This chart was rendered by Anthony Zois.
This chart was rendered by Anthony Zois.

29th November, 1926


Later, about the circle, Baba revealed:


When a man or woman dies, he or she takes another human form in the next birth. This form is quite dissimilar from the previous form. Even in hundreds and thousands of births, no two human forms assumed by any one soul are similar. But even this has an exception. A person who enters a Sadguru's circle has a similar form and the same sex at the time of God-realization as he or she had when he or she first entered the circle.


After a person becomes a member of the circle, he or she attains Realization in 100 or 200 years. During this period, according to their prarabdhas — the spending of the remaining sanskaras after coming into the circle — a person may have to take one, two, three, or four more births. But when the time comes for Realization, the person's form is similar and the sex the same as when he or she first came into the circle.


The seed of my present circle was laid nearly 400 years ago at the time of Shivaji. Swami Ramdas, the guru of Shivaji and one of the five Perfect Masters of the time, laid the seed of the new spiritual circle-to-be. In exactly the same way, I have now laid the seeds of the new circle-to-be which will be completely manifested 400 to 500 years from now.


The human forms which the Master and the members of the circle take during their manifestation are similar and of the same sex as they had at the time when the seed was sown. For example, I have a similar stature now when I am manifested as that of Shivaji when the seed for this present circle was sown. My present form is similar to Shivaji's in features and build.


Behramji is the duplicate of Afzal Khan [an enemy general killed by Shivaji]. In the same way, all the present members of my circle are exactly as they were during Shivaji's time.


LM O/L p. 750