The genesis of Meher Baba’s motto: "Mastery in Servitude".
In early February 1923 during Manzil-e-Meem period. “One
day Baba convened a session of the Gutta and said, "Let us have a motto." All agreed this was needed. After a dozen suggestions and rejections by various men,
Baba, himself, spontaneously proposed "Mastery in Servitude." Everyone liked it, so it was officially adopted as the motto of Manzil-e-Meem
and later was used on a seal of the Master's work.”
Lord Meher - page 384
Emblem on cushion in Meherazad's Mandali Hall, India. “Mastery in Servitude” emblem exhibited on the cushion pillow
cover placed on Meher Baba’s hand-lift chair in Meherazad mandali hall. The embroidered emblem design was sewn by Freiny Nalavala.