Aerial view of New York City
Aerial view of New York City


25th November, 1926


Baba praised Gopal Swamy that day, and instructed him to continue observing silence.


The next day the Swamy narrated a vision of Baba he had seen during the night. He saw an assembly of devas in the heavens standing in honor of some high divine official, who turned out to be Baba.


Chanji noted in his diary that the mandali had found Gopal "to be very sincere, silent, obedient, and uncomplaining. This vision which he had seen of Shri Baba in the heavenly assembly on the eve of his departure from Meherabad indicated his love and faith in Baba, who indicated he would bestow his grace on such a sincere devotee as he."


Baba commented that there is another, higher form of seeing called sakar darshan or "darshan of the Master in form." He revealed, "There is a member of my outer circle in America, who at this time is seeing me every day in this way. This American sees me in my usual pose and dress. He can also see me in this way whenever he likes."


LM O/L p. 744-5