Anthony Zois & Sher DiMaggio Zois

Anthony Zois

My own personal journey with Meher Baba began in the early 1970's in Melbourne, Australia.
I soon moved to Sydney and lived there for almost the next two decades. During this time
I visited India twice, first in 1975 and again in 1988. I returned
back to Melbourne in the late 1980's and have run several small business enterprises until my retirement.
In the mid-80's I began writing articles about Meher Baba's travels around the world for the "Meher Baba Australia" newsletter along with matching artwork for the newsletter covers.
I started this website in mid-2009, along with a web site for the Meher Baba group
in Melbourne.

L to R
Tim Waidelich as Eruch, Tony Zois as Baba and John Borthwick as
Kumar perform in several plays about the life of Meher Baba in Mandali Hall at Meherazad, India.