In late February 1924, Meher Baba and some men followers of his, departed Bombay ( Mumbai ) by ship to visit Persia ( Iran ), they returned to British India ( now Pakistan ) at Karachi in mid-March.
From here they took trains to reach Raxaul, the border town with Nepal. Because of some timing, they were refused entry into that Kingdom. So, they decided to visit the tombs of Perfect Master Kabir in Maghar.
This whole trip finished when Meher Baba returned to Meherabad at the end of March.
The following texts pertains to the visit of Maghar, etc. To read the whole account of this visit to Persia and India click on the following button to visit the webpage.
Mid-March 1924
The train later left Karachi for Hyderabad ( Sind ), then changed trains for Jaipur and onto Lucknow. Here, Baba went to the bazaar there looking for sandals, but was disappointed with what was being offered. Baba was still wearing the woolen Kamli coat that Yeshwant Rao had given him and the sandals that Kanhoba Rao made back in India prior to travelling.
Masaji did all the cooking for the group including the teas.
Leaving Lucknow, they proceeded to Raxaul which a frontier station on the Nepalese border. They discovered that they had missed the entry date by a few days. Baba had sent telegrams to various government authorities, but permission was not granted.

Mid-March 1924 continued
They then decided to proceed to Maghar (via Gorakhpur) and visit the tomb of the renown poet and Perfect Master Kabir, staying for 2 days. Baba had the men feed 50 poor people here, all the surplus provisions were distributed which made their luggage considerably lighter.
There are 2 tombs for Kabir in the Maghar, one for the Hindus and one for the Muslims.
Baba had to intervene on a quarrel here between 2 groups of travelling sadhus (spiritual aspirants). He told them sternly on how to behave when one lives the life of a pilgrim.
RD p.302
LM p.604

Mid-March 1924 continued
*They left Maghar for Cawnpore ( Kanpur ) some 200 miles / 320 Kms away. When they arrived in Cawnpore, it took them awhile riding in a tonga to find a suitable place to stay at a dhamashala (rest house). They later went to the local bathing steps by tram cars to bathe in the Ganges River.
RD p.302
LM p.604
* The
2 references used to write the account of this trip have different versions on how Baba and his men went from
Maghar to Cawnpore.
The Lord Meher book & On-line versions having a horse tonga transporting 6 men including the
driver, 200 miles / 320 Kms in a couple of days. That is not possible.
It is not stated
how many days they stayed in Maghar.
The only viable option was that they took the
train at Maghar for Cawnpore via Basti, Mankapur, Faizabad
( Ayodhya ) and Lucknow.
The account in Ramjoo's Diary only stated "From here the party came to Cawnpore".

After leaving Cawnpore by train, Baba instructed Vajifdar to return to Bombay, Masaji to Poona, Gustadji and Adi to Ahmednager. He also asked Gustadji to find a suitable location about 5-6 miles ( 8-10Kms ) from Sakori for future work.
When the train arrived at Itarsi, Meher Baba got down alone. As instructed, the men mandali travelled to their assigned destinations.
Baba roamed about the town and surrounding countryside, coming across other spiritual masters. After a week, near the end of March, Baba returned and joined the mandali at Meherabad, near Arangaon.
This concludes Adi K. Irani's account in Ramjoo's diary.
RD p.303
This period of Meher Baba being by himself was very rare, the only other time during his advent was when he disappeared for about a day while visiting Istanbul in 1931.
Nothing is known of what he did, or who he met or said anything.