On Sunday, 1 October 1922, the new schedule came into effect, which Baba explained:


The main object of asking you to follow this new program is to keep you awake in the early hours of the morning, especially between 4:00 and 5:00 A.M. From the spiritual point of view, this is the most valuable and important time of the day. The important prayers in every religion and the practices of all advanced yogis take place during this hour. In fact, from the yogic point of view, it is imperative to be awake in the early hours of the morning.

Although I am not going to ask you to follow any religious or yogic practice, as this order is quite apart from both, I simply want you to keep awake in these hours.


I have already explained to you that besides the viewpoints of religion, study, meditation and yoga, the early hours are important from the spiritual point of view as well. It was between these hours that Babajan gave me the 'experience' of Truth, and it was also at this time when Upasni Maharaj brought me up out of the Ocean. And it will be between these hours that the circle, too, will get Realization.


But now the question arises as to how to pass the time after getting up so early. Certainly not in lolling about or playing cards, draughts [checkers] or chitchatting. It is not becoming for us to do such things as we are following the Path. So the best way of passing the time will be this:


From 4:00 to 5:00 A.M., all should attend to the daily necessities and take cold baths.

Between 5:00 and 6:00 A.M., all should engage themselves in repeating prayers such as namaz [for Mohammedans], sadra-kusti [for Parsis], puja [for Hindus], and devote the major portion of the time to repeating the name of God according to your respective religion — Allah, Ram, or Yezdan. This repetition is to be done mentally, while sitting in one fixed position.


Although the repetition is to be carried on in the mind, without moving the tongue or lips, beware that your eyes do not close. This is one of the yogic practices. For a fakir, it is unnecessary to close either his eyes, nose or mouth; nor is it necessary for him to follow religious rituals or other practices.


Once you sit down, stick to that position without changing until the bell rings for breakfast at 6:00 A.M.  Keep repeating the divine name in your mind with a free heart and without thinking of the time.




Lord Meher On-line page 325-6

Lord Meher Vol.2 p.412