1926 : Ahmednagar, India. Meher Baba garlanded & wearing the Kamli coat.
1926 : Ahmednagar, India. Meher Baba garlanded & wearing the Kamli coat.
Map shows the road route between Lonavla and Talegaon, India. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.
Map shows the road route between Lonavla and Talegaon, India. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.




The following day, 29th November, Baba went to Talegaon to visit the flour mill which was owned by Ghani and Ramjoo, it was named after Baba - the Meher Flour Mill. They returned in the afternoon.


During the outing, they had driven past the Lohagen and Visapur Forts, near the village of Karla. Baba remarked that the area had been "Shivaji's playground."

Click on the name SHIVAJI to visit the web page on this site.


* There are no images of the flour mill in Talegaon.


               DR. GHANI MUNSIFF                                           RAMJOO ABULLA JAFFER

Map shows the road route between Lonavla and Talegaon, India. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.
Map shows the road route between Lonavla and Talegaon, India. Map graphics by Anthony Zois.
Map shows the layout of present day Talegaon.
Map shows the layout of present day Talegaon.