23 December, 1927


On 23 December, Baba compared Baidul to Hanuman. During a discourse that evening, Baba pointed out his uncle Masaji as an example to illustrate the soul's progress in evolution:


I shall give one more example to prove clearly that this atma [soul] remains the same, but the forms and knowing change. For instance, when Masaji is newly born he is a stone. When Masaji is seven years old, suppose he turns into metal form, then into the vegetable form. The form changes — the knowing increases a little each time — but "Masaji" is the same.


Now when he is fourteen years old, he changes into the animal form, in which his knowing increases again. When he is 28 years old he becomes a monkey. When he is 56 he acquires a human body. Still you can be sure that the Sadgurus will not consider Masaji as even having been born yet! But the day he turns his eyes inward, that is the day of his real birth in the eyes of the Sadgurus.


So at present you are all like corpses. You may know much in the worldly sense, but you are lifeless to us Masters. If you want to be truly alive, turn the mind inward. How to turn the mind? It is in the hands of the Sadguru. Buy the help of a Sadguru at the price of your love for him.

So remember this figure: 1 + 7 + 14 + 28 + 56 = 106. And 1 + 0 + 6 = 7; that is, 6 on one side and 1 on the other.

Lord Meher On-line page 873-4

Lord Meher Vol.3 page 996