Image rendition by Anthony Zois
Image rendition by Anthony Zois


Born :

Died :

Siblings : Sisters : Gaimai, Jessawala, Banu Kerawala, & Shiri Damania.

              Brothers : Meherjee, Jemi, Nusserwan, Homi & Pilu.




Later in the December on the 25th 1925, Christmas was observed and celebrated. During the following days, Nusserwan Satha's sister - Gaimai Jessawala came with her children to stay at Nusserwan's house in Ahmednagar. Gaimai's family lived in Nagpur.

Shortly after arriving, the whole Satha family, 6 brothers - Meherjee, Jemi,  Nusserwan, Homi & Pilu, also the 4 sisters - Banu Kerawala, Gaimai, Gula Satha & Shirin Damania, including their children were all dedicated to Meher Baba and all went to Meherabad to see him.



Image rendition by Anthony Zois
Image rendition by Anthony Zois

Gulamasi Satha visited Baba on 8th August 1926, she helped him grind corn when a storm  suddenly came and it was tearing off the tin sheets off the roofs and the dust was terrible. In the evening, with the storm still raging, she wondered how she would get back to her home in Ahmednagar. Baba suddenly looked at her picked up a metal pot beside him and flung it forcefully away. The storm immediately stopped. She was amazed ! When she returned home she told her brothers about the powers Baba had over nature.


Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
Image trimmed & enhanced by Anthony Zois.
Image trimmed & enhanced by Anthony Zois.