Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
Image rendition by Anthony Zois.


Born : 6th November, 1912

Died : 6th October, 2009

Married to Gisela

Nationality : Swiss

Max went to the 1954 Men's Sahavas at Meherabad, India.

1980 ; Max Haefliger - Courtesy of Anne Giles
1980 ; Max Haefliger - Courtesy of Anne Giles
1980 - Max Haefliger - Courtesy of Anne Giles
1980 - Max Haefliger - Courtesy of Anne Giles
1980 ; Max Haefliger taking a tour to the Meher Baba spots- Courtesy of Anne Giles.jpg
1980 ; Max Haefliger taking a tour to the Meher Baba spots- Courtesy of Anne Giles.jpg
1980 ; Max Haefliger - Courtesy of Anne Giles
1980 ; Max Haefliger - Courtesy of Anne Giles
1980 France ; Max Haefliger wth Stella Hernandez with Don Stevens following - Courtesy of Anne Giles
1980 France ; Max Haefliger wth Stella Hernandez with Don Stevens following - Courtesy of Anne Giles
1980 - France : Courtesy of Anne Giles
1980 - France : Courtesy of Anne Giles
Photo by Havanya - Glow mag. August 2004
Photo by Havanya - Glow mag. August 2004

Glow magazine - August 2002