1957 : Ganshkhind, Poona, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1957 : Ganshkhind, Poona, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
Comments: 83
  • #83

    Carlos Burré (Thursday, 14 March 2024 07:41)

    It is always a great pleasure to visit this beautiful site. Thank you for your permanent efforts to keep it like this. May Beloved Meher Baba bless us all with His all-pervading Love. Jai Him!

  • #82

    Jeanette Young (Australia) (Monday, 19 February 2024 20:00)

    Thanks so much for the amazing resource provided by this website. It is such a useful and cherished tool in my work in archives and with pilgrims.
    In Meher Baba's Love.

  • #81

    Stephanie Oswald (Sunday, 27 August 2023 08:07)

    Thank you for your beautiful website

  • #80

    Abhishek (Thursday, 17 August 2023 17:02)

    Hi Anthony,

    This is just fantastic work! I have spent almost every waking hour of the last so many weeks engrossed in all the great information on this website! From the colorized images, the actual information about all BLs and mandali members, etc I feel like I have learned more in the last few weeks than in the last couple of decades amongst Baba lovers.

    Jai Baba! Keep up the good work.

  • #79

    Libi Burgin (Wednesday, 19 April 2023 18:52)

    How wonderful to see these words translated into Hebrew!! What a huge amount of work you have done with them. How blessed the world is to have Baba's hand across it in all languages... thank you so much!!

  • #78

    james hallett (Monday, 05 December 2022 14:06)

    Meher Baba Ki J'ai

  • #77

    Ron F. (Sunday, 04 September 2022 10:42)

    Thanks Anthony.for your tireless work on this wonderful website! Today, Sept. 4 is Adi K. Irani's birthday which i acknowledged via. my FaceBk. group Avatar Meher Baba Says and encouraged folks to visit your info about Adi. Jai Baba �

  • #76

    Mac Mcknight (Friday, 05 August 2022 22:23)

    Hey Tony. This site is excellent. So much great information. I Iove the information and picture colorizations related to Mahatma Gandhi. You are doing great work.
    Jai Baba.

  • #75

    Patty Lough (Sunday, 24 July 2022 15:27)

    Jai Baba. Thank you for this. Beautiful.

  • #74

    Steven Patrick Forrester (Thursday, 16 June 2022 18:05)

    Jai Baba!

  • #73

    Joy Carlson (Dhyana) (Sunday, 10 April 2022 08:45)

    I have known of this website for quite awhile but haven't had the time to explore it until now. It is certainly a value site dedicated to the Life of Meher Baba. Which part, if any, do you suggest is good for one who is newly interested in Baba. Thank you for this wonderful resource for those new and not-so-new to Baba!

  • #72

    George Krokos (Friday, 21 January 2022 03:35)

    A fantastic website about the world travels and life of Meher Baba. Tony, this is truly a labor of love. Well done!

  • #71

    Debbie Lynn (Thursday, 11 March 2021 15:44)

    March 11, 2021
    Thank you for your service and dedication. Jai Baba.

  • #70

    Virginia Anne Bowers (Friday, 31 July 2020 13:16)

    Just found out my Grandfather was born in Foochow on the 27th of July 1910 and spent a large part of his life in Shanghai. He was also kept in Pootung Civilian Assembly Center Shanghai as a POW in WW II. The more I look the more I learn. Love all the old art deco: art nuevo travel guides and 1930's pictures. The thought of him disembarking off of the Empress of Japan and stepping into his home town of Shanghai adds one small moment in a large area that is left empty from never being given the chance to meet him or him being given the chance to know his son.

  • #69

    Alla Suresh (Sunday, 12 July 2020 06:18)


  • #68

    Randy Wasserstrom (Saturday, 16 May 2020 19:23)

    I love this story of Baba's stay at East Challacomble.

  • #67

    Joanne Greene (Monday, 06 April 2020 17:38)

    I had the privilege of visiting Wombye many years ago, and was given a tour of the grounds, and places where Meher Baba had stayed. This visit had a profound effect on me, which continues today. Thank you for being the keepers of this special place.

  • #66

    Radhabai (Wednesday, 15 January 2020 20:50)

    Fantastic job, so thorough and well written. A real cornucopia of information. Thanks for your work..

  • #65

    Cyrus M. Khambata (Monday, 02 September 2019 09:21)

    Jai Baba!
    Tremendous effort. Excellent. Keep on updating.
    Love in Baba,

  • #64

    Paul (Wednesday, 30 January 2019 11:01)

    Really enjoyed the site. Came here looking for info about Max Gysi. It's hard to believe (or just ironic) that there is no photo of him considering his father was Arnold Gysi, an early pioneer of photography in Switzerland. When I visit the photo archives next week, maybe I'll find something. If so I'll let you know.

  • #63

    Cynthia and Evgeny Nikitin (Friday, 07 December 2018 16:09)

    Dear Anthony,
    We were thrilled to find your website and SO grateful for the information and photographs you have tracked
    down about the Man who built our Home: Emile Brunel. We think the photo of the young man and woman are wedding photos of Walt Disney and his wife. It's a theory. Anyway! We bought "Brunel Park" in 1997. You cite our wiki website about the Emile Brunel Studio and Sculpture Garden. We are in the proces of incoporating as a charitable organization (Friends of Brunel Park) so we can raise funds friends and support to keep up the statues and gardens and to offer programs in partnership with other local arts, cultural, historic, Native American, architectural, organizations and institutions. We have more information to share with you. So please do be in touch. All best, Cynthia and Evgeny Nikitin cynthianikitin@gmail.com

  • #62

    Grant Hayter-Menzies (Thursday, 06 December 2018 11:52)

    Thank you for sharing my article about the Grand Duchess Marie of Russia.

    Grant Hayter-Menzies
    Victoria, BC Canada

  • #61

    raymond fielding (Wednesday, 05 December 2018 17:05)

    since finding Meher Baba in 1970 i have tried to follow his teachings to guide me through my daily life. Meher Baba the Avatar was the missing link in my life and has given me purpose

  • #60

    Laurece West (Thursday, 12 July 2018 09:26)

    Thanks so much for this wonderful website!!!
    Appreciating you Anthony.

    Jai Baba!

  • #59

    baba (Friday, 06 April 2018 10:58)

    Meher Baba was in influential spiritual master of the 20th century, who called himself the Avatar, the incarnation of God. Despite the fact that he kept silence throughout his whole life as a teacher, he lived an active life, travelled extensively and was enthusiastically received in the West as well as in India. Among all the spiritual teachers of the century, he was the one who gave the most detailed and profound explanation of the purpose of creation, the ways of spiritual evolution and the growth of the soul towards the ultimate consciousness.
    Personaly i think he is the best!

  • #58

    Randy Wasserstrom (Saturday, 17 March 2018 16:35)

    I have a lot of information on Padri's older brother, Rusi, who was born in Persia in 1897 and emigrated to India in 1903. He was in school with Baba at one point although 3 years apart in age. He fought in WWI. His mother had a very close relat. with Babajan who ok'd Rusi's request to go to America to "get into movies". He arrived in NY on July 2, 1920 and soon found out his dream of the movies was subservient to making a living. He got a scholarship from the Govt. of Persia to go the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, CO. He started studying civil engineering there in 1923 and completed his degree in 1927. He maintained some contact with India, especially with his brother Homi. Padri was his younger brother. He went to WV in 1927 and got his first job as a civil engineer there. He met his wife, a local West Virginian, there and they married in August, 1930. She convinced him to convert to Christianity although he may have done so just to appease her. They had a son Fredrick in 1934 and a daut, Nancy, in 1939. They were in White Sulphur Springs WV in 1940, but after the war started (I think), they moved to Knoxville, Tenn. where he worked for the TVA. Unclear how long he was there, but at least until the late 40's. He and his first wife did not stay together. She lived in Washington DC and he lived elsewhere. Married for a second time to Mary Allen in Arkansas. His daut Nancy had children, do not know their names. Fredrick helped though in 2013 put some pieces together about his father's life. At one point Naorooz lived at the bottom tip on Texas, evidently for another engineering job. He is only person who was so close to the mandala, Babajan and Baba to go to America and stay there.

  • #57

    John Fortney (Monday, 19 February 2018 18:09)

    Thank you for the website.

  • #56

    Anup Kumar (Tuesday, 04 July 2017 05:27)

    Jai Baba, I am the webmaster of mehervrindavan , I visited this site some years back and got to know about useful information about meherbaba. I need your permission for using the content for mehervrindavan.org for informative purpose , to tell about incidents with meher baba.
    in his service
    admin mehervrindavan.org

  • #55

    SARAH 26 (Tuesday, 30 May 2017 20:28)

    Your homepage is great

  • #54

    Alalani Astara Hill (Friday, 21 April 2017 05:15)

    I am the descendant of Alexander Markey. I have his Indian film. I guess he did in the 40's or 50's after Hei Tiki. My mother gave that one back the Maori people. Our family has been passing it down to protect it since the 50's. Please if anyone reads this that is interested in helping this film live on with his history, Contact me in Hawaii. Blessings to all and the World. Namaste and Aloha Alalani

  • #53

    Jennifer (Wednesday, 15 March 2017 03:24)

    Hey! Thanks for this cool site, I really enjoy reading it. Greetings from my ski holidays Italy!

  • #52

    Scott Lord (Wednesday, 22 February 2017 11:29)

    Thank you for this knowledge.

  • #51

    Aamir Sultan (Tuesday, 24 January 2017 02:48)

    Thanks for the detailed information about meher baba and united india. This web site is most useful and Awesome....

  • #50

    RICH LOVE (Friday, 06 January 2017 22:52)


  • #49

    RICH LOVE (Friday, 06 January 2017 22:38)


  • #48

    Martin Cook (Friday, 30 September 2016 05:59)

    Wanted to know about Nadine Tolstoy. Thank you very comprehensive resourse

  • #47

    Ellen Drager, nee Graber (Friday, 08 July 2016 09:29)

    Thanks for the page for Kim Tolhurst. I was wanting to see images of Combe Martin today so gravitated here.
    Wonder if the "vibe" is strong still there ("East Challacombe property" is all that is given). Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai!

  • #46

    John L Poag II (Thursday, 02 June 2016 07:36)

    This web site is most useful and Awesome....
    Thank You Baba for inspiring and equiping our dear brother who put this together with such love, accuracy and detail! A heat full of gratitude my brother, I long to meet you in person some day to thank you.
    I will be following in His foot steps soon and this site will be so helpful.
    Lovingly, John

  • #45

    Twitter follower statistics (Tuesday, 31 May 2016 05:09)

    Wha! This is awesome full blog i like this sort blog. Respectfully this online journal have this quality huge cost, enhancements, thank for sharing this site.

  • #44

    B KUMAR (Sunday, 10 April 2016 11:38)

    Dear Baba lovers,
    On the memorable day of Amartithi a new web-site dedicated to of Avatar Meher Baba at www.ambprasarkendra.com was launched and open for worldwide Baba lovers and visitors.
    Suggestions for improvement are welcome.
    Please ignore this .if it is a repeat message

    Founder Member
    Avatar Meher Baba Prasar Kendra Delhi
    Mob: 91-9711789177

  • #43

    Roger Campbell (Friday, 04 March 2016 10:35)

    Jai Baba....:)

  • #42

    Wisata Bandung (Monday, 16 November 2015 04:27)

    Nice website... I hope can learn something more in this website. Thanks

  • #41

    Smithg597 (Thursday, 03 September 2015 16:49)

    Thanks for another wonderful article. Where else could anybody get that kind of information in such an ideal way of writing? I have a presentation next week, and I'm on the look for such information. kbcdkbeeagcbaekb

  • #40

    Melody Dickinson (Thursday, 16 July 2015 21:18)

    Jai Baba to all reading this! Just read that dear Adele Wolkin is in Hospice in Myrtle Beach, SC. I saw her a year ago, at the Meeting Place on the Center, and she remembered meeting me in New York City at her apartment, when she was married to Mr. McEwen (December, 1968). I got to see her several times in California, visiting her down south during Pilgrim Pines Retreat, and Meherana, I believe. Baba has blessed her with a long and useful life! Love to you, dear Adele, from Melody

  • #39

    Fran Yule (Thursday, 09 July 2015 06:45)

    Really enjoyed looking at your site - thank you/Baba - the hats and costumes were priceless.

  • #38

    Renee C Oleari (Friday, 26 June 2015 21:48)

    We own a house in Cottonwood Arizona. I always know that if I end up there, I can find some Baba Lovers! My daughter attended Meher Schools in Lafayette California, and my parents introduced me to Meher Baba through their involvement with Sufism Reoriented. I hope our paths cross someday! I love your website, and go to it often.

  • #37

    Prema Camp (Thursday, 04 June 2015 23:30)

    Looking for Mischa Gutenberg for his sensitive remembering of Kayla Rose, I found this site. I appreciate It's complete information presented with simplicity. May I ask who is (or who are) the originators?

    When the Walnut Creek Sufis came for the anniversary of the East-West Gathering, from my duty position in Samadhi I kept hearing a man's voice that I enjoyed. While the Sufis came for darshan, I didn't learn many names, including Mischa's, the man whose voice I was enjoying. Seeing his photo online at his current age I recognized him. That led me to you. Baba's way of working us together.

  • #36

    Melody Dickinson (Friday, 29 May 2015)

    Jai Baba, everyone reading this! Happy to see so much info on dear Beloved Baba!
    Hope I live long enough to go back to India soon, and also to Meher Center!
    Love to all, from Melody Dickinson in Chapel Hill, NC.

  • #35

    Solmonte: energie rinnovabili (Wednesday, 08 April 2015 06:00)

    Hi, nice website ;-)

  • #34

    tafelblad (Thursday, 26 February 2015 00:58)

    I was delighted to find this web site.I wanted to thank you for your time reading this wonderful! I really enjoyed every bit of it and I’ve marked to ensure that the blog post something new.

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