11 October, 1928


Baba gave many revealing discourses. On 11 October, he emphasized to the Prem Ashram boys the way of love:


Love is the divine gift given by the Sadgurus. Even if the whole world wants to, it can never bestow such a gift. And once it is granted, not even all of humanity can snatch it away — no matter how hard it strives to do so. Love is the divine gift.


Once you know how to love, there is no trouble. Once you have adapted yourselves to the way, your hardships disappear. At present, Ali Akbar, Ramaji, and other boys are troubled. They have love but they do not know the way of it and so feel disturbed. Now I shall show you the way, because in your intoxication of love you break my orders, even though you are unaware of it. But now the time has come to point out the way. After I show you the way, you will not be troubled.


Do not be afraid; I am with you. Your luck is indeed great. Sadgurus take birth only for people like you. I will show you the way as it has never been shown before. I will give away everything, but first you must give up everything and dedicate all to me.


Outwardly I have assigned the management of the ashram to Rustom; likewise, even the inner management can be assigned. Within these next six months either I will "make" you [what I intend to make you spiritually] or shut everything down. If no difficulty crops up, I will "make" you. The plan is there to keep difficulties away; the only thing is Rustom should manage everything outwardly within my orders.


You do not have the slightest notion of what I will do now. So just continue doing your work according to my wish and do not worry.


Lord Meher On-line page 979-80

Lord Meher Vol.3 p.1106