Ghani inquired what Baba meant by concentrating and putting the power of his mind in it. The Master then gave the following explanation:



He who is a slave to his mind is an ordinary human being. He who has conquered the mind but at the same time is overpowered by it, drowned in intoxication, is called by Sufis a majzoob.




A wali or saint, who has progressed toward the Goal, lives in the higher spiritual planes and controls the mind to some extent.



The first case [slave to the mind] is of the worldly mind; and the second is of God, meaning the majzoob has a state of mind that has realized the Truth. The wali or saint is in advanced stages of the mind and mental control, progressing toward Realization of the Truth. But the Perfect Master [Qutub] or salik, has quite a distinct state, wherein he can enjoy and experience every condition of the mind whenever he wishes. 


For example: A Perfect Master is rarely required to put his mind into worldly affairs; but occasionally he has to do so for the sake of his circle members.



For instance, the residents of Kamatipura Lane No. 7 are King George's subjects. But does His Majesty know anything about Kamatipura [a Bombay slum] — whether such a place exists at all in his empire, far short of the individual residents of the locality? If, however, he wishes to know anything about Kamatipura or even one particular resident of the place, he can be furnished with the necessary information in no time either through the telegraph office, the post office or the C.I.D. [Secret Service].



Similarly, a Perfect Master can reach to the very source of anything and everything that he cares to know about — that is, concentrate his mind and put the power of his mind in it. But he seldom does it. The interest he seems to take in the things of this world — by word or deed — is simply offhanded, however serious his interest may outwardly appear. On such rare occasions, the mind that he, the Perfect Master, seems to use is the mind devoid of divinity. He simply does things as they occur to him at the time — almost mechanically — without thinking about it.



Lord Meher On-line page 329-330

Lord Meher Vol.2 p.416