
1937 |
April |
2 |
LV. Nasik 4 a.m.; arrive Rahuri 6 a.m., lv. 6.30 a.m. Arv Meherabad 7.15 a.m. |
1937 |
April |
5 |
Meherabad to Rahuri |
1937 |
April |
6 |
Rahuri to Nasik (arrive 11 p.m.) |
1937 |
April |
8 |
Picnic at Anand Valley; lv Nasik at 5:30 p.m. to Meherabad |
1937 |
April |
10 |
Western group visits Meherabad |
1937 |
April |
11 |
Meherabad to Rahuri |
1937 |
April |
12 |
Rahuri to Nasik, arv. 8 p.m. |
1937 |
April |
14 |
Nasik to Rahuri, Meherabad |
1937 |
April |
18 |
Meherabad to Rahuri |
1937 |
April |
20 |
Rahuri to Nasik |
1937 |
April |
23 |
Lv Nasik in the afternoon to Rahuri, Meherabad |
1937 |
April |
26 |
Meherabad to Rahuri |
1937 |
April |
28 |
Rahuri to Nasik |
1937 |
April |
29 |
Nasik to Rahuri |
1937 |
April |
30 |
Rahuri to Meherabad |
1937 |
May |
2 |
Meherabad to Rahuri, Nasik, arv. 8 p.m. |
1937 |
May |
5 |
Lv Nasik 4 p.m. to Rahuri, Meherabad |
1937 |
May |
6 |
Meherabad to Rahuri, Meherabad. Rahuri ashram shifted to Meherabad. |
1937 |
May |
10 |
Meherabad to Nasik, arv. 8:30 p.m. |
1937 |
May |
13 |
lv. Nasik 4 a.m. to Meherabad |
1937 |
May |
18 |
Meherabad to Nasik, arv. 8:30 a.m. [some accounts have Baba arv 17 May, but Chanji’s diary notes 18 May] |
1937 |
May |
20 |
lv. Nasik 4 p.m. to Meherabad |
1937 |
May |
26 |
Arrive Nasik evening |
1937 |
May |
29 |
Lv Nasik 4 a.m. to Meherabad |
1937 |
June |
3 |
Western group spends the night at Meherabad |
1937 |
June |
6 |
Meherabad to Nasik, arv. 7 p.m. |
1937 |
June |
8 |
Nasik to Bombay, arv. 9 p.m. |
1937 |
June |
11 |
Bombay to Nasik |
1937 |
June |
12 |
Nasik to Meherabad |
1937 |
June |
15 |
Meherabad to Nasik |
1937 |
June |
17 |
Nasik to Meherabad |
1937 |
July |
6 |
Meherabad, Poona, arv. Bombay noon |
1937 |
July |
9 |
Lv Bombay 6 a.m. to Talegaon. Arv. Meherabad 2 p.m. |
1937 |
July |
12 |
Meherabad to Nasik |
1937 |
July |
15 |
Nasik to Bombay |
1937 |
July |
18 |
Bombay to Nasik |
1937 |
July |
20 |
Nasik to Meherabad |
1937 |
July |
29 |
Leave Meherabad, go by 5 p.m. train to Bombay |
1937 |
July |
30 |
Arv. Bombay |
Cannes |
1937 |
July |
31 |
Sail on Strathnaver from Bombay |
1937 |
Aug |
4 |
Arrive Aden 3p.m., lv. 8 p.m |
1937 |
Aug |
6 |
Port Sudan |
1937 |
Aug |
8 |
6 a.m. - 9 a.m. Suez Canal, Port Said |
1937 |
Aug |
9 |
Leave Port Said (2 a.m.) |
1937 |
Aug |
11 |
Pass Messina, Stromboli Volcano, Corsica |
1937 |
Aug |
13 |
Arrive Marseilles 6 a.m.; lv. 12:45 by train, arv. Cannes 3:45 p.m. |
1937 |
Aug |
20 |
2-hr. drive along the coast to St. [?-Tropez, perhaps] |
1937 |
Aug |
21 |
Visit Monte Carlo |
1937 |
Sept |
5 |
Visit Grasse |
1937 |
Sept |
6 |
Visit Château de la Napoule |
1937 |
Sept |
19 |
Cannes to Lyons by car. lv. morning |
1937 |
Sept |
20 |
Lyons to Paris via Fontainebleau |
1937 |
Sept |
22 |
Paris to Roanne |
1937 |
Sept |
23 |
Roanne to Lyons, Avignon, Cannes, arv. midnight |
1937 |
Oct |
8 |
Mohammed Mast arrives in Cannes |
1937 |
Nov |
2 |
Cannes to Marseilles |
1937 |
Nov |
3 |
Sail on Circassia from Marseilles |
1937 |
Nov |
7 |
Arv. Port Said 9:30 p.m. |
1937 |
Nov |
8 |
lv. Port Said 3 a.m. to Suez, and on. Arv Aden,. 5 a.m. on ? |
1937 |
Nov |
18 |
Karachi, lv. 9 a.m. |
1937 |
Nov |
20 |
Arrive Bombay to Nasik, Ahmednagar |
1937 |
Dec |
At Meherabad |
1937 |
Dec |
20 |
Meherabad to Poona, Talegaon |
1937 |
Dec |
21 |
Talegaon to Bombay |
1937 |
Dec |
22 |
Bombay to Navsari |
1937 |
Dec |
24 |
Navsari to Bombay |
1937 |
Dec |
25 |
Leave Bombay to Nasik, Bhusawal |
1937 |
Dec |
26 |
Arrive Nagpur |
1937 |
Dec |
28 |
Leave Nagpur |
1937 |
Dec |
29 |
Arrive Manmad to Meherabad |
1938 |
Jan |
At Meherabad |
1938 |
Feb |
2 |
Meherabad to Poona, Panchgani |
1938 |
Feb |
3 |
Panchgani to Poona, Meherabad |
1938 |
Feb |
18 |
Birthday celebrations at Meherabad |
1938 |
March |
6 |
Lv Meherabad 6 a.m. to Poona, Arv Bombay 2 p.m. |
1938 |
March |
8 |
Bombay to Poona, Bombay |
1938 |
March |
15 |
Meherabad to Panchgani |
1938 |
March |
21 |
Visit Mahabaleshwar, lv. early morning, ret. evening |
1938 |
March |
24 |
Visit Mahabaleshwar |
1938 |
March |
28 |
Visit Pratapgarh |
1938 |
April |
7 |
Visit Mahabaleshwar |
1938 |
April |
19 |
Panchgani to Satara to Panchgani |
1938 |
April |
23 |
Lv Panchgani 2 p.m.; arv. Poona 5 , lv. at 6.30 by train to Sholapur & on |
1938 |
April |
24 |
En route past Raichur, Guntakal to Bangalore |
1938 |
April |
27 |
Leave Bangalore |
1938 |
April |
28 |
Arrive Poona to Panchgani |
1938 |
May |
10 |
Panchgani to Meherabad |
1938 |
May |
11 |
Meherabad to Panchgani |
1938 |
May |
19 |
Panchgani to Meherabad |
1938 |
May |
23 |
Meherabad to Panchgani |
1938 |
June |
3 |
Panchgani to Wathar |
1938 |
June |
4 |
Wathar to Miraj, Belgaum |
1938 |
June |
5 |
Arrive Wathar by train 3:50 a.m. to Panchgani in Elizabeth’s car |
1938 |
June |
15 |
Panchgani to P.W.D. Bungalow, Ahmednagar |
1938 |
June-Aug |
Daily visits to Meherabad to inspect construction work |
1938 |
Aug |
25 |
Shift from Ahmednagar to Meherabad |
1938 |
Aug |
30 |
Visit Ahmednagar for an hour in the afternoon |
1938 |
Sept |
25 |
Masts perform “Raja Gopichand” at Meherabad |
1938 |
Nov |
5 |
Visit to Happy Valley |
Blue Bus Tour |
1938 |
Dec |
8 |
Meherabad to Sholapur |
1938 |
Dec |
9 |
Sholapur to Hyderabad |
1938 |
Dec |
17 |
Hyderabad to Nander |
1938 |
Dec |
18 |
Nander to Hingoli, Badnera, Amraoti, Nagpur |
1938 |
Dec |
19 |
Nagpur to Jabalpur |
1938 |
Dec |
24 |
Go to Marble Rocks; arrive 9 a.m. |
1928 |
Dec |
25 |
Return to Jabalpur in the evening |
1938 |
Dec |
28 |
Jabalpur to Mandla |
1938 |
Dec |
31 |
Mandla to Jabalpur |
1939 |
Jan |
? |
Visit to Katni |
1939 |
Jan |
11 |
Jabalpur to Mandla to Jabalpur |
1939 |
Jan |
15 |
Jabalpur to Katni |
1939 |
Jan |
16 |
lv. Katni 6 a.m. to Rewa, Mirzapur, Arv. Benaras 5 p.m. |
1939 |
Jan |
19 |
Benaras to Sarnath to Benaras |
1939 |
Jan |
23 |
lv. Benaras 6:15 a.m., to Allahabad, Fatehpur, Kanpur, arv. 4 p.m. |
1939 |
Jan |
24 |
Kanpur to Agra, arv. 3 p.m. |
1939 |
Jan |
27 |
Agra to Fatehpur Sikri to Agra |
1939 |
Jan |
28 |
Agra to Mathura, Gokul, Vrindavan to Agra |
1939 |
Feb |
1 |
Agra to Delhi |
1939 |
Feb |
7 |
Lv Delhi, 8:25 a.m. to Alwar |
1939 |
Feb |
8 |
Alwar to Jaipur, Ajmer |
1939 |
Feb |
9 |
Visit Pushkar |
1939 |
Feb |
18 |
Ajmer to Taragarh to Ajmer |
1939 |
Feb |
27 |
Ajmer to Jaipur |
1939 |
March |
1 |
Jaipur to Tonk, Deoli, Bundi, Kota |
1939 |
March |
2 |
Arrive Ujjain to Dewas |
1939 |
March |
3 |
Dewas to Sehore, Bhopal |
1939 |
March |
6 |
Bhopal to Sanchi |
1939 |
March |
7 |
Sanchi to Bhopal |
1939 |
March |
9 |
Bhopal to Itarsi to Bhopal (not definite) |
1939 |
March |
12 |
Bhopal to Sanchi, Sagar |
1939 |
March |
13 |
Sagar to Jabalpur |
1939 |
March |
19 |
Jabalpur to Naranjanpur & on by Calcutta Mail |
1939 |
March |
20 |
Arrive Nasik 5:30 a.m. to Meherabad |
1939 |
March |
23 |
lv. Meherabad 8,.30 a.m.; arv. Poona 10.30; lv. 12 noon; Talegaon 1- 2 p.m.; arv. Bombay 5 p.m. |
1939 |
Mar |
25 |
Bombay to Itarsi, Jabalpur, arv. 1.30 p.m. |
1939 |
April |
7 |
Jabalpur to Mandla to Jabalpur |
1939 |
May |
15 |
Jabalpur to Nagpur, lv. Early morning |
1939 |
May |
16 |
Nagpur to Badnera, Khamgaon |
1939 |
May |
17 |
Khamgaon to Khuldabad |
1939 |
May |
18 |
Khuldabad to Ellora Caves, Aurangabad |
1939 |
May |
20 |
Aurangabad to Toka, Ahmednagar, Ghodnadi, Lonavla |
1939 |
May |
23 |
Lonavla to Talegaon to Lonavla |
1939 |
May |
25 |
Lonavla to Talegaon, Meherabad |
1939 |
June |
5 |
Visit to Akbar Press in the evening |
1939 |
June-July |
At Meherabad |
Blue Bus Tour to South |
1939 |
Aug |
2 |
Meherabad to Sholapur |
1939 |
Aug |
9 |
Sholapur to Satara via Pandharpur |
1939 |
Aug |
10 |
Satara to Kolhapur |
1939 |
Aug |
11 |
Kolhapur to Belgaum to Harihar |
1939 |
Aug |
12 |
Harihar to Bangalore |
1939 |
Aug |
14 |
Visit Byramangala |
1939 |
Aug |
17 |
Visit Byramangala |
1939 |
Sept |
01 |
Visit Byramangala |
1939 |
Sept |
At Bangalore |
1939 |
Oct |
14 |
Visit to Byramangala. Nonny dies at Bangalore. |
1939 |
Oct |
19 |
Lv Bangalore 3 p.m.; arv. Mysore 6 p.m. |
1939 |
Oct |
23 |
Mysore to Bangalore |
1939 |
Nov |
At Bangalore |
1939 |
Nov |
26 |
Bangalore at Trichinopoly |
1939 |
Nov |
27 |
Leave Trichinopoly to Nagappattinam |
1939 |
Nov |
28 |
Arrive Nagappattinam to Tanjore |
1939 |
Nov |
29 |
Tanjore to Trichinopoly |
1939 |
Nov |
30 |
Trichinopoly |
1939 |
Dec |
01 |
Arrive Bangalore |
1939 |
Dec |
07 |
Visit Byramangala |
1939 |
Dec |
17 |
Foundation laying ceremony at Byramangala |
1940 |
Jan |
At Bangalore |
1940 |
Jan |
04 |
Bangalore to Trichur to Travancore |
1940 |
Jan |
06 |
At Trivandrum & on to Cape Comorin |
1940 |
Jan |
09 |
At Madurai |
1940 |
Jan |
10 |
Arrive Bangalore |
1940 |
Jan |
15 |
Bangalore to Hassan |
1940 |
Jan |
17 |
Hassan to Belur, Halebid, arv. Hassan 11 a.m. |
1940 |
Jan |
18 |
Hassan to Mt. Budan, arv. Hassan 5 p.m. |
1940 |
Jan |
20 |
Hassan to Bangalore |
1940 |
Feb |
12 |
Visit Byramangala |
1940 |
Feb-March |
At Bangalore |
Goat Tour |
1940 |
April |
01 |
lv. Bangalore 7 a.m. to Arsikere |
“ |
1940 |
April |
02 |
Arsikere to Shimoga, arv 10 a.m. |
“ |
1940 |
April |
03 |
lv. Shimoga 3 p.m. to Gersoppa Falls, arv. midnight |
“ |
1940 |
April |
04 |
Gersoppa to Karwar |
“ |
1940 |
April |
09 |
lv. Karwar 4:45 a.m. to Supa (Joida, Karnataka) |
“ |
1940 |
April |
10 |
Supa to Londa, Anmode |
“ |
1940 |
April |
11 |
Anmode to Panjim, arv. 10.30 a.m. |
“ |
1940 |
April |
15 |
Panjim to Khanapur |
“ |
1940 |
April |
16 |
Khanapur to Amboli |
“ |
1940 |
April |
20 |
lv. Amboli 2 p.m. to Belgaum |
“ |
1940 |
April |
23 |
Lv Belgaum 5 a.m. to Sakharpa, arv. noon |
“ |
1940 |
April |
26 |
Lv Sakharpa 6 a.m. to Chiplun, Poladpur, arv. Mahabaleshwar 5:30 pm |
“ |
1940 |
April |
28 |
Lv Mahabaleshwar 6 a.m. to Panchgani arv. 6.30 a.m. |
“ |
1940 |
April |
29 |
lv. 6.30 a.m. Panchgani to Poona, arv. 9a.m. on to Ahmednagar, arv. 1 p.m. to Happy Valley, via |
“ |
1940 |
May |
09 |
Happy Valley to Ahmednagar, Meherabad |
1940 |
June |
13 |
Meherabad to Manmad by 3:30 p.m. train, lv Manmad by night train |
1940 |
June |
14 |
Nagpur & on |
1940 |
June |
15 |
Arrive Calcutta |
1940 |
June |
18 |
Leave Calcutta |
1940 |
June |
19 |
Arrive Ranchi |
1940 |
June |
22 |
Arrive Ahmednagar station at 9:30 a.m. via train from Manmad |
1940 |
July |
03 |
Meherabad to Manmad & on |
1940 |
July |
05 |
Arrive Chakradharpur to Ranchi |
1940 |
July |
19 |
Leave Ranchi |
1940 |
July |
20 |
Arrive Calcutta |
1940 |
July |
23 |
Calcutta to Chakradharpur & on |
1940 |
July |
25 |
Arrive Meherabad |
1940 |
Aug-Nov |
At Meherabad |
Ceylon Tour |
1940 |
Nov |
01 |
Leave Meherabad 2 p.m. to Dhond & on |
“ |
1940 |
Nov |
02 |
Raichur, Guntakal, arrive Arkonam (4:15 p.m.) to Chinglepet |
“ |
1940 |
Nov |
03 |
Trichinopoly, Dindigul, Madurai, Ramnad, Dhanushkodi [5 p.m.] to Talaimannar [7.30 p.m.]& on by boat |
“ |
1940 |
Nov |
04 |
Arrive Veyangoda 5.15 a.m. |
“ |
1940 |
Nov |
05 |
Visit Colombo, Kandy, Prindura ; Arv. Veyangoda 6.25 p.m. |
1940 |
Nov |
08 |
Visit to Kandy |
“ |
1940 |
Nov |
13 |
Visit to Kandy |
“ |
1940 |
Nov |
14 |
Visit to Colombo |
“ |
1940 |
Nov |
16 |
Veyangoda to Kandy |
“ |
1940 |
Nov |
24 |
Kandy to Dambulla, Anuradhapura to Kandy |
1940 |
Before Dec |
2 |
Visit to Negombo |
“ |
1940 |
Dec |
05 |
Kandy to Mannar |
“ |
1940 |
Dec |
06 |
lv. by ship, arrive Dhanushkodi to Ramnad, arv. 3p.m. |
“ |
1940 |
Dec |
08 |
Ramnad to Madurai, Dindigul |
“ |
1940 |
Dec |
09 |
Dindigul to Palni, Pollachi, Palghat |
“ |
1940 |
Dec |
10 |
Palghat to Calicut |
“ |
1940 |
Dec |
23 |
Calicut to Shoranpur, Podanur & on |
“ |
1940 |
Dec |
24 |
Arkonam, Madras, Vijayawada, Nagpur, Itarsi, Agra |
“ |
1940 |
Dec |
26 |
Arrive Mathura, Achnera, Bharatpur, Jaipur |
1941 |
“ |
1941 |
Jan |
06 |
Jaipur to Jodhpur |
“ |
1941 |
Jan |
08 |
Jodhpur to Jaipur |
“ |
1941 |
Jan |
14 |
Jaipur to Ahmedabad, Rajkot, Morvi, Junagadh, Jamnagar |
After |
1941 |
Jan |
20 |
Dwarka & on |
1941 |
Jan |
24 |
Return to Jaipur |
1941 |
Jan |
27 |
Visit to Alwar; leave at 7 a.m., return at 1:20 p.m. |
1941 |
Jan |
28 |
Jaipur to Alwar, Ismailpur to Jaipur |
1941 |
Feb |
1 |
Visit to Alwar |
Exhausting Mast Tour |
1941 |
Feb |
5 |
Jaipur to Alwar, Delhi |
1941 |
Feb |
7 |
Delhi to Saharanpur (12:10 a.m. train) to Lucknow |
1941 |
Feb |
8 |
Lucknow to Benaras |
1941 |
Feb |
10 |
Benaras to Calcutta |
1941 |
Feb |
11 |
Calcutta to Jagannath Puri |
1941 |
Feb |
12 |
Puri to Khurada, Waltair, Madras |
1941 |
Feb |
13 |
Leave Madras to Villupuram, Trichinopoly, Dindigul, Madurai |
1941 |
Feb |
14 |
Arrive Kilakkarai to Ramnad, Madurai, Dindigul, Trichinopoly, Villupuram, Madras |
1941 |
Feb |
15 |
Leave Madras |
1941 |
Feb |
16 |
Arrive Chanda & on to Nagpur |
1941 |
Feb |
? |
Arrive Nagpur & on |
1941 |
Feb |
18 |
To Delhi & on |
1941 |
Feb |
18 midnight/ 19 |
Arrive Jaipur |
Quetta Trip |
1941 |
Feb |
25 |
Jaipur to Agra |
1941 |
Feb |
26 |
Agra to Fatehpur Sikri, Agra |
1941 |
Feb |
27 |
Agra to Delhi |
1941 |
March |
2 |
Delhi to Panipat, Ambala, Sirhind, Ludhiana, Jullunder |
1941 |
March |
3 |
Jullunder to Amritsar, Lahore |
1941 |
March |
5 |
lv. Lahore 7.50 a.m. to Pakpattan, Montgomery |
1941 |
March |
6 |
Lv Montgomery 7 a.m. to Multan |
1941 |
March |
7 or 8 |
Multan to Muzaffargarh, Dara Ghazi Khan, Khar (Ft. Munroe) |
1941 |
March |
11 |
Khar to Rakhni, Loralai |
1941 |
March |
12 |
lv. Loralai 7.45 a.m. to Hindubagh, Quetta, arv. 5 p.m. |
1941 |
April |
7 |
Quetta to Jacobabad, Sukkur & on |
1941 |
April |
9 |
Arrive Lahore to Amritsar, Ludhiana, Khanna |
1941 |
April |
10 |
Khanna to Dehra Dun |
1941 |
May |
3 |
Dehra Dun to Delhi, Ajmer |
1941 |
May |
9 |
Ajmer to Dehra Dun |
1941 |
May |
12 |
Visit to Rishikesh |
1941 |
May |
15 |
Dehra Dun to Ghaziabad, to Khurja |
1941 |
May |
16 |
Khurja to Aligarh, Mathura, Bharatpur |
1941 |
May |
17 |
Bharatpur to Jaipur, Kishangarh, Ajmer, arv. 1 p.m. |
1941 |
May |
25 |
Ajmer to Pushkar, Kishangarh to Ajmer |
1941 |
June |
8 - 11 |
Ajmer to Nasirabad, Beawar, Sojat, Abu Road, Unawa to Ajmer |
1941 |
June |
15-19 |
Ajmer to Rewari, Khairtal, Ismailpur, Nimuch, Chitorgarh to Ajmer |
1941 |
July |
3 |
Ajmer to Ahmedabad, Baroda & on |
1941 |
July |
6 |
At Sojat, Marwar & on |
1941 |
July |
7 |
Arrive Ajmer |
1941 |
July |
9 |
Ajmer to Ismailpur, Rewari & on to Delhi, Kanpur & on |
1941 |
July |
11 |
Arrive Aligarh & on |
1941 |
July |
12 |
Return to Ajmer |
1941 |
July |
16 |
Ajmer to Khandwa, Bhusawal, Manmad & on |
1941 |
July |
18 |
Arrive Meherabad |
1941 |
July |
28 |
Meherabad to Panchgani to Meherabad |
1941 |
Aug |
1 |
Seclusion on Meherabad Hill |
1941 |
Sept |
3 |
Meherabad to Panchgani |
Tour For Masts |
1941 |
Sept |
30 |
Panchgani to Narsobhawadi |
1941 |
Oct |
1 |
At Narsobawadi to Kurandwad |
1941 |
Oct |
? |
To Secunderabad, Hyderabad, Itarsi |
1941 |
Oct |
5 |
At Itarsi |
1941 |
Oct |
? |
To Allahabad, Naini, Jhusi, Fatehpur |
1941 |
Oct |
7 |
At Fatehpur to Kanpur |
1941 |
Oct |
? |
To Delhi to Ismailpur |
1941 |
Oct |
9 |
At Ismailpur |
1941 |
Oct |
10 |
At Ajmer |
1941 |
Oct |
? |
To Indore |
1941 |
Oct |
12 |
At Khandwa |
1941 |
Oct |
14 |
Arrive Panchgani |
1941 |
Oct |
17 |
Panchgani to Poona, Ahmednagar, Dahigaon, Ahmednagar, Poona & on[DF1] |
1941 |
Oct |
18 |
Arrive Panchgani |
South India |
1941 |
Oct |
28 |
Panchgani to Satara, Belgaum, Kolhapur, Dharwar |
1941 |
Oct |
29 |
Dharwar to Karwar |
1941 |
Nov |
8 or 9 |
Karwar to Belgaum |
1941 |
Nov |
Visit Sangli, Miraj |
1941 |
Nov |
12 |
Belgaum to Dharwar |
1941 |
Nov |
Visit Bijapur |
1941 |
Nov |
14 |
Dharwar to Bangalore |
1941 |
Nov |
15 |
Bangalore to Nagapattinam |
1941 |
Nov |
Visit Hubli, Bellary, Gadag |
1941 |
Nov |
17 |
Arv. Bangalore 8 p.m. |
1941 |
Nov |
18 |
Lv. Bangalore morning [Source Donkin’s Diary |
1941 |
Nov |
19 |
Return to Dharwar |
1941 |
Nov |
24 |
Dharwar to Hubli to Bijapur |
1941 |
Nov |
25 |
Bijapur to Dharwar |
1941 |
Nov |
27 |
Dharwar to Satara |
1941 |
Nov |
28 |
Satara to Meherabad |
1941 |
Dec |
20 |
Meherabad to Pandharpur |
1941 |
Dec |
Visits Miraj, Sangli, Narsobawadi |
1941 |
Dec |
23 |
Return to Meherabad |
1941 |
Dec |
24 |
Upasni Maharaj drops his body |
1941 |
Dec |
29 |
Meherabad to Dahigaon, Sakori, Shirdi, Ankai, Manmad & on |
1941 |
Dec |
30 |
Arrive Allahabad |
1941 |
Dec |
31 |
Allahabad Kumbha Mela. Visit Naini |
1942 |
Jan |
1 |
Allahabad to Satara, Itarsi |
1942 |
Jan |
2 |
Itarsi, Nagpur, Chanda |
1942 |
Jan |
3 |
Chanda, Balharshah & on |
1942 |
Jan |
4 |
Secunderabad, Hyderabad, Wadi |
1942 |
Jan |
5 |
Sholapur, Dhond |
1942 |
Jan |
6 |
Dhond to Meherabad |
1942 |
Jan |
15 |
Meherabad to Dhond, Hotgi |
1942 |
Jan |
16 |
Hotgi to Hubli |
1942 |
Jan |
17 |
Hubli to Guntakal & on |
1942 |
Jan |
18 |
Arrive Nagapattinam to Nagore, Erode, Chinglepet, Raichur, Kurundwadi & on |
1942 |
Jan |
21 |
Arrive Miraj & on |
1942 |
Jan |
22 |
Arrive Narsobawadi (Aravada village) |
1942 |
Jan |
23 |
Return to Meherabad via Kurundwadi |
1942 |
Feb |
2 |
Meherabad to Manmad |
1942 |
Feb |
3 |
Bhusawal, Itarsi, Bhopal, Jhansi |
1942 |
Feb |
4 |
Mathura, Delhi, Moradabad, Laskar & on |
1942 |
Feb |
5 |
Arrive Dehra Dun morning by Howrah-Dehra Dun Express |
Dehra Dun Stay |
1942 |
Feb |
11 |
Dehra Dun to Hardwar |
1942 |
Feb |
12 |
Hardwar to Roorkee |
1942 |
Feb |
13 |
Roorkee to Landhaura, Zorashi, Roorkee, Saharanpur |
1942 |
Feb |
14 |
Saharanpur to Jalalabad, Thana Bhawan, Meerut, Delhi |
1942 |
Feb |
15 |
Delhi to Ajmer |
1942 |
Feb |
16 |
Ajmer to Marwar, Jodhpur |
1942 |
Feb |
17 |
Jodhpur to Marwar & on |
1942 |
Feb |
18 |
Arrive Delhi to Aligarh, Bareilly |
1942 |
Feb |
19 |
Bareilly to Moradabad |
1942 |
Feb |
20 |
Moradabad to Dehra Dun |
1942 |
March |
4 |
Dehra Dun 9:40 a.m. train to Hardwar, Rishikesh, |
1942 |
March |
5 |
Rishikesh to Dehra Dun, arv. evening |
1942 |
March |
12 |
Dehra Dun to Ayodhya, Faizabad, Mankapur, Gonda, Bahraich, Gorakhpur, Siwan, Gopalganj, Chapra, Muzaffarpur, Patna, Lucknow, Sitapur, Bareilly, Rampur & on |
1942 |
March |
22 |
Return to Dehra Dun by Deli Express train |
1942 |
March |
27 |
Dehra Dun to Chintanwala, Dhuri, Patiala, Muzaffarnagar & on |
1942 |
March |
30 |
Return to Dehra Dun |
1942 |
April |
1 |
Dehra Dun to Amritsar, Verka, Batala, Pathankot, Dalhousie, Kalatap, Chamba, Bharmar, Jullundur, Nakodar, Hoshiarpur, Goraya, Ludhiana, Kup & on |
1942 |
April |
9 |
Return to Dehra Dun |
1942 |
April |
25 |
Dehra Dun to Rawalpindi, Gujrat, Sialkot, Pasrur, Gujranwala, Lahore, Sahranpur, Hardwar, Rishikesh & on |
1942 |
May |
6 |
Return to Dehra Dun |
1942 |
May |
? |
Dehra Dun to Shahjahanpur, Budaun, Pilibhit, Bareilly, Seohara, Najibabad, Nagina & on [not mentioned in Chanji’s] |
1942 |
May |
? |
Return to Dehra Dun |
Nepal-Bhutan Mast Work |
1942 |
May |
16 |
Dehra Dun to Lucknow, Ayodhya, Mughal Sarsi, Patna to: Bijanbari, Darjeeling, Siliguri, Riyang, Gielle Khola, Kalmipong, Bagrakot, Mal, Metelli, Chalsa, Nagrakata, Dalsingpara, Raja Bhat Khawa, Jainti, Cooch Behar, Gitaldaha, Lalmanir Hat, Domohani, Lataguri, Ramshai, Parvatipur & on |
1942 |
May |
21 |
Return to Dehra Dun |
1942 |
May |
25 |
Dehra Dun to Rishikesh |
1942 |
June |
12 |
At Hardwar |
1942 |
June |
13 |
Hardwar to Rishikesh |
1942 |
June |
23 |
Rishikesh to Hardwar, Dehra Dun to Rishikesh |
1942 |
June |
26 |
Rishikesh to Panipat, Saharanpur to Rishikesh |
1942 |
June |
30 |
Rishikesh to Dehra Dun |
1942 |
July |
10 |
Dehra Dun to Bareilly & on |
1942 |
July |
11 |
Arrive Kathgodam |
1942 |
July |
14 |
Visit to Bhowali |
1942 |
July |
22 |
Kathgodam to Bareilly & on |
1942 |
July |
23 |
Arrive Najibabad to Sahanpur t Najibabad |
1942 |
July |
24 |
Najibabad to Delhi |
1942 |
July |
25 |
Delhi to Rewari, Khairtal |
1942 |
July |
26 |
Khairtal to Ajmer |
1942 |
July |
27 |
Ajmer to Pushkar |
1942 |
July |
30 |
Ajmer to Delhi |
1942 |
Aug |
1 |
Return to Dehra Dun |
1942 |
Sept |
? |
Dehra Dun to Ambala |
1942 |
Sept |
5 |
To Hardwar to Dehra Dun |
1942 |
Sept |
10 |
Dehra Dun to Moradabad, Delhi |
1942 |
Sept |
11 |
Mathura, Jhansi, Bhopal, Bhusawal |
1942 |
Sept |
12 |
Manmad to Ahmednagar to Lonavla |
1942 |
Sept |
16 |
Visit Poona |
1942 |
Sept |
22 |
Lonavla to Uran to Lonavla |
1942 |
Oct |
20 |
Leave Lonavla for South India |
1942 |
Oct |
21 |
Arkonam (Arakkonam) to Jolarpet, arv. midnight on |
1942 |
Oct |
22 |
Arrive Tanjore via Trichinopoly (Tiruchi) |
1942 |
Oct |
23 |
To Nagapattinam & on. Chinglepet, Guntakal, Hubli, Miraj, Pandharpur, Kurundwadi & on |
1942 |
Oct |
29 |
Arrive Lonavla |
1942 |
Nov |
12 |
Lonavla to Nasik to Lonavla |
1942 |
Dec |
4 |
Lonavla to Raipur & on |
1942 |
Dec |
6 |
Arrive Lutra |
1942 |
Dec |
10 |
Return Lonavla via Raipur |
1942 |
Dec |
22 |
Lonavla to Meherabad |
1942 |
Dec |
26-27 |
Meeting at Meherabad |
1943 |
Jan |
14 |
Meherabad to Poona to Meherabad |
1943 |
Jan |
25 |
Meherabad to Aurangabad, Khuldabad |
1943 |
Feb |
2 or 5 |
Aurangabad to Meherabad |
1943 |
Feb |
14 or 10 |
Meherabad to Mahabaleshwar |
1943 |
Feb |
25 |
Shireenmai dies in Poona |
1943 |
Feb |
25 |
Mahabaleshwar to Poona to Mahabaleshwar |
1943 |
Feb |
27 |
Mahabaleshwar to Poona |
1943 |
Feb |
28 |
Poona to Ahmednagar |
1943 |
March |
9 |
Meherabad to Poona, Dhond, Kurduwadi, Sholapur |
1943 |
March |
11 |
Sholapur to Vairag, Barsi |
1943 |
March |
12 |
Barsi to Sholapur to Akalkot, Wadi & on |
1943 |
March |
15 |
Arrive Vijayawada (Bezwada) to Guntur, Polavaram, Kottalanka, Kazipet & on |
1943 |
March |
19 |
Dhond by car to Poona to Mahabaleshwar, arv. 6 p.m. |
1943 |
March |
22 |
Visit Panchgani, Bhilar |
1943 |
March |
23 |
Visit Bhilar |
1943 |
March |
24 |
Visit Pratapgarh with women; Eruch drives the bus alone |
1943 |
April |
1 |
Mahabaleshwar to Bhilar |
1943 |
April |
4 |
Bhilar to Meherabad, via Poona |
1943 |
April |
9 |
Meherabad to Sangamner, Bombay by car & on by train |
1943 |
April |
10 |
Arrive Surat early morning |
1943 |
April |
11 |
Shift to Rander |
1943 |
April |
12 |
Leave Surat to Bulsar to Surat |
1943 |
April |
13 |
Surat to Bombay |
1943 |
April |
14 |
Bombay to Nasik, Jalgaon (Nasirabad) |
1943 |
April |
16 |
Jalgaon to Manmad, Ahmednagar, arrive Meherabad |
1943 |
April |
20 |
Meherabad to Poona, Panchgani, Bhilar |
1943 |
May |
1 |
Bhilar to Poona, Meherabad |
1943 |
May |
5 |
Meherabad to Bhilar |
1943 |
May |
7 |
Bhilar to Meherabad |
1943 |
May |
8 |
Meherabad to Bhilar |
1943 |
May |
12 |
Bhilar to Meherabad |
1943 |
May |
15-19 |
Meeting at Meherabad |
1943 |
May |
21 |
Meherabad to Poona to Bhilar arv. 11.30 a.m. |
1943 |
May |
26 |
Lv Bhilar 7 a.m. to Meherabad |
1943 |
June |
At Meherabad |
1943 |
June |
22 |
Visit Poona till 2 p.m. |
1943 |
July |
4 |
Leave Meherabad to Manmad, Bhusawal & on |
1943 |
July |
5 |
Arrive Delhi & on |
1943 |
July |
7 |
Arrive Lahore |
1943 |
July |
15 |
Lahore to Chorkat (Khudian) |
1943 |
July |
16 (?) |
Mokal, Kanganpur, Kasur to Lahore |
1943 |
July |
19 |
At Lahore |
1943 |
July |
21 |
At Lahore |
1943 |
July |
? |
Lahore to Bhat to Lahore |
1943 |
July |
22 |
Lahore to Gujranwala, Gujrat |
1943 |
July |
23 |
To Rawalpindi, Mandra |
1943 |
July |
by 27 |
Return to Lahore |
1943 |
Aug |
2 |
lv. Lahore evening to Taxila |
1943 |
Aug |
4 |
Taxila to Peshawar |
1943 |
Aug |
5 |
Cross the frontier |
1943 |
Aug |
6 |
To Hasan Abdal to Lahore |
1943 |
Aug |
12 |
Lahore to Raiwind, Bhatinda & on |
1943 |
Aug |
13 |
Delhi, Agra, Gwalior, Jhansi |
1943 |
Aug |
14 |
Bhusawal, Manmad, Ahmednagar, Meherabad |
1943 |
Aug |
15 |
Visit to Poona |
1943 |
Aug |
19 |
Meherabad - Manmad |
1943 |
Aug |
20 |
Itarsi, Bhopal, Jhansi, Gwalior, Agra, Delhi & on |
1943 |
Aug |
21 |
Arrive Lahore |
1943 |
Sept |
2 |
Lahore to Rawalpindi by train, lv. Rawalpindi early morning drive to Murree |
1943 |
Sept |
3 |
Murree to Srinagar |
1943 |
Sept |
? |
Visit to Harvan |
1943 |
Sept |
6,7,8 |
Mast trips in the evening around Srinagar |
1943 |
Sept |
9 |
Srinagar to Rawalpindi by train; arv. 7 p.m.& on by train |
1943 |
Sept |
10 |
Arrive Lahore 5.30 a.m. |
1943 |
Sept |
11 |
Lahore to Rawalpindi & on at midnight |
1943 |
Sept |
12 |
Taxila to Haripur, Jasgiran & return |
1943 |
Sept |
13 |
Return to Rawalpindi |
1943 |
Sept |
15 |
Rawalpindi to Gujranwala, Amritsar |
1943 |
Sept |
16 |
lv. Amritsar early morning to Lahore, arv. 7.30 a.m. |
1943 |
Sept |
28 |
Lahore to Kasur, Kul Mokal |
1943 |
Sept |
29 |
lv. Kul Mokal 5.30 a.m. to Kasur, Lahore, arv. 9.10 a.m. |
1943 |
Oct |
12 |
Leave Lahore to Ambala, Saharanpur |
1943 |
Oct |
13 |
Lucknow, Benares |
1943 |
Oct |
14 |
Misarai, Patna, Asansol, Calcutta |
1943 |
Oct |
19 |
Leave Calcutta by Punjab Delhi mail train |
1943 |
Oct |
20 |
Patna, Misarai, Benares, Lucknow |
1943 |
Oct |
23 |
Leave Lucknow 5 p.m. train |
1943 |
Oct |
24 |
Laskar, Saharanpur, Ambala to Jullundur, arv. 2 p.m. |
1943 |
Oct |
25 |
lv. Jullundur 6.35 a.m. to Jamsher Khan, arv. Jullundur 10 a.m. , lv. At 11.50 a.m. for Kapurthala, and return to Jullunder at 5 p.m. |
1943 |
Oct |
26 |
Lv Jullundur 7 a.m. by train to Phagwara, arv 7.45 a.m., tonga to Sangatpur, Rawalpindi Village, Jullundur, arv. 5 p.m. |
1943 |
Oct |
27 |
Lv Jullundur 7 a.m. to arv. 9.m. Hoshiarpur, Sisoli, Harmoya, Bijnor, Hadda, Arv. Hoshiarpur 5.15 pm, lv. 6.30 p.m. train for Jullundur, arv. 8.30 p.m. |
1943 |
Oct |
28 |
lv. 7 a.m. Jullundur to Lahore, arv. noon |
1943 |
Nov |
8 |
lv. Lahore 12:50 p.m. train to Wazirabad ar. evening, arv Jammu night |
1943 |
Nov |
9 |
lv. Jammu evening train to Wazirabad, arv. 10 p.m. Lv. Midnight by train |
1943 |
Nov |
10 |
Arv. Lahore 3 a.m.; 7:30 a.m. train to Jullundur, arv. Noon; lv. 3:45 p.m., arv. Hoshiarpur 4:50 p.m. |
1943 |
Nov |
11 |
Hoshiarpur to Harmoya, to Hoshiarpur, Jullundur |
1943 |
Nov |
12 |
Jullundur, Firozepur, Kasur |
1943 |
Nov |
13 |
Kasur to Lahore |
1943 |
Nov |
20 |
Leave Lahore via Amritsar |
1943 |
Nov |
22 |
Delhi, Mathura & on |
1943 |
Nov |
23 |
Ratlam to Chitorgarh |
1943 |
Nov |
24 |
Chitorgarh to Udaipur |
1943 |
Nov |
26 |
night lv. Udaipur to Chitorgarh |
1943 |
Nov |
27 |
Chitorgarh to Ratlam |
1943 |
Nov |
28 |
Bulsar to Bombay, Poona |
1943 |
Nov |
29 |
Poona, Ahmednagar, Meherabad |
1943 |
Dec |
30 |
Meherabad to Poona |
1944 |
Jan |
9 |
Poona to Meherabad, Meherazad |
1944 |
Feb |
5 |
Meherazad to Aurangabad. Visit Ellora Caves, Daulatabad |
1944 |
March |
3 |
Aurangabad to Khuldabad to Aurangabad |
1944 |
March |
11 |
lv. Aurangabad 6:45 a.m. train to Jalna, arv. 8:30 a.m.; take 9 a.m. bus to Bir, arv. Noon; return to Jalna at night and board train to Parbhani |
1944 |
March |
12 |
Lv. Parbhani 4 a.m. to Aurangabad, arv. 9 a.m. |
1944 |
March |
14 |
Aurangabad to Paithan by car lv. 5 p.m. |
1944 |
March |
18 |
Paithan to Aurangabad |
1944 |
April |
1 |
Aurangabad to Manmad |
1944 |
April |
2 |
Bhusawal, Itarsi to Jhansi |
1944 |
April |
3 |
Jhansi to Gwalior Arv. 12:30 a.m. |
1944 |
April |
5 |
Gwalior to Jhansi, arv. 4.30 a.m. – leave 4:30 p.m. to Bin-Etawa arv. around 7:30 pm |
1944 |
April |
6 |
Itarsi, Bhusawal, Manmad, return to Aurangabad |
1944 |
April |
10 |
lv. Aurangabad early to Meherabad |
1944 |
April |
17 |
Circa move to Meherazad |
1944 |
April |
23 |
Visit to Poona |
1944 |
April |
27 |
lv. 7 a.m. Meherazad to Vaijapur, Kopargaon, Meherazad, arv. 8 p.m. |
1944 |
April |
28 |
Meherazad to Ale, Belhe to Meherazad |
1944 |
May |
7 |
Meherazad to Poona |
1944 |
May |
8 |
Poona to Narayangaon |
1944 |
May |
9 |
Narayangaon to Rajuri, Poona, Meherazad |
1944 |
May |
15 |
Visit Meherabad |
1944 |
May |
16 |
Meherazad to Vaijapur to Meherazad |
1944 |
May |
26 |
Leave Meherazad, Nagar to Manmad |
1944 |
May |
27 |
Bhusawal to Khandwa, Borgaon, Khandwa |
1944 |
May |
28 |
Khandwa to Sanawad (Barwah), Khandwa |
1944 |
May |
29 |
Khandwa to Purhanpur |
1944 |
May |
30 |
Khandwa to Sanawad (Barwah) |
1944 |
May |
31 |
Manmad, Ahmednagar, Meherazad |
1944 |
June |
10-11 |
Meeting at Meherabad |
Journey to Kashmir |
1944 |
July |
7 |
lv. Meherazad (may have been from Meherabad) early by car to Bombay. Arv. Noon. Depart 4.30 train to Manmad |
1944 |
July |
8 |
Bhusawal to Nagpur, Raipur |
1944 |
July |
14 |
Raipur to Amraoti & on |
1944 |
July |
17 |
At Ellichpur to Basim, Akola, Badnera & on |
1944 |
July |
19 |
At Wardha & on |
1944 |
July |
20 |
At Tatanagar. To Bilaspur & on |
1944 |
July |
21 or 22 |
Arrive Raipur |
1944 |
Aug |
9 |
Raipur to Nagpur |
1944 |
Aug |
10 |
Nagpur, Wardha, Murtazapur |
1944 |
Aug |
11 |
Visit Yeotmal |
1944 |
Aug |
12 |
Murtazapur to Dhamangaon, Badnera, Murtazapur & on |
1944 |
Aug |
14 |
Arrive Delhi via Nagpur. |
1944 |
Aug |
15 |
Leave Delhi to Rawalpindi |
1944 |
Aug |
16 |
Rawalpindi to Murree |
1944 |
Aug |
17 |
Murree, Donel, Baramula & on |
1944 |
Aug |
18 |
Arrive Srinagar |
1944 |
Aug |
24 |
Srinagar to Nishat (Shalimar) |
1944 |
Aug |
25 |
Chanji dies. Baba goes to Srinagar and returns to Nishat. |
1944 |
Aug |
28 |
Shalimar to Biahom, Tulamul, Gandarbal, Mangom |
1944 |
Aug |
29 |
Mangom to Charwan, Barnabug, Kangan, Chhundangam, Shalimar. |
1944 |
Aug |
31 |
Shalimar to Sumbal, Ajas, Gurur, Wanagam, Kayul,Baramula & on |
1944 |
Sept |
1 |
To Nadihal, Chindlur, Zainakut, Shalimar |
1944 |
Sept |
4 |
Shalimar to Pampur, Buh, Khanabal, Achhibal, Martand, Shalimar |
1944 |
Sept |
7 |
Shalimar to Khadarmunh, Purusu, Koyil, Puchhal, Pulwama, Shalimar. |
1944 |
Sept |
12 |
Shalimar to Dalwan to Shalimar |
1944 |
Sept |
21 |
Srinagar to Rawalpindi |
1944 |
Sept |
25 approx |
Rawalpindi to Peshawar |
1944 |
Sept |
28 |
Peshawar to Rawalpindi & on |
1944 |
Sept |
29 |
Arrive Delhi & back & on to Lahore [According to Mehera: met women at Rawalpindi, then on] |
1944 |
Sept |
30 |
Lahore to Agra [According to Mehera: to Delhi, Agra] |
1944 |
Oct |
3 |
Agra to Delhi |
1944 |
Oct |
4 |
Delhi to Mathura to Delhi |
1944 |
Oct |
5 |
Delhi to Panipat to Delhi & on |
1944 |
Oct |
6 |
Arrive Agra |
1944 |
Oct |
7 |
Agra to Manmad & on |
1944 |
Oct |
8 |
Arrive Aurangabad |
1944 |
Oct |
22 |
Visit Wahegaon, Goregaon |
1944 |
Oct |
28 |
Visit Ellora (Source: Donkin’s Diary) |
1944 |
Nov |
? |
Visit Ajanta |
1944 |
Nov |
10 |
Aurangabad to Manmad & on |
1944 |
Nov |
11 |
Arrive Nagpur |
1944 |
Nov |
15 |
Visit Angewade, Saoner |
1944 |
Nov |
16 |
Leave Nagpur |
1944 |
Nov |
17 |
Arrive Manmad to Aurangabad |
1944 |
Nov |
28 |
Aurangabad to Meherazad |
1944 |
Dec |
19 |
Masaji dies. Baba comes to Meherabad, returns to Meherazad. |
1944 |
Dec |
22 |
Meherazad to Meherabad |
1944 |
Dec |
24 |
Visit Ahmednagar |
1944 |
Dec |
27 |
Meherabad to Meherazad |
[DF1]This Dahigaon is different from the Dahigaon Baba visited on 17 June 1925, which is ten miles from Meherabad.
1945 |
Jan |
At Meherazad |
1945 |
Jan |
6 |
Visit Meherabad |
1945 |
Jan |
26 |
Visit Meherabad |
1945 |
Jan |
31 |
Meherazad to Ahmednagar. Stay at Pop’s house. |
1945 |
Feb |
2 |
Ahmednagar to Jhansi |
1945 |
Feb |
6 |
Jhansi to Ahmednagar Visits to Meherabad |
1945 |
Feb |
21 |
Leave Ahmednagar |
1945 |
Feb |
22 |
Arrive Secunderabad |
1945 |
Feb |
25 |
Leave Secunderabad for Ahmednagar. Arrive Ahmednagar. |
1945 |
March |
9 |
Leave Ahmednagar. |
1945 |
March |
10 |
Arrive Hyderabad, Jubilee Hills |
1945 |
April |
10 |
Hyderabad to Bidar & on |
1945 |
April |
11 |
At Zahirabad to Hyderabad |
1945 |
April |
12 |
Visit Kandahar, Nander |
1945 |
April |
14 |
Visit Bhongir, Jangaon |
1945 |
May |
14 |
Hyderabad to Udgir (Don’s Diary entry 14 May says “Baba left yesterday”) |
1945 |
May |
15 |
Bidar to Shankarpalli, Sangareddy |
1945 |
May |
16 |
Sangareddy to Jogipet, Medak, Hyderabad |
1945 |
May |
22 |
Hyderabad to Dhond to Meherabad |
1945 |
May |
24-25 |
Meeting at Meherabad. |
1945 |
May |
28 |
Visit Akbar Press for Eruch’s wedding |
1945 |
May |
29 |
Leave Meherabad. |
1945 |
May |
30 |
Arrive Hyderabad. |
1945 |
June |
4 |
Hyderabad to Vijayawada |
1945 |
June |
5 |
At Warangal & on |
1945 |
June |
7 |
At Kazipet to Hyderabad |
1945 |
July |
6 |
Hyderabad to Aland, Gulbarga |
1945 |
July |
7 |
Gulbarga to Yadgiri |
1945 |
July |
8 |
At Gurmatkal |
1945 |
July |
9 |
Arrive Hyderabad |
1945 |
July |
10-20 |
Hyderabad to Bombay to Hyderabad |
1945 |
July |
21 |
lv. Hyderabad evening to Madras by train |
1945 |
July |
22 |
Arv. Madras evening |
1945 |
July |
24 |
At Madras |
1945 |
July |
25 |
Madras to Raichur, Arv. 9:30 p.m. |
1945 |
July |
27 |
lv. Raichur to Mahbubnagar by bus at 5 a.m., arv. around noon |
1945 |
July |
28 |
Mahbubnagar to Hyderabad by train |
1945 |
July |
29 |
Arv. Hyderabad [? Source Don’s diary 14 Aug 1945] |
1945 |
Aug |
15 |
World War II ends |
1945 |
Aug |
29 |
Hyderabad to Nander, Lawha, Purli |
1945 |
Aug |
30 |
At Bidar to Hyderabad |
1945 |
Sept |
3 |
Narayan Maharaj dies at Bangalore |
1945 |
Sept |
6 |
Leave Hyderabad |
1945 |
Sept |
7 |
Arrive Poona |
1945 |
Sept |
8 |
Poona to Pasarni (Wai) |
1945 |
Sept |
18 |
Pasarni to Meherabad |
1945 |
Sept |
19 |
Visit Khushru Quarters |
1945 |
Sept |
23 |
Meherabad to Pasarni |
1945 |
Oct |
2 |
Pasarni to Poona & on |
1945 |
Oct |
5 |
In Raipur |
1945 |
Oct |
6 |
Raipur to Champa & on |
1945 |
Oct |
7 |
Arrive Kharagpur to Calcutta |
1945 |
Oct |
14 |
Calcutta to Midnapore |
1945 |
Oct |
15 |
Midnapore to Bishnupur |
1945 |
Oct |
16 |
Bishnuput to Bankura, Lokashal, Bansi, Bakura, Balasore |
1945 |
Oct |
17 |
Balasore to Bhadrakh & on |
1945 |
Oct |
18 |
Arrive Cuttuck & on |
1945 |
Oct |
19 |
Cuttuck to Jharsuguda |
1945 |
Oct |
20 |
Jharsuguda to Sambalpur, Jharsuguda & on |
1945 |
Oct |
21 |
Arrive Raigarh |
1945 |
Oct |
25 |
Raigarh to Bilaspur |
1945 |
Oct |
26 |
Bilaspur to Raipur |
1945 |
Oct |
31 |
Raipur to Ratwa. Seclusion to Sihawa |
1945 |
Nov |
13 |
Sihawa to Ghatula, Dhamtari |
1945 |
Nov |
14 |
Arrive Dhamtari to Raipur & on |
1945 |
Nov |
15 |
Arrive Jhansi via Nagpur |
1945 |
Nov |
16 |
Jhansi to Mathura, Vrindavan & on |
1945 |
Nov |
19 |
To Saugor, Binda, Lalitpur |
1945 |
Nov |
20 |
Lalitpur to Tikamgarh to Lalitpur |
1945 |
Nov |
21 |
Lalitpur to Bhopal |
1945 |
Nov |
23 |
Bhopal to Poona & on |
1945 |
Nov |
24 |
Arrive Wai |
1945 |
Nov |
30 |
Wai to Meherabad. Visits to Ahmednagar, Pimpalgaon |
1945 |
Dec |
8 |
Leave Meherabad |
1945 |
Dec |
9 |
Arrive Wai |
1945 |
Dec |
15 |
Wai to Meherabad |
1946 |
Jan |
3 |
Seclusion at lower Meherabad |
1946 |
Jan |
25 |
Visit to Meherazad |
1946 |
Jan |
26 |
Visit to Meherazad |
1946 |
Feb |
3 |
Meherabad to Meherazad |
1946 |
Feb |
9 |
Baba begins spending nights at Gyara’s cottage |
1946 |
March |
10 |
Visit Ahmednagar |
1946 |
March |
16 |
Visit Kolgaon, Jamgaon |
1946 |
March |
17 |
Visit Mirajgaon |
???? Seclusion |
1946 |
April |
16 |
Leave Meherazad to Manmad & on |
1946 |
April |
? |
Arrive Niranjanpur via Delhi, Dehra Dun |
1946 |
April |
20-27 |
Niranjanpur to Rishikesh, Hardwar |
1946 |
April |
Circa 28 |
Return to Niranjanpur |
1946 |
May |
1 |
Niranjanpur to Delhi, Panipat |
1946 |
May |
3 |
Panipat to Ambala, Ludhiana |
1946 |
May |
4 |
At Ludhiana |
1946 |
May |
5 |
At Phillaur, Bhatia, Sangatpura, Khorampur, Phagwara |
1946 |
May |
6 |
At Verka, Amritsar |
1946 |
May |
7 |
Amritsar to Lahore |
1946 |
May |
9 |
Lahore to Sialkot (Saidan, Talwara) |
1946 |
May |
10 |
At Pasrur |
1946 |
May |
11 |
To Jammu |
1946 |
May |
13 |
At Wazirabad, Gujranwala |
1946 |
May |
14 |
At Saharanpur |
1946 |
May |
16 |
Saharanpur to Lucknow |
1946 |
May |
17 |
Lucknow to Kanpur |
1946 |
May |
18 |
Kanpur to Delhi |
1946 |
May |
19 |
At Deoband |
1946 |
May |
20 |
At Chhachhrauli |
1946 |
May |
? |
Arrive Niranjanpur |
1946 |
May |
? |
Visit Hardwar |
1946 |
May |
? |
Visit Batala |
1946 |
May |
29 |
Niranjanpur to Batala |
1946 |
May |
30 |
At Pathankot |
1946 |
June |
1 |
Arrive Mandi |
1946 |
June |
3 |
Arrive Katrain |
1946 |
June |
8 |
Visit Baragran, return to Katrain |
1946 |
June |
20 |
Katrain to Manali & on to Raison |
1946 |
June |
21 |
Raison to Polampur |
1946 |
June |
22 |
Polampur to Saharanpur to Niranjanpur |
1946 |
July |
2 approx |
Niranjanpur to Ajmer & other places |
1946 |
July |
14 approx |
Return to Niranjanpur |
Most Exhausting Mast Trip |
1946 |
July |
26 |
Niranjanpur to Hardwar |
1946 |
July |
27 |
Hardwar to Rishikesh, Hardwar, Ambala & on |
1946 |
July |
28 |
Arrive Amritsar to Verka |
1946 |
July |
29 |
Verka to Batala, Amritsar |
1946 |
July |
31 |
Amritsar to Saharanpur |
1946 |
Aug |
1 |
To Meerut, Bulandarshahr, Saharanpur |
1946 |
Aug |
2 |
Leave Saharanpur |
1946 |
Aug |
3 |
Arrive Ambala to Pinjaur, Kalka |
1946 |
Aug |
4 |
To Simla |
1946 |
Aug |
7 |
Simla to Ambala |
1946 |
Aug |
8 |
Ambala to Barara, Sadhaura, Nahan |
1946 |
Aug |
10 |
Nahan to Sadhaura |
1946 |
Aug |
11 |
Sadhaura to Barara, Saharanpur, Hardwar |
1946 |
Aug |
12 |
Hardwar to Rishikesh |
1946 |
Aug |
18 |
Rishikesh to house near Jalapur |
1946 |
Aug |
27 |
Jalapur to Saharanpur |
1946 |
Aug |
28 |
Saharanpur to Niranjanpur |
1946 |
Aug |
? |
To Hardwar with women |
1946 |
Sept |
13 |
Niranjanpur to Simla |
1946 |
Sept |
23 |
Simla to Niranjanpur |
1946 |
Sept |
29 |
Niranjanpur to Lahore & on |
1946 |
Sept |
30 |
Arrive Hyderabad Sind |
1946 |
Oct |
1 |
Hyderabad Sind to Sehwan via Kotri |
1946 |
Oct |
2 |
Sehwan to Sukkur |
1946 |
Oct |
3 |
Sukkur to Rohri to Sukkur |
1946 |
Oct |
4 |
Sukkur to Multan |
1946 |
Oct |
5 |
Multan to Lyallpur, Lv. 6.45 p.m. to Govindpur & on |
1946 |
Oct |
6 |
Arrive Khushab to Pail, Khusab, Jalapur, Khushab |
1946 |
Oct |
7 |
Khushab to Lahore |
1946 |
Oct |
8 |
Lahore to Bhatinda & on |
1946 |
Oct |
9 |
Arrive Bikaner & on |
1946 |
Oct |
11 |
Arrive Narayanpura to Mitri & on |
1946 |
Oct |
12 |
Arrive Bharatpur to Kotah & on |
1946 |
Oct |
13 |
Arrive Mathura to Kash Gunj, Etah, Kash Gunj |
1946 |
Oct |
14 |
Kash Gunj to Mathura |
1946 |
Oct |
16 |
At Bharatpur |
1946 |
Oct |
18 |
Return to Niranjanpur |
1946 |
Nov |
At Niranjanpur |
1946 |
Nov |
30 |
Leave Niranjanpur for Delhi & on |
1946 |
Dec |
2 |
Arrive Mahabaleshwar via Manmad |
1946 |
Dec |
7 |
Mahabaleshwar to Meherabad |
1946 |
Dec |
13 |
Meherabad to Mahabaleshwar |
1947 |
Jan |
Mast work at Mahabaleshwar |
1947 |
Feb |
7 |
Seclusion begins (to Meherabad?) |
1947 |
March |
6 (or 5) |
Mahabaleshwar to Vengurla |
1947 |
March |
11 |
Vengurla to Belgaum |
1947 |
March |
13 |
Belgaum to Poona |
1947 |
March |
14 |
Poona to Meherabad |
1947 |
March |
20 or 18 |
Meherabad to Mahabaleshwar |
1947 |
April |
1 |
Mahabaleshwar to Poona, Kurundwadi, Sholapur & on |
1947 |
April |
2 |
To Adoni, Madras |
1947 |
April |
5 |
Leave Madras |
1947 |
April |
6 |
Arrive Poona to Mahabaleshwar |
1947 |
April |
8 |
Mahabaleshwar to Poona |
1947 |
April |
9 |
Poona to Purandhar |
1947 |
April |
19 |
Purandhar to Udtara |
1947 |
April |
20 |
Udtara to Satara |
1947 |
April |
26 |
Satara to Mahabaleshwar |
1947 |
May |
6 |
Mahabaleshwar to Purandhar |
1947 |
May |
8 |
Purandhar to Mahabaleshwar |
1947 |
May |
11 |
Mahabaleshwar to Satara to Kasegaon |
1947 |
May |
12 |
Kasegaon to Waigoan, Kolhapur, Belgaum |
1947 |
May |
13 |
Belgaum to Nipani, Belgaum |
1947 |
May |
16 |
Return to Mahabaleshwar |
1947 |
May |
25 |
Mahabaleshwar to Satara |
Satara Stay |
1947 |
June - July |
At Satara |
1947 |
July |
? |
Satara to Belgaum for a few days |
1947 |
Aug |
9 |
Satara to Poona |
1947 |
Aug |
10 |
Poona to Sangamner, Yeola, Kopargaon, Chas, Aurangabad |
1947 |
Aug |
11 |
Aurangabad to Jalna, Bir, Chausala, Yarmala |
1947 |
Aug |
12 |
Yarmala to Mominabad, Purli, Mominabad, Osmanabad, Tuljapur, Sholapur, Naldrug, Homnabad & on |
1947 |
Aug |
13 |
Arrive Hyderabad via Zahirabad. Visit Secunderabad to Sadashivpet |
1947 |
Aug |
14 |
Sadashivpet to Zahirabad, Umarga, Sholapur, Barsi |
1947 |
Aug |
15 |
Barsi to Temburni, Poona |
1947 |
Aug |
16 |
Poona to Satara |
1947 |
Aug |
27 |
Satara to Meherabad |
1947 |
Aug |
Visits to Meherazad |
1947 |
Sept |
10 |
Meherabad to Meherazad |
1947 |
Sept |
17 |
Meherazad to Poona, Bombay & on |
1947 |
Sept |
18 |
Arrive Surat via Bulsar |
1947 |
Sept |
19 |
Leave Surat |
1947 |
Sept |
20 |
Arrive Baroda |
1947 |
Sept |
22 |
Baroda to Nadiad, Ahmedabad |
1947 |
Sept |
24 |
Leave Ahmedabad |
1947 |
Sept |
25 |
Arrive Abu Road |
1947 |
Sept |
29 |
Leave Abu Road |
1947 |
Oct |
1 |
Arrive Meherazad; sleep at Gyara’s. |
1947 |
Oct |
16 |
Meherabad to Bombay & on |
1947 |
Oct |
17 |
Arrive Ajmer |
1947 |
Oct |
21 |
Leave Ajmer |
1947 |
Oct |
22 |
Arrive Baroda |
1947 |
Oct |
28 |
Baroda to Ahmedabad |
1947 |
Oct |
29 |
Ahmedabad to Baroda |
1947 |
Nov |
2 |
Leave Baroda |
1947 |
Nov |
3 |
Arrive Palghar |
1947 |
Nov |
7 |
Leave Palghar |
1947 |
Nov |
8 |
Arrive Bombay to Meherazad |
1947 |
Dec |
5 |
Seclusion on Meherazad Hill |
1947 |
Dec |
17 |
Come down Seclusion Hill |
1947 |
Dec |
24 |
Visit Meherabad |
1947 |
Dec |
28 |
Meherazad to Meherabad |
1948 |
Jan |
1 |
Meherabad to Meherazad |
1948 |
Feb |
7 |
Meherazad to Bombay & on |
1948 |
Feb |
8 |
Arrive Allahabad |
1948 |
Feb |
9 |
Leave Allahabad |
1948 |
Feb |
11 |
Arrive Bombay to Poona |
1948 |
Feb |
12 |
Poona to Meherazad, arv. 3 p.m. |
1948 |
Feb |
15 |
Shift to Pop’s house Ahmednagar. Baba sleeps at Gyara’s. |
1948 |
Feb |
16 |
Ahmednagar to Kotul to Ahmednagar |
1948 |
Feb |
18 |
Visit Parner |
1948 |
Feb |
20 |
Visit Kharda |
1948 |
Feb |
22 |
Visit Visapur |
1948 |
Feb |
24 |
Pimpalgaon poor program at Meherazad |
1948 |
March |
1 |
Ahmednagar to Poona to Ahmednagar |
1948 |
March |
7 |
Visit Wambori |
1948 |
March |
14 |
Ahmednagar to Bombay |
1948 |
March |
20 |
Bombay to Ahmednagar |
1948 |
March |
21 |
Visit Meherabad |
Mast Tour |
1948 |
March |
25 |
Ahmednagar to Bombay & on |
1948 |
March |
? |
To Katni, Annupur, Ambikapur |
1948 |
March |
? |
Ambikapur (2 days) to Raigarh & on |
1948 |
March |
30 |
Arrive Calcutta to Ranaghat, Calcutta |
1948 |
April |
1 |
Calcutta to Benaras, Allahabad, Ayodhya & on |
1948 |
April |
3 |
Arrive Hardwar |
1948 |
April |
4 |
Hardwar to Rishikesh |
1948 |
April |
5 |
Rishikesh to Tehri Garhwal |
1948 |
April |
7 |
Tehri to Uttar Kashi. Arrive Syansu |
1948 |
April |
8 |
Syansu to Dharasau. |
1948 |
April |
9 |
Dharasau to Uttar Kashi |
1948 |
April |
13 |
Uttar Kashi to Nakori |
1948 |
April |
14 |
Nakori to Dharasau |
1948 |
April |
15 |
Dharasau to Syansu |
1948 |
April |
16 |
Syansu to Tehri |
1948 |
April |
17 |
Tehri to Rishikesh, Hardwar, Delhi |
1948 |
April |
18 |
Delhi to Agra |
1948 |
April |
21 |
Leave Agra |
1948 |
April |
22 |
Arrive Ahmednagar |
1948 |
May |
At Ahmednagar. Visits to Meherabad, Meherazad |
1948 |
June |
1 |
Visit Meherabad |
1948 |
June |
7 |
Leave Ahmednagar |
1948 |
June |
8 |
Arrive Baroda to Nadiad |
1948 |
June |
9 |
Nadiad to Ahmedabad |
1948 |
June |
12 |
Ahmedabad to Bulsar, Bombay, Poona |
1948 |
June |
14 |
Poona to Ahmednagar |
1948 |
June |
28 |
Ahmednagar to Aurangabad, Nasirabad |
1948 |
June |
29 |
Arrive Nasirabad to Jalgaon, Kalyan |
1948 |
June |
30 |
Kalyan to Bombay |
1948 |
July |
1 |
Visit Mahim |
1948 |
July |
2 |
Bombay to Ahmednagar |
1948 |
July |
12 |
Ahmednagar to Bombay to Ahmednagar, Meherazad |
1948 |
July |
13 |
Meherazad to Ahmednagar |
1948 |
July |
22 |
Visit Meherabad |
1948 |
July |
23 |
Darshan program at Meherabad |
1948 |
July |
29 |
Visit Meherabad |
South India Mast Trip |
1948 |
Aug |
8 |
Leave Ahmednagar |
1948 |
Aug |
10 |
Arrive Madras |
1948 |
Aug |
12 |
Leave Madras |
1948 |
Aug |
13 |
Arrive Trichinopoly to Tiruvallur |
1948 |
Aug |
14 |
Tiruvallur to Avanashi |
1948 |
Aug |
15 |
Avanashi to Tirupur & on to Madras |
1948 |
Aug |
16 |
In Madras |
1948 |
Aug |
? |
Leave Madras |
1948 |
Aug |
19 |
Arrive Ahmednagar |
1948 |
Aug |
26 |
Visit Meherabad |
1948 |
Aug |
27 |
Meherazad Opening Ceremony |
1948 |
Sept |
16 |
All shift from Ahmednagar to Meherazad |
1948 |
Sept |
18 |
Visit Meherabad |
1948 |
Oct |
At Meherazad |
1948 |
Oct |
25 |
Visit Ahmednagar |
Gujarat Mast Tour |
1948 |
Nov |
01 |
Leave Meherazad for Bombay & on |
“ |
1948 |
Nov |
02 |
Arrive Viramgam to Surendranagar, Dhola, Jetalsar, Junagadh |
“ |
1948 |
Nov |
04 |
Seclusion on Datar Hill |
“ |
1948 |
Nov |
06 |
Down the hill to Junagadh |
“ |
1948 |
Nov |
07 |
Girnar Mountain |
“ |
1948 |
Nov |
08 |
Junagadh by train to Jetalsar, Dhola, Surendranagar, Viramgam, Ahmedabad |
“ |
1948 |
Nov |
09 |
Leave Ahmedabad |
“ |
1948 |
Nov |
10 |
Arrive Delhi |
“ |
1948 |
Nov |
13 |
Delhi to Ajmer |
“ |
1948 |
Nov |
14 |
Visit Bitiani Village (Nasirabad) |
“ |
1948 |
Nov |
15 |
Leave Ajmer |
“ |
1948 |
Nov |
16 |
Arrive Baroda to Anand, Cambay, Viramgam |
“ |
1948 |
Nov |
18 |
Morvi to Rajkot via Wankaner |
“ |
1948 |
Nov |
20 |
Rajkot to Ahmedabad |
“ |
1948 |
Nov |
21 (or 22) |
Ahmedabad to Bombay, Poona |
“ |
1948 |
Nov |
24 |
Arrive Meherazad |
1948 |
Dec |
22 |
Visit Gheun Deolali |
1948 |
Dec |
25 |
Visit Meherabad |
1948 |
Dec |
31 |
Visit Ahmednagar |
1949 |
Jan |
At Meherazad |
1949 |
Feb |
12 |
Visit Meherabad |
1949 |
Feb |
15 |
Meherazad to Poona, Belgaum |
1949 |
Feb |
Belgaum to Vengurla |
1949 |
Feb |
Vengurla to Belgaum |
1949 |
Feb |
Amboli for 3-4 days |
1949 |
Feb |
27 |
Belgaum to Poona, Bombay |
1949 |
Feb |
28 |
Leave Bombay |
1949 |
March |
01 |
Arrive Mt. Abu |
1949 |
March |
07 |
Abu to Ajmer |
1949 |
March |
08 |
Ajmer to Taragarh |
1949 |
March |
10 |
Taragarh to Kishangarh, Sojat, Abu Road |
1949 |
March |
11 |
Abu Road to Mt. Abu |
1949 |
March |
16 |
Mt. Abu to Ahmedabad |
1949 |
March |
18 |
Ahmedabad to Cambay |
1949 |
March |
19 |
Cambay to Mt. Abu |
1949 |
March |
26 |
Mt. Abu to Oria |
1949 |
March |
27 |
To Abu Road to Mt. Abu |
1949 |
March |
29 |
Visit to Dilwara |
1949 |
April |
11 |
Abu to Bombay |
1949 |
April |
13 |
Bombay to Akola |
1949 |
April |
14 |
Akola to Badnera, Chandtara, Badnera & on |
1949 |
April |
15 |
Nagpur to Seoni |
1949 |
April |
16 |
Seoni to Jabalpur |
1949 |
April |
18 |
Jabalpur to Jumnia, Mandla |
1949 |
April |
19 |
Mandla to Katni, Rewa & on |
1949 |
April |
20 |
At Allahabad to Chitrakot, Allahabad & on |
1949 |
April |
21 |
At Faizabad to Ayodhya & on |
1949 |
April |
22 |
At Gonda to Bahraich |
1949 |
April |
23 |
Bahraich to Ayodhya & on |
1949 |
April |
24-25 |
In Benaras |
1949 |
April |
26 |
Benaras to Gaya |
1949 |
april |
28 |
Return to Mt. Abu |
1949 |
May |
02 |
Visit Dilwara |
1949 |
May |
06 |
Visit Oria |
1949 |
May |
07 |
Visit Caves around Nakki Lake |
1949 |
May |
12 |
Mt. Abu to Abu Road, Palanpur |
1949 |
May |
13 |
Arrive Bombay & on |
1949 |
May |
14 |
Arrive Gulbarga to Khandal to Gulbarga |
1949 |
May |
15 |
Gulbarga to Yadgiri, Tumkur & on |
1949 |
May |
16 |
At Hyderabad |
1949 |
May |
18 (or 19) |
Hyderabad to Bombay & on |
1949 |
May |
20 |
Arrive Mt. Abu |
1949 |
May |
27 |
Leave Mt. Abu |
1949 |
May |
28 |
Arrive Bombay |
1949 |
May |
30 |
Bombay to Poona, Meherazad |
1949 |
June |
Visits to Meherabad |
1949 |
June |
21 |
Meeting at Meherazad |
1949 |
June |
22 |
Great Seclusion at Meherazad |
1949 |
July |
16 |
Meherazad to Poona |
1949 |
July |
24 |
Poona to Meherazad |
1949 |
Aug |
01 |
Seclusion ends |
1949 |
Aug |
05 |
Meherazad to Poona, Satara |
1949 |
Aug |
09 |
Satara to Panchgani, to Satara |
1949 |
Aug |
10 |
Satara to Panchgani |
1949 |
Aug |
12 |
Panchgani to Meherazad |
1949 |
Aug |
15 - 21 |
Meherazad to Meherabad daily for New Life meetings |
1949 |
Aug |
25, 30, 31 |
To Meherabad |
1949 |
Sept |
Often visited Meherabad |
1949 |
Sept |
22, 26, 27 |
Visits to Meherabad |
1949 |
Sept |
28 |
Meherazad to Poona, Bombay |
1949 |
Sept |
29 |
Bombay to Meherazad |
1949 |
Oct |
9 - 15 |
Visited Meherabad daily |
New Life |
1949 |
Oct |
16 |
Beginning of New Life. Meherazad to Ahmednagar Railroad station to Chas to Supa |
1949 |
Oct |
18 |
Supa to Narayangaon, Sirur (Ghodnadi) |
1949 |
Oct |
20 |
Sirur to Satara via Poona, Kolhapur, Nipani, Belgaum |
1949 |
Nov |
12 |
Leave Belgaum |
1949 |
Nov |
13 |
Arrive Poona, on to Bombay, left by train |
1949 |
Nov |
14 |
In train to Kalyan, Jabalpur & on |
1949 |
Nov |
15 |
Arrive Mughal Sarai to Benaras |
1949 |
Nov |
24 & 25 |
Begging in Benaras |
1949 |
Dec |
1 |
Benaras to Sarnath walking |
1949 |
Dec |
12 |
Sarnath to Benaras, Shivapur |
1949 |
Dec |
13 |
Shivapur to Babatpur |
1949 |
Dec |
14 |
Babatpur to Rehata (Jalalgant) |
1949 |
Dec |
15 |
Rehata to Jaunpur |
1949 |
Dec |
21 |
Leave Jaunpur |
1949 |
Dec |
22 |
Arrive Moradabad |
1950 |
Jan |
1 |
Moradabad to a garden 4 miles away |
1950 |
Jan |
2 |
Garden to Haryana village |
1950 |
Jan |
3 |
Haryana to Amroha |
1950 |
Jan |
4 |
Amroha to Ratangarh |
1950 |
Jan |
6 |
Ratangarh to mango grove 5 miles away |
1950 |
Jan |
7 |
Walk 9 more miles to another mango grove Nihtaur |
1950 |
Jan |
8 |
Nihtaur to Akbarabad |
1950 |
Jan |
9 |
Akbarabad to Najibabad |
1950 |
Jan |
12 |
Najibabad to Dehra Dun |
Manjri Mafi |
1950 |
Jan |
16 |
Dehra Dun to Manjri Mafi village |
1950 |
Jan |
28 |
Visit Manjri Mafi property |
1950 |
Feb |
1, 14, 16 |
Visit Manjri Mafi property |
1950 |
Feb |
18 |
Visit Motichur |
1950 |
Feb |
23 |
Visit Manjri Mafi property |
1950 |
Feb |
28 |
Visit Dehra Dun |
1950 |
March |
3 |
Manjri Mafi to Harrawala, Raiwala, Motichur |
1950 |
March |
7 |
Walk to Bhimgoda |
1950 |
March |
9 |
Motichur to Rishikesh & return |
1950 |
March |
10 |
Visit Rishikesh |
1950 |
March |
11 |
Motichur to Manjri Mafi |
1950 |
March |
13 |
Manjri Mafi to Motichur, Hardwar to Motichur |
1950 |
March |
14 |
Visit Kankhal, Hardwar |
1950 |
March |
15 |
Visit Kankhal, Hardwar |
1950 |
March |
16 |
Visit Saat Sarovar |
1950 |
March |
17 |
Visit Saat Sarovar |
1950 |
March |
18 |
Visit Kankhal |
1950 |
March |
19 |
Visit Kaikhedi, Kankhal |
1950 |
March |
20 |
Motichur to Manjri Mafi |
1950 |
March |
22 |
Manjri Mafi, Dehra Dun, Hardwar, Kankhal, Motichur |
1950 |
March |
23 |
Visit to Kankhal |
1950 |
March |
24 |
Visit to Kankhal |
1950 |
March |
26 |
Visit Mayapur |
1950 |
March |
28 |
Visit Hardwar |
1950 |
March |
29 |
Visit Saat Sarovar |
1950 |
March |
30 |
Visit Hardwar |
1950 |
March |
31 |
Visit Hardwar |
1950 |
April |
1 |
Visit Hardwar |
1950 |
April |
3 |
Visit Kankhal, Nildhara, Hardwar |
1950 |
April |
4 |
Visit Balawala |
1950 |
April |
5 |
Motichur to Harrawala, Manjri Mafi |
1950 |
April |
12 |
Manjri Mafi to Hardwar |
1950 |
April |
13 |
Hardwar to Manjri Mafi |
1950 |
April |
29 |
Visit Dehra Dun, Niranjanpur |
1950 |
May |
10 |
Manjri Mafi to Dehra Dun |
1950 |
May |
23 |
Dehra Dun to Delhi |
1950 |
May |
24 |
Visit Okhla |
1950 |
May |
26 |
Delhi to Meerut to Muzaffarnagar |
1950 |
May |
27 |
Roorkee, Pathri, Rishikesh, Dehra Dun |
1950 |
June |
14 |
Dehra Dun to Kalyan via Nasik & on |
1950 |
June |
15 |
Arrive Delhi |
1950 |
June |
16 |
Arrive Satara |
1950 |
July |
7 |
Visit Poona |
1950 |
July |
8 |
Poona to Satara |
1950 |
July |
12 |
Visit Poona |
1950 |
Aug |
21 |
Satara to Poona |
1950 |
Aug |
28 |
Poona to Bombay (Mahim) |
1950 |
Sept |
14 |
Bombay to Satara |
1950 |
Oct |
1 |
Satara to Mahabaleshwar |
1950 |
Oct |
16 |
Meeting at Mahabaleshwar |
1950 |
Oct |
21 |
Mahabaleshwar to Patna, Paliganj Ghat, Samistipur, Chapra, Muzaffarpur, Darbhanga, Laheria Sarai, Jhanjharpur, Tamuria, Madhepur, Jaynagar, Janakpur, Mokameh Ghat, Bhagalpur, Colgong, Calcutta, Cuttuck, Vijayawada, Madras |
1950 |
Nov |
1 approx |
At Calcutta |
1950 |
Nov |
5 approx |
Calcutta to Cuttuck, Vijayawada, Madras, Gudur, Kazipet, Hyderabad |
1950 |
Nov |
20 |
Hyderabad to Secunderabad, Hubli, Miraj, Kolhapur & on |
1950 |
Nov |
25 |
Arrive Bombay |
1950 |
Dec |
6 |
Bombay to Mahabaleshwar |
1951 |
Jan |
At Mahabaleshwar |
1951 |
Jan |
15 |
Mahabaleshwar to Sholapur (via Poona), Zahirabad |
1951 |
Jan |
16 |
Zahirabad to Hyderabad |
1951 |
Jan |
19 |
Hyderabad to Gulbarga, Itkal, Aland, Gulbarga, Hominabad, Naldurg, Sholapur, Poona |
1951 |
Jan |
20 |
Poona to Mahabaleshwar |
1951 |
Jan |
29 |
Mahabaleshwar to Poona and on to Bombay, arv. afternoon |
1951 |
Feb |
5 |
Bombay to Mahabaleshwar |
1951 |
Feb |
13 |
100 day seclusion begins at Mahabaleshwar |
1951 |
March |
27 |
Mahabaleshwar to Poona, Guruprasad |
1951 |
April |
5 |
Visit Alandi |
1951 |
April |
7 |
Poona to Mahabaleshwar |
1951 |
May |
5 |
Mahabaleshwar to Bombay |
1951 |
May |
9 |
Bombay to Mahabaleshwar |
1951 |
May |
22 |
Visit Poona |
1951 |
May |
25 |
Mahabaleshwar to Poona, Kurduwadi, Sholapur, Naldurg |
1951 |
May |
27 |
Arrive Hyderabad |
1951 |
June |
28 |
Meeting at Hyderabad: God-Determined Step |
1951 |
July |
At Hyderabad |
1951 |
Aug |
20 |
Dr. Ghani dies in Poona |
1951 |
Sept |
At Hyderabad |
1951 |
Oct |
15 |
Hyderabad to Khojaguda Hill |
1951 |
Oct |
24 |
Khojaguda Hill to Lingampalli |
1951 |
Oct |
25 |
Lingampalli to Patancheru, Jogipet, Sangareddy |
1951 |
Oct |
26 |
Sangareddy to Sadashivpet |
1951 |
Oct |
27 |
Sadashivpet to Homnabad |
1951 |
Oct |
28 |
Homnabad to Chitguppa & return |
1951 |
Oct |
29 |
Homnabad to Gulbarga, Itkal, Gulbarga |
1951 |
Oct |
30 |
Visit Warangal |
1951 |
Oct |
31 |
Visit Yadgiri, Tumkur |
1951 |
Nov |
1 |
Gulbarga to Homnabad |
1951 |
Nov |
2 |
Homnabad to Tuljapur |
1951 |
Nov |
4 |
Tuljapur to Osmanabad |
1951 |
Nov |
5 |
Osmanabad to Bir |
1951 |
Nov |
7 |
Bir to Aurangabad |
1951 |
Nov |
8 |
Aurangabad to Khuldabad |
1951 |
Nov |
11 |
Khuldabad to Daulatabad & return |
1951 |
Nov |
12 |
Visit Ellora Caves, Virod |
1951 |
Nov |
15 |
Khuldabad to Aurangabad |
1951 |
Nov |
17 |
Visit Paithan, Jalna |
1951 |
Nov |
18 |
Aurangabad to Nander |
1951 |
Nov |
19 |
Arrive Nander to Aurangabad |
1951 |
Nov |
21 |
Aurangabad to Toka, Ghodegaon, Imampur Mosque |
1951 |
Nov |
23 |
Imampur to Meherazad goes directly up Seclusion Hill for Manonash work |
1951 |
Nov |
24 |
Baba comes down the hill to Meherazad |
Nov |
27 |
Return to Seclusion Hill |
1951 |
Dec |
6 |
Down the hill to Meherazad |
1952 |
Jan |
In Seclusion at Meherazad |
1952 |
Feb |
8 |
Walk to Happy Valley |
1952 |
Feb |
13 |
Visit Meherabad |
1952 |
Feb |
14 |
Visit Meherabad |
1952 |
Feb |
17 |
Meherazad to Bombay via Poona |
1952 |
Feb |
22 |
Bombay to Meherazad |
1952 |
Feb |
26 |
To Ahmednagar for piles operation |
1952 |
March |
21 |
Visit Meherabad |
1952 |
March |
22 |
Meherazad to Poona, Ganeshkhind Gardens |
1952 |
March |
24 |
Poona to Bombay |
1952 |
March |
25 |
Bombay to Meherazad |
1952 |
March |
29 |
Walk to Happy Valley |
1952 Trip to the West |
1952 |
April |
6 |
Meherazad to Bombay |
1952 |
April |
10 |
To Bandra Bungalow |
1952 |
April |
11 |
Move to Marve Beach |
1952 |
April |
18 |
Baba flies from Bombay |
1952 |
April |
20 |
Arrive New York via Bahrain, Cairo, Rome, Paris, Gander |
1952 |
April |
20 midnight |
Leave New York |
1952 |
April |
21 |
Arrive Florence, to Myrtle Beach |
1952 |
April |
21 - May 20 |
At Myrtle Beach |
1952 |
May |
20 |
Myrtle Beach to Columbia via Conway, Sumter |
1952 |
May |
21 |
Columbia to Murphy via Greenville, Rosman |
1952 |
May |
22 |
Murphy to Rock City Gardens to Winchester, Lawrenceburg, Waynesboro |
1952 |
May |
23 |
Waynesboro to Memphis, Ozark (Arkansas) via Augusta, Conway, Russellville |
1952 |
May |
24 |
Ozark to Prague, via Sallisaw, Gore, Warner, Henryetta., Muskogee…. Accident at Prague. |
1952 |
June |
4 |
Prague to Myrtle Beach, Youpon Dunes via Chattanooga |
1952 |
June |
7 |
Arrive Myrtle Beach |
1952 |
June |
21 |
Myrtle Beach to Durham |
1952 |
June |
24 |
Durham to Myrtle Beach |
1952 |
July |
8 |
Visit Conway Hospital |
1952 |
July |
14 |
Myrtle Beach to Florence & on by train |
1952 |
July |
15 |
Arrive New York & on to Scarsdale |
1952 |
July |
18, 19, 20 |
Visit New York City |
1952 |
July |
25, 26, 28 |
Visit New York City |
1952 |
July |
30 |
Flies from New York |
July |
31 |
Arrive London via Gander |
Aug |
1 |
Women to Oxford & Stratford-upon-Avon |
Aug |
3 |
Women to Richmond, Kew |
1952 |
Aug |
4 |
Women sightseeing |
1952 |
Aug |
6 |
London to Locarno via Zurich, Zug, Blinzona |
1952 |
Aug |
8 or 9 |
Women drive to Campione, Italy, near Lugano |
1952 |
Aug |
10 |
Locarno to Oria, Gandria, Chiavenna, Castasegna, Maloja & return |
1952 |
Aug |
16 (?) |
Women to Locarno to Ascona, Brissago, Intra, Pallanza, Stresa to Isola Bella island & return (passport stamp of 16 Aug says: Piaggio Valmara, which is near Gravellona tunnel? Then to Gonda, Switzerland, a border crossing; so perhaps they drove back to Locarno via this route.) |
1952 |
Aug |
18 |
Locarno to Geneva via Domodosla |
1952 |
Aug |
21 |
Geneva to Paris, Marseilles & on |
1952 |
Aug |
22 |
Arrive Karachi & on |
1952 |
Aug |
22 |
Arrive Bombay & on |
1952 |
Aug |
23 |
Arrive Meherazad |
1952 |
Sept |
first week |
Visit Ahmednagar |
1952 |
Sept |
second week |
Visit Ahmednagar |
1952 |
Sept |
15 |
Meherazad to Poona |
1952 |
Oct |
1 |
Poona to Meherazad |
1952 |
Oct |
6 |
Visit Meherabad |
1952 |
Oct |
14 |
Visit Ahmednagar |
1952 |
Nov |
1 - 14 |
Daily visits to Meherabad |
Fiery Free Life |
1952 |
Nov |
14 |
Meherazad to Meherabad, Sakori, Shirdi, Ahmednagar & on |
1952 |
Nov |
15 |
Arrive Poona & on to Bombay |
1952 |
Nov |
16 |
Leave Bombay |
1952 |
Nov |
18 |
Arrive Kanpur & on to Hamirpur |
1952 |
Nov |
18-27 |
Darshan in Hamirpur District at: Hamirpur, Bharwa, Sumerpur, Ingohta, Maudaha, Meherastana (Mahewa), Mahoba, Kulpahar, Panwari, Rath, Nauranga, Majhgwan, Jarakhar, Dhagwan, Amarpura, Khangaram, Dhanauri, Banda, Harpalpur |
1952 |
Nov |
20-21 |
At Ingohta |
1952 |
Nov |
23 |
At Meherastana |
1952 |
Nov |
24 |
Meherastana to Kabrai, Mahoba |
1952 |
Nov |
25 |
At Rath |
1952 |
Nov |
28 |
To Delhi via Jhansi |
1952 |
Nov |
29 |
Arrive Delhi |
1952 |
Dec |
3 |
Delhi to Bombay |
1952 |
Dec |
5 |
Arrive Meherazad |
1952 |
Dec |
12 |
Meherazad to Khuldabad |
1952 |
Dec |
17 |
Khuldabad to Aurangabad |
1952 |
Dec |
19 |
Aurangabad to Manmad |
1952 |
Dec |
20 |
Manmad to Badnera, Amraoti |
1952 |
Dec |
24 |
Amraoti, Devargaon, Amraoti, Badnera |
1952 |
Dec |
25 |
Arrive Meherazad |
1952 |
Dec |
29 |
Meherazad to Bombay & on |
1952 |
Dec |
30 |
Arrive Saoner |
1953 |
Jan |
2 |
Saoner to Nagpur |
1953 |
Jan |
4 |
Nagpur to Allahabad |
1953 |
Jan |
6 |
Arrive Allahabad |
Andhra Darshan |
1953 |
Jan |
11 |
Allahabad to Itarsi & on |
1953 |
Jan |
12 |
Nagpur & on |
1953 |
Jan |
13 |
Arrive Madras |
1953 |
Jan |
16 |
Madras to Vijayawada |
1953 |
Jan |
17 |
Vijayawada to Tadepalligudem, via Eluru |
1953 |
Jan |
21 |
Tadepalligudem to Pentapadu, Pippara, Natta Rameswaram, Batla Magatur, Penugonda |
1953 |
Jan |
22 |
Penugonda to Kapavaram, Nidadavole, Kovvur, Dowlaiswaram, Rajahmundry |
1953 |
Jan |
23 |
Rajahmundry entrain to Godavri, Kovvur, Nidadavole, Tadepalligudem, Ungutur, Chebrole, Kaikaram, Pulla, Bhimadole, Eluru |
1953 |
Jan |
28 |
Eluru to Vijayawada & on |
1953 |
Jan |
30 |
Arrive Dhond via Wai, Kurduwadi & on to Meherazad |
1953 |
Feb |
4 |
Visit Poona |
1953 |
Feb |
8 |
Visit Poona |
1953 |
Feb |
14 |
Darshan at Khushru Quarters, Ahmednagar |
Dehra Dun |
1953 |
Feb |
15 |
Leave Meherazad by train from Ahmednagar to Poona |
1953 |
Feb |
16 |
Poona to Bombay & on arv. Dehra Dun on 17th or 18th. |
1953 |
March |
1 |
Dehra Dun to Rishikesh |
1953 |
March |
3 |
Visit Hardwar, Kankhal |
1953 |
March |
4 |
Rishikesh to Najibad, via Kotdwara, to Muzaffarnagar |
1953 |
March |
5 |
Muzaffarnagar to Saharanpur, Dehra Dun |
1953 |
March |
23 |
Darshan program at Dehra Dun |
1953 |
March |
? |
Poor program at Saharanpur |
1953 |
April |
10 |
Dehra Dun to Mussoorie |
1953 |
May |
In Mussoorie |
1953 |
June |
1 |
Mussoorie to Dehra Dun |
1953 |
June |
6 |
Dehra Dun to Rishikesh, Roorkee, Muzaffarnagar, Charthawal, Muzaffarnagar |
1953 |
June |
7 |
Muzzaffarnagar to Saharanpur, Kurukshetra, Ambala |
June |
8 |
Ambala to Khanna, Kup, Ludhiana |
1953 |
June |
9 |
Ludhiana to Phillaur, Pratappura (Maw), Phillaur, Kapurthala, Sikhokatala, Bara Rudka, Sangatpura, Phagwara, Hadiabad, Kapurthala, Phillaur & on |
1953 |
June |
10 |
Reach Kankhal, Hardwar, Rishikesh, Dehra Dun |
1953 |
June |
24 |
Visit Roorkee |
1953 |
July - Aug |
In Dehra Dun |
1953 |
Aug |
13 |
Parvardigar Prayer given by Baba |
1953 |
Sept |
11 |
Dehra Dun to Deoband, Meerut, Suraj Kund, Meerut, Delhi |
1953 |
Sept |
13 |
Delhi to Panipat, Kurukshetra, Sirhind, Khanna, Pratappura, Mohwalla, Maw, Sangatpura, Bara Rudka & on |
1953 |
Sept |
14 |
Phillaur, Roorkee, Hardwar, Kankhal, Hardwar, Rishikesh & on |
1953 |
Sept |
15 |
Kalyan, Hardwar, Dehra Dun |
1953 |
Oct |
In Dehra Dun |
1953 |
Nov |
1 |
Public darshan in Dehra Dun |
1953 |
Nov |
3 |
Visit Chuharpur |
1953 |
Nov |
4-9 |
At Rishikesh (not definite) |
1953 |
Nov |
18 |
Dehra Dun to Delhi |
1953 |
Nov |
21 |
Delhi to Meerut to Dehra Dun |
1953 |
Nov |
29 |
Dehra Dun to Bombay & on |
1953 |
Dec |
1 |
Arrive Mahabaleshwar via Poona |
1953 |
Dec |
2 |
Mahabaleshwar to Poona, Bombay |
1953 |
Dec |
6 |
Bombay to Mahabaleshwar |
1953 |
Dec |
31 |
Mahabaleshwar to Bombay (Versova) |
1954 |
Jan |
4 |
Bombay to Mahabaleshwar |
Mass Darshan in Hamirpur & Andhra |
1954 |
Feb |
1 |
Mahabaleshwar to Poona, Bombay, Itarsi & on |
1954 |
Feb |
3 |
Arrive Orai to Tikkur, Ichhuara |
1954 |
Feb |
4 |
Ichhuara to Bokhar, Jarakhar, Dhagwan on to Nauranga |
1954 |
Feb |
5 |
Nauranga to Rath |
1954 |
Feb |
7 |
Rath to Muskara, Dhanauri, Chhani, Hamirpur |
1954 |
Feb |
8 |
Hamirpur to Ingohta |
1954 |
Feb |
9 |
Ingohta to Panwari, Mahoba, Kabrai, Khanna, Mahewa, Meherastana |
1954 |
Feb |
10 |
Meherastana to Kanpur, Lucknow & on |
1954 |
Feb |
12 |
Arrive Mahabaleshwar via Poona |
1954 |
Feb |
19 |
Mahabaleshwar to Poona & on Kurduwadi, Sholapur & on |
1954 |
Feb |
20 |
Arrive Vijayawada |
1954 |
Feb |
21 |
Visit Guntur |
1954 |
Feb |
22 |
Vijayawada to Pamaru, Masulipatnam, Eluru |
1954 |
Feb |
24 |
Eluru to Penugonda via Bhimadole |
1954 |
Feb |
25 |
Arrive Tadepalligudem to Penugonda to Tadepalligudem |
1954 |
Feb |
26 |
Tadepalligudem to Ramachandrapuram, Gopalapuram, Nidadavole, Kovvur |
1954 |
Feb |
27 |
Kovvur to Rajahmundry, Guruk |
1954 |
Feb |
28 |
Rajahmundry to Dowlaiswaram, Boparlanka, Kottapeta, Pulletikuru, Amalapuram |
1954 |
March |
1 |
Amalapuram to Razole, Kottapeta, Rajahmundry |
1954 |
March |
2 |
Rajahmundry to Thapeshwaram, Alamuru, Mandapeta, Ramachandrapuram, Kakinada |
1954 |
March |
4 |
Kakinada to Samalkot, Rajahmundry, Kovvur, Tadepalligudem, Eluru, Vijayawada & on |
1954 |
March |
6 |
Arrive Poona to Mahabaleshwar |
1954 |
March |
19 |
Mahabaleshwar to Poona, Ahmednagar, Meherabad, Meherazad |
1954 |
March |
20 |
Meherazad to Sakori, Poona |
1954 |
March |
22 |
Poona to Mahabaleshwar |
1954 |
April |
29 |
Mahabaleshwar to Dharwar |
1954 |
May |
1 |
Dharwar to Mahabaleshwar |
1954 |
May |
14 |
Mahabaleshwar to Bhilar |
1954 |
May |
17 |
Bhilar to Mahabaleshwar |
1954 |
May |
25 |
Darshan program at Mahabaleshwar |
1954 |
June |
2 |
Mahabaleshwar to Satara |
1954 |
June |
26 |
Satara to Islampur, Kolhapur, Hubli |
1954 |
June |
29 |
Hubli to Meherabad, Meherazad, Bombay |
1954 |
July |
2 |
Bombay to Satara |
1954 |
Aug |
31 |
Satara to Poona |
1954 |
Sept |
2 or 3 |
Poona to Satara |
Three Incredible Weeks |
1954 |
Sept |
6 |
Satara to Meherazad |
1954 |
Sept |
8-11 |
Daily visits to Meherabad |
1954 |
Sept |
12 |
Darshan to Wadia Park, Ahmednagar |
1954 |
Sept |
14-15 |
Visit Meherabad |
1954 |
Sept |
16 |
Westerners visits Meherazad |
1954 |
Sept |
17-19 |
Visits to Meherabad |
1954 |
Sept |
20 |
Meherazad to Rahuri, Sakori, Meherazad |
1954 |
Sept |
21-24 |
Visits to Meherabad |
1954 |
Sept |
26 |
Darshan at Khushru Quarters |
1954 |
Sept |
27, 29, 30 |
Visits to Meherabad |
1954 |
Oct |
1 |
Visit Meherabad |
1954 |
Oct |
5 |
Meherazad to Poona, Satara |
1954 |
Oct |
7 |
Baba gives up the alphabet board |
1954 |
Oct |
13 |
To Ahmednagar |
1954 |
Oct |
15 |
Return to Satara |
1954 |
Oct |
16 |
Satara to Kolhapur, Belgaum |
1954 |
Oct |
22 |
Return to Satara |
1954 |
Oct |
? |
Visits to Islampur, Kolhapur |
1954 |
Nov |
6 |
Satara to Pandharpur |
1954 |
Nov |
7 |
Pandharpur to Satara |
1954 |
Dec |
At Satara |
1955 |
Jan |
19 |
Satara to Khuldabad |
1955 |
Jan |
25 |
Khuldabad to Meherazad, Satara |
1955 |
Feb |
At Satara |
1955 |
March |
21 |
Satara to Khuldabad |
1955 |
March |
28 |
Khuldabad to Meherazad, Satara |
1955 |
April |
7 |
At Mahabaleshwar, Panchgani |
1955 |
May |
At Satara in seclusion |
1955 |
June |
1 |
Satara to Mahabaleshwar to Satara |
1955 |
June |
2 |
lv. Satara 7 P.m. to Islampur, Kolhapur, Belgaum & on; |
1955 |
June |
3 |
Arv Savantwadi at 2 a.m. ; arrive Hubli 4 a.m. & return to Satara, arv. 6 p.m. |
1955 |
June |
4 |
Satara to Savantwadi |
1955 |
June |
5 |
Arrive Savantwadi to Kolhapur, Islampur, Satara |
1955 |
June |
14 |
Satara to Islampur, Kolhapur |
1955 |
June |
15 |
Return to Satara |
1955 |
June |
19 |
Visit to Udtara |
1955 |
June |
23 |
Satara to Islampur, Kolhapur, Sangli, Miraj |
1955 |
June |
24 |
Return to Satara |
1955 |
July |
13 |
Satara to Poona, Bombay |
1955 |
July |
14 |
Bombay to Meherazad |
1955 |
July |
15 |
Meherazad, Meherabad, Meherazad, Satara |
1955 |
July |
17 |
Visit to Phaltan |
1955 |
Aug |
13 |
Satara to Poona, Bombay |
1955 |
Aug |
14 |
Darshan at Ashiana |
1955 |
Aug |
15 |
Bombay to Satara via Poona |
1955 |
Sept |
At Satara |
1955 |
Oct |
14 |
Satara to Ganeshkhind, Poona to Meherazad |
1955 |
Oct |
16 |
Meherazad to Meherabad to Meherazad |
1955 |
Oct |
18 |
Meherazad to Satara |
1955 |
Oct |
27 |
Satara to Poona to Meherazad |
1955 Meherabad Sahavas |
1955 |
Oct |
28-31 |
Daily visits to Meherabad from Meherazad |
1955 |
Nov |
4-8 |
Sahavas to Gujarati group |
1955 |
Nov |
8 |
Group visits Meherazad |
1955 |
Nov |
10 |
Visit to Meherabad |
1955 |
Nov |
12-17 |
Sahavas to Telugu group |
1955 |
Nov |
16 |
Group visits Meherazad |
1955 |
Nov |
18 |
Visit to Meherabad |
1955 |
Nov |
20-24 |
Sahavas to Hindi group |
1955 |
Nov |
24 |
Group visits Meherazad |
1955 |
Nov |
25 |
Visit to Meherabad |
1955 |
Nov- Dec |
Nov 28 - Dec 1 |
Sahavas to Marathi group |
1955 |
Dec |
2 |
Group visits Meherazad |
1955 |
Dec |
3 |
Visits to Meherabad |
1955 |
Dec |
11 |
Meherabad to Poona to Satara |
1955 |
Dec |
18 |
Satara to Bhuinj to Satara |
1956 |
Jan |
3 |
Satara to Meherazad, via Poona |
1956 |
Jan |
4 |
Meherazad to Satara |
1956 |
Jan |
13 |
Satara to Poona, Ganeshkhind |
1956 |
Jan |
14 |
Poona to Satara |
1956 |
Jan |
24 |
Visit to Kumtha |
1956 |
Jan |
25 |
Satara to Meherazad |
1956 |
Jan |
26 |
Visit to Sakori |
1956 |
Jan |
27 |
Visit to Sangamner |
1956 |
Jan |
28 |
Meherazad to Bombay |
1956 |
Jan |
29 |
Bombay to Navsari |
1956 |
Jan |
30 |
Navsari to Bajwa. Night train to Baroda to Navsari & on |
1956 |
Jan |
31 |
Arrive Bombay to Satara |
1956 |
Feb |
6 |
Satara to Poona to Bombay |
1956 |
Feb |
7 |
Bombay to Poona to Satara |
1956 |
March |
29 |
Satara to Meherazad |
1956 |
March |
30 |
Meherazad to Aurangabad, Khuldabad |
1956 |
April |
2 |
Return to Satara |
1956 |
April |
30 |
Satara to Pandharpur, Sholapur, Gulbarga, Aland, Hubli, Dharwar, Belgaum, (Ajra Village?),Kolhapur, Sangli, Islampur… |
1956 |
May |
3 |
Return to Satara |
1956 |
June |
10 |
Satara to Meherazad |
1956 |
June |
18 |
Meherazad to Bombay to Meherazad |
1956 |
June |
21 |
Visit to Meherabad |
1956 |
July |
7 |
Meherazad to Satara |
1956 Trip to the West |
1956 |
July |
16 |
Satara to Bombay and flies for the West |
1956 |
July |
17 |
Arrive Zurich via Damascus, Beirut, on to Paris, London |
1956 |
July |
19 |
London to New York |
1956 |
July |
20 |
Arrive New York City |
1956 |
July |
23 |
In New York, Delmonico Hotel dinner |
1956 |
July |
24 |
Newark to Washington D.C., Richmond, New Bern, Wilmington, Myrtle Beach |
1956 |
July |
28 |
Visit to Brookgreen Gardens |
1956 |
July |
30 |
Myrtle Beach to Wilmington, Washington D.C. & on |
1956 |
July |
31 |
Arrive Dallas & on to Los Angeles |
1956 |
Aug |
2 |
Visit to Ojai, Meher Mount |
1956 |
Aug |
3 |
Los Angeles to San Francisco |
1956 |
Aug |
6 |
Visit to Muir Woods |
1956 |
Aug |
7 |
San Francisco to Honolulu |
1956 |
Aug |
9 |
Arrive Sydney via Canton, Suva |
1956 |
Aug |
11 |
Sydney to Melbourne |
1956 |
Aug |
13 |
Melbourne to Sydney |
1956 |
Aug |
14 |
Sydney to Singapore via Darwin, Djakarta |
1956 |
Aug |
15 |
In Singapore to Colombo |
1956 |
Aug |
16 |
At Colombo |
1956 |
Aug |
17 |
Arrive Bombay to Satara |
1956 |
Sept |
7 |
Satara to Hyderabad via Nalgonda |
1956 |
Sept |
10 |
Batarga, Gulbarga to Hyderabad, Secunderabad |
1956 |
Sept |
11 |
Return to Satara via Sangli |
1956 |
Oct |
3 |
Satara to Bombay |
1956 |
Oct |
6 |
Bombay to Meherazad |
1956 |
Oct |
8 |
Meherazad to Meherabad to Satara |
1956 |
Oct |
12 |
Visit Kolhapur |
1956 |
Oct |
21 |
Satara to Guna, Kota |
1956 |
Oct |
23 |
To Meherabad |
1956 |
Oct |
24 |
Meherabad to Bombay |
1956 |
Oct |
28 |
Bombay to Satara |
1956 |
Nov |
7 |
Satara to Mahabaleshwar to Satara |
1956 |
Nov |
16 |
Satara to Meherazad |
1956 |
Nov |
17 |
Meherazad to north India, Uttar Pradesh including Chhatarpur |
1956 |
Nov |
20 or 21 |
Return to Meherazad |
1956 |
Nov |
22 |
Visit to Meherabad |
1956 |
Nov |
23 |
Meherazad to Satara |
1956 |
Dec |
2 |
Satara to Poona to Satara. Accident at Udtara |
1956 |
Dec |
10 |
Satara to Poona |
1956 |
Dec |
21 |
Gadge Maharaj dies |
1956 |
Dec |
27 |
Ali Shah dies |
1957 |
Jan |
At Poona recovering from accident |
1957 |
Feb |
12 |
Poona to Meherazad |
1957 |
March |
18 |
Visit to Sakori |
1957 |
March |
23 |
Visit to Poona. Darshan to St. Mira High School |
1957 |
April |
7 |
Visit to Meherabad, Akbar Press |
1957 |
April |
18 |
Meherazad to Ganeshkhind , Poona |
1957 |
April |
28 |
Ganeshkhind to Guruprasad |
1957 |
June |
1 |
Guruprasad to Ganeshkhind |
1957 |
June |
10 |
Ganeshkhind to Meherazad |
1957 |
June |
12 |
Visit to Meherabad |
1957 |
June |
30 |
Visit to Meherabad |
1957 |
Aug |
1 |
Visit to Meherabad |
1957 |
Aug |
24 |
Meherazad to Ganeshkhind, Poona |
1957 |
Aug |
31 |
Poona to Bombay to Poona |
1957 |
Sept |
6 |
Poona to Meherazad |
1957 |
Sept |
15 |
Visit to Leper Colony, Ahmednagar |
1957 |
Sept |
28 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1957 |
Oct |
8 |
Meherazad to Bombay |
1957 |
Oct |
30 |
Gustadji dies at Meherazad |
1957 |
Nov |
2 |
Bombay to Meherazad |
1957 |
Nov |
4 |
Visit to Meherabad |
1957 |
Dec |
8 |
Meherazad to Poona to Meherazad |
1957 |
Dec |
20 |
Meherazad to Bombay |
1957 |
Dec |
22 |
Darshan to Sunderbai Hall |
1957 |
Dec |
26 |
Bombay to Meherazad |
1958 |
Jan |
At Meherazad |
1958 |
Jan |
7-8 |
To Ahmednagar for cricket match |
1958 |
Jan |
21 |
Meherazad to Bombay |
1958 |
Feb |
1 |
Bombay to Meherazad |
1958 |
Feb |
4 |
Visit to Meherabad |
1958 Meherabad Sahavas |
1958 |
Feb |
9 |
Begin daily visits to Meherabad |
1958 |
Feb |
15-19 |
Sahavas to Hindi-Marathi group |
1958 |
Feb |
20 |
Visit to Meherabad |
1958 |
Feb |
22- 26 |
Sahavas to Telugu-Gujarati group |
1958 |
Feb |
27 |
Visit to Meherabad |
1958 |
March |
13 |
Meherazad to Bombay |
1958 |
March |
15 |
Bombay to Meherazad |
1958 |
March |
19 |
Meherazad to Ganeshkhind, Poona |
1958 |
March |
23 |
Poona to Mahabaleshwar |
1958 |
March |
28 |
Visit Pratapgarh |
1958 |
April |
4 |
Visit Udtara |
1958 |
April |
30 |
Mahabaleshwar to Guruprasad, Poona |
Western Sahavas 1958 |
1958 |
May |
15 |
Poona to Bombay |
1958 |
May |
16 |
Flies from Bombay to Cairo, Rome, Paris… |
1958 |
May |
17 |
Arrive New York City, on to Myrtle Beach via Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Richmond, New Bern, Wilmington |
1958 |
May |
30 |
Myrtle Beach to San Francisco via Wilmington, New Bern, Norfolk, Washington D.C., Los Angeles |
1958 |
May |
31 |
San Francisco to Honolulu (Cross international date line) |
1958 |
June |
2 |
Suva to Sydney to Brisbane |
1958 |
June |
3 |
Brisbane to Woombye to Avatar’s Abode |
1958 |
June |
6 |
Avatar’s Abode to Woombye to Brisbane |
1958 |
June |
7 |
Brisbane to Sydney, & at 6 p.m. fly to Darwin, arrive Singapore & on |
1958 |
June |
8 |
Singapore to Colombo to Bombay |
1958 |
June |
10 |
Bombay to Poona, Ganeshkhind |
1958 |
June |
14 |
Poona to Meherazad |
1958 |
June |
15 |
Daily visits to Meherabad begins. |
1958 |
July |
1 |
Visit Meherabad |
1958 |
July |
4 |
Visit Meherabad |
1958 |
July |
6 |
Meherazad to Poona to Meherazad. Darshan at St. Mira High School |
1958 |
July |
9 |
Visit Meherabad |
1958 |
July |
10 |
Visit Meherabad. Universal Message given. |
1958 |
July |
11, 13 |
Visits to Meherabad |
1958 |
July |
14 |
Seclusion begins at Meherazad |
1958 |
Aug- Dec |
At Meherazad in seclusion |
1958 |
Dec |
1 |
Visit to Meherabad |
1958 |
Dec |
15 |
Meherazad to Guruprasad, Poona |
1959 |
Jan |
At Guruprasad |
1959 |
Jan |
19 |
Visit to Yeravda |
1959 |
Jan |
20 |
Guruprasad to Meherazad |
1959 |
Feb |
5 |
Visit Meherabad; one other day also |
1959 |
Feb |
9 |
Visit Meherabad |
1959 |
March |
1 |
Visit Ahmednagar |
1959 |
March |
7 |
Meherazad to Bombay |
1959 |
March |
15 |
Bombay to Guruprasad |
1959 |
April |
6 |
Guruprasad to Meherabad, Meherazad to Guruprasad. Registering Avatar Meher Baba Trust |
1959 |
April |
13 |
Visit Kirkee |
1959 |
April |
23 |
Visit Yeravda |
1959 |
Aug |
8 |
Guruprasad to Meherazad |
1959 |
Aug |
25 |
Beloved God prayer dictated at Meherazad |
1959 |
Sept-Dec |
At Meherazad |
1960 |
Jan |
At Meherazad |
1960 |
Jan |
2 |
Visit to Meherabad |
1960 |
Jan |
4 |
Visit to Ahmednagar, opening of Ahmednagar Center |
1960 |
Feb |
6 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1960 |
Feb |
7 |
Visit to Meherabad |
1960 |
Feb |
15 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1960 |
Feb |
20 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1960 |
Feb |
21 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1960 |
Feb |
23 |
Visit to Meherabad |
1960 |
Feb |
27 |
Visit to Meherabad |
1960 |
March |
6 |
Darshan at Ahmednagar |
1960 |
March |
9 |
Visit to Meherabad |
1960 |
March |
20 |
Meherazad to Poona, Guruprasad |
1960 |
June |
20 |
Guruprasad to Meherazad |
1960 |
June |
21 |
Visit to Meherabad |
1960 |
June |
26 |
Darshan at Ahmednagar |
1960 |
June |
29 |
Visit to Meherabad |
1960 |
July |
1 |
Seclusion begins at Meherazad |
1960 |
Oct |
Baba develops herpes |
1960 |
July-Dec |
At Meherazad |
1960 |
Nov |
16-30 approx |
Visit Pimpalgaon pumping station |
1961 |
Jan - March |
At Meherazad |
1961 |
March |
22 |
Meherazad to Guruprasad |
1961 |
May |
15 - 31 |
Darshan to Guruprasad |
1961 |
Aug |
7 |
Guruprasad to Meherazad |
1961 |
Sept |
14 |
Visit to Meherabad |
1961 |
Oct |
12 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1961 |
Oct |
22 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1961 |
Nov |
20 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1961 |
Dec |
At Meherazad |
1962 |
Jan - March |
At Meherazad |
1962 |
March |
31 |
Meherazad to Guruprasad |
1962 |
May |
13 |
Vishnu dies at Guruprasad |
1962 |
July |
8 |
Guruprasad to Meherazad |
1962 |
Aug |
6 |
Visit to Meherabad |
1962 |
Aug |
9 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1962 |
Aug |
10 |
Gulmai dies in Ahmednagar |
1962 |
Aug |
11 |
To Meherabad for Gulmai’s funeral |
1962 |
Aug |
12 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1962 |
Sept |
At Meherazad |
1962 |
Sept |
7 |
Visit to Akbar Press |
1962 |
Oct |
21 |
Visit to Ahmednagar. Opening of Ahmednagar Center |
1962 |
Oct |
23 |
Meherazad to Poona, Guruprasad |
1962 |
Nov |
1-5 |
East-West Gathering |
1962 |
Nov |
10 |
Guruprasad to Meherazad |
1963 |
Jan - March |
At Meherazad |
1963 |
March |
17 |
Visit to Ahmednagar Center |
1963 |
March |
24 |
Meherazad to Guruprasad |
1963 |
June |
30 |
Guruprasad to Meherazad |
1963 |
June - Dec |
At Meherazad |
1963 |
Dec |
23 |
Mehera’s birthday. Women’s Day at Meherazad |
1964 |
Jan - March |
At Meherazad |
1964 |
April |
1 |
Meherazad t Guruprasad |
1964 |
May |
1 |
Opening of Poona Centre |
1964 |
July |
1 |
Guruprasad to Meherazad |
1964 |
July-Dec |
At Meherazad |
1965 |
Jan -March |
At Meherazad |
1965 |
March |
30 |
Meherazad to Guruprasad |
1965 |
May |
1 |
Darshan at Poona Centre |
1965 |
May |
2 - 6 |
Darshan at Guruprasad |
1965 |
July |
1 |
Guruprasad to Meherazad |
1965 |
July-Dec |
At Meherazad |
1966 |
Jan-March |
At Meherazad |
1966 |
April |
1 |
Meherazad to Guruprasad |
1966 |
July |
1 |
Guruprasad to Meherazad |
1966 |
July-Dec |
At Meherazad |
1967 |
Jan |
11 |
Ramjoo dies at Satara |
1967 |
Jan-March |
At Meherazad |
1967 |
April |
2 |
Meherazad to Guruprasad |
1967 |
July |
2 |
Guruprasad to Meherazad |
1967 |
July-Dec |
At Meherazad |
1967 |
Sept |
19 - 20 |
Louis Van Gasteren films Baba |
1968 |
Jan-March |
At Meherazad |
1968 |
April |
1 |
Meherazad to Guruprasad |
1968 |
July |
1 |
Guruprasad to Meherazad |
1968 |
July-Dec |
At Meherazad |
1968 |
Oct |
22 |
Visit to Ahmednagar |
1968 |
Dec |
22-23 |
Dara & Amrit’s wedding at Meherazad |
1969 |
Jan |
31 |
12:15 p.m. Baba drops His body |