8 November, 1928


Every day, Baba emphasized to the boys to be alert and not doze off while meditating at night. On Thursday, 8 November 1928, he gathered them at nine in the morning and narrated this story:


Once an uncle and his nephew, who were both very stubborn and obstinate, came home and found a delicious laddoo (sweet) on the table. Both wanted it and quarreled over who should have it. In the end they decided that whatever happened, whoever spoke first would lose the sweet. They sat down opposite each other and neither spoke for hours and hours.


The aunt, knowing their stubborn natures, took everything out of the hut and set fire to it! But neither moved. All the while they stared at the laddoo. But when the fire reached them the nephew could stand it no longer. Screaming, he fled the house. Immediately the uncle picked up the laddoo and popped it into his mouth.


You should be like the uncle and totally concentrate on me while meditating, without feeling the least bit drowsy.




Lord Meher On-line page 988

Lord Meher Vol.3 p.1115