2nd February, 1927


A discussion was held, during which Baba commented about Vibhuti's recent activities. Vibhuti had begun telling people in Nasik that he was "Meher Baba's chief disciple;" he was even instructing people to take his darshan and bow down to him. Baba was very displeased about this, warning about telling such lies and hypocrisy:


What earthly use is it to misguide people and make others believe a person is a mahatma [advanced soul], a guru, or a saint, when he is not really so? To make such a claim, one must be One with God! He must be Realized! From the spiritual standpoint, it is a great sin and a crime to make people believe one to be a guru or a Master when one has no experience. This is misleading people and the worst possible fraud!


Become a Dev [God] first and then become a guru. First be one with God and experience divinity; then it is appropriate to be called a Master. But to do so without experience is so great a sin that it is unimaginable.


By such acts a person is never able to realize the Truth, and however intense his desire for Realization, it remains unfulfilled. Such a person incurs the disgrace and displeasure of his Guru, instead of his grace and pleasure. On the contrary, he invites the Master's wrath upon himself which in the end proves terrible for him. Such pretenders should be cut to pieces !



Lord Meher On-line page 770

Lord Meher V3 p.904