Latest image of the Universe - courtesy of NASA
Latest image of the Universe - courtesy of NASA


30th March, 1926


 Later the same day, while explaining about the beginning of creation, Baba remarked, "Creation came out of Nothing. And though it is nothing, it is something; but ultimately there is Everything. When one says that it is nothing, the nothingness of this nothing has being!"


Lord Meher On-line page 647

Lord Meher Vol.3 p.787



8th January, 1928


Later, while discoursing to the boys about the purpose of creation, Baba gave an example of a palace:


Suppose there is a palace and inside it is seated a king. The palace has one door, but no windows. It stands on three pillars. It has seven walls: one of iron, another of zinc, the third of silver, the fourth of gold, the fifth of stone, the sixth of wood, and the seventh of pearls.


In front of the palace is a compound in which there are three ponds: one is filled with water, the second with milk, and in the third is rosewater. A little in front of these ponds is a lane. There are seven tigers guarding the lane.


At the end of the lane is a garden full of sweet-smelling flowers. Above each section of flowers is a canopy; coiled on top of each canopy is a snake.


Coming out of the garden you face a desert you have to cross. After crossing the desert you face a river you have to cross. On the other side of the river is a city, and then finished [you reach the end].



Lord Meher On-line page 882

Lord Meher Vol.3 p.1005