1937 : Meher Baba in Cannes, France. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1937 : Meher Baba in Cannes, France. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.



11 April, 1927



Someone asked Baba the reason for his continued silence. He explained:


It is not without reason or spiritual significance that I have observed silence for so long. It is to lessen the difficulties and bear the burden of my circle members, who are to be God-realized and who otherwise would have had to undergo certain physical afflictions.

I will continue the silence and eventually become so physically disabled as to be unable to eat and drink — so much so that my face will be like a shrunken skull, and my hands and feet will look as if paralyzed. This will be the last stage of my suffering, and after that I will open my mouth and begin to speak.


Lord Meher On-line page 801

Lord Meher Vol.3 p.930