Mandali Hall Talks & Audio Recordings
Mandali Hall Talks
Click on the following desired name to hear their stories.
Talks by:
Adele Wolkin
Adi & Rhoda Dubash
Adi K. Irani
Agnes Baron
Aloba (A.A. Shapurzeman)
Anita Vieillard
Ann Conlon
Arnavaz Dadachanji
Bal Natu
Bhau Kalchuri
Bili Eaton
Bill LePage
Dara Irani
Darwin Shaw
Delia DeLeon
Devana Brown
Digambar Gadekar
Don Stevens
Donald Mahler
Dr. Bharucha
Dr. Goher Irani
Dr. Ram Ginde
Eruch Jessawala
Esfandiyar Vesali
Falu Mistry
Farhad Shafa
Filis Frederick
Fred Marks
Freiny Dadachanji
The Great Darshan
Helen Dahm
Ralph & Stella Hernandez
W.D. Kain
Katie Irani
Kitty Davy
Krishna Nair
Leatrice Johnston
Liz Sacalis & V. Sadowski
Lud Dimpfl
Lyn Ott
Mani Irani
Mansari Desai
Margaret Craske
Mehera Irani
Meherjee Karkaria
Meherwan Jessawala
Michael DaCosta
Minoo Kharas
Mixed Talks
Peggy & Andy Muir
Naja Irani
Naosherwan Anzar
Padri (Faredoon Driver)
Pendu Irani
Rano Gayley
Rick Chapman
Robert Dreyfuss
Sam Kerawalla
Sarosh Irani
Tex Hightower
Viloo Irani
I have a large collection of Baba audio tapes (digitized). I got the original cassettes from my brother Brad Gunn and some other people, converted them to digital and have offered them online to anyone who wanted them. The original reel-to-reel tapes of the Brad Gunn tapes (thoughtlessly named by me as kg001a through kg178b — should have named them bkg001a/b etc.) are with Naosherwan in New Jersey.