Meher  Baba at Upper Meherabad with his dog Chum. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.
Meher Baba at Upper Meherabad with his dog Chum. Image rendered by Anthony Zois.


4th March, 1926


On 4 March, Baba made these remarks:


Animals have instinct and humans have intellect, but those drawn to me are drawn by inspiration. They smell the fragrance of my taffy shop [love] and are attracted to it.

If you snap your connection with the world, you become free of all worries. However, if you maintain any deep connection, worries will surmount you.

Bindings are like hair: The more you allow the hair to grow, the more you have to clean it, oil it and comb it. Similarly, worldly involvements are always full of unnecessary problems and difficulties and are the cause of continuous anxieties.


Lord Meher On-line page 645

Lord Meher Vol.3 p.785


25th March, 1926


The whole world is enmeshed in the grip of lust for women and wealth, while the real aim of life is to achieve the Truth. Unless God is realized, the purpose of acquiring a human body is frustrated, and the real object of life remains unfulfilled.

But Realization is impossible until intelligence is purified and freed of imagination. This can only be achieved by keeping the company of saints. For this reason, intimate contact with a Master is essential for Realization. But such Real Heroes [Perfect Ones] are very, very rare, while the world abounds with fakes and hypocrites who pose as divine guides. How can one who has not had the Experience of Truth guide others toward it?


Lord Meher On-line page 647

Lord Meher Vol.3 p.787