Video courtesy of Robin Vogel

Published by : Self published
239 pp.
The above artwork appeared in :
another song of the new life
it’s the end of an era time to let go
truth has been buried nothing you do can revive it
if the prophets still count perhaps some will survive it
let go of hope let go of desire
let go of the future, it no longer exists
your garden’s been ravaged
it’s boiled down to—just this
the cry of the heart
the sigh of the soul
this song of the new life
let go of revenge, let go of forgiveness
there’s nothing to do it’s past all redemption
as your house burns be a silent witness
let go of knowledge power bliss
don’t try to understand any of this
forget making a difference our earth and its needs
it’s the end of an era time to let it bleed
the cry of the heart
the sigh of the soul
this song of the new life
like the wildfires in the canyons
and along the Blue Ridge crests
the darkness that’s descended feeds on your holiness
let go of your pictures your dreams your secrets
let go of your comforts your candy your weakness
you’re helpless you’re trapped grab a few clothes
because it’s the end of an era time to foreclose
the cry of the heart
the sigh of the soul
this song of the new life
the smoke’s got you choking
you run for an exit but the door’s all aflame
if you still think there’s a way out
you’re deluded, you’re joking
abandon all effort don’t expect grace just look at the trees
let go of your spouse your money your co-dependencies
the cry of the heart
the sigh of the soul
this song of the new life
abandon all hope for the end days to come
no comet no Nibiru no savior’s gonna punish them
the Mayan’s got it wrong, Nostradamus confused you
the glaciers are melting temperature’s in the pink
name your favorite animal…never mind it just went extinct
the Pleiadians changed their mind decided we ain’t worth it
now they watching from space the end of our era as if God himself cursed it
the cry of the heart
the sigh of the soul
this song of the new life
if you want a prediction here’s one that will scare you
it’s gonna get worse and there’s nothing to prepare you
people are going to jump out of windows, others go insane
they’ll be eating their clothes if they’re not already naked
but don’t get depressed your despair and disappointment
are the wounds that will save you, they’re your holy ointment
because it’s the end of an era and there’s no way to fake it
the cry of the heart
the sigh of the soul
this song of the new life
plastic fills the oceans, it’s what the seabirds eat
the fracking in Oklahoma where He collided with our deceit
man-made earthquakes and everything that’s blighted
shake the gardens of our dreams there’s nowhere to retreat
so bow your head low and lay it on His feet
hold tight His damaan while you sing ‘bring it on!’
yes, hold tight His damaan while you sing ‘bring it on!’
the cry of the heart
the sigh of the soul
this song of the new life
don’t ever snap
Baba, don’t ever snap Your silence
don’t suspend it, bend it, or end it
forge it deeper, stronger, longer
make it muscle out the incessant noise
bring on the much-needed poise
in our hearts, make every day a soundless day
every night a holy night
unleash a Biblical deluge of torrential serenity
flood the world with waves of shattering stillness
of our rudderless minds
drown us in Your crowning noiselessness
in our hearts, make every day a soundless day
every night a holy night
pile drive the steel rod of Your quietude
deep into the bedrock of the world soul
then raise high the love beams of Your Name
high into the endless blue of Your sacred hush
at least do this much--
in our hearts, make every day a soundless day
every night a holy night
aim the mighty arrow of Your unutterableness
into the sickened heart of the world’s violence
now’s the time to unsheath
the divine love-forged sword of Your sealed lips
cut off the head of the devouring word-beast
in our hearts, make every day a soundless day
every night a holy night
Baba, don’t ever snap Your silence
don’t suspend it, bend it, or end it
forge it deeper, stronger, longer
let it muscle out the incessant noise
bring on the much-needed poise
in our hearts, make every day a soundless day
and every night a holier night
leads us to You
when the morning light seeps through
and I’m not sure why I’m still here to receive it
when I think it should be over I remember You
then the wonder, the glory, the rapture of it all
has me raise a glass inside and say…
here’s to the times we got on the wrong bus
here’s to the Truth always there to sustain us
here’s to our screams, our anguish, our pain
here’s to the quiet pulse of Your beautiful Name
here’s to Your whispers deep in our hearts
here’s to our courage to make a clean start
here’s to the wind, the rain and the stars
here’s to the dandelions, roses, gentle guitars
here’s to the ways that lead us to You
here’s to the choices that darken our light
here’s to our deceit, deafness, false delights
here’s to the loves we squandered and lost
here’s to our wounds, the sword and the Cross
here’s to the wisdom we lost and we found
here’s to the turmoil deep underground
here’s to the ways that lead us to You
here’s to the stillness inside the sky’s laughter
here’s to the glitter we’ve still chasing after
here’s to Your wish to move into our houses
here’s to our teachers--our friends, our children, our spouses
here’s to the gift that we get more than one chance
here’s to the times You ask us to dance
here’s to our elders we often neglect
here’s to the explosion of joy we’re afraid to expect
here’s to the thunder, the signs on the horizon
here’s to the shoulders we’ve often cried on
here’s to whatever keeps us small and insane
here’s to the animal inside us gnawing away at our chains
here’s to Your voice singing from some distant shore
here’s to whatever we have lived and gladly died for
and here’s to whatever leads us to You
Baba, I don’t ever want to remember You
remember You?
remembering is for people like me
lost, in desperate need of clues
who’ve forgotten
whose deep heart is stuffed…
with Maya’s cotton
why would I need to remember You?
when I wake up in the morning
and there’s a cobra on my chest
do I try to remember it?
I’ve been looking into Your eyes
for countless ages now
waiting for You to strike…
Baba, please don’t ever
let me remember You
that means You left
and I’m left with only a memory
memories float on the sea of time
the ocean floor is littered
with their broken shells
I have no memories of You
I’ve never spent any time with You
we’re one beyond the mind
You don’t remember me either
since You alone exist
Baba, I don’t ever want to remember You
remember You?
remembering is for people like me
lost, in desperate need of clues
who’ve forgotten
whose deep heart is stuffed…
with Maya’s cotton
well, ok…remember You…
once told me to love You
more and more
now I can say
please love Yourself more and more in me…
better yet, let’s forget about me
totally love Yourself in all
so remembering can be forgotten
once and for all
Baba, I don’t ever
want to remember You
I want to know You…now
thank you for the change
summer, 1966
the new jersey beach, ocean city
late evening, i’m prowling the boardwalk
a few hours to kill
before my night watchman shift at the hotel
a black man heavily drunk and slobbering
bumps into me
he thrusts his dirty hand into my face
“got any change, man?”
i push his arm away, “no, get away!”
disgusted, i walk on past him
so far, so human
was it You who gave me the change in that moment?
was it You who changed my frightened disgust
to compassion in an instant?
was it You who turned my feet on a dime
and made them walk back to the drunk
was it You who made me say
“i’m not going to give you any money
but if you’re hungry i’ll buy you a meal
at that diner over there”
and was it You who smiled like that
through those rotten, broken teeth?
as he gratefully devoured
the cheeseburger, french fries and hot coffee
ketchup dribbling down his stubbled chin
was it You who surfed into my heart
on an ocean wave of love
for this stranger, this bum, this human wreck
suddenly now my friend, my brother, my self?
back in my small closet of a room
stretched out on my bed
one hour to kill before clocking in to the night shift
was it You who flooded my being
with wave after wave after wave of oceanic love?
and it was You, wasn’t it, who made me realize
that was You in disguise
this poem is for you, my black brother--
wherever you are, whatever your name:
THANK YOU for the change
traveling the path of love
dancing with You
alone in the lagoon cabin
raindrops drumming the roof
flat on the boathouse deck
devouring the noon sun of You
in the reeds a blue heron
beneath the footbridge
where You once paused
the white water lily blossom
traveling the path of love
a lifetime of mistakes
washed clean
by the fragrance of wisteria
to die before you die
listen to what the
magnolia bloom whispers
if I could only surrender
the way that alligator
stares at nothing all day
traveling the path of love
walking this path
Original Kitchen to Your house
my shadow follows cautiously
leave the church, the synagogue,
come out to inhale His infinite beauty
in this single camellia bloom
on Silence Day
a long conversation
with a bemused green lizard
traveling the path of love
today dolphins
just beyond the breakers
Your Name weaving everywhere
pelicans in the wake
of a shrimp boat
a crowd in Your bedroom this morning
the sand in Your garden
raked clean of footprints
no trace of self for a moment
traveling the path of love
summer moon swimming
inside the midnight lake
shimmering in my heart, Your face
over the boat house
a full moon wanders
Your face transits deep within
inside the Lagoon Cabin
irises on either side of Your empty chair
outside, roses demand their turn
traveling the path of love
morning tea enjoyed
on the boathouse deck
in the company of dragonflies
Christmas day
on the Center
You gifted pine cones everywhere
there is no god
but God
in this lilac blossom
traveling the path of love
in Your bedroom
a fragrance not from flowers
sends me in search of that garden
tonight, inside the Lagoon Cabin,
the whirling of galaxies,
Venus and Mars Argentine tango
I walk the trail
to Your house
for so many briar-torn lifetimes
traveling the path of love
lovers surround Your bed
outside the window
a jealous angel
Lagoon Cabin steps—
worn sneakers, torn laces
how many lifetimes of wandering?
sometimes I face the highway
sometimes the Ocean
the heart is that which turns
while traveling the path of love

2019 - Softcover
Published : Self Published
138 pp.
Cover art : Joe DiSabatino