On 16 July, Rustom asked about the circle and Baba explained about the periodic coming of the Avatar and their circles:


"Every Master has to perfect his circle, whose members are those who have a very long past connection with him and who flock around him in the age when he is to give them Realization. Those who drink the real juice [Knowledge] are very few and only one out of crores becomes a Master."

"Then, why strive for such a rare chance?" Rustom asked. "It is like winning a lottery. There is hardly a chance."

"Because with me the result is sure, though slow," Baba replied. "You do get what you strive for. In the end, it is the ultimate aim and object of one and all to find Truth."

"Then, if it is sure to come to all, why strive for it? It will come of itself," Rustom said.

"Your striving and struggling bring you nearer and nearer to the Goal. Even though you fail 99 times, if the last 100th effort brings you to the point of receiving the Master's grace, your labor is amply justified."


"For from the moment of finding a Guru, you have been pushed continually towards the Goal by the secret working and powers of the Guru.

"For example, look at the rays of the sun penetrating through the roof of the Makan. Compared to the space of the room, which is dark, the cracks themselves are very small and the rays they allow inside are few. Such is the condition of people in the universe. Most of them are utterly ignorant of divine knowledge; only a few have received some of the light from a Realized One. They are like the rays, but these rays are not the Sun, which is Real Knowledge."


16TH JULY 1926

O/L p 691-2