The game gilli-danda is played by striking the pointed end of a small piece of wood lying on the ground, with a two-foot-long stick, thereby making the piece of wood rise and rotate in the air. Before the piece falls to the ground, it should be struck again with the stick, hitting it as far as possible. One day Baba explained this game's spiritual significance.


When a Perfect Master selects a disciple to become worthy of God-realization, he invariably strikes at the lower part of his nature — the limited self or ego.


This corresponds to the striking of the gilli [small piece] by the danda [stick] to enable it to rise in the air. After the limited or lower ego-mind of the disciple is shattered, the second hit consists in driving him onward toward the goal of God-realization. This ordeal is explanatory of the second stroke which sends the gilli, suspended in the air, to a distance proportionate to the impact of the hit.



Lord Meher On-line page 274-5

Lord Meher Vol.2 p.355