14 September, 1927


That day, in the course of conversation, Baba asked the mandali, "Which is the largest jail in India?" Some replied Sabarmati in Gujarat, others said Visapur Jail in Ahmednagar District, while others said Yeravda Prison in Poona. Baba smiled and then remarked, "The human body is the biggest jail on Earth!"


Later, commenting on religion, Baba stated:


The Hindu and Muslim priests both speak against each other's religion, but do you know what religion is? Religion is a cage and the people who follow it are all birds locked up inside. It is meaningless to leave one's religion to adopt another.


It is like going from one cage to another. The wire binding the wings of the bird must be cut.

Each person must make individual efforts to sever his own leash; for example, by renunciation or being indifferent to food and drink. But above all, efforts should be made to cut the cord through love. Love God; for when the Sadguru comes he snaps the cord and frees the bird.


Baba concluded:


I am the Christ and the world exists because of me! For me there is no time, space, cause, effect, duality, or anything. There is only unity.




Lord Meher On-line page 785

Lord Meher Vol.3 p.915