After a while longer, Baba stopped the game and told the men a true story about a Perfect Master:


One day a Sadguru went with some of his disciples to a city where he was known. He approached a candy shop and entering, put some sweets in his mouth. His disciples, too, mimicked him in this respect.


He then visited a bakery and there also the same thing happened. He picked up some cookies and put them into his mouth, and his disciples did the same.

Then he went to a blacksmith's shop where there were red-hot pieces of iron in the furnace. The Master picked up one of the pieces and ate it!

His disciples stared at him. The Sadguru then said, "Now eat this too!"

Not one dared move and the Master admonished, "Why did you do as I did? Are you parrots? Never do as I do, but do as I say."




Lord Meher On-line page 318-9

Lord Meher Vol.2 p.402