Born : 4th December, 1927 - Br. India
Died : 3rd October, 1994 - India
Married : 17th November, 1966
Children :
Parents : (F) Pheroze Gustad Bharucha & (M) Shireen Gilder
Siblings :
Nationality : Indian
Books published and authored:
A brief background :
Dr. Hoshang Pheroze Bharucha (December, 1927 – October, 1995)
Dr. Hoshang P Bharucha’s life centered mainly on two tenets- Meher Baba and his dispensary work. As far back as I can remember, my father lived, breathed, worked and talked mainly about Meher Baba. It often seemed that he was bewildered and lost if he spent time away from Baba work or his patients. However, if he were engaged in these two passions of his, he would be animated, enthusiastic and filled with fervor. He was constantly on the move; traveling all over India or overseas at his own expense spreading Meher Baba’s name to known and unknown people. In Navsari, Gujarat where he lived since 1953 till he passed on in 1995, he was constantly engaged with the sick and needy or writing and compiling works about Meher Baba. It was normal for him to be working for sixteen to eighteen hours a day and also for patients to ring the doorbell for medicines even at night.
Hoshang or Bharucha or Doctorsahib as he was often called, was merely Hosi in his childhood and one of five siblings brought up in Mhow, near Indore, Madhya Pradesh in a Parsee Zoroastrian family. He was born on 4 December to Shirin Gilder and Pheroze Bharucha. The seeds of seeking spiritual knowledge and leading a life of service to others were imbibed from childhood from his father and paternal uncle. Pheroze was a devout Zoroastrian, who then became an ardent devotee of Shri Gondavlekar Maharaj, a Hindu saint and his uncle Nusserwan was a devout follower of Upasni Maharaj of Sakori, one of the five spiritual masters of Meher Baba. Pheroze was instrumental in constructing a Ram temple at Mandleshwar near Mhow and how he accumulated money for its construction is a story in itself. At this juncture it will suffice to say that Pheroze and his children repeated the name of Shree Ram regularly.
At the age of seven, Hoshang had decided to become a doctor and at the age of nine he became a vegetarian; although years after, in a meeting with Meher Baba he realized that being a vegetarian only fed his ego and was of no importance to spiritual advancement. Meher Baba’s exact words to Hoshang were, “What goes into your mouth is not as important as what comes out of your mouth”.
Along with Hoshang’s father, his uncle Nusserwan also had a great influence on young Hoshang as he would travel with him in his free time and imbibe spiritual education. As a young man, Hoshang visited many saints, tombs and shrines all over India in search of truth and was drawn to Godavari Mai, who headed Upasni Maharaj’s ashram in Sakori after him. He heard the name Meher Baba for the first time in 1949 when he overheard a conversation between two men at the Sakori ashram.
In 1952 in Bombay, a disciple of Godavari Mai requested Hoshang to accompany her to meet Meher Baba residing at Ashiana building. Hoshang had heard that Meher Baba had long hair and his thoughts were drawn to the impending darshan and seeing any person on the streets with long hair would remind him of Baba. As luck would have it, on the appointed day of darshan, they reached Ashiana late and were not permitted to go in. While the lady was pleading with Baba’s mandali member at the gate, Hoshang glimpsed Baba crossing from one room to another. On stating that they were from Sakori, they were granted permission to meet Baba for a few minutes.
The first meeting with Meher Baba did not create a dramatic impact on Hoshang of His divinity, but slowly with time and many interesting incidents, Hoshang was drawn to Baba, became His follower completely surrendering to Baba and worked tirelessly for Him. The initial conflict of obeying and following Godavari Mai and Meher Baba also mentioned in this book was resolved by Meher Baba with His infinite humor, patience and grace.
Hoshang was given many orders by Meher Baba from simple to complex and he carried them out to the best of his ability. Baba had told him not to drink tea his entire life and once sent a telegram to Hoshang not to leave Navsari for a particular period of time that had deep consequences on his personal life. Once Hoshang accepted Meher Baba, there was no power on earth that could diminish his love and zeal for Him. He was a true and dedicated Baba lover who encouraged and inspired all whom he met to follow and accept Meher Baba as the Avatar.
Hoshang visited Meher Baba at Ahmadnagar and Guru Prasad, Pune at every opportunity he got. He would sit next to Baba and during bhajan programs, Baba would often speak on a topic that Hoshang had been thinking about the night before. Hoshang has been quoted as saying, “Often when I do not understand some passage from Baba’s books, He comes in my dreams and explains the matter to me. Often during meditation, He clears my doubts by silently talking in my heart.”
Hoshang always carried a diary and took copious notes at all Baba programs. He was extremely particular about dates and accuracy and never shared a story or discourse without verifying its authenticity. Hoshang had two major penchants; the breaking of Baba’s silence and finding the yet unpublished book Baba had written in various languages. He would correspond with the mandali residing at Meherazad after Baba dropped His body, and they would listen patiently to his queries and theories.
Returning to Hoshang’s life, after completing his medical studies and obtaining his MBBS degree in 1952, Hoshang worked for a year at The B D Petit Parsee General Hospital and later served as medical officer at The Navsari Cotton and Silk Mills in Navsari from 1953 to 1985. One of the numerous orders of Meher Baba to Hoshang was not to leave this employment unless he was asked to and he faithfully complied with this order. Once the company opted for the government’s ESIS- Employees State Insurance Scheme (for health) the post was discontinued. At the Mills, along with treatment, he developed various prevention programs for the workers’ wives and children and made home visits and endeared himself with them. He was the chief distributor for food commodities that were received from the US for children and streamlined the process of distribution, wrote directly to the US authorities and eliminated the cut backs much to the dismay of the middle men.
Hoshang or Doctorsahib worked with leprosy patients and spearheaded the leprosy eradication drive and travelled to villages all over the district in his spare time. He was an active member of the local Indian Medical Association, served as secretary for 3 years and wrote articles in medical journals. He also was a lecturer in medicine for LMP (Licensed Medical Practitioners) students. He would conduct routine medical health checkups in schools and colleges for students on a voluntary basis at a time when this concept of preventive medicine was relatively new. Another feather to his cap was his donation of ‘O negative blood’ for over three decades to patients in need of this rare blood type. Hoshang refused to accept awards all through the years, but was finally given a State Award and citation by the District Collector, Gujarat government in 1995 for donation of blood, few months before he passed away.
In 1966, Hoshang surprised many of his friends and family by marrying Maimoona Katrak, a beautiful Parsee girl many years his junior from Secunderabad, A.P. (now Telangana) Meher Baba blessed this marriage and in 1967 despite Baba’s seclusion, a personal interview with the wedded couple was held at Meherazad. This solo meeting with Meher Baba erased all the doubts and suspicions about Meher Baba that Maimoona had. She understood and accepted Hoshang’s passion for Baba work and played a pivotal role in balancing and tempering his enthusiasm with a healthy dose of practicality. She was an excellent hostess to innumerable Baba lovers who regularly visited Navsari and looked after their needs and many remember her gentle manner and affection towards them. Maimoona would worry about his physical health and request him to temper his work according to his age.
Hoshang’s energy and pace was unparalleled. His day started at 4 A.M. with meditation and correspondence work related to Meher Baba or his medical journals. His dispensary opened at 7.30 A.M. and his day would often end after 8.30 pm. During the entire day, he would come home to rest for about two hours or so. At the dispensary, there were always queues of people and since Hoshang could not tolerate any noise, he would call the mothers with crying children up front. Every sick child brought to the dispensary would get Baba’s Prasad of khadi sakhar- small granules of white sugar- that sent them smiling back home. Doctorsahib would often comment on the holy threads around children’s necks and wrists and tell mothers- don’t believe in this outward show of religion, teach your children to say God’s name.
Hoshang’s intolerance of noise was dealt by Meher Baba in an amusing incident with Dr. Harry Kenmore, an American Baba lover who recited the Master’s prayer in his loud booming voice. One day after Hoshang requested him to recite the prayers softly, Harry complied reluctantly. Meher Baba was most displeased and stopped the prayer and enquired and Harry replied, “I do not wish to disturb the auditory apparatus of our new visitors.” At that moment Hoshang felt it would have been better if the earth had opened and swallowed him up. Baba then remarked, “Prayers should be from the heart. It does not matter if they are said loudly or softly. They should be natural.”
The time Hoshang spent away from the dispensary was devoted to Baba's work. Hoshang travelled extensively in India and overseas giving talks and sharing Meher Baba’s messages and stories. He was called by Baba lovers from various centers in India and he kept up his indefatigable pace there too. The hosts would often want to call it a day whereas Hoshang would catch his forty winks and be ready to discuss more about Meher Baba. Hoshang had simple needs, was not fussy, would eat whatever was offered to him and sleep without complaining in the accommodation available.
Along with his wife Maimoona, another major support for Hoshang to go ahead with Meher Baba work was the Navsari Meher Baba Centre. The Navsari Baba lovers comprised of a few devout families who had met Baba and firmly believed in Him and had also dedicated their lives to the service of Meher Baba. Hoshang had published a small booklet ‘The Last Sahavas’ that recounts the dropping of Meher Baba’s physical body. He also had compiled many stories of Baba lovers in a book called, ‘The Compassionate Father’ and authored many articles and booklets on Baba’s life story. He also brought out films and CDs on Meher Baba’s aartis and Baba’s magnum opus, ‘God Speaks’ and gave many talks on it.
In the 1990s, Hoshang decided to compile a book on Meher Baba’s visits to Guruprasad, Pune. Meher Baba visited Guruprasad for many years, met many Baba lovers and had public darshans where many lives were touched and reformed with Baba’s radiant smile and grace. Hoshang decided to compile all incidents and Baba discourses that occurred in Guru Prasad and call the book Glimpses of Guruprasad. He wrote to many Baba lovers and the mandali and began the process of compilation.
However, in September 1994, Hoshang diagnosed with brain tumor, underwent surgery and oncology treatment. Hoshang took this in his stride and continued his work on the book. His health deteriorated and he passed away a year later in 1995 and his dream of publishing the book of Guruprasad was kept on hold. After many years, Hoshang’s wife Maimoona restarted the effort to publish the book but she also succumbed to cancer in 2012. With the help of few people who strongly believe that the book needs to be published and with the encouragement of many Baba lovers, I finally took up the project and the book is now in your hands.
The book Glimpses of Guruprasad is written in Hoshang’s personal, inimitable style that perhaps may feel out of sync with today’s writing. Many stories of Meher Baba may have appeared in various other publications and may seem familiar, but this book is a tribute to my father Dr. Hoshang Bharucha, a man whose whole life was lived with the conviction of Meher Baba’s divinity and revolved around spreading His word to whoever he came into contact with. I believe the book will recreate loving memories for Baba lovers and be a source of inspiration for people entering into Meher Baba’s fold.
To conclude I bring to you words from Hoshang’s notes –“Though I would not obey Baba’s orders and even quarreled with Him on this point, His love for me has changed me completely. My life is now one of complete surrenderance to Baba. I live for Baba and will die for Baba, the Avatar of the age.”
Avatar Meher Baba ki Jai
Dilmeher Bharucha Bhola
June, 2018
Photographs :
Office lens 1: AMB Universal Spiritual Center, Byramanagala, India, 17, May, 1987.
Hoshang with military green floppy hat
Office lens 2: Guruprasad. With Baba, Eruch, Hoshang, Maharani Shantadevi of
Baroda. Lower level- Narendra Thade LHS
Office lens 3: The Tavern, Sufi Center, Walnut Creek, California. From L to R- Mrs
Karin Bodman and Eruch Buhariwala. Pink Saree Maimoona Bharucha, Charmain Duce Knowles, Hoshang Bharucha. 10 May 1989
Office lens 4: 10 May, 1989. Outside Sufi center, Walnut Creek. Hoshang embracing
Ms Barbara Brustman
Office lens 5: 10 May, 1989. Outside Sufi center, Walnut Creek. Hoshang greeting Ms
Gervaise Christiansen
Office lens 6: 10 May, 1989. The Tavern, Sufi Center, Walnut Creek, California. From
L to R- Mr Duncan Knowles, Maimoona Bharucha. With back to camera- Ms Ronnie Deitrick, Hoshang and Charmain Duce Knowles
Office lens 7: 10 May, 1989. Outside Sufi center, Walnut Creek. Maimoona and
Office lens 8: April-May 1989. Bharucha family, Eruch Buhariwala with Baba lovers
Office lens 9: April- May, 1989. Art Museum, East wing Washington DC with Dr Danny,
wife Ellie and daughter Amrit
Office lens 10: capitol, Washington DC, Dr Danny, wife Ellie and daughter Amrit
Office lens 11: Air and Space Museum DC with Brian
Office lens 12: Twin Hills San Francisco, May 1989 with Keith
Office lens 13: Hoshang and Maimoona with Hoshang’s brother Sam and his wife
Banoo, Toronto, May 1989
Office lens 14: Hoshang and Maimoona wedding day 17, November, 1966. Seated
Soona and Minocher Katrak, Maimoona’s parents. Standing Kersi Aga Maimoona’s maternal uncle
Office lens 15: Dilmeher graduation, May 1990. Degree in Social Work
Office lens 16: Hoshang and Maimoona silver wedding anniversary, Navsari.
November, 1991
Office lens 17: Hoshang and Maimoona silver wedding anniversary, Navsari.
November, 1991. With Hoshang’s brother Marzban and his wife Shahnoor
Office lens 18: Hoshang and Maimoona silver wedding anniversary, Navsari.
November, 1991. With Hoshang’s sister Mehru in blue and Baba lover Homai Gotla in white
Office lens 19: Hoshang and Maimoona silver wedding anniversary, Navsari.
November, 1991. Bharucha siblings. First row from top- Homi Gilder (Hoshang’s sister’s husband), Marzban, wife Shahnoor, Piloo and Syrus
Wadia (Hoshang’s cousin Syrus and wife) second row- Mehru, Hoshang’s sister
Office lens 20: Dilmeher’s wedding, 28 January, 1994. Hoshang, Hutoxi, Hoshedar,
Dilmeher, Phiroze, Maimoona
Office lens 21: Hoshang and Maimoona with Hutoxi and Phiroze Bhola, 28, January,
Office lens 22: December, 1992, Navsari. Engagement of Dilmeher and Hoshedar
Office lens 23: December, 1994, Secunderabad. Hoshang as witness for a family
wedding. Few days before his brain tumour surgery
Office lens 24: December, 1994, Secunderabad. Hoshang as witness for a family
wedding. Few days before his brain tumour surgery
Office lens 26: April, 1968, Secunderabad. Birth of daughter Dilmeher
Office lens 27: April, 1968, Secunderabad. Birth of daughter Dilmeher
Office lens 28: Secunderabad. Hoshang with Maimoona’s parents Soona and
Minocher Katrak
Office lens 29: Secunderabad, 1968
Office lens 30: 24 Navsari, April, 1969. Dilmeher’s first birthday
Office lens 31: 24 Navsari, April, 1969. Dilmeher’s first birthday. Navsari Baba lovers-
Hoshang, Nagindas Lapsiwala, Adarji Desai, Ala Desai (wife) Maimoona, Homai Gotla
Office lens 32: Dilmeher’s navjote ceremony 4, January, 1975