Mischa Rutenberg
Born :
Married : Gina

Love and Devotion |
This collection of songs is dedicated to Avatar Meher Baba on His birthday and features many of the songs Mischa and friends performed on a recent visit to Meherazad. A poem by Murshida Carol Conner, songs using Hafiz couplets, and poems by Francis Brabazon are included as lyrics. 2007 |
Call You Love |
A modern Sufi* troubadour, Mischa Rutenberg has serenaded audiences around the world with his deeply felt songs of love to Meher Baba. This album offers sparkling new arrangements of many favorite devotional melodies, including “Silent Steps,” “Once I Gaze Upon Your Face,” “Building Love a Bridge,” “Celebrate in Silence” and a stirring performance of “Allah Hu Akbar” with the Sufi chorus and orchestra. |
*Mischa is a member of Sufism Reoriented, the American school of spiritual training created by Meher Baba in 1952. For this collection, Mischa has made new recordings of many favorite devotional songs.
Chant The Sweet Name of God: Meher Baba’s Name
Meher Baba’s name.
Roses & Light |
An album of all new music composed by Mischa Rutenberg. Sung by Mischa with Laura Reed. 75 minutes |

The Great Secret |
Mischa Rutenberg’s Collection 3; 13 songs adapted from Daniel Ladinsky’s rendering of Hafiz poems in I Heard God Laughing. |

Dance Dervish Dance |
Fourteen songs composed and sung by Mischa Rutenberg. Hafiz Love poems from the East presented in song styles of the West: rock, pop, ballads, blues, cabaret, bossanova and more. All lyrics adapted from I Heard God Laughing, Renderings of Hafiz by Daniel Ladinsky. |

Come to My House |
Fourteen more songs composed and sung by Mischa Rutenberg. All lyrics adapted from I Heard God Laughing, Renderings of Hafiz by Daniel Ladinsky. |

Wonder Weaver |
A wonderful new offering from Mischa Rutenberg with 25 tracks on two CDs. This delightful and varied selection includes the standout hit "Jai Ho Meher Baba". |

The CD titled "Invocation" includes a powerful new version of "God is in the Heart of All" that integrates parts of a beautiful reading by Murshida Conner recorded in 1982. The CD also features two beautiful songs with the voices of all three Murshids of Sufism Reoriented saying Beloved Meher Baba's name. 30 min

Boundless Sea |
Our companion Mischa Rutenberg has released a new CD to celebrate the birthday of Avatar Meher Baba. The CD contains over 75 minutes of music—with beautiful new ballads, lively rap numbers, and updated versions of old classics. 2009 |

Heartbeat of the World |
From Mischa Rutenberg comes an excellent live recording of a beautiful program celebrating Avatar Meher Baba’s birthday, February, 2004, featuring guest artists: Michael Cormier, Ashley Adams, and Ellen Johnson. |

Lord of The Dawn |
These new songs by Mischa feature a wide range of lyric sources. The first song is a traditional Navajo Prayer that features a lovely reading by Murshida Conner. The title song uses a lyric taken from the Guaymi Indians of Central America. Other songs use the poetry of ee cummings as well as Baba’s beloved Francis Brabazon. As always, you will hear a wide range of musical styles that are sure to please. 2008 |

Love Is All That Matters Now |
Mischa brings us a Double-CD with 10 new songs on disc one. Disc 2 (Love Is All Meher Baba’s) features the same tunes sung with Meher Baba’s name. In addition to Mischa’s original compositions are a couple of favorites written by friends including the popular song “Tonight”by Brian Darnell. The last song features a beautiful reading by Murshida Carol Weyland Conner. This collection also features the lovely voice of Antoinette Davis. 2005 |
Nataraj ( 2007 )
White Rose
Winds of Grace
This new collection of songs by Mischa includes lyrics inspired by the poetry of Rumi, Tagore, Murshida Conner, and Ramakrishna. Exciting new melodies, textures, and rhythms are explored in these delightful songs dedicated to Meher Baba on his birthday in 2007.