1928 : Meher Baba at Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Meher Baba at Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.


1927 - 1928


Chapter 9 :


 British-India flag
British-India flag
1927 : Meher Baba at the Pandu Lena Caves. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1927 : Meher Baba at the Pandu Lena Caves. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.




1.                       INTRODUCTION & CONTENTS



The story of Meher Baba's advent continues from Chapter 8.


This web page / chapter 9, will follow Meher Baba ( Merwan Irani ) in the years 1927 & 1928 with his first close group of both male & female followers.


Baba has now settled down in the area near Arangaon village, which is now known as Meherabad.


Click on images and maps to enlarge them, also click on the under-scored names to visit their web-pages.







                     2.   ALPHABET BOARD

                     3.   TRIP TO PIMPALGAON LAKE

                     4.   MAHATMA GANDHI

                     5.   TRIP TO KHULDABAD

                     6.   MEHER ASHRAM










Page references are marked RD ( Ramjoo's Diary ) & LM ( Lord Meher ).

Click on the following button to visit the previous page in Meher Baba's Advent.

1927 : Meher Baba with some of his men mandali at Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1927 : Meher Baba with some of his men mandali at Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.



2.                                          ALPHABET BOARD


A well worn alphabet board that Meher Baba used.
A well worn alphabet board that Meher Baba used.


On the 1st January 1927, Meher Baba wrote a message, a year and a half after he started his silence.

"I intend to stop writing from tomorrow. It is not definite when I will resume writing or speaking. I may start again after some days, some months or even some years. It all depends on Hazrat Babajan". ( Perfect Master Babajan )


Many New Year's greeting cards were received, including one from an American named *Joseph R. Natham. Baba gave this advice to his mandali for the coming year,

" You must all stick to the powerhouse".


* There is no known image of the man.



1927 : Meher Baba resting on Meherabad Hill, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1927 : Meher Baba resting on Meherabad Hill, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.


The following day, 2nd January, Baba had stopped writing but was communicating through hand gestures and printing of English alphabet letters in newspapers. He was quite fast. That night, the Gujarati Arti was sung at 9pm. From then on, he gave permission for it to be performed every evening. He had fasted for the whole day.


1927 - India : Meher Baba had just come out of seclusion to supervise the building of the new school.
1927 - India : Meher Baba had just come out of seclusion to supervise the building of the new school.


The following day, 3rd January, a long term follower of Baba's, Abdul Rehman, know as 'Barsoap' had come from Poona and claimed a vast sum of money from Baba and he claimed Hazrat Babajan had sent him. He was rebuffed and later realized his folly and apoligized to Baba. He was later given some money but was told to never come again to see Baba.



1927 : Meher Baba & some of his men madalai. Image rendion by Anthony Zois.
1927 : Meher Baba & some of his men madalai. Image rendion by Anthony Zois.


Several of the men mandali kept on making methods to improve Baba's way of communicating. English alphabet capitals were typed on paper, then written onto card board, finally Pendu suggested to Vishnu to make large chart of the painted onto a small thin wooden board. Baba began using the board on the 7th January. Later Baba wished for the numbers 1 to 0 to be added.

His fingers would fly over the board when spelling out words. He once remarked,

" The World is dancing every moment to the signs of my fingers".



       HAZRAT BABAJAN                   BARSOAP                     PENDU                        VISHNU          11


On the 12th January, Baba went to Poona with Beheramji, Padri Jal, Pesu and 2 women mandali. It was likely that they travelled by train. Once there he had lunch at Abdulla Jaffer's ( Ramjoo ) house, he then went o see his mother and father at their home and then visited Sadashev Patel's house in Kasba Peth near the river. Many followers had come for him. Baba and his group returned to Meherabad that night.



1927 : Some of Baba's men mandali sitting outside the "1st Hut" 'Agranuti'. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1927 : Some of Baba's men mandali sitting outside the "1st Hut" 'Agranuti'. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.



Several days later on the 16th January, Baba was dictating information, when he suddenly stated "I will have to dig a pit 3 to 4 feet deep tomorrow". Baba quickly changed the subject and related other matters. No one asked him why he said that remark.

The next day, 17th January, an old Muslim man named *Wazir died at Meherabad and then that remark was revealed. All rites for the the deceased were performed, and later Baba helped carry the corpse in one of Baba's own sheet to the grave. Baba asked Karim to recite a namaz-pray as he was lowered.


* There is no known image of the man.


     BEHERAMJI H.F. IRANI                       'PADRI' DRIVER                               KARIM

     JAL S. IRANI                             PESU                   'RAMJOO' JAFFER           SADASHIV PATEL


Map shows the train route from Ahmednagar to Poona. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.
Map shows the train route from Ahmednagar to Poona. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.


The following day, 18th January, Baba was driven by Rustom to see the Pimpalgaon water reserve approx. 15 miles / 24 kms away with 6 mandali. He fasted all day.

( 20 years later, Meher Baba moved to this area and setup his residential home - he called it Meherazad ).


When they returned to Meherabad, Baba stated that he would remain for many days and then walked to his Jhopdi hut and closed the door.





The next day, 19th January, he called Chanji to his hut and told him, "I intend to open a high school in Meherabad, but I must not ask the mandali to do the work. We should hire teachers".


He also said, " I am happy with the mandali's decision to stay with me, and it is sufficient that they are kept away from the 2 greatest temptations of maya - lust for women and money".



3.                 TRIP TO PIMPALGAON LAKE


Map shows the road route between Meherabad & the Pimpalgaon Lake. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.
Map shows the road route between Meherabad & the Pimpalgaon Lake. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.




On 22nd January, a follower of Mahatma Gandhi named K.K. Manekar* arrived and was given permission to take dashan from Baba, but from the window of his hut. He said he saw Baba's face, 'merged in the light of God shining forth from that window.'

This convinced him of his divinity.


Baba emerged from his hut on the 23rd January, and held a meeting about the school, hospital, ....and stated, "Now these projects will be done on a permanent basis. In the school there will be 150 resident students for whom boarding arrangements will have to be provided".

Someone noted the scarcity of water in Meherabad. Baba said, "Don't worry about it. I promise you will have ample water". Baba directed the men to find what requirements from the authorities was need to proceed by the government requirements.


The next day, 24th January, Pandoba's brother prepared construction plans for the school building, which Baba minutely examined. Rustom arranged for a new well to be dug.



1927 : Meher Baba on Meherabad Hill. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1927 : Meher Baba on Meherabad Hill. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.


On the 25th January, Baba discussed plans about the new school, and the topic of Indian troops being sent to China by the British Government. Someone pointed out of the possibility that the Meherabad property could be taken over in the event of war.

Baba replied, "Don't worry over it. Raise the new buildings. I guarantee to undertake the responsibility that no one come here. I'll tell the British, I won't go. Let's see what they do."

Baba added, "Sai Baba was the king of the Perfect Masters, but I am the Master of the Perfect Masters ! When (Sai) Baba was smoking his chilum pipe while sitting in Shirdi, he was in fact controlling the First World War. No one knows this. Similarly, I am here talking with you, but I control the whole universe and everything existing in it while sitting here".


On 28th January, the school was opened for a half a day, on Hazrat Babajan's birthday. In the following couple of weeks more discussions were held about the education to be taught and the calibre of the teachers.


Note : During January 1927, there were serious divisions and clashes between right and left wings of the Chinese forces. This led up to the massacre in Shanghai in April 1927.


* There is no known image of K.K. Manekar.


On 25th January, Baba talked about ' Indian troops being sent to China'  & 'Priest blessings & preaching only to earn money'.

To read this discourse click here  - 'Indian troops being sent to China'  & 'Priest blessings & preaching only to earn money'.


 PERFECT MASTER SAI BABA at Sakori, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
PERFECT MASTER SAI BABA at Sakori, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.


4.                        MAHATMA GANDHI

February 1927


Meher Baba bathed 150 poor children at Upper Meherabad on the 17th February and later served them food with his own hands.


The next day, 18th February was Baba's 33rd birthday, all the mandali took a bath in the afternoon. Baba later handed out a sweet dish and 2 quinine tablets to the men mandali assembled. He then went to the women's quarters at the Post Office building compound, and he invited to sit on an improvised swing which was swung with the women singing the song "Krishna's Cradle".


When he came back from the women's quarters, he was informed that Mahatma Gandhi was walking towards Meherabad from Ahmednager. Baba said, "His time has not yet come. He will not come here. If he comes, I will have to begin writing again and explain many things to him".


Gandhi had come to Ahmednagar for a political rally. He was taking a morning exercise walk on the road to Meherabad. Baba followers Nusserwan Satha and  Chinchorkar were with him, explaining to him that Meher Baba was the chief disciple of Upasni Maharaj. Hearing this, he was taken aback. He then expressed not to see Meher Baba.


Here are two accounts of that meeting.


Gandhi had previously met Maharaj in 1924 who had shown great annoyance, and used abusive language towards the visitor. Upasni was wearing a gunny cloth ( as usual ), when Gandhi arrived, but he removed it and went stark naked. He had a tendency to do this, particularly when annoyed by the demands of social etiquette imposed by caste Hinduism

Courtesy of Wikipedia


When Upasni Majaraj saw Gandhi, he shouted, "Get out from here! People have made you Mahatma! Are you a Mahatma? How selfish you are that they call you Mahatma and you feel happy! I don't want to see you! Get out!" Gandhi was shocked to hear this. Then Upasni Maharaj said, "Go away! Why did you come here?"... Gandhi immediately left Sakori and he never thought of having Upasni Maharaj's darshan again.

Bhau Kalchuri


On 1st February, Baba talked about ' Tossing a rubber ball against the wall'  & 'Lies & Hypocrisy'.

To read this discourse click here  - Tossing a rubber ball against the wall'  & 'Lies & Hypocrisy'.


On 7th February, Baba gave a discourse on 'Staying with the Master'

To read this discourse click here  - 'Staying with the Master'




                     UPASNI MAHARAJ                                                MAHATMA GANDHI


During the day, a celebration was held for Baba's birthday, and many came from the surrounding towns. One person unwittingly placed a garland of roses around Baba's neck, which had several bees nesting in them. The bees after a while started to sting  his face, causing his face to a bright red, but he continued giving darshan and the program continued. Many were delighted to see Baba so deep in colour. It was only afterwards when they removed the garlands they discovered the swarm of bees.

Baba gestured, "My face is swollen and red from the bee's stings, not because of divine radiance. See what I have to endure at the hands of my lovers. They always wish to garland me and I permit it for the sake of their happiness, yet how I suffer. Such is my fate".



 16th June 1927 : Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
16th June 1927 : Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.


On 11th February, Baba gave a discourse  'Not a single man amoung you'

To read this discourse click here  - 'Not a single man amoung you'


On 12th February, Baba gave a discourse  'Baba's indifference to Gandhi'

To read this discourse click here  - 'Baba's indifference to Gandhi'


On 13th February, Baba gave a discourse on 'Sanskaras'

To read this discourse click here  - 'Sanskaras'


On 22nd February, Baba gave a discourse on 'Worst prison in Earth'

To read this discourse click here  - 'Worst prison in Earth'




Meher Baba at Meherabad, India in 1927. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
Meher Baba at Meherabad, India in 1927. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.


A primary school for the local villagers was opened on 1st March. This was held in the mess quarters. Dhake was appointed principal.

On 7th March, Chanji brought his relatives from Poona to Meherabad. Chanji's brother Naoroji H. Dadachanji (43), Naoroji's wife - Bachamai (29) and their 3 daughters, Arnavaz (5), Nargis (5) and Rhoda (3), also their 4 month old son Tehemtan. They also brought a reluctant relative Meherjee Ardeshir Karkaria (21), who had been induced to go on a picnic.


They all touched Baba's feet as a salutation which is not in keeping with the Parsis religion. Meherjee stayed in the distance. Baba had an exchange with him about his studies. He concluded by saying, if he failed in his coming exams, he could come to Meherabad and teach at the school. This family came very close to Meher Baba for the next 60+ yearsMeherjee would often accompany Baba on his tours of the West, throughout the 1950s. He would also travel to the West representing him in the 1970s.


NOTE : The images below were taken in the 1940s, except for Meherjee which was taken in 1928.



ARNAVAZ DADACHANJI            NARGIS D.                     TEHEMTAN D.                   RHODA D.



On the 9th March, Baba moved from the Jhopdi hut to the table-hut near the dhuni. Baba cryptically remarked while sitting in the table-hut, "I will stay here for 1,200 years".

A corn mill had to be fixed to the wall of his hut, where he grinded corn.


A dog named Madari was gifted to Baba from Upasni Maharaj. The dog would sit by Baba's side. Later on the 14th March, the dog was struck by a truck passing on the road near the dhuni. He was buried in Baba's presence. Baba later revealed to the mandali, "Madari was very lucky. He will be born a human being in his next from".


The Hindu festival was observed on the 17th March, many came for Baba's darshan. The dhuni fire was lit and later a game of 'atya-patya'. Baba remarked to the mandali playing it.

"Whatever you do,do with all your heart. Put your whole heart into it, whether it is a game or work".


The Crypt-cabin on Meherabad Hill.
The Crypt-cabin on Meherabad Hill.
Typical old mounted corn grinder.
Typical old mounted corn grinder.
Meher Baba at Meherabad, India in 1927. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
Meher Baba at Meherabad, India in 1927. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.

      SOHRAB DESAI                          MANSARI DESAI                                    ANNA 104



On the 20th March, while visiting a devotee named Raya in Ahmednagar, the literary scholar Sohrab Desai of Navsari came to see Baba and was deeply moved upon seeing him. He brought along his nephew Minoo Beheram Desai to meet Baba. Minoo lived in Bombay. He was the brother of a future female disciple called Mansari Desai.


While visiting Ahmednagar, Baba decided to have a new Meher Ashram for boys located at Meherabad. People were allocated positions to run it. 6 students had already signed up to attend.


In late March, a follower of Baba's - Anna 104 was claiming his leg had miraculously healed  by repeating Baba's name and applying juice from the Neem tree. He spread the word around of his recovery. One day he brought 2 afflicted women to Baba. One was lame and was suffering for many months, she fell at Baba's feet and he comforted her. "Your disease has fallen at my feet".


The next day, she was able to walk very well, the other had financial problems and they were settled in a short time after having his darshan. Baba discouraged Anna 104 from bringing anymore seeking miracles, explaining that saints perform miracles, but it is not his work.


1927 : Meher Baba giving a darshan. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1927 : Meher Baba giving a darshan. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.



On 3rd April, Baba went to Vyankatesh Sridar Chincorkar's house in Ahmednagar, having been invited to have some food. There was some angst when the food was not prepared in time for Baba and hi party.


The Hazrat Babajan Girls' School was established on the 5th April at Maruti's Place compound in Arangaon. Afseri ( later known as Raosaheb ) was appointed supervisor of the school. A few days later, Baba remarked, "Mahatma Gandhi will die before I break my silence. He is not destined to hear it. He is not yet ready for it, Gandhi has no preparation for it ; he would have to come to me by now. His companions would not allow him to do so and he has no courage to get rid of them".


On the 11th April, discussions were had for placing an advertisement about the Meher Ashram. Baba decided a number of boys from Persia should be included in the school.

The official opening of the Meher Ashram was held on Sunday 1st May. Celebrations and a procession were held, dancers and the playing of musical instruments. 10 students ere enrolled and it was situated at the family quarters. The girls school was shifted to the Post Office building, requiring  the women to move to another building.




May 1927


Baba ordered Gustadji Hansotia to maintain silence from 1st May. Baba explained to him,

"The observance of silence on your part will be most helpful to me in my work. Therefore, be silent for my sake".

He remained silent until his death in 1958.


After some time, Baba asked Daulat S.Irani ( Mehera's mother ) to observe silence as well, which she did until her last breath in November 1952.


Baba also asked Bal Tambat to keep silent, which he did for the rest of his life.


1927 : Meher Baba in the old bungalow at Meherbad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1927 : Meher Baba in the old bungalow at Meherbad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.


In May, Baba went to Akbar Press in Ahmednagar by bus to conduct the Zoroastrian thread ceremony for the 2 Jessawala girls - Manu & Meheru, after the priests had concluded their rites. The whole Satha family was present.


On 12th May, Gaimai Jessawala and a few members of the Satha family arrived in Meherabad.  "Where have you come from ?" asked BabaGaimai explained she came from her home in Nagpur"You are so fortunate, so very fortunate ! How can I tell you ? Do you know why ? " Baba said.


"One of my 5 Perfect Masters, Tajaddin Baba, lived in Nagpur.  Did you ever see him?"

Gaimai replied that he would visit an in-laws home and sit on the verandah when they first moved there. Sometimes he would pay attention to each member of the family, especially her son Eruch.


 "Then you are still more fortunate" replied Baba




Perfect Master Tajaddin Baba
Perfect Master Tajaddin Baba


The whole district was in a severe drought. Baba stated that, " If there is no rain by June 1st, break down the old dhuni and build another one".


4 days later, on 28th May, it rained for 20 minutes. Thus the dhuni was kept.

On another day Baba was playing marbles with Dhake and Manekar.Baba stated,

"A great Avatar is born on earth and he is now playing marbles !"


About this time, Gaimai's husband Beheram Dorab Jessawala also known as Papa Jessawala, was introduced to Baba, who gave him an explanation about saints and in particular Babajan.


"Babajan lost 2 of her fingers by allowing them to be eaten away by worms and bugs. So many maggots were in her wounds that they would fall out. She would pick them up and put them back in the wound without in the least minding the horrible pain. Instead of taking treatment for her fingers, she was feeding the worms. Babajan deliberately suffered unimaginable agony, and in the same end lost both her fingers.

At the present, I too have a deep cut inside my mouth  which pains me severely, but I don't pay any attention to it. Saints are always happy, even while in agony."


 Perfect Master Hazrat Babajan. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
Perfect Master Hazrat Babajan. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.


On the 4th June, there were lots of clouds, little sunlight, storm brewing. Baba directed that "the song 'He's a Jolly Good Fellow' be played on the gramophone and let's see what happens".

Baba then directed Adi K. to go out and call out "Come down rain, come down!"

Adi did, first with a normal voice, then prompted by Baba to yell it out. 30 minutes later it began to rain.


1939 version


5.                     TRIP TO KHULDABAD



On the 5th June, Meher Baba and a few of his men Mandali went to Aurangabad and then proceeded to the Ellora Caves, to an area called Khuldabad. While having tea in the area, Baba disclosed, "the tomb of Sai Baba's master, Zarzari Baksh is in Khuldabad".


When asked how is it possible since Zarzari Baksh had lived hundreds of years prior to Sai Baba. Baba answered, " You have no idea of how great is the grace of the Perfect Master. While Zarzari Baksh was alive, Sai, in a previous incarnation was his disciple. The Master's grace descended upon him at that time; however, it carried over and made him perfect after 700 years. Zarzari Baksh means 'Giver of the Wealth of Wealth'. This he gave to Sai."


The group returned to Meherabad the same day.


* Zar Zari Zar Baksh bestowed realization to Sai, while he sat in a cave in Khuldabad.  The Swami of Akola brought Sai down and made him a Perfect Master. See images below.


 Map shows to whole route between Meherabad & Khuldabad, India. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.
Map shows to whole route between Meherabad & Khuldabad, India. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.



6.                        MEHER ASHRAM



On the 16th June, Baba composed a simple prayer of 7 names of God, representing the world's religions, for the boys to recite everyday.

"Hari, Paramatma, Allah, Ahuramazd, God, Yezdan, Hu"


The Meher Ashram, was moved from Arangaon to Meherabad and a celebration was led.

The high school was accredited by Bombay University and on 1st July the school was christened by the Master as the Hazrat Babajan High School. The school was selected by Baba to move to the west of the water tower on Meherabad Hill.


Courtesy of Lord Meher Vol.3 p.950
Courtesy of Lord Meher Vol.3 p.950


During June, a hut was built for Baba, made of bamboo matting and tin sheets with a door and window.

On the 3rd July, the first group of Persian boys arrived with Baidul from Persia ( Iran ). There were 12 Zoroastrians and 2 Muslim boys, after some help by Rusi Irani to clear the border documents. By 24th July, Baba's youngest brother Adi (13) was enrolled in the school at Meherabad, his older brother Beheram (19), also moved and joined their older brother Jal. Mani (9), stayed with her parents in Poona, but would visit with her parents.


In the last week of July, Baba ordered a pit to be dug in the floor of the small cabin, 6 feet long, 4 feet wide and 6 feet deep, but did not disclose the purpose. The pit was made permanent with stone and masonry work.


  BAIDUL JAFRABADI                                RUSI IRANI                                   ADI S. IRANI

       BEHERAM S. IRANI                            JAL S. IRANI                           MANI S. IRANI


      CRYPT ROOM DOOR                                BABA AT THE CRYPT ROOM DOOR


Small steps were built leading down into the pit. Later, the tin walls were replaced by cemented stone and two more windows were added.

Baba stayed in the cabin on 16th August, the mandali referred to it as the Khadda - the Ditch or Pit-Room. Baba planned to do seclusion there.

The cabin was later to become the Tomb or Samadhi of Meher Baba.



1927 : Meher Baba at Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1927 : Meher Baba at Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.


During August, a tennis court was built and Baba played on it on 28th August. In the next several months, Baba supervised the activities of the Hazrat Babajan high school and Meher Ashram, in which more than a 170 boys were enrolled. He would teach them Persian, using his alphabet board and also play games with them. At night Ramjoo would read Sexton Blake stories to Baba.



          SEXTON BLAKE STORIES IN MAGAZINES                                                                                                                                           80


On 19th September, G.M.Shah a photographer from Ahmednagar came to Meherabad to take photos of Baba on the new hand drawn rickshaw  for Baba's use, also the Meher Ashram building and the school boys. ( see previous picture ). Another photographer S.S. Deen would also be hired.


* there are 4 Meher Ashram photos & a classroom photo.


19th Sept. 1927 : Meher Baba in a tonga pulled by Baily Irani at Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
19th Sept. 1927 : Meher Baba in a tonga pulled by Baily Irani at Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.


Rustom K. Irani's wife Freiny came to Meherabad on her weekly visit to visit Baba, she was in her 9th month of her pregnancy. When she returned to Ahmednager, she gave birth to a girl, whom she maned Mehera after her sister. She was know later as Meheru.


   RUSTOM K. IRANI                             FREINY J. IRANI                             MEHERU R. IRANI


In late October, exams were given at the school, followed by the Diwali festival for several days, whereby the school was closed for this period.


On 10th November, Baba went on a prolong fast of coffee and milk, this continued for almost 5 months or so. Several days later, Meherjee Karkaria failed his engineering exam, therefore he kept his promise to come to Meherabad on the 14th November. Baba appointed him the English teacher.



5th June 1927 : Meher Baba at Aurangabad, India.
5th June 1927 : Meher Baba at Aurangabad, India.



Later that day, B.F. Bharucha came to see Baba and wanted to ask him many questions, which Baba obliged him. In the presence of others, Baba expressed many things to him.


During this time a Muslim boy from Persia - Ali Akbar Shapurzaman was admitted to the school, he would remain in service to Baba all his life as one of the Mandali. He was better known as Aloba.


Another boy, Sayed Ali Haji Mohammed, nicknamed Agha Ali was brought to Meherabad by his father. Baba refused to accept him and his father entreated Baba, who agreed to accept him, but over the next 5 years there was a constant tussle. 4 years later in 1931, he was one of 2 Indians who accompanied Meher Baba on his 1st visit to the West.


           MEHERJEE                                   AGHA ALI                                          ALOBA


On 22nd November, Baily arrived from Poona with all his belongings and rejoined the Mandali. Spiritual lessens were given daily to the students, for a couple of hours. There were obvious differences between the lectures of the other teachers and Baba.


Meher Baba again travelled to see the Pimpalgaon lake on the 27th November returning the same day and stopping at Akbar Press in Ahmednagar before returning to Meherabad.


Later on the 2nd December, 5 small temporary rooms were built in a line next to Baba's crypt-cabin on Meherabad Hill. Baba called these 'Sahak-Ashram' - 'Seeker's Ashram'.

Baba instructed certain men to occupy these cabins and meditate and fast on liquids. By the 10th December, a few of the ashram boys preferred to meditate than to study. Baba separated them. This was the start of what was later called the 'Prem Ashram' - 'Abode of Love Divine'.


Some of the boys were profoundly affected by Baba's love, they too were segregated with the other group. Most of the Meher Ashram boys were more inclined towards their studies than meditation.


Map shows the road route between Meherabad & the Pimpalgaon Lake. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.
Map shows the road route between Meherabad & the Pimpalgaon Lake. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.
Courtesy of Lord Meher Vol.3 p.955
Courtesy of Lord Meher Vol.3 p.955


While discussing advanced souls in other parts of the World, Baba revealed on 17th December, "There are 3 God-Realized persons in Persia and one in Egypt. There is one very advanced soul in London, who is stationed between the 4th & 5th planes. He is a telegraph-receiver and does as ordered, though I, his Master, am unknown to him. There is one in America still further advanced. He knows I am his master".


On the 18th December, Baba gave a discourse to the students, explaining the progression of evolution by using a doll, bending and folding it at times.



1 927 : Meher Baba on Meherabad Hill. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1 927 : Meher Baba on Meherabad Hill. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.



On 19th December, Gustadji's older brother Sohrab H. Hansotia ( later know as Slamson ), Baba directed both of them to stay in the new cabins near his crypt-cabin. After 41 days of Baba's fast on 20th December, he retired to crypt-pit for the night, while in the daytime he spent it in the upper portion of the hut.


In the remaining days of December, Meher Baba gave many discourses which are detailed in the "Discourses 1920s" web folder on this site.


* This concludes the year 1927.


          GUSTADJI HANSOTIA                                                SLAMSON  HANSOTIA

1927 : The Meher Ashram boys at Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1927 : The Meher Ashram boys at Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.

98 (1927) + 28 + 22 (68) all






1928 : Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.


On Sunday 1st January, the year started with Meher Baba into his 52nd day of his fast and the 12th day in his seclusion in the upper part of his crypt-cabin. Everyone was preoccupied with the boys education, both spiritually and materially.


20 soldiers came for Baba's darshan on the 6th January. Baba remarked to the boys, "This is a sign of the great march which will take place in the near future".


Later in the day, Baba had dictated to Beheram (his brother) a message which he read to all, "that a secret conference had taken place at 2am that night, held in his crypt, wherein it was decided that a great war would soon begin . Baba concluded his declaration, "A great war will shortly take place and when it is raging furiously, I will come forward and manifest as the Avatar!"


On the 9th January, Baba remarked,  "There is some communication going on with the one in London - the one on the path between the 4th & 5th planes. Instructions are being given to him and my attention is needed".


1928 : Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.


In the following days, some of the boys experienced spiritual states of consciousness. Later on 27th January, Kaikhushru J. Pleader came for the first time to meet Baba. He expressed a desire to stay in Meherabad, but Baba sent him away.


On the 29th January, Baba's mother Shireen had come from Poona to check on her youngest son Adi who was still ill at the hospital in Ahmednagar. She had asked Baba to send one of her sons home to look after her and his father Sheriar. Within days Adi recuperated and went back to Meherabad.


By mid-February, the boys in the schools sat for the exams at the Missionary School in Ahmednagar and they all passed with very good marks. Many of the boys about this time were starting to be removed by their parents and all the children were very distressed by these events.


      KAIKHUSHRU PLEADER                             SHIREEN  IRANI                       ADI S. IRANI


On the 18th February, it was Meher Baba's 34th Birthday, many came to Meherabad to celebrate the occassion, even though Baba at first was unpleasant, this later changed by the Qawaali singing programme held. Baba still had a dark mood.


In the following week on the 26th February, Baba came out of his seclusion from his crypt-cabin at 5:15pm. A rickshaw was decorated with flowers and he climbed on it. It was pulled by the Prem Ashram boys down the hill to Meherabad. Stopping near the dhuni, a blinding light suddenly flashed and a flame rose up from the dhuni when Baba came near it. The flames disappeared after a few moments. Baba visited other parts of the settlement. The women had not been visited by Baba for 2 months and they were very excited at his presence.


Mehera had made a pint of coffee every day placed in a flask. This was carried up the hill to Baba by a boy called Lahu, who secretly his and would drink half the coffee before giving it to Baba. Later on, Baba inquired why only half a flask, Mehera was taken aback and explained she did sent a full flask, Naja confirmed this. The boy revealed all when asked by Baba, what he had done. Baba laughed it off and remarked, "I was having Lahu's prasad* every day".


* prasad is a blessed gift, often as a sweet


Feb. 1928 - Meherabad, India. Meher Baba pulled in a hand drawn rickshaw by Prem Ashram boys, let by Baidul & Sailor (right).Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
Feb. 1928 - Meherabad, India. Meher Baba pulled in a hand drawn rickshaw by Prem Ashram boys, let by Baidul & Sailor (right).Image rendition by Anthony Zois.


On 28th February, Baba allowed the boys from the Prem Ashram to dress him as Lord Krishna. The photographer, G.M. Shaw was called from Ahmednagar to photograph him and the children.


Then on 3rd March, Agha Ali returned from Bombay, he had run away from home. Baba was very happy to see him, after he was fed and refreshed. Baba again was dressed as Lord Krishna in the evening he placed the crown on Ali's head. this was a festive occasion filled with songs which continued till the next day. This was marred later in the afternoon with Baba having multiple spasms  lasting for almost an hour at times. That night, Ali's father came and agreed after some angst for his son to stay another year at the school.


28th February 1928 : Meherabad, India. Meher Baba dressed as Lord Krishna. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
28th February 1928 : Meherabad, India. Meher Baba dressed as Lord Krishna. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.


Baba had chosen Rustom K. Irani to go to England, giving him final instructions on 7th March, to bring some boys to India. He left that evening and sailed from Bombay, 3 days later - 10th March. He was the first of Baba's Mandali to contact the Western world.


The sea voyage from Bombay to Marseilles, France took 13 days. He would have arrived on the 23rd March, taken the train to Paris, then at sometime took the flight to London.

Rustom had flown in a Farman F60 " Goliath " ( 1928 ) from Paris to London. If all events occurred concurrently, he would have arrived in London on the 25-26th March.

Below, Rustom is being checked by customs official at the British airport when he arrived from Paris.  https://www.meherbabatravels.com/air-travels/farman-f60-goliath-1928/   &

Rustom K. Irani - https://www.meherbabatravels.com/his-close-ones/men-1/rustom-k-irani/


Courtesy of Lord Meher ; Bhau Kalchuri - Vol.7-8 : p 2713. Image enhanced by Anthony Zois.
Courtesy of Lord Meher ; Bhau Kalchuri - Vol.7-8 : p 2713. Image enhanced by Anthony Zois.


On 25th March , the Prem Ashram was formally established on Meherabad Hill.

Later on 1st April, Baba was seen walking bare footed about Meherabad Hill, which surprised many at 8:15am  that morning.  At 11:30am, Hazrat Babajan arrived at Meherabad by car. The car stopped in front of the girl's school bearing her name. This was a remarkable event, she had not left Poona for many decades, since she first moved there. She had indicated a week earlier saying that she wanted to go "to my child's place".


Baba was not notified of her arrival, and he walked barefoot down the hill and stopped at the railway tracks about 50 yards / metres from Babajan who was standing on the opposite side. Baba directed all to take her darshan and she was given refreshments, but the two Masters neither talked or had physical contact. She then departed back to Poona.


Baba remarked, "Today is the most eventful and significant day of my life !"


The next day, 2nd April, Baba went by car to Poona with some of the mandali to pay a return visit to Babajan, who was now seated in the Bund Gardens. Baba stood on the opposite side of the river, while his mandali crossed the bridge and took her darshan. They mandali then came back to Baba and the returned to Meherabad. Both Masters had a visual on each other during this event.


1928 : Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Meher Baba
1928 : Meher Baba
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
8th Sept. 1928, Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
8th Sept. 1928, Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
 1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
8th September 1928 Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
8th September 1928 Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
8th Sept. 1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
8th Sept. 1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
 1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
 1928 : Toka, , India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1928 : Toka, , India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.






The reference books that were used on this webpage : 


Lord Meher Vol.3          - Bhau Kalchuri          pages 894 -  ( On-Line p.564 - 758 )

The Perfect Master      - Charles B. Purdom   pages 49 - 67 (1 Ed.) &  1976 Ed. p.72 - 107

The God-Man                - Charles B. Purdom   pages 49 - 67








Click on the following buttons to visit those webpages.