1927 : Meher Ashram school. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1927 : Meher Ashram school. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.



15 April, 1927



Baba replied at length concerning Meher Ashram and about the work of the mandali. In his own inimitable way, Baba scolded and appreciated the mandali at the same time:



This school is not like the schools you find in the world. Such worldly institutions of learning are being run by the government, municipality or charitable trusts.

The object of Meher Ashram is quite different — for spiritual education. And to serve that purpose, the more troubles you undergo and the more you suffer, the more you will benefit.

This sufferance is in one way very good, even necessary, from the spiritual point of view. But this sufferance should not distract you from your duty. It should never be allowed to become a stumbling block or disturbance in the discharge of your duties. On the other hand, this "uneasiness and non-freedom of the mind" should rather encourage and enliven you more towards your duties.

Do your duty faithfully and conscientiously and put it above everything else. Then you will please me. Neither praise nor blame should distract you from the path of your duty. Leave aside all other considerations, if your conscience tells you that you have discharged the duty properly, that is enough. Your conscience is the best judge. It is human to err and there may be mistakes; you can only do your best. Always be on time; look after and supervise all your work personally; and do not leave anything to others. Even if mistakes happen in spite of this, they will be overlooked and pardoned. If I scold you harshly about such mistakes, do not take it to heart. It is enough if your own conscience tells you that you have done your best.




Lord Meher On-line page 803-4

Lord Meher Vol.3 p.933