20th September 1926


After Colonel Irani's departure, Baba commented about worldly-minded people:


For those who are after wine, women, and wealth 24 hours a day, criticizing the Truth or speaking of the Truth is sheer hypocrisy. How could such people have any idea of Truth when they cannot spare even a moment to think of it and are always after material wealth and happiness?


The human mind is such that it makes a person adhere to his thoughts, to the extent that even in the field of religion each man thinks his is the best. The Parsis consider their religion the highest and call most other people doorvand [Untouchables]. The Muslims are also in the same category; to them only Islam and Muhammad are true and all other people are kafirs [unbelievers]. The Christians are no better. To them Christ is the only Savior of humanity and all other people heathens.


It is regrettable that the Colonel could not see me, else he would have had the lecture of his life. I would have given him a befitting reply, which would have driven out all the arrogance from his mind.


However, his waiting for me for three hours, despite his undesirable criticism and bad intentions, will not go in vain; he will be rewarded for his "unintentional" pilgrimage. He and the others will definitely be benefited. When he had been to Upasni Maharaj at Sakori, the bent of his mind being what it is, he was not even granted permission to taste a drop of water from that holy place, and Maharaj would not meet him. He left, mumbling all sorts of curses.


 LM O/L p. 708-9