Rays of spiritual light and knowledge emanated from the Master during his talks, and he expounded truths to those near him during every activity. Once Baba was playing cards with the men, and he asked them, "Do any of you know the spiritual significance of the different cards?" No one answered and he explained:


The card numbers deuce through ten represent the lower evolutionary stages through which the soul has to pass, gathering experience, consciousness and strength along the way. The Jack symbolizes the human form with its fully developed consciousness and, representing at this point the stage of bhakti — devotion. The Queen symbolizes the stages of karma and raj yoga or tariqat — the spiritual journey of the soul on the inner path. The King denotes gnosis — knowledge. Surpassing all these preliminary stages is the Ace signifying the One without a second, the Ultimate Reality of God — the Infinite Consciousness — Paramatma.




Lord Meher On-line page 274

Lord Meher Vol.2 p.354