Nusserwan Satha. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
Nusserwan Satha. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.


Born : 1897, India.

Died :

Siblings Brothers :

Sibling Sisters :



Image rendition by Anthony Zois
Image rendition by Anthony Zois

April 1924


On Sunday, 27 April a Zoroastrian of Ahmednagar named Nusserwan Naoroji Satha, 27, went out for a long stroll with either one or both of his brothers Homi and Piloo.  They happened to pass by Meherabad. From a distance they saw Meher Baba sitting alone under a tree in a majestic pose. Nusserwan thought: "Who is this person? He looks like Zoroaster!" He approached, while Piloo kept aloof, and the Master lovingly had him sit beside him. They sat quietly for a while and Nusserwan kept having these thoughts: "Is he really Zoroaster? Is this the Prophet?"

Baba immediately remarked, "Zoroaster is born again, but people do not recognize him!" Nusserwan was startled, realizing the Master had read his thoughts. Baba then asked, "What do you do?"

In a sincere manner, Nusserwan answered, "I am a follower of Mahatma Gandhi and am taking an active part in the movement for national independence."

Baba smilingly replied, "Give up all thought of political independence and concentrate on Self-Realization, which is real independence and true self-rule." Nusserwan could not comprehend what he meant. Baba concluded, advising him, "Continue coming here and you will understand all that I am telling you."

Baba tossed an orange to Homi, who caught it. The brothers had lunch with the mandali and stayed at Meherabad until evening.

Nusserwan was from a large Zoroastrian family and, due to his first meeting at Meherabad, the entire Satha family became closely connected with Meher Baba, including Nusserwan's sister Gaimai Jessawala and her family.


Lord Meher on-line p. 509



1925 : Meherabad, India. Nusserwan holding the umbrella for Meher Baba. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1925 : Meherabad, India. Nusserwan holding the umbrella for Meher Baba. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.


October 1924


After staying in Goa for 3 days, they left on the 3rd October, returning to Bombay via the same route by which they arrived. They arrived in Bombay on the 4th October, where they stayed initially at the Irani Mansions. During October and November, Baba travelled several times between Bombay and Ahmednagar. The plan to move to Sinhgad was stopped.


Meher Baba started to visit a cotton mill named Akbar Press, in Ahmednagar, which was the family home of Nusserwan Satha.  Baba's mail would be addressed there and Nusserwan would forward it to him at Meherabad. In the years that followed, the Satha and later the Jessawala families became very significant in Baba's life.

Later, the 2 men who were leaders of Arangaon, the town nearest to Meherabad, introduced the villagers to Meher Baba.



 1925 : Meher Baba with Naosherwan Sathar holding the umbrella at Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1925 : Meher Baba with Naosherwan Sathar holding the umbrella at Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.


Late 1924


The Master began regularly visiting the family of Nusserwan Satha at their large joint-family residence-cum-business complex in Ahmednagar, called Akbar Press — which housed a cotton mill and later a printing press. When Baba was staying at Meherabad, his mail would be addressed to Akbar Press, and Nusserwan would forward it by messenger to Meherabad.


Sometimes Baba would go to the Satha home to eat lunch and relax, sitting under a shady tree in the compound, discussing matters with his mandali and Nusserwan. Nusserwan had one stepbrother Ardeshir, four brothers — Meherjee, Jemi, Homi, and Piloo;  and four sisters — Banumasi Kerawala, Gaimai Jessawala, Gula Satha, and Shirin Damania. Gradually, by his frequent visits, all the members of this Parsi family were deeply drawn to him and accepted Meher Baba as their Spiritual Master. In the years that followed, his spiritual connection with the Satha and Jessawala families became very significant.


1925 : Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1925 : Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.

Late December 1925


During this period, Baba sometimes visited Nusserwan Satha's residence at Akbar Press in Ahmednagar. Nusserwan's sister, Gaimai, 25, who lived in Nagpur with her husband, would come regularly to Ahmednagar with her children during their Christmas and summer vacations.

August 1926


Nusserwan would come for Baba's darshan every Sunday. On 8 August, he came as usual to Meherabad, but his bicycle broke down. Baba and four of the mandali accompanied him on foot to the railway station and returned at 9:30 that night in a tonga. The Master's love and kindness filled Nusserwan's heart, and the entire Satha family worshiped Baba as God-incarnate.

Baba became a frequent visitor to the Satha residence, Akbar Press, and Nusserwan's brothers, Piloo Mama, Meherjee Mama and Jemi Mama used to come to Meherabad with their sister Gulamasi. One afternoon when Gulamasi came to see Baba, he was busy grinding grain. Baba beckoned to her to help him grind and she immediately complied. While the flour was being ground, a terrific whirlwind swept through Meherabad, tearing the tin roofs off the buildings and sending them flying. A dust storm followed.

It was evening and the winds were still swirling. Gulamasi began wondering how she would be able to return to Ahmednagar. Baba looked at her and picking up a metal pot beside him, flung it forcefully away. Immediately the storm subsided and the weather became normal! Gulamasi was amazed, and when she returned to Ahmednagar she reported this incident to her brothers, revealing the Master's power over nature.




1925 : Meherabad. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1925 : Meherabad. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.


January 1927


While dictating some information to Nusserwan Satha during a darshan on Sunday, 16 January 1927, Baba suddenly indicated, "I will have to dig a pit three to four feet deep tomorrow." Baba quickly changed the subject and began relating other matters, so Nusserwan and the others did not follow the meaning of his remark.

But the next day, an old blind Muslim named Wazir, who had been given shelter at Meherabad recently, died. Now the meaning of Baba's words became clear. The last rites for the Muslim were performed in Baba's presence. The body was washed and covered with Baba's own sheet, and Baba helped shoulder the bier and carry it to the grave. As the body was lowered, Baba asked Karim to recite namaz-prayers. Baba instructed that all his cl othes, meager belongings and the bier be burnt, and that the mandali wash their face and hands with soap.



Early February 1927


Nusserwan Satha came that day. He was asked to draft a leaflet about the establishment of a high school, mentioning the advantages and benefits that the boys admitted would get, along with all the terms and conditions of enrollment. Baba explained, "The idea of offering free education, lodging, boarding, clothes, books, et cetera, is merely an inducement to enable me, firstly, to put as many boys as possible in the spiritual line; secondly, to give the boys the benefit of my close contact; and thirdly, to mold their morals and characters in an ideal way."


Baba stressed that the parents should understand that only those children who were firmly prepared to remain in the school until the completion of the course would be allowed admission. The obligatory course might last from two years to seven years. To derive the fullest benefit of being in the Master's company, it was considered inadvisable to allow the children to return home, except in cases of emergency. Priority in the curriculum was to be given to the teaching of spiritual subjects.


Nusserwan wrote the draft at Meherabad that day, and when it was ready, Baba and the mandali read and corrected it.


The next day Baba declared, "The teachers of the new school will not be paid. They will work for food and clothing."



India. Meher Baba with some of his men mandali. Nusserwan (middle). Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
India. Meher Baba with some of his men mandali. Nusserwan (middle). Image rendition by Anthony Zois.


Late March 1927


During the period of discussions about Meher Ashram, many people came into the Master's contact. The proposed opening of the school in Ahmednagar brought Borker and Nusserwan Satha especially close to him. Baba's method of working was marvelous. Public notification about the new institution brought applications from several teachers and a few students. Baba indicated that before calling anyone for an interview, the applicant should be sent a list of the rules and regulations to be followed. There were already six students living at Meherabad — Babu and Murli Kale, Dattu Mehendarge (nephew of one of the teachers), Vithal Irani (Pilamai's son), Baban Shahane and one more boy. Baba instructed Afseri to write to Memo to enroll Adi Jr. in Meher Ashram, if she desired him to be "put in the spiritual line."



21st November 1927


Baba's curt replies upset the man and he rose to leave, disappointed in the so-called Great Master. Baba pacified him and asked if he had time to listen to what he would explain. Bharucha agreed, saying he would leave by a later train, so Baba spent almost two hours with him privately, with Raosaheb and Nusserwan Satha, and explained many things, which in the end appeased him.



Mid-June 1928


That night Nusserwan Satha came from Ahmednagar to see Baba after a month's absence. He spent the night and left the following morning.



Late June 1928


Nusserwan Satha and the Jessawala family came at noon (and returned four days later), and Adi arrived that night. While speaking to the mandali about the expected arrival of Meredith Starr, his fiancée and her sister, Baba revealed: "It's a pity that adults are coming from England instead of boys. Starr is a little in the [spiritual] line. But his Master, Johnston, is much advanced. The only one in Europe [of his kind]. He has written nice books."

Meher Baba with Nusserwan Satha at Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
Meher Baba with Nusserwan Satha at Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.



Late November 1928


Nusserwan rose early one morning to help in preparing chapatis for breakfast. Baba also came into the kitchen and lent a helping hand in the work. Nusserwan tried to stop him, but Baba explained, "I am obliged to do this work. Day and night I have to do it. If I don't, the whole world will starve! I feed everyone from within, but it is to feed everyone externally that I have descended into the world."



Image rendition by Anthony Zois
Image rendition by Anthony Zois