Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
Image rendered by Anthony Zois.

Born : England

Died : 23rd December, 2001 - New Zealand

Married : Marianne   m. 1960

Children : Anna, Karina & Gabrielle

Sibling : Simon

Mother : Hilda Thorpe


Nationality ; New Zealander / Welsh / English


Anthony at the Avatar's Abode Anniversary 1988 ; Photo taken by A.Zois
Anthony at the Avatar's Abode Anniversary 1988 ; Photo taken by A.Zois

Anthony's brother Simon had accompanied his mother Hilda to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA, in 1958, to see Meher Baba at the Meher Center,

The encounter between Simon and Meher Baba can be read in Tom Riley's book -

"More Light " pages 87-88.


Anthony & his mother Hilda & brother Simon attended the 1962 East-West Gathering for Meher Baba at Guruprasad, Poona, India.


Anthony at the Avatar's Abode Anniversary 1988 ; Photo taken by A.Zois
Anthony at the Avatar's Abode Anniversary 1988 ; Photo taken by A.Zois
Baba with group including Charles at East West Gathering 1962. Anthony is standing tall, behind Baba.
Baba with group including Charles at East West Gathering 1962. Anthony is standing tall, behind Baba.
Photo taken of Meher Baba by Anthony Thorpe
Photo taken of Meher Baba by Anthony Thorpe
Image colourized by Anthony Zois
Image colourized by Anthony Zois
1988 Anniversary at Avatar's Abode. ( L-R ) Sam Kerawalla,Tony Zois, Baba's nephews ;Sohrab & Rustom Irani, unknown lady, Anthony Thorpe
1988 Anniversary at Avatar's Abode. ( L-R ) Sam Kerawalla,Tony Zois, Baba's nephews ;Sohrab & Rustom Irani, unknown lady, Anthony Thorpe
Anthony Thorpe ( right ) with Anthony Zois standing outside Baba's House. Avatar's Abode Anniversary 1988
Anthony Thorpe ( right ) with Anthony Zois standing outside Baba's House. Avatar's Abode Anniversary 1988
Anthony Thorpe ( right ) with Jill Hobbs standing outside Baba's House. Avatar's Abode Anniversar 1988
Anthony Thorpe ( right ) with Jill Hobbs standing outside Baba's House. Avatar's Abode Anniversar 1988
Anthony  along with Mohkum & Kusum Singh and Wendy Borthwick   at the Avatar's Abode Anniversary 1988  ; Photo taken by A.Zois
Anthony along with Mohkum & Kusum Singh and Wendy Borthwick at the Avatar's Abode Anniversary 1988 ; Photo taken by A.Zois
Courtesy of Kelvin & Jill Hobbs
Courtesy of Kelvin & Jill Hobbs
 Meheru and Anthony 1993 .  At Anthonys invitation Meheru visited
Christchurch much to the delight of Anthony and all New Zealand Baba
followers.  Anthony had a special treat for Meheru.  She was to be
recognised as a person of rare significance akin to 'royalty' by 
the Maori
people of Christchurch.  Meheru was given a unique welcome onto the 
opened National Marae designed by Anthony as Christchurches chief 
An honour of the highest proportions was
awarded Meheru after much debate among the local Maori elders with 
producing 'evidence' or her spiritual position.
Naturally Baba's name was in the fore!.  Anthony always said that he
believed the whole event had huge significance for relationships between
indegnous Maori and other races within New Zealand. 


Courtesy of Kelvin & Jill Hobbs
Courtesy of Kelvin & Jill Hobbs
Dolly and Jal with Anthony overlooking Akaroa Harbour Christchurch 1988. Jal
and Dolly made several visits to stay with Anthony as part of their visit to
Avatars Abode Anniversaries.  Anthony would usually invite any overseas
guests attending the Anniversary in June to stay with him if they were
willing.  Anthony was committed and passionate about sharing his love for
Beloved Baba with all and any people in New Zealand who were remotely
interested.  Inviting special Anniversary guests was one way he spread
Baba's love around. 


Courtesy of Kelvin & Jill Hobbs
Courtesy of Kelvin & Jill Hobbs
Andrew Thomas, Meheru, Ivone Jones and Anthony May 1993.  Meheru is holding
the photo of Baba she presented to the 
Marae which was hung in the main hall attached to the meeting house. 


Courtesy of Kelvin & Jill Hobbs
Courtesy of Kelvin & Jill Hobbs
The group of Baba followers from around New Zealand at the Christchurch
National Marae in 1993. 


Courtesy of Kelvin & Jill Hobbs
Courtesy of Kelvin & Jill Hobbs
Hilda Thorpe, Anthonys mum, with Dr Goher Meherazad 1980.


Courtesy of Kelvin & Jill Hobbs
Courtesy of Kelvin & Jill Hobbs
Anthony with his mum Hilda on Seclusion Hill 1980 


Courtesy of Kelvin & Jill Hobbs
Courtesy of Kelvin & Jill Hobbs
Anthony, Hilda and Aloba on Seclusion Hill 1980 


Courtesy of Kelvin & Jill Hobbs
Courtesy of Kelvin & Jill Hobbs
Meherazad 1980; photo taken by Anthony of Mani, Mehera, Arnavaz and Katie. 


Anthony Trope - 1976 NZ - The Oral History Archive Project - Irwin Luck Interview series :  Courtesy of Los Angeles Meher Baba Center


Courtesy of Kelvin & Jill Hobbs
Courtesy of Kelvin & Jill Hobbs
Group of New Zealand Baba followers with Don Stevens at Anthony Thorpes
house in Christchurch circa 1980's