19th Sept. 1927 : Meher Baba in a tonga pulled by Baily Irani at Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
Colourization by Anthony Zois
1927 India : Courtesy of MN Collection
Courtesy of Meher Baba's New Life : Bhau Kalchuri - photo from Meher Nazar Pub.
Blue Bus being ferried across.
Courtesy of Lord Meher ; Bhau Kalchuri - Vol.7-8 : page 2672
The bus is packed and ready for departure in 1937
MSI Collection
Courtesy of Love Alone Prevails ; Kitty Davy - p 249
Meher Baba visiting Meherabad with Eruch Jessawala ( hat ) and Sarosh Irani
Courtesy of Lord Meher ; p.1862
1954 late Feb - Touring in Andra Pradesh, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
Courtesy of Meher Baba's New Life : Bhau Kalchuri
MSI Collection ;
Courtesy of Meher Baba's New Life : Bhau Kalchuri - ( photo ; Lawrence Reiter )
India ; Norina in the dicky-seat
India ; Nadine Tolstoy nearest to camera in the dicky-seat
Switzerland - 6th August 1952 ; Meher Baba & Mehera Irani recovering from the accident in the USA, Mani Irani is also seated in the back. Photo possibly taken by Irene Billo.
Switzerland - 6th August 1952 ; Meher Baba & Mehera Irani recovering from the accident in the USA, Mani Irani is also seated in the back. Photo possibly taken by Irene Billo.
Image courtesy of Chaitanya Sahithi.
Meherabad, India - Feb.1958 ; Meher Baba in the rear of Meherjee's car, with Kumar in the front with the driver. Photo taken by Meelan
April 1969 - Meher Baba's car. Photo taken by Anne Giles
Meher Baba at Guruprsad, Eruch Jessawala holding the door.
Meher Baba in Meherjee's Bel Air, Poona, photo by Meelan