Myrtle Beach Center ; Amartithi 2013 - photo by Anthony Zois
Myrtle Beach Center ; Amartithi 2013 - photo by Anthony Zois

Born : 1927 - Texas, USA

Died : 7th November 2017 - Myrtle Beach, Sth.Carolina, USA


Nationality : American




John attended the 1958 Meher Center Sahavas for Meher Baba in Myrtle Beach, SC.

Tex also attended the 1962 East-West Gathering for Meher Baba at Guruprasad, Poona, India.


Texas flag
Texas flag
22nd July 1956 - Longchamps Restaurant, New York. Baba with Tex and Marie Adair.
22nd July 1956 - Longchamps Restaurant, New York. Baba with Tex and Marie Adair.
 Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1956 - Tex with Marie Adair at Longchamps Restaurant with Meher Baba.
1956 - Tex with Marie Adair at Longchamps Restaurant with Meher Baba.
Myrtle Beach Center ; Amartithi  2013, with Ambika ,Sher DiMaggio Zois & Patti Cavender.  Photo taken by Anthony Zois
Myrtle Beach Center ; Amartithi 2013, with Ambika ,Sher DiMaggio Zois & Patti Cavender. Photo taken by Anthony Zois


Tex with his pet Whippet
Tex with his pet Whippet
Tex Hightower, in his dancing days with the world renowned American Ballet Theatre. Photo courtesy of Ed Henkel & Eric Teperman.
Tex Hightower, in his dancing days with the world renowned American Ballet Theatre. Photo courtesy of Ed Henkel & Eric Teperman.

Tex pictured with Janet Collins, first black prima ballerina at the Met, a publicity shot for the opera Carmen, 1961 Courtesy of Laurel Magrini. Courtesy of Laurel Magrini.
Tex in the production of "Carmen". Photo courtesy of Ed Henkel . Photo is cropped from the original.
Tex in the production of "Carmen". Photo courtesy of Ed Henkel . Photo is cropped from the original.
 Tex with Janet Collins. Courtesy of Edward Henkel
Tex with Janet Collins. Courtesy of Edward Henkel
Glow mag. August 2001
Glow mag. August 2001
1956 - Photo taken at the "Holiday Lodge", San Francisco ;  : Tex top-left ,  Margaret - in front of Baba ; Peter Saul is on top-right. Lower left : Bunty Kelley & Marie Adair far right. Image capture from a video by Anthony Zois.
1956 - Photo taken at the "Holiday Lodge", San Francisco ; : Tex top-left , Margaret - in front of Baba ; Peter Saul is on top-right. Lower left : Bunty Kelley & Marie Adair far right. Image capture from a video by Anthony Zois.

1958 : Meher Baba with Margaret Craske & her students

Meher Baba at Myrtle Beach 1958

1958 Myrtle Beach SC. - ( L-R ) Don Mahler, Peter Saul, Baba and Tex Hightower
1958 Myrtle Beach SC. - ( L-R ) Don Mahler, Peter Saul, Baba and Tex Hightower
1958 Myrtle Beach SC. - ( L-R ) Don Mahler, Peter Saul, Baba and Tex Hightower
1958 Myrtle Beach SC. - ( L-R ) Don Mahler, Peter Saul, Baba and Tex Hightower
1958 Myrtle Beach SC. - ( L-R ) Tex Hightower, Don Mahler, Baba, and Peter Saul
1958 Myrtle Beach SC. - ( L-R ) Tex Hightower, Don Mahler, Baba, and Peter Saul
1958 ; Myrtle Beash SC. 2nd from far right
1958 ; Myrtle Beash SC. 2nd from far right
1958 ; Myrtle Beash SC. far right
1958 ; Myrtle Beash SC. far right