1927 : Meher Boys ashram, Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
1927 : Meher Boys ashram, Meherabad, India. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.



19 March, 1928


On Monday, 19 March, Baba explained:


These sparks of love once ignited can never be put out. But to feed it, some kindling of individual efforts is required. Once the fire is sufficiently fed, instead of being extinguished, it will go on increasing automatically without the aspirant's even thinking about it. The fire increases to such a degree that a time comes when the aspirant cannot bear its heat and wants nothing but to cool it down.


Look how Ali Akbar has changed. He was so often repeating, "I don't want God! I don't want anything; only cool down this all-consuming fire in my heart!" But to put out the fire means to render the boy unconscious; this is the intermediate state between the fire and the light. But I am not going to extinguish it yet.


To bear the burning of the fire is necessary in order to see the light, and once the light is seen, the pain of burning disappears. There are no more sufferings and agonies after that.


Let us see what comes of Rustom's trip to the West. It [the love] will not be as it was in January. No more "spark-sprinkling" now. It will be done in another way. By turning the eyes of the newcomers inward they will be shown the light, but without making them pass through the fire of love.


The final touch will be given to all the boys through Ali, who is the link through whom all will get the light of love.



Lord Meher On-line page 918-9

Lord Meher Vol.3 p.1035