Jane Adams. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.
Jane Adams. Image rendition by Anthony Zois.


Jane Adams (b.14 January 1949)  is the author of The Dreamer in The Dream – a collection of short stories on esoteric themes, published June 2012 by 0 Books – and collaborator (with Rohit Arya) in The Sacred India Tarot (Yogi Impressions Books, November 2011) for which she did the 82 paintings.  


Additionally, she self-publishes her poetry and art, from home.  For ten years, she edited and produced the Ramana Maharshi Foundation UK Journal, 'Self Enquiry'.


Jane began drawing, painting and writing at five years old, worked as a portraitist later on, and ploughed her talents into an extensive study of the Ageless Wisdom, east and west.   This blog is a journal of Kabbalah, Vedanta and Alchemy. 





 The images are copyrighted by Sufism Reoriented.  Contact the artist or Sufism R. for permission to use images.

She writes:

“In early 2020 I had begun a project called “The Dream Arc” – painting 192 animal archetypes based on the I Ching’s 64 hexagrams and on Richard Rudd’s transmission of “The Gene Keys”.   (Visit https://genekeysdiary.wordpress.com).

Mischa Rutenberg a longterm member of Sufism Reoriented saw my work online, including my illustrations for a conversation I witnessed between Leonard Cohen and Ramesh Balsekar in https://janeadamsart.wordpress.com (search A Resonance between Two Models on the home page, or simply “leonard”)

He contacted me through facebook. We began to correspond at the end of March 2020 as the world went into coronavirus lockdown.  Mischa sent me some of his songs on his youtube website mischamuse (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCQ85EUk5xRfDY6fWmnFnBQ)

He showed me the ”Chase” photograph of Baba of whom I was unaware until that moment. I felt an immediate and profound heart-connection to Baba and with the Murshids in the Sufism Reoriented lineage. The light and love in Baba reached into a place I couldn’t yet speak of or understand. It was months before I dared to sketch him. At midsummer solstice, I was doing a painting based on the I Ching hexagram “The Stillpoint – the Mountain”. The composition seemed to flow toward me in energy waves of white light. I knew I would soon start to draw the Beloved, and touch his feet. The Avatar of the Age was approaching like a tidal wave. Nothing would stop it from breaking over me – scared, but willing.
“After I showed my first Baba sketch to Mischa – himself an artist - our creative collaboration back and forth across the pond between London UK and Walnut Creek CA began.  Baba held it in the palm of his hand!  As the drawings came out I emailed them to Mischa, and he suggested necessary changes.  Invariably when I applied his insight the drawing was greatly improved.  Each portrait is the fruit of our discussions over the detail and expression of eyes, ears, clothing, and sacred physiognomy. The divine shape or “cuneiform” of Baba’s head and features, and Mehera’s and others, touches the soul.  This had not occurred to me before.

“The result of this ongoing teamwork is to date (June 2020-November 2022) nearly 600 drawings and paintings of Baba and his Lovers and Companions.  We have also combined Mischa’s music and my Baba art in a number of videos on YouTube (mischamuse, see the link above).

“The joy is to be an artist not for myself but to serve the One while working with others: the companionship in and with the Light. I believe art’s purpose is to care, to witness and nourish the divine spark within each of us ... ‘the connection’.”


"The images are all protected and held in the Copyright of Sufism reoriented.  Permission for their use may be obtained from diane@consortiumofthearts.org.


Heather Osborne who hand colored this particular image by Jane Adams
Heather Osborne who hand colored this particular image by Jane Adams
I Am That I Am!
I Am That I Am!

Books Published


THE DREAMER IN THE DREAM (illustrated) – A Collection of Tales by Jane Adams, published 29 June 2012 by 0 Books.


By Rohit Arya, inspired by Indian Mythology and Epics, and illustrated by Jane Adams

Published November 2011 by Yogi Impressions, Mumbai.

“Avoid this Alley” is a song Mischa Rutenberg composed on a poem by Rumi, which I have illustrated.  First the English translation is beautifully read by Zuheir Al-Faquih, then it is recited in the original Farsi by Farhad Shafa who prepared the translation and appears as he speaks.  Mischa sings the poem with expanded verses that reflect the multiple meanings Farhad explained. Most English translations attempt to keep the quatrain format which limits the fuller picture.  
I always loved this song. It was a treat when Mischa created this video with my portrait drawings - a light hearted gallery of sages and companions strung together on his rainbow thread.  Jai Baba!
Step onto the magic carpet, dive in, dance, and have fun .