Irma Sheppard


March 2019 ; Meher Center, Myrtle Beach, SC. Photo taken by Anthony Zois.
March 2019 ; Meher Center, Myrtle Beach, SC. Photo taken by Anthony Zois.



Irma Sheppard immigrated to the USA in 1962 via Canada and Germany. She has lived on the edges of this country, and for the past 30-some years in Tucson, AZ with her husband and a succession of cats. She is a psychotherapist in private practice. Her short story "The Human Touch: A Triptych" won the Martindale Literary Award in 2000, and was published in Kaleidoscope. Her short story, "A Real Piece of India" was published in SandScript and in Portrait. She edited and co-authored Beads on One String Tour 2010 and Beads-on-One-String Heartland Pilgrimage 2013. Her books of poems and creative non-fiction include Inheritance and Where Love Could Take Me. She is preparing her next book, The Well of Longing, for publication in 2015.


Courtesy of

Courtesy of Om Point Web site. Irma with Adele Wolkin ( left )
Courtesy of Om Point Web site. Irma with Adele Wolkin ( left )


True account of a woman's adventures from refugee childhood in Germany at the end of WW II to emigration to Canada and to the United States. Her travels led her back to Germany, to Greece and to India in search of everlasting love and Meher Baba. Written in prose and poetry.






Self Published


288 pp.



March 2019 ; Meher Center, Myrtle Beach, SC. Photo taken by Anthony Zois.
March 2019 ; Meher Center, Myrtle Beach, SC. Photo taken by Anthony Zois.

The Well of Longing is a book of poems which trace from the author's childhood through adulthood and into senior years, a time span of seventy years, the stepping stones leading toward increased awareness, love and longing for the Presence of God. The opening poem consists of an unconventional view of the long scapegoated Judas, showing him in a true light as the loving and well-loved disciple of Jesus. Part Two presents the impact of growing spiritual awareness on the author's every day life situations. It describes the author's personal experience of the Presence of Avatar Meher Baba, and the continuing fragrance of His Love in her life. Many of the poems in Part Three of the book are meditative in nature, comprised of thoughts and intuitions which arose in the author 's daily life, as relationships and nature reflected some knitting together of spiritual value and sensory or emotional experience. Some poems touch on God's role as Trickster-the One Who makes happen what needs to happen, contrary to conventional reason and logic. A prevailing use of strong imagery brings the reader immediately into the author's personal experience. The poems are written in various styles: free form, pantoum, ghazal, haiku.




Self Published

 92 pp.


"The poems in Inheritance explore all that is said (and left unsaid) within families. The lingering bruises of abuse and broken relationships, the universal heartbreak of lost children, and the understanding age brings, all lie in the spaces between the lines. The language resonates like "a fine-toothed wind, bellwether of dark desires." And in the end I was left with the image of a father's favorite spoon, discovered in an attic, whose previous owners had been forced by the Nazis to "relocate." - Susan Cummins Miller, author of Fracture




Self Published


68 pp.



March 2019 ; Irma with her husband Karl Moeller at the Meher Center, Myrtle Beach, SC. Photo taken by Anthony Zois.
March 2019 ; Irma with her husband Karl Moeller at the Meher Center, Myrtle Beach, SC. Photo taken by Anthony Zois.



101 Tales of Finding Love : Volume 1


2017 - August


Published by : Self

328 pages




101 Tales of Finding Love : Volume 2


2018 - July


Published by :

Karl Moeller & Irmhild Sheppard

386 pages




101 Tales of Finding Love :

Volume 3


2019 - July


Published by : Karl Moeller & Irmhild Sheppard

448 pages




Meher Baba's Samadhi -

Tales from the Beloved's Tomb


2020 - September


Published by : Anne Barker

244 pages




The Thread of His Love: Mandalas and Haiku


Authors : Irma Sheppard & Karl Moeller


2020 - August


Published by : Irma Sheppard

90 pages







2021 - August


Published by : Irma Sheppard

30 pages



Irma wrote Raindreams in 1982 in Norfolk, revised it in Tucson and waited until she found the exact right illustrator to publish it in Asheville in 2021.




Cat Tales





Published by : Irma Sheppard

52 pages





Where are you from ?





Published by : Irma Sheppard

262 pages



Summary :


Where Are You From? explores a number of "first time" experiences of the author, leading her to further emotional and/or spiritual understanding and awareness. From age 2 in wartime Germany to age 5 in the process of emigrating from postwar Germany and settling in Windsor, Ontario, Canada, she details the moments of expansion in her life. Since her parents are absorbed in the challenges of surviving in Germany and then Canada, the author has only her older sister and Who she eventually determines to be God to guide her through innumerable challenging moments. She traces her places of residence in the United States: Long Island NY, Michigan, Venice Beach CA, Norfolk VA, Tucson AZ,

Asheville NC. At age 36, she experiences the presence of Avatar Meher Baba, which dramatically turns her life in a new direction. Summers in Europe and months in India afford her the excitement and growth of new friendships. Several "last time" experiences trace her process of overcoming grief and regret. From ages 2 to 80, she details significant memories, presenting them as a series of colorful snapshots. Yet the depth of her perceptions ever deepens. Haiku and other pithy poems intersperse these stories. Numerous photographs illustrate the unfolding of her life events.

Unveiling the Burleson House
by irma sheppard


We enter, examine the house room by room,
hall, closet and cellar, upstairs
and down, as if it were a newborn--
in wonder and delight we discover
the grace in each fingernail and toe.

Baba is our constant Companion
in the eye of each smile,
in the sweetness of our greetings,
in the rose on the teacup,
in the heart of every song.

His all-seeing eyes follow us
from His photographs on the walls.
He blesses our pilgrimage,
our tea and cookies, songs and stories,
our quiet sitting, the humming in our veins.

Under His gracious gaze we meet long lost kin.
All my relatives, we say.
All my children, He says.
How happy I am you are here, He says.
How happy we are that You are here, we say.

Here, we are the American Dream Family
gathered whole again, indivisible
in the American Dream Home--
Meher Baba dreaming us
into the Reality of His Love.


You Alone Are Kissed         

You Alone Are Kissed
On the lips
on the nose
between the toes
You alone are kissed.
On the forehead
between the eyes
on cheek or neck
between the sighs
You alone are kissed.
On the hair
on a shoulder
over the heart
growing bolder
You alone are kissed.
On the elbows
on the knees
I darn well please
You alone are kissed.
Under the palms
on the street
in the doorway
how discreet
You alone are kissed.
Under an umbrella
in the rain
under an elm
in the lane
You alone are kissed.
In the morning
at high noon
in dusky evening
under crescent moon
Baba, You alone are kissed!

--Irma Sheppard